Just marry already. We know Gaga loves Bradley Cooper

Just marry already. We know Gaga loves Bradley Cooper

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He's gay.

As if Cooper wouldn't be hounding around on her within a few weeks.

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>actors acting in love in a love movie/performance

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Gaga’s ovaries exploded during their live performance

>tfw I use a Snapchat filter
>turns me into a women
>I look like lady Gaga
>get turned on a little


You don't belong here. Take your ill-earned dubs and gtfo

user Bradley Cooper is one of the biggest fags in Hollywood.

The stories I’ve heard say he is one of the best dick suckers in the industry.

Maybe it's a sign that you should transition?

I think it’s my cheeks bones and my nose


She's gross, just like Miley Cyrus, there's no appeal for such whores.

Tell those stories.

I'd let gaga rip, tear & prolapse my shitbox with monstrous strapons. . . If you know what I mean.

explains how he's got so many leading man roles
sorry brad


Dude very much likes the peepee

>He has been nominated for many awards, including seven Academy Awards
i'll bet

> lady gaga has really beautiful feet
> bradley cooper has a strong foot fetish according to multiple sources

They might not marry but he’s for sure fucked her balls deep while her toes were in his mouth.


Attached: gaga ass.jpg (1200x1818, 423K)

>opens a webm of a guy licking a bara dude
>suddenly felt a stir in me groins

What did you fucks did to me?

she cried #metoo and blames her fibromyalgia on the alleged rape

no sane person is going to put his peepee into that

Why would you leave this for Gaga?

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Isn't Brad dating someone?