This is from his Snydercon Q&A. Is he right?

This is from his Snydercon Q&A. Is he right?
>"When Chris Nolan and I were talking about making Superman, he said to me 'you know, Watchmen is the movie that makes Superman possible'.

>"It's a cool point of view to say 'my heroes are still innocent. My heroes didn't lie to America. My heroes didn't embezzle money from their company.' I'm like "that's cool, but you're living in a f***ing dreamworld."

>Zack: "Watchmen talks about comic books in the same way this talks about comic book movies."

>"There is a definite Alan Moore pedigree that has continued to affect me as I interpret these characters, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc..... he's really good at not really destroying it... this is a guy that loves these characters anyway."

>"I love these characters, but I want to know what makes them tick... if in canon it says 'a character can't do that', that's the first thing I want to do. Like, why not?"

>"In my heart of hearts, I still believe in what Superman stands for. He's not going to f*** you over. His parents raised him right. They did the best they could. They have an alien for a child. He could have murdered them at any time. But he didn't. My hat's off to them."

>"So there's this character, who you do as best you can, but he's confronted by a world that doesn't care about those things. He believes in Truth, Justice, and the American Way... whatever that means."

>"We were watching the Singer version [Superman Returns] and it's on the nose like, it just says it 'truth, justice, and... that other stuff.' Huh? Haha. That can't mean something without the consequences of that reality. Otherwise it's a joke. Then it's that "truth, justice, and that other stuff."

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Other urls found in this thread:

holy shit based

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>mocking Singer
not cool, Zack.

You copied this from reddit.
You need to go back.
I know your account and I'm going to skullfuck you into oblivion.

Godamn he's a genius

>I need to log in to copy stuff from reddit
just do it anyway faggot I don't care

Too good for capeshit

if you start think so much about capeshit it all starts to make zero sense in the real world. you challenge that and the man children get upset and people who don't care about capeshit still don't care or treat these as anything above children movies.
still have to wonder what WB was thinking hiring him.

double dubs based indeed

Singer is a better director anyway

Zack Sneeder.

Much subtle symbolism

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Woah...jesus christ...capeshit

Alan Moore would hate this insincere phoney

Now imagine some faggots from Marvel talking this way about Black Panther or Iron Man or Thor.

Reminder that back when thor (the first one) was happening, snyder was shocked how the fuck thor is getting a movie, while a superman movie (this was during the pre production of man of steel)

Meanwhile thor ragnarok made more money than JUST League....fucking pathetic. This "man" should never be allowed to make movies ever again. A fucking Freddie Mercury movie made more than JUST League, or BVS. A fucking Batman VS Superman movie should easily made one billion dollars. Even Uwe Boll could have made this happened. But not snyder. He's a fucking national embarrassment.

they wouldn't because they know the characters really well without having to ask 'why they cant do this or that"

>that Garden of Gethsemane scene in BvS
How is it anons so frequently overlook this scene? It's so fucking on the nose it makes the Christ/double profile shot seem tame

He at least tried to make a movie and not cookie cutter mass produced feces

MCUcks samefagging so hard

Which scene?

That guy is such a retard.

The scene where he goes off to a mountain and speaks to the ghost of Kevin Costner

except it was the 5th appearance of Thor along with Hulk and it was a literal comedy
lol Thor get haircut lol odin dead lol Hammer broke lol Asgard gone.

Doesn't matter if it's subtle or not, Snyder intended for casual viewers and intellectuals to get something out of it.

>let's just remove all appeal/charm from this legacied fantasy franchise and call it art and those who dislike it are unintelligent
>it worked for that Batman trilogy, right?

except batman never faced anything that challenged him.
>liam neeson is a threat, no worries this train will kill him for you
>bane is about to kill you, let catwoman kill him for you
see both MoS and BvS had them acting like how the characters would in such situations.

Zack "Kino" Snyder to virgins who thinks batman doesnt kill:

Snyder's a good guy. I like his interpretation of Superman. Superman always represented power withouth corruption. Which his version does, but he also struggles with it.

Back to back dubs

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Alan Moore hates everybody.

