Attached: Immagine.png (1920x1080, 2.11M)

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Just wait a year and they're going to change the set again.

Can rich do anything right?

It doesn't need to since everyone except you has object permanence skill and know the whole of the table is there when if a little part of it is out of frame and know what the entire table looks like from other shots.

tables aren´t cheap
they will need much more support to be able to afford it.
I gave 100 dollars to their patreon
match me bro!

who da fook is dat guy?

Attached: 16031608.jpg (300x300, 19K)

they were making a fortune when i checked a couple months ago, now the amount is hidden which means it's a ridiculous amount.

Why did they allow people to hide the amounts?

Fuck off e-celeb faggot

if people earn a shit ton of money on patreon, then it demotivates others from pledging. "Oh they're making 20k per month? They don't need my help!"... Patreon takes a cut.

So it seems Mike finally got too fat to sit at the table without flipping it with every breath he takes. Good.

If they feel the need to add someone new they should try and get someone who isn't fat and bald.

It's Earl.

that excludes me then

what even is this show, bunch of jaggofs.

jay already makes mike, rich and beardfat look like a mess

I haven't watched the ep but I already don't like this bald cuck

They should add a tall, muscular guy to intimidate everyone including Mike.

The guy on the far left? Or third guy? Both really funny

Why did Tim sit so uncomfortably at the couch, compressing his body against the sofa arm to make himself small?

Attached: mpv-shot0077.jpg (1920x1080, 310K)

Jay was sitting right in the middle of the couch at the beginning but slowly moved closer to Tim as the screening progressed.

Attached: mpv-shot0078.jpg (1920x1080, 319K)

Huh, so Jay really is gay.

>a fortune

He can't stay away from that Milwaukee daddy.

The old table wasn’t completely in frame either. Why would it be? The show isn’t about the table.

The best part of the set the B O T W letters are now cut off and barely visible.

You just know.

he's trying to escape the expansion of aidsmoby

>OT in the middle

we all know what the letters are, no mystery there

They should put them at the back again.

IS it about the table?

Attached: haaawk aidsmoby is the one.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

When did they get the license for super mario

>show isn’t about the table
Apparently it is. Have you noticed the size of that fucking thing? It dominates every frame.

how was the ep bros? is it a must watch?
only seen the previews not the discussions,
looked meh apart from the 1st one

Is Jay afraid of thise Mike dude?
I've watched them for the first time today and he keeps nerviously laughing at his silly jokes.
Does he bully Jay or something?

All the movies they discussed were hilarious but the table discussion itself would have had more original jokes if Mike was there.

Mike is the boss. Only he knows the patreon password.

Mike is the alpha of the team.

will give it a try then, thank

Dumb idea to put the letters under a giant green table. Had to be a Rich idea.

Also that now barely-visible background area has a generic VHS sign they got off Etsy that you can buy.

Wait wait wait are you telling me there’s something on thst set that just anybody can buy??? Next you’re going to tell me anyone can just buy a curtain and some chairs too!

Isn't Patreon upping their cut soon and adding/increases those tiers you have to pay for to get support?

"Smell my tooth"
Yeah, Tim's off the show.

>wearing shoes indoors
>mike putting his shoes on furniture

>This is where my Patreon money goes

Do you usually take your shoes off at your work location?

Will Jay just openly cuddle with Tim next time?

Last time Patreon upped their cut people got very upset. And I’m not sure how Patreon can set the terms of the tiers people pledge to or what content is provided at each tier.

so that guy is a new regular? already better than josh


>Hey guys, I'm pretending to be retarded!

it fits in the estab shot like in QI and is ignored for the rest of the episode because why would you need to stare at lettering to remember which show your watching.



>28k a month
>336k a year for making youtube videos

You're ignoring business taxes, Patreon's cut, business expenses, studio rent, and splitting the remaining money several ways.

You all realize they could pull the camera back a couple inches rather than fucking make a whole new table.

They do pull the camera back a couple inches for the beginning of the discussion and then move it closer after the opening because the episodes aren't about the fucking table.

