>Bongs pay license fees for this
Bongs pay license fees for this
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Why is it never cute lesbians
I used to be completely neutral on minorities. Wasn't anti gay marriage, had no problem immigration as long as they integrated, thought black crime was just poor people fending for themselves, but the more the establishment pushes them the more I come to hate the lot of them.
>reeeeeee why have years of evolution selected against non-reproductive behaviour
>reeeeee i just want to suck strange dick and have random men cum in my ass reeeee
>reeee what is normality anyway
People moan about straight people kissing in public too.
I think this is a case of spotlight syndrome.
>actually paying for a TV license
Haven’t ever paid for one and my nor have my parents for decades. The only BBC show I’ve watched in years is White Gold.
Yeah, I'm against anyone making out in public. Quick pecks or even longer kisses on the cheek or lips are fine, but I don't need to see you exchanging saliva
Are you even trying?
I was on a train once as a kid and these two goths were sharing a can of Carling with a straw inside and absolutely devouring eachother’s faces on the platform and my mother was so pissed off. I’ve never forgotten that for some reason.
Gays shouldn't be allowed near children.
Woah, peep show.
Homosexuals are sexual deviants. They are a nuisance to society. They are naive and grotesque.
It's literally impossible to snuff them out. There are faggots out there pretending to be hetero. It's simply impossible to stop the degeneracy from spreading.
Just keep appealing to heteros and ignore the faggots and their attention seeking sinful pride parades.
Reminds me of this
Very Based Post.
I wonder...
hypocrisy in action. pretty sure men fucking men is even less disruptive to reproduction than women fucking women.
>If you want to touch other mens PENIS then do it in your own privacy, or go to a PENIS
Fuck, my sides
I honestly have nothing against gays being able to love one another and have the same rights as everybody else. Even if they are in fact mentally ill, that doesn't mean they don't have a right to show their love for one another. What bothers me is US media trying to push homosexuality as the norm when in fact a vast majority of the world is heterosexual. It's one thing to show things exist but it's another one to actively push the concept, especially toward kids. You know society has fucked up if people say they are alright with their kids being transgender and forcing the kids not to "conform to norms". The cherry on top is these people 100% of the time being attention whores who just have to show how flamboyant they are. It just doesn't feel genuine
cute lesbians don't exist
only cute bisexual girls exist
That's the problem with the media covering it so much. Everyone should be themselves but if you start showering crazies with praise you get perverts dressing up as women to get more attention.
Don't even get me started on the kid shit...
reminder that homosexuals reproduce by molestation
It's optional. Just pirate shit on the internet and dodge taxes. Maybe call in and say it's offensive to Islam. Let it all come crumbling down.
Do you have a problem with that bigot????
lesbians aren't real
>tfw bisexual but always keep it secret because I hate fags
The brown hair one is cute :3
holding hands in the park is so 2018
lel straight woman literally btfo and emotionally wrecked
That's the thing. I have known a few gay people and they were cool people. Some too flamboyant for my taste but hey, I don't have to like everyone. I feel like most media and the IS trans community though are doing gay people a total disservice though by trying to enforce their lifestyle onto the general public. Doesn't even only have to do with homosexuality though. Western society has devolved to the point where people are trying to act as if being naked in public or even public indecency is right. Traditional values are completely thrown overboard for what? Having sex outside so everyone can see you? Having lived in China, I must say that hardcore individualism, which ultimately leads to a very fucked up form of collectivism, has been a huge mistake
wait a minute that necklace
I went through a Bicurious phase. I kinda just willed myself back into full hetero mode again.
So do you really hate white and straight people since they're pushed in everything?
Did he actually?
Nah, I'll keep enjoying their company you closetposter
With all your rules you gots to chill
I'm gonna twist out like Mike McGill
I'm gonna twist out cause I got the skillz
Yeah, the guy making that post was a friend from highschool, the tweet he responded to was his last tweet
>can't stop eating poop
literally me
>goes to wrasslin and doesn't expect gay shit
dont look at his twitter. there are photos. i regret it
This, I'm sorry I meant to actually typed that in my posts
>>>reeeeeee why have years of evolution selected against non-reproductive behaviour
It has not? Because gays still existing today is a proof that it clearly hasn't.
how did he knpw though? i want proof
You don't get to choose what turns you on. Kinkshaming is so uncivilised. Just behave yourself in public and we'll all be fine.
