Mommy turns 42 today! What's your favorite movie of hers?
Mommy turns 42 today! What's your favorite movie of hers?
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If we're just ogling I think it has to be The Tree of Life. I swear she was never more sexy to me than in that.
fucking who?
She was so ducking sexy in 0 dark 30
The Holy Trinity
Not bad, not bad. HOWEVER.
>awful feet
>fat cow
chastain is too much of a whore to be mummy
Amy Adams blows this dumb bitch out the water
favorite ginger
She was super cute in The Help alongside bryce dallas whatever her name is.
imagine the smell
I imagine the smell of a giant coil of copper wiring
>The Help
>also features the frog with red hair
Holy smoking toledos
>Chastain,BDH, Frog Emma and racism against blacks
How did I for get about this film
She was the worst part of the movie.
Tree of Life.
Lovable slightly dumb bimbos with hearts of gold is my fetish bruh
How could a woman who looks like that end up a childless unmarried crazy cat lady?
Bryce >Jessica (mask) Chastain
Tree of Life
Peak mommykino
Her name is Bryce Salad Howard
did her husband fuck her for her birthday at least?
>Coalburner leftist whore
What about no.
She's married with a daughter.
She adopted some mutt didnt she
not bad... HOWEVER
based and redpilled
>me in the baby carrier
Most impressive... HOWEVER
right is so fucking ugly lmao
She's aunty. Mommy is BDH
Ok Jenna.
Her name is Bryce Salad Howard.
Incorrect. BDH is aunty and Hendricks is mommy.
BDHis Bryce Salad Howard.
>We have to fight these feelings Bryce. I mean it's just not right we're sisters.
>Come on Jess just give in. I know you want it just as much as I do. No one has to find out.
>that stomach fat
Oh no no no no
Is she trying to attract black people with that bag?
Redpill me on the Mommy Cinematic Universe.
>those ears
Now I understand why she always keeps them covered.
I like ZD30 and Interstellar isnt bad, but I fap to her in Molly's Game more like Mommys Game
do they fuck?
Lol no. Chastain is the original Mommy
>tfw she will never be your mommy
Fuck, kill, marry
this is me mum say sumthing noice
I want to fuck your mom?
>that MMA fighter ear
What in the world?
Post more redheads and gingers
Why? What will you do with the pictures?
More like Dodge Salad Howard
That's creepy. I liked her more 15 years ago.
Feminist hag. Hendricks, Fisher, Adams and Howard are better
Jolene or Tree of Life
>dude cleaning up the sidewalk that gross roastie whore walked on
I agree
>not enjoying Christina going full mommy mode
very gay
can we get hayley atwell and maybe claire foy added, i'm thinking as british relatives
Swap Adams for Furiosa and I'm ok with your pic.
Does anyone have an archive of the Yea Forums mommy pics? Asking for a friend.
this is what heaven looks like desu
is that the movie where the sheboon makes bryce eat her shit
>Brie Larson
T e r r i b l e A c t r e s s
Mommy with auntie.
Which folder do I save this to? Chastain? Charlize? Or Emily?
Which folder do I save this to? Chastain? Amy? Or BDH?
Which folder do I save this to? Chastain? Or BDH?
Which folder do I save this to? Anne? Or Chastain?
Easy. Save in all of them.
I save all to one folder but name them
What kind of movies does your mommy watch, Yea Forums?
I hope I get a really nice mommy!!
>mfw i am older than her
>mfw shes almost old enough to be my mom
this just makes me miserable, fuck off
nah senpai
TIL she was born the exact month I was.
As a 27-year old man I find the term "mommy" used on 30/40 year olds very depressing. I know that's what MILF port considers to be the mommy age, but still, pretty soon it'll be my age.
Alright, Naomi Watts. I can deal with that.
I'm just imagining a panel show where you come out naked and they rate your body and penis. BDH would be the nice one and have something positive to say to everyone, Amy would be more logical and tell things straight, and Chastain would be the bitchy one that would point out your flaws and make fun of the size of your penis. I'd love to be humiliated in front of these beautiful ladies and having my biggest insecurities picked apart.
