Deep or dumb?
Deep or dumb?
Dude absurd shit and symbols =/= deep
does this board fucking like anything? You can put "dude" in front of any film
the ultra brownish colorgrading looked like shit. also i felt dumb afterwards because i didn't get the movie. spider looked cool though 3/10
>emphasis on the N
sounds based and redpilled
>dude a film either has to be ultra fucking deep or utterly dumb lmao
it's just a good film
the spiders = w*men, not hard to get.
sick movie.
A movie being purposefully absurd or full of symbols doesn't make it deep.
It's just alright, it's not that "deep" but still encourages some sort of critical observation on the part of the viewer which counts for something. Gyllenhall carries it pretty hard though.
How is Enemy purposefully absurd?
Please list your favourite films.
>Dude i am schizophrenic
>Dude women and my wife are spiders 'n shieeet
>dude spiders lmo
Sure give me at least 2 reason why should I. It doesn't add anything to the discussion and is completely off topic. I could have the shittiest or best taste out there but that doesn't change the fact that symbolism and absurdity don't make movies deep
haha you btfo'd that movie so hard my man haha just put dude and then insert a brainfart and voila haha ebin
reddit lol
capeshit fan detected. Fuck outta this board if you don't even watch films dude
Again, how is Enemy purposefully absurd?
Because he didn't understand it, probably.
>Sure give me at least 2 reason why should I
>the shittiest or best taste out there
this is the kind of brainlet that complains about this film, lmao
Neither, it's just fine/ok/neat
Embarrassing, literally no argument. I accept your capitulation tho. No need to reply
lmao it's the anime cartoon james wan zoomer manchild lmao
go watch Insidious 2 my dear mental midget friend
I love how you skipped this question two times already
It's about betrayal of ones spouse. The second personality is the one on sex without his wife and he hates his wife. Than dies in the car crash and the normal guy is here again. But at the end he wishes to go back and his wife is afraid of second personality of coming back.
Butthurt soi horror fan
He's a dumbass and/or contrarian, just leave him be
Dude you just mentioned a majority of this board. I wish I was joking.
You are discussing a film made only to generate contrasting opinions and discussion. This is why it's dishonest. There's no 'contrarian' stance about this movie. It's pseud bait
>You are discussing a film made only to generate contrasting opinions and discussion
That is what every film is designed to do, you fucking moron. If you watch a film and it doesn't prompt some kind of thought or discussion, you just wasted an hour and a half of your life.
This is why you didn't list your favourite films when I asked. You clearly only watch superhero shit, anime, and action flicks.
>that is what every film is designed to do
Maybe in the zoomer era, watch more film.
>list your favorite movie
Sure give me two reasons why. It doesn't add anything to the discussion and is completely off topic. Just admit you have no argument and want an excuse to ad hominem your way out of this intellectual beating I'm giving you
>Maybe in the zoomer era, watch more film.
Clearly what's happened here is that you were immediately called out for your trash/incorrect take, and have now resorted to trolling /anime-posting to try and save face.
You can now tell yourself you were just "pretending" to be retarded. Here's your (You), adiós dumbass.
I found it kind of anti climatic.
I accept your capitulation son. Go away now, the adults will continue the discussion
Based brainlet getting crushed by a retarded anime fag
lmfao, you're clearly the same person. That was such a shit attempt
Literally escaped the discussion jfl
You need to wait longer before you samefag
I thought it was okay as a metaphor for a guy battling with addiction.
That's right I think, he has a sex addiction / can't be faithful to his wife
This is mental illness, people have different opinions than you crazy ain't it. Also check ip count brainlets
Spider=fear of commitment to women
This is why the guys in the club loved seeing the spider crushed, it represented married men crushing their commitment by going to a sex show. He sees the spider in the room when he realizes the child inside her will cause commitment
The spider being small is when he is in control. When the spider is huge the addiction controls him.
When he opens a door and its literally a terrifying presence in the room that represents his emotions. He is feeling an intense desire to act on his addiction.
Extremely based anime poster
How funny that you just used the exact same insult that the guy who "isn't you" used, within the span of like a minute
It's time for you to gracefully accept defeat
James Wan has fans?
In that interpretation, why is the large spider scared of him?
This, the movie was an excuse to make a wacky ending to get normies confused and redditor pseudointellecuals debating endlessly about non existent meaning.
He probably has 40+ more images of young anime girls he wants an excuse to post for, so expect his shitposting to continue for a while
His mental state. When he is strong the spider fears him.