Honestly, it's a slippy slope. And the only evidence you'll ever need of that are gay pride events.
Pretty much the same here. I never gave homosexuals a second thought. I mean, if they want to fuck each other, fine. And they definitely should not be discriminated against.
But now, it's not even just normalizing this behavior which everyone instinctively knows is not normal. It's not just showing it in your face all the time and demanding you accept it, BUT ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. HOMOSEXUAL LIFESTYLE IS BEST LIFESTYLE. IF YOU DISAGREE YOU ARE A RACIST AND A NAZI.
This is what pisses me off and actually has started making me dislike homosexuals.
This is a legit twitter account? I hope its a good troll who knows how to mix food together to resemble shit.
But they not? White and straight people are the majority in developed countries, they're not pushed, they just literally the majority.
lol at the state of bong propaganda
what time portal did you just walk out of, fag?
yes, it's beautiful
Thousands of mental asylums around the country were shut down in the 1980s and 1990s. Now the lunatics even have twitter to interact with the rest of the world, whereas before they would just either be locked up, stand around on a street corner and heckle bypassers, or just stay locked inside of their rooms without any contact with the outside world.
Explains a lot about the current political climate as well.
you don't have a choice, discord tranny
Gradually...I began to despise them
>or just stay locked inside of their rooms without any contact with the outside world.
Speaking from experience, user?
No, but sometimes I stand around on street corners and heckle bypassers.
>being pushed
that's like saying gravity is being pushed on you, the natural order of things isn't "pushing"
it can't really be selected for if it can't pass down genetically. Homos just reproduce by molesting kids instead
>but the more the establishment pushes them the more I come to hate the lot of them.
lol retard
A large portion of the homeless population is mentally ill as well. But there was a good investigative journalism piece on the conditions of one of the asylums, Willowbrook, where the patients were just living in their own shit or even eating it because the conditions were so bad.
Take that, chuds!
kill all f*gs
Nobody hates Indians because they're being pushed in Bollywood. But Indians would sure as fuck begin despising whites if we began to replace them in Bollywood movies, and rightfully so.
If you can't see the difference between depicting something that is the status quo versus pushing something that is an abnormality, you might be in need of a brain transplant.
>implying I would EVER pay my TV license
>He hasn't seen the pictures
great post
>I honestly have nothing against gays being able to love one another and have the same rights as everybody else.
give them an inch they'll shove 3 feet in their assholes
Isn't there a show about the people who go around and assault old ladies to get them to pay their tv license?
Is this gay humour?
I bet you're against public anal sex, too, you fucking bigot
Research flat earth amirite?
I made the mistake of looking at his twitter, do NOT open the pictures.
>not familiar with the germ hypothesis
>This literal shiteating subhuman has friends
>I don't
I don't buy the argument that homosexuality is a mental illness. Even if it is crawling it's way into popular media in the most obnoxious manner possible, that's the fault of virtue-signaling faggots who aren't themselves gay but have a terrible impression of what homosexuals are actually like to the point of parody.
There is a much better argument against trannies anyway. Whereas homosexual behaviour is witnessed in many animal species, mammals included, apart from a handful of amphibians and probably some molluscs that evolved with the ability to change their sex, no animal does what trannies do. Some animals may actually dress up as the opposite sex for the purpose of actually sneaking past the larger, stronger males to gain access to their harem, but none of them gnaw their dick off and call the festering wound left behind a vagina. Humans go to a third rate butcher shop to do it for them, expecting it to magically solve all their problems. If we were talking about any other part of their body, like if someone went up to everybody saying they MUST have their leg chopped off or else they'll never be happy, no one would consider them sane - but oh wait, we're talking about their genitals, that makes all the fucking difference in the world apparently.
Bongs? As in cannabis? Britain's drug laws, like its internet controls, are on par with China.
>this meme has still yet to be proven
>Natural order
>Whites had to expand from their natural homelands because they ravaged the resources and animals so much that they needed to steal resources from others
>Had to genocide multiple civilizations such as the Aztecs to do so
But when Jews start to conquer and replace whites like whites conquered and replaced everyone else it's UNNATURAL and EVIL
Oh yeah I remember
This guy followed my friend and he had to block him to get him to fuck off
He's not even a furry
We hat homosexuals are like are a bunch of disease-ridden child molesters, and we should go back to zapping them straight.
