Now that it's on Netflix it's time to finally settle it: Ultimate Pleb Filter or Just a bunch of random shit with no real thought behind it?
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It's not that deep, mate
It's a simple story of a boy growing up and deciding what his purpose in life is. The presentation is purposely cluttered though. I love it, but most normies don't get it or like it.
>Now that it's on Netflix it's time to finally settle it
don't ever lie to me like that again boy or there will be consequences
If only we had an anime themed board you could discuss this on
It's good, but it's intended for a certain type of audience and to subvert their expectations
How could you think it's random? There's a very clear theme throughout
Netflix will turn the 'waifu wars' into the 'which male character is more problematic' wars.
How are any of them problematic? Seems like a pretty feminist show that Netflix viewers would like.
The director has admitted much of it is style over substance. For example, non of the christian imagery has any deeper context to the story. That said, it's masterfully directed, there is some good character development and interesting dialogue but for a casual audience most of the episodes will feel like filler. It has some of the best transitions, use of audio, and framing I have ever seen. I would recommend it for anyone who has interest in the more technical aspects behind film.
I liked it. kinda a mess unless the movie is there though
Shinji is the only problematic character, and only because of End of Eva's jerk off scene, and he even gets called out on his bullshit
Gendo is an asshole from the start who asks for redemption and doesn't get it
Kaji is based and can do no wrong
This. There is meaning behind it, but it's not very deep. Basically it's about Shinji having trouble with relationships and he's presented with a transformation of the world into a place where there are no personal boundaries and thus no hardship in forming relationships, but he decides that it's better to feel pain but still be your own person. Asuka then wakes up next to him because she's the one he should be pursuing romantically, not Rei(his mum) or Misato
I get that.
But why the fuck did he choke her? What a weird way to end the series.
Now that it's on Netflix, a new generation will discover who best girl is.
And what purpose is that? Shinji died like a bitch and so did everyone else.
Just like everyo other anime that pretends to be deep and intelligent by throwing random pseudo philosophical shit.
Normie found.
It has a lot of heart imo.
Gimme a basic gestalt on the Netflix release. Are they gonna have the director's cut episodes? Subs and dubs? Is anything being remastered or refuckulated? Will they have End of Eva? Will they have the Rebuilds? When is 4.44 coming out?
even I understood the ending better than you, fool
Gendo is best girl.
>Now that it's on Netflix
The shilling never ends.
Started watching this recently. Seen 11 of...25 episodes? And they're just about to introduce the human antagonists. I still know almost nothing about Angels.
because Anno hates you and the show ending is the real ending
shit starts to get real with episode 16, but don't expect to ever get any explanation
It’s unironically Kaworu but fujoshits and faggots will never admit it
What was the point of Mari
Based and Reipilled
She's the Mari Sue who will save the day and become best girl.
> image
I would've preferred if the Rebuilds didn't go full retard in 3.33.
He thought it was an illusion
Shinji is a pathetic incel who hates women
Who in their right mind would like Asuka?
Needing an online consensus at all is the ultimate pleb filter.
It's adam choking eve. Edgelord shit.
>implying the tumblr crowd wouldnt give him shit for fondling stronk independent misato in an elevator ride and then turning her into a submissive daddy's girl who gets depressed after his death
they dont like to be shown how women actually work
It's pretty good.
It's fundamentally a criticism of escapism, where the protagonist is put in situations where relying on escapism alleviates his pain. He's placed between two people, Asuka and Rei.
Asuka is a direct representation of escapism, someone who is so into his or her escapism that it is no longer possible for them to return. Piloting EVA is Asuka's drug, something she've been manipulated into doing since she was a small child.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, you have Rei, who also is an EVA pilot but does not have any intrinsic bonds with it at all, she pilots it as a means to an end. Rei's problem is that she doesn't truly know what that end is yet, but then again, neither does Shinji or Asuka.
In this sense, Rei represents reality and the acceptance of it, because she questions it and tries to answer it's riddles without denying it, regardless of how painful it is. This is why Rei is so numb, the horrors about herself is something she doens't deny.
Over the course of the series, Shinji is inspired by Rei and admires her, but is saddened Asuka who he only uses as an "escape", which is what the series itself says about them.
Ultimately, in End of Evangelion, the effort Shinji put into helping Rei and being kind with her pays off, as now Rei is poised to help Shinji get out of his depressed rut. It works.
Legitimate art and a high level pleb filter
It's a beloved classic for a reason
People who aren't insecure.
>Shinji is the only problematic character, and only because of End of Eva's jerk off scene, and he even gets called out on his bullshit
Well, just explain to them the meaning of the scene. It's a "fuck you" to the Asuka fans who used Asuka as masturbation material. Despite being far from the most popular Evangelion character, Asuka had by far the most porn doujins relative to her popularity.
That's why the loser asuka fans are called out with "you're so fucked up" at the end of it. Jerking it to a doll Asuka.
Everyone is saying that the religious imagery is just for aesthetic, but that’s completely false. The whole story of the show is kind of a recreation of the Jewish creation myth, and the ending is sort of what the Jews feel the end of the world will be. Go read up boyos.
Even the authors admitted it.
You can have fun reading into it as much as you want, but that's not what Eva is about
It's because it isn't the "real" ending. It's "one more final", i.e an extra scene.
The actual, thematic ending is Rei helping Shinji to reject instrumentality and thus giving mankind another chance. That is the whole point Evangelion was building towards, that Shinji could accept that real life was worth living even though it was painful.
In "One More Final", Asuka who is a representation of escapism throughout the anime, is confronted and choked by Shinji.
Yeah cause movies liked by majority are usually great am I right?
Yeah, actually.
