Neytiri is

Neytiri is...

Attached: 01 Neytiri School.jpg (1080x1080, 115K)

-one of the worst things I see when I'm on /aco/, and that says alot since it's basically western /d/

So flat (very)

>preferring diaper vore inflation scat to Neytiri

Attached: 1544440409783.jpg (608x653, 50K)

the future mother of my babies

Attached: 372992.jpg (640x640, 127K)

no she's not

Attached: Neytiri_2270.jpg (1920x1080, 275K)

Haha you funny, proof?

to quote Tsu'tey
"a rock sees more"


please do not call Neytiri "A NIGGER", it's both offensive and incorrect

I apologize, I meant to say "jolly african-american"

based kramer saying the n-word poster

implying Neytiri is an amerimutt is almost more offensive

A dead meme


Formerly a dead meme

Neytiri is not a meme

Attached: Neytiri_4540.jpg (1934x1088, 205K)

Attached: ignorant like a child.webm (1280x720, 1.36M)

Neytiri is ugly

Not as cute or sexy as Ki

Attached: Mars Needs Moms Do It For Her.png (1400x1000, 1.13M)

A whore

please do not call Neytiri "A whore", it's both offensive and incorrect

no she's not

not real

a xenos whore

Attached: V7XKgJALA0XC7qqAPIlYS0DSIGzVtMxSYEJSQ1kIUs4.jpg (640x853, 103K)

going to blow capeshit out of the water when her next movie comes out

neither are you

Attached: mommytiri6.webm (1280x720, 889K)

This stupid fucking thread every day
the only correct answer. Not even remotely funny on any level

Is that child supposed to be a boy or a girl?

children aren't sexual so it doesn't matter


please do not call Neytiri "a NIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", it's both offensive and incorrect

how meni dais?


Wife material.

fuck lads... imagine her sucking on one of his fingers

Attached: Avatar Mouth.png (1070x1078, 3.32M)

are you Tsyeyk?

Attached: angery2.webm (1280x720, 1.21M)

Attached: shealreadyhas.webm (1280x720, 2.16M)

Neytiri is autistic

na'vi can't be autistic

do they ever show a nipple in that movie? I cant remember seeing any which musta been pretty hard to pull off considering they are naked savages.

>10yr old cgi

why is cameron so above everyone else in hollywood?

They all have nipple textures which can be seen sometimes, but not nipple is modelled.

I think their models have nipples, but the animators positioned their "clothes" so that even in motion they're always covered except in a few extremely fast scenes that you have to go frame-by-frame through.

>10yr old cgi

why is jim so ahead everyone else in hollywood?

based almost similar poster(s)