Faggots are garbage in real life though
Better to walk through life alone than wallow in literal shit with others
are you implying animals don't suffer from mental illnesses?
Homosexuality was deemed a mental illness before the 80s, the only reason it got removed is because gays protested some psychology conference and wouldn't let any speakers talk until their demands were met.
Then they all went home, shot up heroin and got butt fucked and contracted AIDS and decided they needed to educate the world on AIDS because it could just as easily happen to you.
no the natural order I was referring to is that whites being heavily represented in a white majority society. Just like the same is true of any other race when it's a majority. You wouldn't say nips are being pushed on you if you're in japan
..because that's what the patriarchy wants.
You know. Talking about Hillary's emails or an Israeli cabal of billionaires is crazy conspiracy talk, but talking about how all men are part of a conspiracy against women and gays is woke as fuck.
Then why aren't 15% of actors in movies black? Why aren't the cast roughly 50% male 50% female?
Where are all the big name Asians?
Hollywood is white washed at a greater rate than the general population, even in white parts of the country.
I hate any public display of affection, be it straight or gay, I just think it's immature and makes you look stupid
Not true. Men can impregnate multiple women at a time, women can only have one child at a time
America isn't just straight and white; cry but then cry more
>Kissing your lover goodbye before you leave at the airport is immature and makes you look stupid
>Everything is sick
I've got the same views. Although there is significant evidence that homosexuality isn't all nature, but it can also be spawned from nurture. There is more than enough evidence that suggests that a boy who is molested by a man at a young age is significantly more likely to identify as a homosexual as an adult. Those boys weren't "born that way". Homosexuality turned into a sexual fetish for them, which we know for certain is manifested during childhood in nearly all cases.
Estimating how many of the total homosexual population were born that way, and how many developed attraction towards men due to external factors in their childhood would be a wild guess. But to say that the latter doesn't make up a significant portion of homosexuals would be a lie.
We're not talking about some friendly smooch here, we're talking about intense non-stop tonsil hockey in the middle of the fucking street
lmfao. lets see how long jews last if current demographic predictions on islamic growth hold up.
protip: jews will be gone long before whites.
>white washed
>literally all kikes
>Jews make up like 1% of the world population
>But they are apparently in control of the media, banks, economy, and are genociding whites
>Mudslime animals are somehow going to destroy Jews even though whites couldn't
Jews are white. They have white skin. The only people who don't consider them white are Jews and Nazis. So which one are you?
They are the normal they aren't promoted, stop being a obtuse cunt
Gotta hand it to them, for being supposedly inferior to white people they surely did a great job taking over everything.
It's LITERALLY because white people were trying to virtue signal to others about how they don't sin, and since charging interest was a sin back then, they hired Jews to handle the money. You can't make this shit up.
Who ever said they were inferior?
Cunning and destructive, yes. But inferior? Far from it. They are very good at what they do. People who assume that disliking someone automatically equals an superiority complex are the ultimate fucking brainlets.
>whites don't want to kill jews
>in fact go to war to defend jews from the one group of people who wish them harm
>muslims bred from birth to have a burning desire to murder jews
>held barely in check by america sucking jew dick 24/7
>american population crashing
>muslim population skyrocketing
>jew population stagnant
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what could possibly come next?
It's always lesbians
So the jews are the real master race? I mean after all they control everything.
>believing in evolution
>jews are white they have white skin
But gay swans
I'd say the Chinks are looking like the real winner and it's not even close.
Yeah its sad, one day Christ will come back and everything will be made right
Even if Jews lost Israel they'd still control the world. Mudslimes can't do anything to stop them, just like whites.
Using that logic Americans aren't white, because they're all mixed. So why is it that Whites are subject to American Mutts who are subject to the Jews? You aren't even #2, you're like #4 after Mutts and Chinese.
fuck this cocksucker i'll be your friend user
>Americans aren't white
Why should Americans care about the white race then?
He's not showing up. He's abandon his flock.
Lets be real, whites went extinct a long time ago.
Americans don't care about anyone. Even their fellow countrymen
That has to be demonic possession.
Imagine being this delusional. Jews are protected by whites. Once Islam takes over - and it is demographically inevitable - the day of Stein and Berg is over. Having a nice job as a banker isn't going to stop millions of Arabs fired up with centuries of bloodlust against your people.
But hey keep laughing and celebrating wypipo not breeding, your lot not breeding and your desert rivals multiplying like rats. I'm sure that will end quite nicely for you.
