>you're gonna get invited to some of these parties called rapes
What did he mean by this?
You're gonna get invited to some of these parties called rapes
All the famous mexicans.
yea wtf i can't be the only one that heard that
really thought his voice was oscar isaac at first
That image seems to be a summation of modern society. The man looks defeated and demoralized. He is trying to keep the innocent girl safe by giving some caution about how society operates. And the woman on the right is just looking at the guy with a sense of bewilderment, like as if she can't understand what he is saying. She thinks he is crazy and probably an incel, too. Very sad state of affairs.
Cut to the next scene where the girl is crying because she got raped at some party by some boy while she was "fucking wasted" and HOW COULD SHE SEE THAT COMING.
>I hear you're looking for advice about college? You're gonna get invited to some of these parties...
Kill yourself.
don't just sit there... smash some skulls! nah but really, post it
Mexican, peruvian, mexican
Gotta give it to this film. They hired mexicans...which is rare for hollywood.
>3 established mexican Hollywood actors
>Hollywood rarely hires Mexicans
I look forward to the day America is no longer a white country and falls from the position of world super power and we all get dominated by the Chinese who take over Mars
That guy (from Chicago), and Eva Longoria (from Texas), are USAians, not Mexicans.
Well California is a province of Mexico, so you won't have to wait too long.
Not the kino ones
episode 18: Dora Runs From ICE
How old is she meant to be? I never saw the cartoons
Isn't Dora like 8 years old? Is Hollywood saying little girls should be that hot?
the cartoons is like 5
My dick has never been so erect.
What about now?
PajhetSo they're just making it tombraider lite?
And Moner is from Cleveland
You got a problem with that?
bet her tiddys taste like milk duds
Why can't Hollywood just hire luchadors for films instead of these faggy wannabe tough guys like Vin Diesel
Based Lucha Bros should be in every film especially big dimes PENTA
Yes. Wombraider was shite
What does that have to do with this?
>My nipple is this big