Curtains don't draw attention to themselves on a set. Props do. If you want to make your set unique you put something original in there. Not an Etsy arts and craft project.

Who the fuck could possibly care about a background prop? Who the fuck could possibly care about a table? You faggots have become so desperate for shit to complain about, that this is what you've resorted to.


Attached: THISSUCKS.jpg (1280x720, 197K)

New creators only get a 8% cut from Patreon. Old creators still get to keep their 5% Patreon cut, for now.

dont u forget
>youtube money
>merch (they make a LOT from merch, who doesn't want a lightning fast VCR repair shirt)
>soundcloud donations
>used to make a lot from Twitch but obviously make enough without it so just gave that away
>used to do auctions and no doubt made a shitload from that as well

>The show isn’t about the table
O__o wtf dude
are you one of these sickos who were watching the humans sitting around tables???
(disclaimer: I'm not a table)

All I can gather from your posts is that you're jealous that they make money by hanging out with friends and you neither make money nor have friends.

>the episodes aren't about the fucking table
GTFO tableist this thread is a safespace for tables and tablelovers

He was a hipster in a few HITB skits, but because he had trucker caps on, he looked half his age, and borderline unrecognizable. That hair is fucking terrible, why are they all balding so horribly?

Mike gives them 4%. 1% to rich, 2% to jay, .5 to the other two
they don't have to make a table. tables already exist
this isn't a 2001 chat room, quit typing like that

i think it looks great

>They should add a tall, muscular guy
len kabasinski shows there all the time

okay rich

james rolfe

>Is Jay afraid of thise Mike dude?
as they should be


why are your people so lacking manners and dignity?

>he never got in a drunk fight

youre living your life wrong

>Giving two shits about RLM
All of you incels need to go outside.

>green oval

The only drunk fights I get into end with her dead.

You think that's awful, but its meant to distract you from how bad the lighting is

I can't physically get drunk, at best I attain a state of good cheer

The letters were better behind the panel. There is no disputing this.

Don’t forget paying for the rlm website, lightning fast vcr repair website and the chunkys chicken website


Attached: whopperbutton.png (799x574, 305K)

it was up to 33k before they hid it

No it wasn't.

34K is what those reactors make
and some model slut makes 112K

Why do they all sit on the same side of the table when they're discussing? It's jarring

Yeah some of them should have sat on the other side so all we would be seeing is the back of their heads. Brilliant.

based Don Beverage poster

I just noticed that Jay and Mike are wearing the exact same outfit. Is that the RLM uniform?

yes it was.

They’re not wearing the same thing at all.

Sarcasm is the realm of faggots and women.

to show more of the table duh

If you want a non-autist answer:
While Jay and Mike are both kind of in charge of everyone else to some degree, Mike is the boss (on Previously Recorded Rich and Jack repeatedly said he controls the money and owns everything) and in the early years he kind of seemed to have a more forceful personality than Jay. These days I'd say that's subsided. Jay bullies Mike a lot and generally seems a lot more confident now than he used to be.

tldr. Mike became impotent because of the alcohol, so Jay has to top him every night now, and became the dom/top in their couple. Also, Mike appears less often because of the recurrent delirium tremens episodes too.

Thank fuck this is Jack's last appearance ever.

Why are 80's B movie tits so great?

So what fake drama will you make up or refine after the next Best of the Worst with him in it comes out?

>giving money to people who make videos and put them on Youtube

>tfw no turbo bluray release of all BotW
it would instantly sell twice as many copies as space cop

Based Hawkposter

Attached: tenor.gif (500x252, 494K)

Wait is it really? Pls be true

So they'll keep doing it?

>green round table
Is this a Dr Strangelove reference??

So, who is the top in this relationship? I would have thought Tim, but from the body language, Jay might be the top.

i'm sure i'll think of something lol

>jack is back
So much for that bullshit about Mike upsetting him off the show

If you believe any of the “insider” drama that gets posted here, you’re retarded.

Attached: rlm.png (148x148, 39K)


This is Jack's twin brother. See how he's got about 30 pounds on Jack?

it takes between 6-8 months to edit a best of the worst