Anime can be kino too

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>post-timeskip one piece
that's a yikes from me

One Piece is reddit cringe

yessss they finally did the best whole cake chapter, gotta do the ep


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>not being excited for reverie

>post timeskip

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>Any part of one piece at all
Shit taste, fuck one piece

this episode was fucking incredible and even better than the manga

buttmad Dragballtard or Hunterfaggot detected

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Why do people hate post timeskip so bad, I really like it...

It's not that bad, but it had it's most kino scenes pre timeskip

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The latest chapter with Zoro’s fight was awesome. and all those idiots complaining that Sanjuana didn’t get a power up in his own arc got blown the fuck out a couple chapters ago

One Piece might, depending on how it's gonna end, be remembered as one of the great epics of our time.

Probably because no arc has been good

Punk Hazard was mediocre at best and everything else was shit

It hasn’t gotten worse, you got older.

It’s still pretty much the same. I marathoned 1-800 in about 2 months and it was consistently OKAY. Same old plots rehashed, same flashbacks. I swear I could have skipped everything before grand line and seen it all through flashbacks.

Shonen doesn't change, only you change.

i don't like the throne bullshit.
it basically broke one piece for me

y, it's fairly interesting

It was pure kino.. IN AMERICA

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I've watched the intro to berserk at least a hundred times in the last week

i don't know.
i think i was hoping for some complicated political stuff about the world governement instead of an edgy big bad guy

This aired on Japanese television.

What is this story about?



Pudding rescue arc when bros? I miss her so much

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You do realize that this is a disgusting male power fantasy in your clip, right?

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Yes, it can.

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Move aside kiddies

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So what? Female power fantasies are cute and pure?

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I get chills thinking about OP ending. Life won't be the same afterwards. It's one of the reason's I haven't an hero'd yet probably.

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Lunge's whole arc is kino.

>if you don't like my favorite brand of shonen slop, you must like one of those other shitty series!!
All shonenshitters must hang.

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Only based loli fantasies. Obaa-san-tachi can go to hell.

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pure fucking kino

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Every arc is kind desu. Lunges transformation is the most profound though

It's been a long time since I watched it but Lunge is what stuck with me most. I do remember Tenma's whole journey being kino though. Of all anime I've seen I think Monster would adapt best to a live action series and would actually have success with normalfags. A movie would butcher it though. There's way too much.

Best thing to come out of super.

Manga was better.

This. Guillermo del Toro was supposed to be adapting it to live action but the rights are in limbo. I hear he still wants to do it though