Decided to give the Charmed reboot a try

Gave up 5 minutes in.
>couple is making out on a couch
>one of the Charred ones talks to the girl while they are still kissing
>"Remember, when you start having sex, you can withdraw your consent any moment!"
I was half-cringing, half-laughing. Is this how this shit got a season 2? By being pure cringe comedy?

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Black chick has a big booty though

>saw some advertisement for this show somewhere
>knew they'd somehow fuck it up
>it's just all mutts
As expected.

Reminds me of a date I had faith a chick on Tinder, and as things were going pretty well at some point she unironically asked me consent to make out. It was so fucking uncanny.

wat? i didn't even know it was out? there is already a second season? lel

I remember making a diversity checklist before it came out, and it hit like 7/9 options or something.

Care to share it? But let me guess first.
>mutt MCs
>their mom is white, fucked brown guys
>one MC is a lesbian
>another is a hardcore preachy feminist
>third MC is a scientist
>white guys are evil (rapists, demons or both)
That's all I can com up with, probably could've more if I kept watching.

Somehow having three hot white girls as the leads in a show now is WRONG.

But it's perfectly fine to cast three fugly POC girls as the leads in a show.

Isn't this reverse racism????

>>one of the Charred ones

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I found the last couple episodes were watchable, now that I started.

>one of the Charred
nice freudian

Are they all from different fathers in this one?

If I was a woman, or black, or whatever, I would be fucking insulted at these "inclusive" all black/female or whatever remakes of white/male shows and franchises. Why the fuck can they not make original stories?

Is this cancelled yet?

Browns/blacks have zero heroism in their culture. Their actual real-life cultures are virtually devoid of virtue, altruism or anything resembling the greater good.

They are almost exclusively crime ridden, hyper-sexualized, violent law, order and cop hating communities of choas.

its why black superheroes are almost a laughing stock. they make utterly no sense in objective reality.

Attached: balck crimeee.jpg (2032x3528, 1.07M)

Aren't they all black?

>Is this cancelled yet?

Season 2.

One is mestizo (the girl on the right) the other two are half black.

Lost it when I formatted. But it was something like this (this was even before the casting was announced mind you):
>one of them is black
>one of them is some kind of LGBT, most likely lesbian
>the not-black and not-gay one will get a black love interest
>one of them is asian
>asian will be part of the regular cast in some way
>trans will be part of the regular cast
>any white men over 20 will be the antagonist
>black love interest is a former bad guy henchmen but he turned
>black love interest was an undercover angel and good all along

That's roughly it.

Intentional, actually.

Left and right are mestizo, and middle is half-black.

I think the mestizos are from the same dad.

Yeah, she's the cutest of the three, would colonize.

Just remember CW is also doing a Lost Boys tv show.

Just off the top of my head the Frog Bros are now female and both are some minority or another and what's his name that played in the lead on Teen Wolf show is in it

>Haley Tju plays Frog sister Cassie
>Cheyenne Haynes plays Frog sister Liza
>Tyler Posey plays Micheal

So one sister is black, one is Asian, and Micheal is some form of hispanic

>you can withdraw your consent any moment!"
Including after the fact. Only idiots pick up sluts at parties these days.

>no Alyssa Milano

Makes no sense, why cast hispanics? witches have to be able to read.

At least the W O K E black Supernatural clone from Netflix is dead, though one of the recent Supernatural episodes had one of the cringiest lines I've seen in all of tv about muhsoginy

>still liking Alyssa Milano in 2019
Doesn't Mexico have lots of magic in their folklore or some shit?

The one in the center is a dude, right?

>one of the Charred ones talks to the girl while they are still kissing
>"Remember, when you start having sex, you can withdraw your consent any moment!"
So she's a feminist Clippy?

Try reading Epic of Sundiata.

Gonna be honest, I actually like the show. The SJW shit is so over the top it feels like a parody and I'm interestedvto see where some of the storylines go.

If you remove SJW crap, how does it hold up against the original?