ITT: we post all the movies in which Buscemi appeared, if possible chronologically, and we say a few words about the movie he turned into kino by his mere presence.
It's Buscemi time.
ITT: we post all the movies in which Buscemi appeared, if possible chronologically, and we say a few words about the movie he turned into kino by his mere presence.
It's Buscemi time.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Buscemi grew up pronouncing his name as boo-SEM-ee, in an anglicized way. In Sicily, where his ancestors are from, it is pronounced as boo-SHEM-ee.[34] He once remarked, "I had to go to Sicily to find out I pronounce my name wrong."
This made me realise, because I learned a little Italian, that I always pronounced his name booshemee, that is, correctly. Do Americans actually pronounce it differently? Please say it ain't so...
He's not even ugly, why do people keep saying he is?
>Buscemi was born in Brooklyn, New York, to John Buscemi, a sanitation worker and Korean War veteran, and Dorothy (née Wilson) Buscemi, a hostess at Howard Johnson's. Buscemi's father was of Italian descent; his ancestors were from the town of Menfi in Sicily. Buscemi's mother was of Irish, English, and Dutch ancestry.[3][4] He has three brothers—Jon, Ken, and Michael. Michael is also an actor. Buscemi was raised Roman Catholic.[4]
He sure was a handsome devil, and even when older, he's still not ugly. I agree with you. I think the partially lost hair on his head makes people say that.
I don't care, I'd Ghost Town him any time of the day or not.
>inb4 Buscemi gets assfucked
>nobody needed that
Ichabod Crane
He looks like a frog but I think it's cute (in a non gay way).
>Pepe, the Movie
Imagine. Buscemi as Pepe the Frog. He'd be made up green and live a sad lonely life, on a quest for a QT to Ghost Town him.
>Buscemi was a New York City firefighter from 1980 to 1984, with Engine Company No. 55, in the Little Italy section of New York. The day after the 9/11 attacks in New York, he returned to his old firehouse to volunteer: he worked twelve-hour shifts for a week, and dug through rubble looking for missing firefighters. On May 25, 2003, Buscemi was arrested with nineteen other people, while protesting the closing of a number of firehouses, including Engine 55.[35]
This, my friends, is a legendary man.
>Buscemi married Jo Andres in 1987; they were married until her death in early January 2019.[36] They had one son.[37]
>until her death
>in January 2019
This man.. man
And it keeps on and on! How legendary is Buscemi that we didn't know about?
>In April 2001, Buscemi was in Wilmington, North Carolina, shooting the film Domestic Disturbance. He was stabbed multiple times after intervening in a bar fight between Vince Vaughn, Scott Rosenberg, and two local men, and was released from hospital after treatment.[38]
>sees buddies being attacked
>intervenes to defend them, even though he's just one
>gets multi-stabbed for it
>released from hospital the same night
I think we all know who the fucking Messiah is now.
>In the middle of 2011, he joined rallies against the threat of the closing of eight Brooklyn firehouses during the administration of Mayor Michael Bloomberg, saying "Closing [these firehouses] is no way to protect New York."[39]
Imagine that, a Hollywood actor who choses causes that make sense and are practical.
>In 2014, Buscemi starred in and narrated the HBO documentary A Good Job: Stories of the FDNY, in which he revisited his work with fellow firefighters. He shares their stories, including those from September 11.[40]
We now need a whole host of Buscemi-faced Pepe's dressed as firefighters, fighting fire.
>tfw your wiki article doesn't list your filmography because it's too big
>tfw your kinography has its own page
>Italian, often too big
>This, my friends, is a legendary man.
get the fuck back to redit with your cringe bullshit celebrity worshipping gentlesir faggot ass friends who call everything 'epic' jesus christ you're embarassing
I saw The Death of Stalin the other day. Steve was pretty good. Thanks Steve.
Listen here, boy. Steven Buscemi is someone who deserves praise not because he is famous, but because he is excellent, and a glorious human being to boot. You hate seeing praise for others because it highlights how you don't get, nor deserve, any. Work on yourself instead of trying to shit on people who are more successful than you, you pitiful freak.
>you're embarassing
I embarrass you because of all the reasons stated above. I have ZERO problem telling you how awesome Buscemi is and how much I enjoy him in any movie.
Stay an immature little fuckwit.
Good post.
Reservoir Dogs (1992)
I'll only list the ones I've seen. Excellent kino.
What an embarrassing, abhorrent post. Kill yourself, you worthless wank stain.
ITT: the birth of Yea Forums's new king.
I can't wait for Buscemi frogs.
Buscemi is love, Buscemi is life. Buscemi keeps you safe at night.
>For his work in season 5 [of the Sopranos], Buscemi received critical acclaim and was nominated for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series.
Well deserved. He was indeed outstanging in that season. A shining star. Made me want to watch every movie he's ever been in. Now I realise this man never stops working. He's in 8 kinos a year, goddam.
Based Buscemi.
>incels hate him because they think he's ugly and weak and yet he is successful
tfw you're a complete fucking professional
This was a wonderful film. it's the like the role was made for him personally
And a handsome devil at that. Wholesome gent. Buscemi is an absolute star.