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Just league was ruined by whedon. Bvs was targeted by psy ops. I think both Mos and bvs will be re-evalued in the next year's. Man those were real superhero movies

Superman killing zod made me say "fuck yes, finally" at the cinema (in my mind not out loud like a retard). I think most and bvs took the best interpretations from the comic and tweaked them a bit for the better.

People hate what they don't understand

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JUSTiice League was not a Snyder joint. Pretty much everyone in the cast hates what Whedon did.

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I doubt anyone with a minimum of taste would care about superman killing zod or batman using extreme force. The characters felt in character even While doing these things. Superman had to kill because there was no other option and cries about it. Batman as an older more cynical version uses extreme force ala tdkr and this means sometime criminals die. This is just a logical consequence of batman acting like he did in tdkr the comic.

I really liked these versions and it saddens me we will go back to a strict interpretation of the current very gay comic book interpretations

>Superman had to kill because there was no other option and cries about it
Fucking THIS! How hard is it for people to understand this. It was either killing zod or watching him kill all the people on the planet.
And about batman, he does kill. His morals bars him from killing most of the time but he have managed to pass that bar plenty of times.

>"I love these characters, but I want to know what makes them tick... if in canon it says 'a character can't do that', that's the first thing I want to do. Like, why not?"
>"I love these characters, which is why i want to do everything that is out of character for them and goes against everything they are and stand for"

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>see both MoS and BvS had them acting like how the characters would in such situations.
>had them acting like how the characters would in such situations.
>had them acting like how the characters would in such situations.
Dont ever post here again

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>Batman would NEVER use a g-
oh no!

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Your stupid bvs and Mos were crazy good and the characterization is a good part of that

>includes dream sequences in the video
i guess it's you who shouldn't be posting here

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This man is a national treasure.

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Tonight was just about Watchmen, tomorrow's BVS screening is going to be absolutely insane.

Attached: zackwatchmen.jpg (1024x460, 46K)

>"It's a cool point of view to say 'my heroes are still innocent. My heroes didn't lie to America. My heroes didn't embezzle money from their company.' I'm like "that's cool, but you're living in a f***ing dreamworld."
This is a wrong quote, he sounds like a braindead retard with slurred speech when he says that. He says
>"Its a cool point of view... to be like my heroes are still innocent.....y'know?...... My heroes didn't .........fuckin..... lie to america, my heroes didn't...... y'know... embezzle money from their corp- my heroes didn't... fuckin..... commit atrocities and i'm like "that's cool, but you're living in a fucking dreamworld."
All the while the retards in the audience are continuously laughing

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>Knightmare scene
Do you know what the fuck you're talking about? Have you even watched the movie?

>Snydercon is an actual thing

>They have an alien for a child. He could have murdered them at any time. But he didn't. My hat's off to them.
lmao it's a comic book Zack
what a manchild

He is right. Old Superman movies are too nice and dosen't take anything seriously. Not even the main character.

Man of Steel was more like John Byrne Superman. Not perfect boyscout, but man of steel. But people wanted old Superman with no flaws.

Does Snydercon have a Injustice tournament?

So, do people who actually for real unironically believe that Snyder isn't talentless retard exist or every single one thread is full of shitposters?

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It was the only video i could quickly find that didn't have a long intro or intermissions in it retard, not to mention that it doesn't matter since it has a Batman that is in barely any way different from the awake batman other than design, it doesn't affect the point i made if taken away and even if its left in it is a retarded and useless scene since it still shows a complete lack of understanding of Batman
Nice attempt to try moving the goalpost though

dawn of the dead, 300, and watchmen (director's cut) are perfectly fine movies

shame he burned out after that, and haven't done anything remotely good since then

>if in canon it says 'a character can't do that', that's the first thing I want to do
Yeah, it's a great idea to have everyone be out of character... This guy is such a fucking retard.

Dawn of the dead is like the only movie you see he at least tried to do, everything else is the same shit.

300 is the stupidest shit ever, but hey, that's the source material he had. And that's when his style of muted slowmo diarrhea started. Without every other later movie existing it would be at least decent negative IQ flick. But now it is complete shit.