Look at the MELONS on her! *awooooga*
Wish my dick was the coke bottle.
did you write that user?
The guy would be a dope interpretation of what Harry Potter would be like at age 42.
Our true mommy is in video games now and I bet you she says the N word.
>was there when this was made
>wrote rachel weisz
feels good
i wrote something really similar with BDH once but i never posted it and now its gone
got a discord?
For my stuff? Not really, but I did post them in a Christina Hendricks worship Discord. My other stories are here:
Use HydrusNetwork, tag pics with all of the above. Folders are so 20th century.
I envy you
God I wish she wanted a young man nearly half her age to put a baby in her
Today is my birthday too
Not him, but I’ll get sad and shout “GodDAMMIT!” Because I’m so lonely that I’m not even horny anymore.
Not sure if it's the jawline, but she looks like a tranny.
Tree of Life obvi
My thoughts exactly
I never even liked older women until I discovered her existence.
I want to grab her soft belly
you can tell she won't age well
Where do you lads get your momson porn from?
blunt's fugly
not nearly as attractive as other 3 her face is fucked up
I’ve always been an ass man but lately tits are making me hard
>blunt's fugly
chastain looks like the joker
pale skin women have a rough time
fug :D
hot older women are so good, I feel you gotta "appreciate" them
Can somebody remind me why I don't like this chick? I mean I used to want to fuck her, but didn't she come out with some brash political stance or said something hating on men?
Anybody know?
yeah pretty much that, just that typical childless "feminazi" type chick. Shouldn't get in the way of your erection though
Wait... you guys really get boners from pics of clothed actresses? I know what I find attractive, but I have to watch porn to get a proper boner at this point. Not even lingerie gets it up for me anymore...
For sure, I mainly jerk to celebs whether actresses, singers, models, etc. Hardly watch porn
you know thats not good right? you should stop watching pornography
Please bdh
I used to do that too... You think I should do that too in order to re-program my brain?
Yeah, I know. I can't do NoFap for medical reasons, so I just use porn to bust a nut every three days or so. But I'm thinking I really should drop that shit and go back to wanking it over models and shit. Fuck, there was a time when some cleavage in a comic book could get me rock hard, and now... well, now I'm fucked...
>no Scarlett Johansson
>no Lea Seydoux
woulda been perfect if it had those two, actual perfection
yeah if what you're saying is true I would stop with porn probably altogether, or just really limited. Also I typically only jerk 2-3 times a week so try limiting yourself some more if your one of those that does it everyday
Happy Birthday, user.
I have no problem cutting it off completely. But I need something to make me hard.I guess I'll keep trying with more softcore stuff (model pics, old playboy stuff, maybe even old capeshit art) until I deprogram myself. And no, I don't wank it every day. I don't really feel horny anymore, so I forget all about it. I force myself with porn once every three days or once a week. Guess I should cut down on the booze and start exercising again as well.
this bitch would be the perfect milf if she was blonde
Not 16, ehhh ???
I would hire all these sows to blast farts into my mouth all day for about a month straight.
okay so you dont sound in too bad of shape, but yeah cut the porn and try some exercising, whether its just simple core exercises or walking, doesnt need to be too strenuous. Get back into SI swimsuit or lingerie models, also alot of pop musicvideos is pretty much softcore so check those out for material
>blondes over redheads
Get some taste nigger.
>blunt's fugly
You gay or what?
also forgot pic lol
Nice boobies
Remove Captain Feminism and Dragon Bitch
>Get some taste nigger.
>capeshit reddit image macro
Fuck! She looked so hot in that outfit
user, you watch proper actresses to get turned on, then porn for the...climax.
You don't know white women, shut up.
Freckles are so gross
I used to exercise ever since I was a kid. And then I stopped during puberty. Once I left home for Uni, because I was staying alone (nonUS/UK, so it's a different system; there's no real campus where everyone stays) I started eating and drinking a lot. I've bought one of those stepping machines, dusted off my old nutrition program, got some dumbells and those stretchy elastic ropes. Once I lean down a bit I'll get the pull-up bar from back home.