When it comes to destructiveness, yes, they beat everyone else.
>americans arent white
the only group of people who claim otherwise are demented 56% mutts
We care about capital. Jews care about capital. Must be why Jews and Americans control the world.
Even less reason to care about saving a dead race. Perhaps we should all work together to destroy the tools Jews and the rich use to control us, capital.
Americans aren't white. But let's say they are. Why would whites be protecting Jews? Did whites protect Jews Out of pity? Even though whites threw Jews out of pretty much every European country that existed?
Or was it that Jews used their superior tactics to gain control of whites through economic subjugation?
You're contradicting yourself.
White people are a minority, dingaling
>He literally ate shit and died
>jews superior tactics
When a group of white people were busying throwing you lot into ovens, it was other white people who came to rescue you. You forget that very easily. When whites exiled you from one country, other whites always gave you shelter. You kikes love to remember being ill treated but not even a murmur about all the help you've gotten. What's even funnier is that you hold century long grudges and expect Muslims will just forgive and forget about your antics.
The only people I see making out in public are always teens or drunk people. People don't do that shit because they get a room and fuck.
Albinos are white
Change my mind
No you are contradicting yourself. You claimed Jews were white as they had white skin which makes albino niggers white. You then said Americans aren't white and I agreed with you. Being white isn't just to do with skin.
I don't argue with the disabled.
I'm not Jewish. And those white people who saved the Jews in the holocaust were sent there by Jews. Jews even created the atomic bomb.
You can rationalize this as much as you like, but Jews controlled the world and still do.
If anyone is worthy of being called the "master race", it's the Ashkenazi. They have shown they are capable of not only conquering Europe without an army of their own, but the entire world. And all through simply usury.
Again, why should Americans care about a race that is below them?
You're being purposely dense, because you know "white" in racial terms refers to caucasians.
If your retarded ass were to die in a fire, the guy in the morgue would not write "black" or "african american" in the autopsy report just because you were burnt to a crisp and suddenly changed color.
Hasn't it been proven you learn to be gay. Basically you're an attention whore
>im not jewish
Cool story bro. You have a very retarded view on history. Your kin was literally being purged off the face of the earth until ebil whitey came in to make the last minute save.
>n-no t-that was o-our plan w-we wanted to g-go in t-the oven
Cope harder.
never cute ones though
Christ literally took his own mom's virginity
>Oh oh the holy spirit has impregnated me
>Jesus is born
>Breaks his own mom's virginity
Catholic cucks defend this and call other people degenerates
do the furries go away if we stop making cartoon animal movies?
1/n of my ancestry was genocided by the remaining fraction. Europeans place far too much importance on traditions and past events. This is why your continent is falling behind in every aspect of economics and humanities at the moment. China, America, and the Jews are in control because we realized capitalism requires globalism.
Anyone who has tried to stop capitalism (USSR, Nazis) was annihilated. You want to prevent globalism? That's trying to stop capitalism, and you are dying for it.
>He still thinks I'm Jewish
lmao. I wish I was Jewish. They have the best nepotism. They literally control the world, even /pol/ admits that Jewish nepotism is the best nepotism to be part of. I'd probably be a physicist by now if I was Jewish.
Imagine being this much of a racial cuckold.
You're like the blacks who openly wishes they were white. It's the most patethic thing imaginable.
Ah, that is why genetical disposition towards prostate cancer is not a thing...
>Jews even created the atomic bomb
According to Jewish propaganda, which was fairly powerful for about one generation after WW2, I'll admit. But its grip is completely lost after the Boomers die off (tick, tock). As far as Jews "running the world", any power they hold is at the behest of white Christians and enforced by their authority. Jews are literally a pawn of the white, Christian power structure that needs muzzies and kikes to fight each other in muh Holy Lands in order for their profit to return.
Think about how much the world, aside from white Christians, absolutely loathes the Jews and literally wants to genocide them. White America catches only a little bit of shit over Israel, whereas the Jews take the brunt of the hatred. Just imagine what will happen to Jews world-wide once white Christians lose their power in America. Who will protect the Jews in the media who've been clamoring for white Christians to stop existing.
But supposedly Jews are "intellectual". Yeah, sure. Enjoy your impending genocide.