Watchmen is just him butchering source material from great to "ok" by being manbaby retard who needs to constantly screech "comic books are for kids"

>Changes goal post
>then accuses other of moving goalpost
Also, if the fact that batman does kill disturbs you, or you believe batman shouldn't kill, especially and old and experienced batman who've seen it all, I think you're the one who don't understand batman.

well probably cause he doesn't give a shit anymore about scumbags. he says criminals are like weeds earlier. we are criminals alfred we have always been nothing has changed but in fact he has grown more paranoid and fucking brutal ever since Superman showed and blackzero event happens
the whole movie is about how batman lost his way and seeing how superman sacrifices in the end and seeing how good he his makes him change again.

>they know the characters really well
cool story

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>Snyder is still a shithead who should stay away from DC
good to know
he talks about Alan Moore but Alan Moore did two of the best Superman stories ever made without doing any of that stupid shit, bit honoring the characters and what he stands for, which Snyder mocks


I feel embarassed for liking Man of Steel after reading this

Everyone was shocked Thor had a movie.

How the fuck did i change the goalpost? You or the one i was replying to, was the one who only replied to the dream sequence part and nothing else, acting as if that changes anything
>or you believe batman shouldn't kill,
Yes Batman shouldn't kill, thats the one big constant of his character and one that some of the best Batman stories build off
>old and experienced batman who've seen it all, I think you're the one who don't understand batman.
You're referring to Frank Miller's Batman aren't you, just like what Zack is doing. Ask me how i know that you've only seen a summary of it or at best watched the animated movie. Its because even there Batman doesn't kill, or at least does his best not to. He struggles with it and deeply thinks about crossing the line, but he never does, not until he meets the Joker again and even then he couldn't bring himself to finish the job, which the Joker even makes fun of. Only after the Joker gave himself the rest and made it look like Batman did it, do the police add murder to his charges. Meanwhile Zack has said that:
>"I perceive it as him not killing directly, but if the bad guy’s are associated with a thing that happens to blow up, he would say that that’s not really my problem."
i.e. its that Batman just doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone and is completely apathetic towards deaths caused by him. THAT goes not only against Batman's no kill rule but completely against his character in ANY iteration. Even in the stories where he does kill or contemplates killing, he still cares. But what do you expect from Zack the Hack, the guy who thinks this is ok because he saw Batman killing montages on youtube.

This is objectively correct

I love this man.

Yes dude, Batman is not a pussy in comics.

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You and me both, bro.

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No it's not. Nothing of what cuck said is objective.

I hate this edgy fag so much

>“Once you’ve lost your virginity to this fucking movie and then you come to me and go “my superhero wouldn’t do this” like come ON”

what did he mean by this

Snyder didn't direct JUST.

I don’t believe he’s talented. I know he is.

>Pictured: Not Jesus.

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You mean story where Superman friends were brutally murdered which made him to tip off and kill Mxyptlk and poison himself with Gold Kryptonite?

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>I hate this edgy fag so much

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Which comic is this ?

A very old Iron Man from back in the mid-70s.

Even in this literal who comic you pulled out of your ass Batman still shows remorse and disgust for his actions and only uses it as a last resort
Not to mention that as far as i can tell, this is from Legends of the Dark Knight which were as far as i know a bunch of self contained short stories inspired by Tim Burtons movie with a different team every time and definitely not important to the overall Batman canon. The only thing you've shown is that you're retarded.

>excuses and mental gymnastics
Just what I expected

Except for all of it you tasteless reddit slime

Snyder should unironically have sex

>Batman would NEVER use a g-
No one says this; its Batman would never KILL
You think the worlds greatest detective, a master of cqc and hand to hand, wouldnt train himself, in the event of using all of his gadgetry, in firearms, in the event of disarming some thug and needing long range?
Even in the image you posted, batman has darkseid, one of the most powerful beings in the universe, a genocidal mass murderer and torturer, he has him dead to rights. He shoots him in the shoulder.
Even in Injustice, a series where multiple characters break the code, batman stands true.

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Main canon:

>Batman locks KGBeast in a subterranean tunnel and leaves him to die, only for it to be retconned in a later issue.

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Why didn't he watch the Justice League cartoon?