Yes I invented the word brainlet and am the only person who uses it. You need to take your meds now
Because he has the big dick and the gonads full of cum
Which is fine and cool regardless of the attached opinion; there is a degree of honesty to avatarfagging as opposed to samefagging
>You need to take your meds now
>Also, I watch children's cartoons
Bruh you're so desperate to be the center of attention on this thread. When's the last time someone said they love you irl without gagging or placating you?
There being two Adam's represents his double life trying to indulge and hide his addiction from his wife.
I always have to laugh at men like this. Can they not just fap to depraved and questionable legal hentai when their wives or girlfriends arnt in the mood?
It oozes sex, Gadon's babybump makes me diamonds, hbgggggg i want to touch thatvball you know? Tfat seeaty b.fsbyhump it jus5 rwaolt does kyvfrlpr me. Petfevy. Not inly tutsst the film cokbines mommy abd monsyergirl, hnbgggggh, PRÖÖÖÖÖHH! Se5qy6vswwry mmmhhmmm, Gadon mmmhl
Sounds that you are butthurt that even here you get eclipsed intellectually and socially by superior men, but I get it, incel. Try showering and developing a personality that might help you in real life. Believe it or not, I was once in your shoes: fat ugly retarded, want to get laid but can't but if I turned my life around and look at me now. Don't lose hope kid
>low quality posts
I wont report you this time but clean up your act.
could you BE any more defensive, you typical opinionated shitposting faggot?
>Look at me now, watching anime and posting on a Turkish Bionicle forum
>I was once in your shoes: fat ugly retarded, want to get laid but can't but if I turned my life around and look at me now. Don't lose hope kid
You're right, I aspire to be a dumb anime-posting virgin manchild who can only enjoy films that are spelled out for him.
It's one of those movies that let you confused in the end, but as time goes by you start to connect scenes and details.
I like that kind of movies and they're pretty rare.
Didn't liked the book though.
>Responding to a retard clearly baiting for (you)'s
Shit nigger what are you doing
You could take the movie Shrek and scramble the scenes to make it harder to understand, you can drop some cheap symbols too to make people debate about then, would that make it a better movie? No. It's a cheap tactic used only by mediocre directors
Pseuds have this conception that the harder something is to understand the better it is, which is laughable at best
Some people like to think about the interpretation of a movie rather than being spoon fed.
Op is probably asking because the film is considered deep
Which scenes do you think are scrambled in Enemy? Which part do you not understand?
One of the few times analysis of a movie with friends after watching it took several hours and felt meaningful afterwards. I even had some kind of revelation afterwards and wrote it into our skype group and they agreed that it was pretty legit, it was something akin to more popular explanations but as far as i remember a little bit better.
I wouldn't call it super deep though but it really feels that it deals with unconscious: stuff is sporadic and goes into all sorts of places but ultimately makes, is meaningful to the main character and touches humanity in a way that feels true. As far as i'm concerned it's one of the few movies where symbols are intergral to the experience while not feeling like they were forced onto the story and it actually makes sense for the character to experience things the way he did, especially with how some of the scenes themselves usually make people feel.
I don't know, in my mind "deep" is stuff like what Lynch does: something mostly incomprehensible that feels true and because I believe i mostly understood Enemy it's not that deep but then again i do think it touched unconscious while managing to do something coherent with it so i guess it's deep.
stop engaging with that dipshit, decent chance they haven't even seen the film, they're just attention starved
well said
Its an example you lil brainlet
Then why are you using an example that doesn't have anything to do with Enemy in a thread about the film Enemy?
It's a great film, it being le deep or not has nothing to do with it.
The thread is about being deep or dumb.
It's about feeling trapped by her, aka why women are all seen as spiders. He doesn't hate her, he doesn't want to be "caught in a web".
>Deep or dumb?
If you think a film can only be those two extremes you can't be helped
The thread is about that, learn to read, I'm not op
OP is also pretty dumb yes
On my first watch I was fucking floored and considered it highly. On my second watch I thought it was pretty lame. Once you get over the initial shock of its message/design I think it looses much of its shine.
I find it a tense and oppressing experience on rewatch every time. Plot points are for casuals.
>From the director of Arrival
Not exactly hard to identify, OP.
Granted he doesn't write this shit, but you'd think directing it would make you question the script.
I agree, the basis for a story is unnecessary to the story ultimately.
Law Abiding Citizen
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
Shutter Island