When i went to china i saw kids pissing and shitting in the street while holding their parents hands
oh thank christ
I'm not catholic. Go read the bible before you post because all you said is incorrect
Not like "technically" incorrect but just not what happened at all lol
>gets BTFO
>immediately changes the subject to something not even tangentially related to the discussion
lol for a guy desperately trying to pretend he isn't kosher you sure as fuck act like one.
know that the fag part is the weak link and you can live without it
>I used to be reasonable but /pol/ made me an angry incel
How am I being a racial cuckold? I'm American. I'm not white, so why should I care about some Europeans who can't even hold an economic union together?
I'm not Native American, and all of my native ancestors were killed off anyway.
So who should I be loyal to? I only praise the Jews because they have CLEARLY done very well for themselves by subjugating basically the entire planet in less than 1000 years.
Atomic bombs aren't going to die off with the boomers, what kind of nonsense is that?
>As far as Jews "running the world", any power they hold is at the behest of white Christians and enforced by their authority.
Yet every muslim country is in an eternal state of civil war fueled by economic instability. I wonder which group of people has the power to fuck over economies....
>Jews are literally a pawn of the white, Christian power structure that needs muzzies and kikes to fight each other in muh Holy Lands in order for their profit to return.
Imagine having to rationalize licking the anus of mutts, who are the secretary of the Jews. LMAO.
I didn't change the subject at all. You should probably read my post again.
If you don't get it, I'm somewhere around 2/32 to 3/32 Native American, and 29/32 to 30/32 wh*Toid. You can keep pretending I'm Jewish for being willing to admit the fact they are the ones controlling the world.
How stupid would you have to be to say
>Whites are in control
w-we just planned to get genocided by Jews y-yeah!
you fucking know one when you see one, man
>the guy in the morgue would not write "black"
He'd be wrong because I would be converted into a black at that poin
>go on a date with a cute very passable tranny
>very cool and get along really well
>not a giant loudmouth signalling faggot like most trannies seem to be
>mentions she has a dick but wants to get it removed one day and I visibly cringe
>go back to hers and fuck and her dick is is a weird little mess, cant even pull the foreskin back for some reason
Shit must suck to be stuck halfway, but it's not like having a festering wound gets you any closer to being an actual woman.
>the jews are the master race!!!
>physically pathetic
>get unique mental issues
>never won a battle let alone a war
>entire history is being btfo every second week
>need wypipo to save their asses constantly
>seem to think islamic birthrates skyrocketing isn't going to harm them in any way when mohammed was poisoned by jews and spend his dying moments cursing them
Look Shlomo I get you think you are le master race and it's cute but Ahmed is going to cut your head off and the chinks are going to dominate the planet.
>More rationalization for why whites are superior when they are being genocided and controlled by Jews
LMAO. Either Jews control the banks, media, and Government or they don't. Which is?
They can't control those and somehow be pawns of whites. Whites are the cattle, Jews are the farmer. Sure, the farmer would starve without the cattle, but that doesn't mean the farmer is inferior to the cows.
homosexual culture is fucked
I see you can't read either. Where exactly did I say whites were superior to Jews? Go link that for me my seething fren.
He's right in the sense that they have been successful in manipulating goyim to do their bidding through usury, but the fact that he as a goyim actually praises it is mindblowing. But we all know he probably isn't a goyim.
I remember one time at an assembly in high school I was sitting behind this couple and the girl was the most obnoxious fucking kisser on the planet
she kept going back and doing it again and again, it made like these loud slapping sounds and it made me hate love
They are top class at manipulation, no one would dispute that. But one of the ways they are so effective at it is that they blend in with whites. Jews and whites aren't breeding and shitskins are popping out kids like it's going out of fashiom so as the white population decreases so does the amount of goyim that the Jew can blend in with. The fact he is cheering that on really shows how fucking retarded the average kike is.
Depends on what part of the post you were replying to. I'll assume you were because the other two people were rationalizing how whites weren't Jewish cattle.
Either way it's self evident who controls the world. /pol/ admits it. Liberals defend it. This board is based around the culture they create. You use the money they control at a job they gave you to post on computer networks, a Jewish invention.
If they aren't the "master race" then they certainly are the ones who rule the world. Masters don't fight battles, they get other people to fight on their behalf. They actually consider how to preserve their people after all, unlike whites, who couldn't stop killing each other until the atomic bomb stopped all major wars.
seething snowflake
That's not me. Learn how fucking conversations flow Goldstein.