>with a different team every time and definitely not important to the overall Batman canon
Oh but this 5th iteration of batman on the big screen is sacrilege for how it portrays Batman canon

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What would Nolan think of this?

I think we should take a minute to appreciate what WB has achieved with BvS. They managed to create a movie about Batman and Superman in the midst of the capeshit craze that noone liked and tanked their cinematic universe before it even started.
I don't even blame Snyder, the guy got a script that was complete dogshit and noone could have saved

>if you start think so much about capeshit it all starts to make zero sense in the real world.
Dumb idiot, that's the challenge of writing. You have impossible settings (magical elves, space ships, super humans) but have to write "human" (as in, they pertain to "the human condition") characters.
Show like Star Trek: The Next Generation succeeds because its characters and actors are basically Shakespeare characters.

>I don't even blame Snyder
Going by his quotes, I do

>excuses and mental gymnastics
Says the guy who uses some random page from a short story to justify Hack Snyder even though the page doesn't even support his argument because it contradicts Synders view of complete apathy

The story is broken on such a fundamental level no director could have fixed it. Granted, he could have read the script and said no but Snyder isn't to blame for this.

>that noone liked
I work with a 50 year old puerto rican guy. He's a diehard DC fan. Owns box sets of the original series, all the movies, blu-rays, you name it
He loved BvS, we have daily discussions about it
I really believe that BvS haters are just brainlets who use the term "incoherent story" because they are literally incapable of having an attention span over 20 minutes

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I love BvS. It's one of the few cape movies that can hold my attention on a re-watch.

Snyder is based and kinopilled

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"It's a cool point of view to say 'my heroes are still innocent. My heroes didn't lie to America. My heroes didn't embezzle money from their company.' I'm like "that's cool, but you're living in a f***ing dreamworld."
Literally none of his versions of these characters did anything like that.
>"We were watching the Singer version [Superman Returns] and it's on the nose like, it just says it 'truth, justice, and... that other stuff.' Huh? Haha. That can't mean something without the consequences of that reality. Otherwise it's a joke. Then it's that "truth, justice, and that other stuff."
Their Superman was practically the same guy, one was just more twinky. Both were mopey Jesus complex assholes with dull suits and father issues.

Attached: Snyder Nails It.webm (1916x796, 2.49M)

>its a Yea Forums pretends knowing framing makes a movie "kino" because posting a single image composed of a bunch of other images is easier than having an actual discussion on the merits of a film post

t. Reddit

yes, go back nigger

>Their Superman was practically the same guy, one was just more twinky. Both were mopey Jesus complex assholes with dull suits and father issues.
You haven't seen Superman Returns

Grow up.


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Attached: Batman kill 2.jpg (400x401, 56K)

You're incapable of either thing.

>triggered snyderfags are actually still a thing

>triggered marvel pajeets are still a thing

>56% mutt detected

Any news on Justice League?

This is the closest thing we got about Jl in the event

The event is over by now?

No. One more day. I meant to say that's the closest we got in the event so far. My bad.

Attached: wdhmbt.png (1204x1436, 2.76M)

Where is that video coming from? the audio sounds better than the stream on vero´s page

Based Al

I downloaded it from some guy's twitter.

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>Checks most popular marvel group on fb
>Pajeets, trannies and nogs..

yes, all capeshit fans are subhuman third world manchildren

He shot him in the shoulder with a viral load that killed him

Zack Snyder is my favorite kinographer. Chris Nolan is my favorite filmmaker.

And the nolan-snyder-zimmer combo gave us literally the best capekino in history.

Just league was Wehdon capeshit. MiS and BvS are already cult tier movie. The death of Superman is the end of the saga, Just League is not canon.

based self headcanon autist

This is false

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He's like Hollywood's Brendan Rodgers.

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>alan moore loves these characters

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>Third world man children

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Why do all of the Supermen look so depressed?

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yes, they are all pathetic

>*sniff* *sniff* *sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiff*

Imagine the smell they collectively excreet together. Especially the stach up in the back.

no, only mcucks

do you really believe that

Attached: yikes.jpg (871x538, 80K)

Yes, you are very insecure bunch.

why would I be watching capeshit garbage

Attached: zack-snyder-fans-are-asking-warner-bros-to-releas-2-5774-1516111738-1_dblbig.jpg (625x415, 261K)

And this is literally the face of a snyder hater.