To think I used to despise him because I saw Ghost Town and thought he was ugly and it was unfair that he got to have sex with a cutie nerd girl. Now I realise the errors of my ways: it was only envy and insecurity. Based Buscemi.
>Bush as a fireman in uniform
>try not to wet
We agreed not to post this!
>based Buscemi fears nothing
>gets assfucked for a role, no fucks given
>professional to the end of his sphincter
>tfw Buschemi wasn't your dad
good i wish that were me
Hi Andy
Living in oblivion. A black and white film about making films. Funny, touching, thanks Steve!
I don't get it. I don't know who these people are.
20 Bucks
He played a convienent store robber who got addicted to the thrill then gets killed by his more levelheaded mentor.
>thanks Steve!
New memes being born: firemen Pepe's, every Italian word replaced by Buscemi, thanking Buscemi for everything he did and, soon, things he didn't.
Buscemi Bolognese, thanks Steve!
No spoilers, fanks.
OK, Andy
I mean this was kino anyway but he was the icing on the cake.
Trees Lounge, he played an alcoholic ice-cream man trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life.
Fuck, I still need to see this. Its been on my watchlist for over a year.
Sick a dick
It's from a mini series called Lonesome Dove.
Not a big fan of the western genre, but this was legit good
Sick a duck*
You suckfick.
I think it's time to download a shitload of Buscemi kinos.
If your pussy isn't aching for his Italian sausage, you might be a man.
Well worth a watch. It's great seeing a mixed bag of accurate portrayals and obvious caricatures interacting with each other. Iannucci has my undying respect, especially after have the dignity to have Veep stay on track instead of turn into a shitlib power fantasy.
Remember when your grandfather pulled this one on you but it was obvious what the trick was?
Buscemi manages not to fail this.
With Based Quentin, who looked hot too.
I was too pissed off to keep watching that after the deputy looking for the sheriff's wife and that kid he saved died.
this movie was awful but the based buscemi cameo made it less awful.
>Oh hey Tony, What's up?
Come Home
He elevates everything he's in.
>world where dreams come true
That's fucking kino. I never noticed this before.
What the hell this thread just made me notice that he's actually not ugly at all. Looks great in all of the pics itt.
For me its Con Air, the best Buscemi movie.
Buscemi magic. He looks like a young Depp here.
I think this and Ghost Town is why people think he's ugly: be a pedophile character and everyone's brain automatically sees you as ugly.
Barton Fink
The very simple act of picking up and polishing the shoes was made transcendental by our own Buscemi.
fucking cringe, kys redditor
His devotion to a character and method acting are second to none.
>fucking cringe, kys redditor
>that feel when you're mentally ill, when you hate everything because you can't love yourself, when, to palliate from that fact, you consider "Reddit" normal things that you can't have nor feel, when you lash out at anyone liking anything because you can't like yourself or the things of the world that should be yours, when your life is all about lashing out at strangers for nothing and never being able to take a good look at yourself and take the measures a man should take, and try.
He once appeared in an episode of Tales From The Crypt, alongside oddly enough, Roger Daltrey of The Who. Steve of course acts circles around him
I've always heard everyone pronounce it shem, including myself, so I'm pretty sure Steve's family was just retarded. No offense to him, I love the guy.
He was also in the first segment of the Tales From The Darkside movie.
was it rape?
Italian here, I have some american relatives.
None of them get their names right, cracks me up every time.
Happens for just about any italoamerican name I hear (news anchors really get me going).
I'm assuming it happens for german americans and all the other various denominations, but I feel like Italo-americans are particularly inept.
I don't want to sound too mean, it's just funny.
Me on top.
based buscemi posters
His best work was clearly Boardwalk Empire.
Would be funny if someone managed to edit the wikipedia page
Fake as in: the facts cited therein hold no truth with regards to reality.
Reminder that Buscemi Posting is a reaction against capeshit and incellism. Stay strong, save Yea Forums.
Which movie has Buscemi getting fucked in the ass? Asking for a friend.
This. Prepare your Buscemi folder and remind everyone who the king of Yea Forums is.
Anyone watch Trees Lounge? Kino ending and top tier Buscemi acting, he plays an alcoholic loser.
What did you say?
Obvious samefag. Fuck off, tourist.
I remember based BW threads on here when it aired. Why was last season cut short and total shit apart from the young Nucky scenes? Ending was some asspull cliché shit as well, that show did not deserve to go out on such a low note.
bad boy
im in on this desu
I didn't write both posts, moron.
Then it's a deal. I'll move from Brie Posting to Buscemi posting.
It's actually really common, when people came over they WANTED to americanized themselves while keeping their culture so name prounucation/ repelling was normal. You could have a single family call and spell their name 3 different ways... my family did on both polish and Italian side.
Samefag also who hurt you?
I'm pretty sure everyone in America says "Byu-shem-ee," never Boo-anything.
Steve Buscemi getting fucked in the ass.
I'm pretty sure that guys trolling, I've never heard anyone say anything other than boo-shem-ee.
Let's call him Booboo now, endearingly, because we love him.