Then you were defending whites being somehow superior in essence compared to Jews. Actually I should have seen that, as you clearly just did it here despite saying you didn't.
sneething chuckflake
>t-they are t-the master r-race the fact t-they c-can't fight p-proves it!
the absolute state. israel average iq = 90.
Are you a nigger? Niggers place importance on fighting after all. They even love DBZ because of it.
>Having a slave mentality without even thinking about it
White genocide is real though. Those scheming Jews who use their influence in economics, world politics, and confuse people with disinfo through their iron fisted control of the media are TOTALLY not the ones in control, we 56% wh*Toids are.
You really can't read can you? Jews needing whites to save their asses repeatedly doesn't make whites the master of anything besides saving kikes from their own stupidity. You are the one postulating Jews as being superior when their entire history is them being raped.
He's retarded in the sense that he tries to boil everything down to superiority/inferiority, when the reality is so much more complex. You could see earlier in the thread that his immediate assumption was that dislike for jews equals feelings of superiority.
Are they superior manipulators? Absolutely. Are they superior in usury? Absolutely. Does this make them superior to whites or even East Asians? No. Same reason being able to sprint fast does not make West Africans superior to East Africans.
this is where I could tell you'd been gotten to. nice effort tho. israel average iq = 90.
>Jews needing whites to save their asses repeatedly
So let me get this right. Some whites in Europe felt so bad for the Jews in Nazi Germany, that they decided to go help? Even though Nazi Germany was exterminating the Jews because they were controlling Europe?
If the Jews were controlling Europe so hard that the Nazis rebelled, then wouldn't it be the Jews who sent the white Europeans under their control?
Naaah. Why would Jews who weren't being genocided get white people to go free the Jews who were? Jews aren't that smart.
LMAO. I've been posting "HAHAHAHAHA" multiple times in this thread buddy.
If you want to pride yourself on your ability to fight, instead of your ability to WIN, then by all means go associate with the rabble in Detroit and Chicago. You'll fit right in.
Meanwhile Mutts, Jews, and Chinks will continue dominating every aspect of your being, including your corpse once you die.
They haven't really been selected against if they've persisted to exist for thousands of years. There's a possibility that it's an incidental side effect of fertile women. On average women who have gay children tend to have more children overall, most of whom are straight.
After each pregnancy the balance of a woman's hormones shifts, which changes the hormones the next child is exposed to in the womb. There's a theory that if a male fetus is flooded with an unusually high amount of estrogen or low testosterone while they're brain is developing they're more likely to turn out gay.
Holy fuck lad you are dense. You must be one of those Tel Aviv Jews with those spicy 90 IQ points. Let me help you out. You've been turfed out of European countries over 100 times by now. So there you go. That's over 100 times wypipo in neighbouring countries said "come here frens you can stay in this land."
>B-b-b-but Jews were kicked out of Europe! They're inferior
You are LITERALLY posting on a board that is DEDICATED to Jewish entertainment. You can keep thinking I'm a Jew all you like. I wish I was one, it'd be better than being a mutt.
ya i know and you can usually tell just how ass blasted a guy is by how many ha's he writes. average israel iq = 90 (keep ignoring it)
You keep insulting Jews like I'm going to get offended for them.
Everyone on /pol/ seems to agree that Jews control the media, banks, and Government. Do you agree with that user?
I was born in Italy, raises a Roman Catholic. Prove me wrong
>can't even stutter post correctly
Come on now Ezekiel you're better at blending in than that. Any opinion on your master race getting a country of their own and their IQ scores plummetting without access to white education?
Do you think Jews control the economy, banks, and media user? I'll say I'm Jewish if you answer (even though I'm not).
You are definitely a seething Jew because now that your master race spiel is on the ropes you are desperately trying to deflect. Why did the IQ of the master race drop down drastically when they got a country of their own?
You won't answer the question because if you say "yes" you know I can say that's proof the Jews are in control. But you know you can't say "no" because the Jews do control those things.
Instead you avoid the point because you don't want to admit the Jews are in control, and that I'm right about you being their cattle.
It's plain as day for anyone to see. Most of Yea Forums already knows the Jews have much greater influence than their numbers would suggest. It's only /pol/tards who think this means anything other than Jews are the "master race".
Downs Syndrome also still exists.