Attached: Pd5PJlLK_400x400.png (400x400, 267K)

Because only mcuck will care enough to answer with those pics. You stalk people constantly.

You got any high res? Especially of that, umm, wonder woman?

Yeah, the kind of intellectuals you can find drinking red wine a 7am, in a bar

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You are all of the same subhuman breed

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It's amazing this retard had total control over a half billion project like bvs. What a fucking joke.

Was she the one who said she was glad Snyder's daughter killed herself?

I get that you're trying to troll or push some stupid nazi redpill agenda or whatver, but you have to have at least a tenuous grasp of reality to be effective. You can't just say, "The sky is GREEN Faggots."

That's what you're doing now. Everyone knows Snyder sucks. Just stop. It's pathetic. Sorry to mog you so hard and pwn your asshole, but someone needed to tell (you) that you have pathetic skills.

Attached: cis.gif (237x240, 1.96M)

>everyone knows
Imagine being this insecure

I don’t know but Lindsey Ellis said she thinks Snyder hates his dead mom

Attached: BR.png (630x472, 397K)

It doesn't take skill to just speak the truth. I've lost count of how many times I've watched MoS and BvS, and my appreciation of them and their attention to detail only grows.

Yep that's the one. And she shamelessly labels snyder fans as toxic

Fucking hell, how can one man be so based?

>151 posts
>67 unique IPs
Curious how these threads are always samefag city.

>"It's a cool point of view to say 'my heroes are still innocent. My heroes didn't lie to America. My heroes didn't embezzle money from their company.' I'm like "that's cool, but you're living in a f***ing dreamworld."
kek he shut all the soinerds down with that single comment

Basically Fukunaga fucked over Snyder so hard, or I might have gotten that WB Heads name wrong but some Jap. If he allowed the Snyder cut of BvS to be theatrical and 3 hours it would have been seen as at least a interesting attempt 7.4/10 level and possibly a masterpiece to some people.

Also another thing, BvS wasn't as bad a movie as critics said a lot of people always get obsessed over the 20% RT score but most people I have known thought it was a decent flick that got better on second viewing.

Also I think but cannot prove Joss Whedon hoped to destroy Justice League so he would get back into Marvels good graces after Age of Ultron. Not going to be surprised if James Gunn does the same thing.

>posting more than once is samefagging.

Why didn't they just go full Injustice for the live action movies? Would have been a much better storyline than whatever bullshit Snyder can come up with

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3rd Justice League would've been.

Injustice was exactly what Snyder was gouing for though. It's just that we never got to see his actual vision because of WB breathing down his neck.
Fuck man. They should've at least let him finish his story arc. I bet all three of HIS JL movies would've made at least a billion each. Blu-ray sales would've been off the charts to because of snyder.

How come no one from Yea Forums went to these screenings?

Speaking for myself, I'm halfway across the country from them. I would have loved to go.

I live in Europe

I'm tired of all the hate of these movies. Yeah I get people don't like it, but I'm just can't be bothered to talk to anyone about it.

Even in person, people look at me like I'm crazy when I mention I like MoS or BvS. I don't spout essays, I just say I like those movies and people get offended.

Would've been nice to talk to others who liked it.

You're not alone, man. I actually school people on them. I don't give a shit.

>subhuman breed
No native English speaker phrases shit like this.

Imagine being Nolan and having to speak to Zack Snyder as an equal. A mongoloid who tells you that the way you make a character dark is putting that character in prison and having an anal rape scene.

Fucking hell.

I'm tired of capeshit but I would like to see some capeshit minus the capes and tights and more dark and gritty shit like watchmen but were not gonna get it because these other slutfuck movies are family friendly fagjerks that make retard money off retard people.

>Imagine being a fat neckbeard who lives in his moms basement thinking Nolan did not handpicked snyder to realm a movie which he helped create, because he knew his limits and that only Snyder could do justice to his vison.
Sucks to be you.

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this is b8

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