ITT movies you've seen dozens of times for some reason

ITT movies you've seen dozens of times for some reason

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man even I only saw that shit once


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Tokyo Drift

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I think I've seen this more than any other movie in my life, at least 50 times

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Been watching aliens at least half a dozen times every year since the 80s.

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Hudson Hawk

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City Slickers

i don't know why. maybe fuck you

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Family tradition to watch this flick when we go to the lakes.

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reason: its a fantastic film

the qt girl from survivor was hot

Predator and T2 because they were my favorites as a kid. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, watched it countless times in middle school.

Iron Man 1

My roommate in college played that shit non-stop. I have no fucking clue why. He would watch it every second he was awake and it was always like he was seeing it for the first time. I hope he's dead now.

my 4 year old is addicted to it for some reason

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You are me

"That's a huge bitch!"

you're raising a sick kid

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I watched Short Circuit 2 every day for 2 years

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"The Sound Of Music" was my mom's favorite movie and when I was a little kid, it was regularly on tv and I had no choice but to watch or watch nothing at all.

I must have seen this movie a more than a dozen times.

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The count of monte cristo (2002) and a series of unfortunate events. They're too comfy.

This is another one I've seen well over 50 times. Not a great movie in retrospect compared to Big Trouble

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Fun fact. Only americans watch musicals because they are raging faggots

Not a movie, but I had a VHS dub of this as a kid, & used to just fucking loop it in the background while I was playing the majority of the time.
I've seen this shit far more times than any other video of any type as a result.

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I was too when I was that age. Kinda weird considering how dark the ending is, but I guess I didn't think anything of it.


Did you cry every time?

Clerks 2

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who the f is u

So far

Conan The Barbarian
Star Wars 1-6
Halo: Forward Unto Dawn
The Lord of the Rings
Terminator and Terminator 2
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Clerks 1, 2 and the animated series
Hot Fuzz
Holy Grail, Life of Brian and Meaning of Life
Indiana Jones quadrilogy
We're Back: A Dinosaur Story
Jurassic Park and The Lost World
The World's Strongest
Planet Hulk
Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Begins, TDK, Justice League: War
Rumble in the Bronx
Shanghai Noon
Operation Condor
Trailer Park Boys The Movie and Countdown to Liquor Day

yea she is

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>Indiana Jones quadrilogy
You mean trilogy?