What's the most overrated movie you've seen from start to finish?

What's the most overrated movie you've seen from start to finish?

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Citizen Kane

shut the fuck up

every movie

ah, the seal of a pleb brainlet

Infinity War

Shawshank Redemption. It's great but it's not the best of all time.



Lord of the Rings


The Godfather 2

>all these Avatar replies
Good job in exposing the redditfags OP

Nausicäa of the Valley of the Wind.

pic unrelated

Bohemian Rhapsody. It was ok but the editing was kind of lame

Its the actual best miyazaki movie and likely the biggest pleb filter in the history of animation

Pocahontas in space

/r9k/ the movie (Taxi Driver)

Whichever yours is favorite

Let me guess

You were triggered by what you took as an environmental message?

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Dead Poets Society
World According to Garp
Good Morning Vietnam
Godfather 1,2,3
Baby Driver
Blue Velvet
You Were Never Really Here
2001 Space Odyssey
Now You See Me
Phantom Menace
Patch Adams

What Dreams May Come


Anyone who says they like it is a tryhard fucking faggot.


>17yo student film tier garbage

Any and all capeshit that i've ever somehow been unfortunately exposed to

>19yo student film garbage

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Captain America winter soldier
It follows
The Conjuring movies
Any Abbrams flick

I mostly agree with this list but 2001? Come the fuck on, that movie is exactly as good as everyone rates it

There will be blood.
The story about an asshole.
Not a man who turns into an asshole, nope just a nasty asshole who remains a nasty asshole.

The Godfather

The Godfather.
The acting is great though

Unbroken. Literally one of the shittiest movies EVER made. The fact that it has a massive cult following with normalshits is proof enough of the need for mankind's erasure.


>Winter Soldier
Everyone acts like it’s a fucking massterpiece

>Come the fuck on, that movie is exactly as good as everyone rates it

well i, being part of everyone, rate it as not quite the mind-blowing tour d'force i was promised; so yeah, it's exactly as good as that

Daniel did nothing wrong


eh, y'know what bud - i was a little harsh with that snipe when i turned your words back on you; it's just i get a little irritated by appeals to majority consensus

so at risk of spoiling your enjoyment of the movie, let me mention that i've sat and viewed the film around 7 times, and there are moments that i still look forward to seeing any time it's on; but i just don't find it to be a consistent work either as an exploration or exposition of the human condition since ol' kubby was still working a lot of things out back when he made 2001 so it lacks something of soliditiy, and that left me rather unsatisfied

Because of most people turning against it since the turn of the century, Titanic is actually highly underrated now.

Black Panther

I felt the same when I first watched it
maybe you are too young for the movie
after watching it again in a post college mind I rate it as one of my favorites now

Seven Samurai. Didnt even speak english. utterly forgettable

Everyone who watches Papadopoulos And Sons without pushing a bullet in his head gets a free steam gift from me

For me it was Labeouf when I tried to watch the dub.

Every marvel movie after Iron Man
Big Lebowski
3 billboards
Wonder Woman
Pineapple Express
Baby Driver
Grave of The Fireflies
Akira (maybe)
Jurassic world
Old Boy
True Grit (both versions)
Inside Out

You are one hell of a faggot with shit taste my man

Most Marvel movies specially Infinity War, Black Panther and Captain Marvel.

punch drunk love

The Graduate

Please go

Every Miyazaki film is fucking garbage. I tried to find one that wasn’t all style and no substance. Only good Ghibli film is Whisper of the Heart and Miyazaki didn’t even direct that shit. Funny how that works.

>watching dubs

That scene where he decapitates the samurai with an arrow was pretty cool.

event horizon

Marvel and DC...as a whole

Threadly reminder that this movie sucks and Spartacus came first.

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That's a terrible opinion

No offense but all Avatar had going for it was 3D.

Ofcourse /tv has gone completely capeshit and nobody here gives a flying fuck about storytelling. If its loud, easy to digest, and flashy its good.

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No country for old men


Requiem for a Dream

I can appreciate aspects of the film. Everyone always likes to laud this film, but the entire movie is pretty much "drugs are bad" for 2 hours. The characters were soo unlikable that I really didn't feel anything when they had to deal with the consequences of their addiction. Marlon Wayans' character of all people was the one that I felt was the most tragic and emotional.

Pretty much any golden age Hollywood film

Pocahontas in Japan


It's also the only good Dune adaption we've had so far. I watch it at least once a year. It's just so comfy and has some nice worldbuilding.