Honestly, porn isn't really working for me. Everytime I watch it I'm just embarassed by my weight, by my average dick, by being a KHV, and I lose my erection pretty often. So a signle fap session can take me even 40 minutes to cum. Shit's depressing. I need to change, but I'm afraid that even after getting lean, nothing will change. Why couldn't I have just had a 7.5" dick?
I don't know. I just miss the days where I saw some gal in lingerie with nice tits and my soldier was up...
>m-muh capeshit
>prefers blondes over redheads
Yeah, it checks out. You're the "male" version of a Becky.
God fucking bless you user. These stories are amazing.
You can do it user. Let's also try one week of nofap each month, try to get some 30-60 minutes of basic exercise a day, stay hydrated, Cut porn off completely, and probably dont use Yea Forums or whatever as much
thanks user
for me, it's Naomi Watts
Thanks for believing in me user... Maybe it's just the booze talking. I mean, I did down a whole bottle a few hours ago. I mean, 6.5"x5.5" bonepressed, with an upwards curve ain't a bad dick, right? I mean, it's not Ferrarra's ultracock, but it's okay. I'm not gonna be laughed at, right? And I'm handsome enough. I was, until my face got bloated... 6'1" or so. I mean, I won't die alone, right? I just have to keep on going, keep on going, keep on trying, and one day things will get fixed. Right? I just... I'm afraid...
Well dont know about that, think average dick size is like 4.5 inches so you can thank china for that
Nah, 4.5" is just a meme. Average dick is in the 5" to 6" range. Bonepressed measuring. What's your size user?
literally all of those attributes put you ahead of most every guy out there, you just have to stop being such a pussy and stop being so obviously desperate
Around 7 assuming I measured it right
I know. It's just that I've always had a fear of being average. I can control stuff like studies, but your genetic stats are what they are. I've never had to try much, because things came easy. All studies, all languages, all hobbies. I had wide backs, long limbs, so even sports were easy. This, sex, it depends on your cock, and it's not as above aveage as it should've been, so it makes me anxious.
Just take a ruler and press it far down until it hits your pubic bone. One end there,a nd the other at the tip of your dick's head. That's how doctors properly measure dicks.
Yeah about 1cm over 7 inches. Doesn't necessarily feel that big when stroking, like I thought I was like around 5ish inches but I'm more than fine being at 7
are you autistic? serious question
hard roll for antje
Absolutely based.
That's a nice dick. I get anything from 5" to ~7" depending on how hard I press the ruler. The curve really doesn't help matters. I guess my problem stems from it not feelign that much to my eyes either. I see all those webms over at /gif/ where goes are going their hands up and down for whole seconds, and mine just stack one atop the other with the head poking out.
Well, I've gone to a child psychologist who gave me the usual stuff (blablabla very smart blablabla) and then put me in with the autists, but I knew that she was just telling me good things to try and scam me. I don't think I'm autistic. But when I was about 4 or so, a friend who's a psychiatrist took a look at me and told my father that he'd need to "bring me in". He never did. And dunno, I never really had a problem making friends, although as time goes on I realize I was never their "friend". But everyone liked me; teachers, students, chads, stacies, whatever, so I never really felt I was autistic.Just shy, and when I found myself completely isolated with only the chans as social interaction, and a wider selection of food, booze and distractions, I went off the deep end.
>replace the one on the right with Vera Farmiga and I'd agree.
yeah, your'e kinda losing me there
i would pay a lot for this
You're definitely autistic mate
Why are (you) saying that fren?
Because you are.
I can't even count how many times I've seen you avatarfag and drone on and on about your problems on threads dedicated to posting women. Like what is your problem, learn to read the fucking mood.
Plus your posts read like a fucking 13 year old on the verge of puberty. Man the fuck up jesus, or are you bitch deer caught in the headlights?
...Ah. So you've caught onto me... It's just a prank BRO! You've been PRANK'D! HA!
I really need to leave this place, don't I?
please god
fuck u
Rolling for a nice, big milk truck.
Zero Dark Thirty
please say more
Anyone but Br*e Lars*n
How much would you pay if Jessica was escorting?
L-R Mistress, Queen, Goddess