I know I'm late to the party, can we talk about The ballads of Buster Scruggs?

I know I'm late to the party, can we talk about The ballads of Buster Scruggs?
My fav was the gold digger one

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One of the best movies I've seen in quite some time. I also liked the gold digger one but I also liked the one that featured Paul Dano's wife, it was quite kino

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Meal Ticket > Gal Who Got Rattled > Mortal Remains > Near Algodones = All Gold Canyon = Buster Scruggs

This is bait.
I liked Ballad of Buster Scruggs more personally because of that song at the very end of it. However, the prospector story was very good. The fact it came after Meal Ticket meant that I needed something that wasn't depressing. Shout out to mortal remains.

Boring. They tried too hard to do like Tarantino.

Not a single use of the word nigger was said. I don't even think there were any blacks in this film, just native americans.

Disgusting pleb

Hey, I get it. 'Meal ticket' is a metaphor for sophistication and classless acts in hollywood, and I get that there are deeper meanings in some of the stories, but there's a thing called 'personal enjoyment,' and the message of meal ticket was so blunt and over the head that I can't watch it repeat viewing. And there's nothing at all in that short story that draws you back. It's objectively the worst one, and a total waste of Liam Neeson.

I was super upset when the young woman killed herself during the Indian attack. It was a super wholesome couple.

>I was thuper upset when the young woman killed herself during the Indian attack. It was a thuper wholesome couple.
You're fucking gay

Fuck off I just have a soft spot for vanilla love stories. It's not like I cried or anytging retarded like that.

I enjoyed it a lot and I wish more people would make westerns again

>It's objectively the worst one
you sir are objectively wrong

Girl Who Got Rattled > All Gold Canyon > Mortal Remains > Buster Scruggs > Near Algodones > Meal Ticket

All Gold Valley made me cry it was so beautiful.

It was a great movie and I'm happy I went in blind, knowing nothing about it. I assumed the whole movie was about the eponymous Buster Scruggs.
The Scruggs story was the most enjoyable, but Mr. Pocket was my favourite, they really made you love that old coot.

This but switch first two

>fav was the gold digger one
Ohh, let me tell you buddy...

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It’s ok user, I was sad about it too. Although she was obnoxiously pragmatic, she and that one dude would’ve made a sweet, unlikely couple.

I know what you mean, user.

I'm glad I went in there blind as well. Scruggs is my favorite on the pure enjoyment level. There's nothing like a guy murdering someone and then getting a crowd to immediately sing along to a song about your murder of him.

The man without arms or legs was a qt

Girl who got rattled could have been feature length.

>hi, your dog barks sometimes. can i kill it?
>yeah go ahead
so wholesome

Same. The last bit when Mr. Arthur stood on top of the hill overlooking the wagon train with the dog standing by his side looking up at him, music swelling in and Billy Knapp slowly riding towards him in the distance fucking killed me. The use of the beginning quote as the last line in the story hit so hard. Definitely my favorite short of the bunch.

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