Fuck no. Anime is niche and NGE is completely unknown outside this niche. The only anime that can be considered mainstream is Studio Gibhli and Akira (and nobody has seen Akira, only the poster).
Fuck nigger kike!
People who like Asuka are the most insecure though. There's several reason for this, but consider that:
1- Someone secure wouldn't find Asuka's treatment charming.
2- There's an extensive layer of protection in liking the aggressive and offensive girl, since the waifufag in question can pretend he's being strong because he likes someone who's a bitch.
You can't really be strong in real life or secure because you play world of warcraft on hard, and neither because you self-insert into a story with a bitch hitting you. It just makes it really clear that you're insecure.
Had you been secure, you'd stated that you just liked Rei, Misato or Asuka because of they are.
I think the premise and lore of it is the best thing about it, that’s why in the movie when shit hits the fan it’s captivating.
In fact I could give a shit less about the characters since they are so fucking pathetic and do depraved ass shit for shock value. That’s why Mari is best girl.
That’s unironcially pathetic and I can’t believe you brought that up
Only dishonest movies and shows can be fully explained with words. Hacks simply translate words into film instead of exploring something entirely new, only possible in the language of cinema and animation. There are plenty of profound things in Evangelion even if Anno himself or the viewer can't explain it in words. The christian imagery can only be explained as "they look cool". The meaning and ideas they represent are hidden in the language of words but are present in the show.
He "strangles" her earlier in the movie when they're both in the LCL soup out of sheer frustration because he feels like she's so emotionally walled off that it's just impossible for him to get through to her, but he's too emotionally immature himself to handle rejection in a healthy manner.
He's triggered at the sight of her on the beach after rejecting instrumentality and becoming whole again and swoops in for the kill but half way through he is for once met with sincere affection from Asuka so he stops and cries a whole bunch, having finally pierced her AT field.
Being in the soup gave them both insight into each-others fundamental character and allowed them to both move past their various neuroses and finally make a real connection.
NGE is normie filter. Shinji is a Chad.
It's just cool to hate it now.
>Everyone is saying that the religious imagery is just for aesthetic
Because It is.
>The whole story of the show is kind of a recreation of the Jewish creation myth, and the ending is sort of what the Jews feel the end of the world will be
You have it backwards, rather, in EVA's canon early humans co-opted details about the Alien machines that created life on earth and wove it into their own religion and mythology, earth religions are essentially corny fan fictions based on poorly understood alien instruction manuals.
Don't forget that she says "pathetic" after he stops.
forgot pic
but then you think asuka represents escapism, so you're probably just retarded
>Never watched it before, always wanted to though
>Heard it was coming to Netflix
>Spring 2019
>Decide it’s worth the wait while I work on the rest of my watchlist
>Finally get a date 3 months later
>Won’t be coming till June
At this point I might just say fuck it and use a website. Depends on how quickly I finish the other shows I’m working on.
I've never felt attracted to cartoons but Asuka makes me dream about having a life with her
I wonder if it's because I enjoyed her character so much I started enjoying her physical appearance too
In Japanese she says something along the lines of "I'm going to be sick" but it's poorly translated especially in the dubs.
It's about Gnosticism but plebeians are still in denial about.
Its a fact and it'll kill the whole "omg shinji is problematic" thing.
When has Anno ever mentioned Gnosticism?
Right, you may be right. The final title was "I need you", right? Point stays the same.
Neither. It’s teenage angst and “depression” mixed with tropes commonly attributed to the mecha genre which results in a mixture only teenagers, brainlets, and faux-philosophers think is “revolutionary” and “deeper than you think.”
If you know about Gnosticism you should recognize the symbology and also identify the meaning.
I would call bullshit but Sad Panda says
>character:"asuka langley soryu$" language:english
310 results
>character:"rei ayanami$" language:english
238 results
So you are right. Cannot tell in japanese cause it does not have a tag for native language.
Make my dick go The Beasto Mode
t. low verbal iq.
The only thing you need to understand is that Rei is best girl.
So did the Angels create humanity when they first came to Earth?
If you know about confirmation bias you should know what you're doing.
it's probably just not available in the US, user.
Asuka has two canonical names so those numbers aren't even her full amount
Humans and angels were created by alien life seed machines.
There was supposed to only be one machine for each planet but two landed on earth. Life as we know it was seeded by the first machine, the second machine was activated later giving rise to the angels and pitting the beings of both machines into conflict.
I wish I had rewatched this instead of seeing Us.
NGE has been super popular on tumblr since like 2010.
The show is over 20 years old it’s not some secret holy grail.
Ultimate Pleb Filter.
Oh, activating the other machine also caused second impact.
I thought Seele's goal was to take over the bodies of the mass produced Evas.
It's stupid as fuck anime trash. Everything's gotta be either kawaii or ultra violent. Very shallow. Dialog seems like it was written by a 12 year old. Voice acting is downright terrible; for some reason the Japanese think that excessive groaning and screaming makes for compelling audio. The animation is uninspired and par for the course. Not a single memorable song or scene or moment in the entire production. Utter trash. Teenagers will pretend to love it because they simply cannot understand it, and thus think it's good. They've tricked themselves into somehow thinking it's high art. In reality it's just one of tens of thousands of forgettable, recycled, shallow anime shit.
Pure fucking art. The highest form of kino. It's obvious.
Nice pasta.
hmm, I guess I never thought of it that way,
Example of a budget starved animation studio and a suicidal director, it's top tier
Ultimate Pleb Filter but not in the way you're thinking.
>because I enjoyed her character so
What's there to enjoy about a 13-14yo girl with severe mommy issues and self-esteem complexes?
She's cute