We don't need to create a liberal hugbox here lol, it already is. Reality leans left, and someday soon you're going to wake up dejected and demoralized and realize that even your safe space is overrun with proud progressives like me and my crew and your going to kys yourself and the world will be a better place
There is no "master race."
I am too but I kept my personal life private because I like my privacy
Yes, very based post indeed but here's the thing: everybody ITT is a virgin, so who gives a shit lol, we'll never reproduce anyway. At least the fags are happy
Really makes you think
>you won't answer the question
>he says as he desperately tries to avoid acknowledging the average IQ of Israel
lol. Tell you what m8 as you are losing you badly you are resorting to anime images I'll give you a dig-out. I believe when Jews are asked about this they say it is an anti-semitic canard. So lets imagine your Jewish master race.
>useless at combat and had to be bailed out repeatedly by whites
>had to be given land by whites to live on, said whites later made them a country of their own
>jewish iq collapses to semite level in their own land without access to white education
What a master race. Weak stupid and given land out of pity.
I'm not the guy you're talking to, but Jews do assert control over many important financial institutions and entertainment corporations, yes. We all know that. Does that mean they control the world? No. It means they have a lot of influence in financial and social policy issues.
What you are implying is equivilent to claiming that a mere parasite within a shark is superior to the shark itself, because the shark is a sucker for allowing the parasite to take advantage of its ability to hunt.
>he says as he desperately tries to avoid acknowledging the average IQ of Israel
Why would I care about Jewish IQ? You think I'm Jewish, so you think it will hurt me to hear they're sub-100. Why should I, as a mutt, care?
>useless at combat and had to be bailed out repeatedly by whites
Whites they controlled. Again, Nazis only started exterminating the Jews to free themselves of Jewish control. Hitler made that VERY clear.
>had to be given land by whites to live on, said whites later made them a country of their own
The land they were "given" just happened to be the most holy, and valuable land in Abrahamic faith. Land that has been disputed for thousands of years, and the Jews had it "handed" to them. No collusion here.
>jewish iq collapses to semite level in their own land without access to white education
The same education that teaches kids about being trans, gay, sex before marriage, and has you read 2 years worth of material on the Holocaust (including Anne Frank in English). No Jewish influences here!
>What a master race. Weak stupid and given land out of pity.
Had others fight for them, got the most valuable land in the world given to them for nothing. Could only have been pity, not schemes by Jews.
Only in white Western countries do Jews have media influence. You won't find kikes on Nigerian state television, or Abu Dubai television, or in Korean films.
lmfao at (You). The only land in the Middle East with no oil. It's worthless.
>why would I care about Jewish IQ
For one you're a Jew but more importantly trying to argue 90 IQ retards are the master race with a straight face is a massive cope. Nice attempt at a dodge on the education issue still doesn't explain how Jewish intelligence falls off a cliff among their own people. I thought they were the master race? Why are they getting dumber?
Jews control the American economy. The American economy is the standard though which all other economies work. Jews by extension control the most powerful military force in the nation, because they control the economy that funds said military. It is no surprise that America is in a 20+ war on "terror", even though we're not doing anything related to 9/11 anymore.
Jewish media is the media of the age. This board is dedicated to it even. Their ads, movies, music, and news are pervasive. Even African children who don't have a TV know what Star Wars is.
Jews are just parasites though. They're just tricking the TRUE masters (whites) into killing themselves.
Edumacate yourself. It's Holy to Christians just as much as it is Jews, yet Christians just gave it to the poor Jews out of pity. This is also the reason why Islamists want to kill Jews so badly.
You're a nigger, as proven earlier by your "Jews can't fight rhetoric". So even if I was a Jew, and I had an IQ of 90, I'd still be better off than you, a literal monkey.
I'm genuinely going to steal your shtick in the future when talking with normies. Nothing redpills them faster than being told uncomfortable truths about Jews from a person who simultaneously claims that they are superior because of it.
Can't call me an anti-semite if I claim they are superior precisely because they are so subversive and destructive.
We're your friends, user
Economy runs the world you big brainlet.
No one cares about armies anymore.
Imagine being so upset your people cannot fight you start anime posting and screaming about niggers. Now explain to me why the master race loses standard deviations without access to white education.
bad troll at least you can be content knowing youre a cuck deep down
Show me 5 articles from major respected news outlets praising media for the use of white heterosexuals
Why is it never cute twinks or traps? What does western media have against boipussy?
I thought it was pretty cute.