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Not pic related, that's for damn sure

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Mess of a film

pic unrelated right?

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this. boring af

the shining

the shawshank redemption
i like it but jesus christ

dead poets society fucking sucks
goodfellas is alright
the godfather is a masterpeice
>patch adams
who the fuck rates patch adams lmao

good bait

my top 4 in no order:

>oceans 11
>jack reacher
>princess mononoke
>scott pilgrim

lately, black panther, aquaman, wonder woman, and captain marvel are HUGELY overrated; awful bait films made "as a statement" (to make huge bank off of tards)

>read through this post
>realize you share the board with plebs

i liked it but i cannot fucking believe how many people says the fight scenes were amazing. they are flat out shit. you don't even see them fighting they cut around so much.

Recently I watched a Netflix series-movie. Horror with no jumpscares but holyshit it will have your skin crawling!

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2001 A Space Odyssey

5th episode was the highlight and afterwards it became trash

>strong independent lesbian who dont need no man
into the trash it goes

Pic unrelated. Mosta manga entertainment 90’s flicks are certified kino

>Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Why the fuck was so overrated and wanted to give the Oscar to this movie?
Okay, her acting was very good, but the movie is not all that.

Every shit Tarantino made, except Kill Bill maybe.

>except Kill Bill maybe.
Poor man's copy of Lady Snowblood, like most of his films.
Reservoir Dogs is the only good movie from him.

If pretty images in a sequence are enough to satisfy you then more power to you. I forgot one though, Kiki was good. Other than that though, Miyazaki’s garbage.

This post better not be pic related.
If so, I'm going to need you to explain.
Regardless, here is my pic related.

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Mmmmnope. It's clunky and overly long, and the characters are really stiff
Mononoke improves on these flaws

fair enough.
What were your misgivings though?

you're both faggots for not appreciating jackie brown

Sorry user, didn't watch that one.

>movies watched from start to finished
>Black Panther
Choose one.

That's because it's an ok movie competing with regular capeshit.

>best Miyazaki movie
thats Lupin you dumb dumb

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>who the fuck rates patch adams lmao

duckduckgo.com/?q=patch adams review&t=ffsb&ia=web


Benjamin Button

Actually not really. You can argue that San could have been developed more, but the thing that stands out to me about it is how no one was really the good guy. Everyone was king of bad and selfish. Animals want humans to live as they live despite the fact that if you think about it, it's kind of hard for us to keep living like that with out suboptimal physical prowess compared to most other larger animals. Humans don't give a shit about other animals as long as they continue to expand. In the end, everyone is just trying to survive as much as possible. Humans are just kind of better at it since we use our brains and technique.
Of course there is the issue with great power comes great responsibility and the idea of whether we realize our role as stewards of nature or not(which is obviously where Miyuzaki's opinions come in).
In pocohontos, it's pretty obvious who was more of the bad guy there. Miyuzaki doesn't phrase the conflict between humans and other humans but rather between man and nature. In the latter case, animals aren't human at the end of the day, so you can argue whether or not we should really care.

Nobody does but ok

>le all style and no substance
One of the most empty and meme criticisms that only low IQ shitposters make



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Every superhero movie besides the Batman trilogy, Spiderman Homecoming and the Spiderverse, and Guardians of the Galaxy (1, not 2). Also Shawshank Redemption

Holy fucking shit this movie sucks.

Cop throws someone out of a window? No problem.

Firebomb the police station? No problem.

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This and spirited away are the only ghibli movies above an 8/10.

Rear window for overrated, vertigo, rope, and north by northwest are so much better

you have your mission, user, godspeed.

>ayyyyyyy, why don't I spend my last remaining cash making billboards whining about the sheriff not following non-existent leads for his case

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Absolutely this
That film sucked fucking nuts

MM Fury Road. Edgy tripe. When I found out the whole film is sped up 10% I knew the hype was low iq, low attention span millennials.

Jesus what a fucking idiot

fuck you son

Add Apocalypse Now to the list

Is there a more redditious criticism you can level at media? The answer is no.

Eraserhead is his most straight forward movie. You're a brainlet if you think otherwise

>Big Lebowski
This and every other Coen Brothers movie is overrated as shit

>rear window for overrated
My man. Seriously, the idea of the movie is cool but it just falls flat

The dark knight

While I dont agree with you,Mononoke has best ghibli character:Lady Eboshi
Im still not over just how insanely based she is

can't believe i forgot -- consider it done

the horror

the horror
