>this is considered funny
This is considered funny
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so is Donald Trump an official Simpsons character now?
simpsons was never funny
Sneed and Feedpilled
A better president joke
ha... his big ears made him fly... jesus christ.
This is so unfunny I can't even believe it's real and not a parody. I'm as anti-trump as any sane American and this is just awful writing. How did the Simpsons fall so far? This is worse than the decline in quality on the Daily Show after Trevor Noah took over. Are all of the old liberal shows dying?
There's simply a point where holding onto something, just because you remember it being good isn't worth it anymore. The Simpsons, at some point, simply ran out of good jokes and has been running on an empty tank ever since.
kek, based
Pity they have to backtrack now and say that Mueller is a crook and a fraud because he didn't say Orange Man Bad on cue.
He was, but recently was killed off by El-Chucko
because the show is now written by people who were born in the 90s
they got something right.
So now Mueller is the bad guy because he did the investigation and found no evidence of collusion? These same people were hailing him has a hero six months ago. Politics has become utterly pathetic. I’m sick to death of it. Just start deleting off topic political threads along with capeshit spam you faggot mods.
Why do children need more saving than anyone else?
>I'm as anti-trump as any sane American
So, not very.
Damn, did that age poorly.
Trump wasn't exonerated in any way by the investigation ending. It just means that Mueller didn't believe he could get a jury to believe beyond a reasonable doubt that crimes were committed. It's also possible that he believes a sitting president cannot be indicted.
Believe you me, there is a ton of shady shit that is going to come out once the full Mueller report is leaked or released properly. Trumpkins are riding high right now but they have no idea what is right around the corner.
user, if I was in a room with a bunch of kids and all of a sudden, something took place that involved having to seek immediate cover or safety; I'd be throwing those kids at whatever danger was after me
So, they kind of do deserve to get saved a little more, if only by default of not being able to save themselves
Jesus christ just let it fucking die
>Orange Man Bad!!!
Tell me more...
>You didn't win: The post.
>he did the investigation and found no evidence of collusion?
I didn't know the attorney general lurked here.
Why can't liberals into comedy?
based reddit!
>I'm as anti-trump as any sane American
so you're pro-trump then? or are you an unhinged russia collooshun conspiracytard?
wait til Trump approves red flag laws that will take guns away. let's see if you'll still defend him.
hahahaha imagine coping this hard lmao
There are still investigations going on in relation to tRump violating campaign finance laws by paying off his whore to stay silent. He's far from being off the hook, but it's funny to see you retards have a false sense of security. Tik tok.
>You didn't wiiiiiin!
> It just means that Mueller didn't believe he could get a jury to believe beyond a reasonable doubt that crimes were committed. It's also possible that he believes a sitting president cannot be indicted.
except literally no one was charged with collusion you unhinged faggot.
you unironically fell for the far left propaganda machine, congratulations
It IS funny. You are just biased because you're pro-trump.
Why isn't there a Simpsons clip where (((Trump))) sucks off Benjamin Netanyahu and then screams "FUCK PALESTINE!" out loud?
what's that got to do with russian collusion in the election? you're just digging yourself into a whole further and further, it's kinda sad how unhinged the far left have become. but I guess that's what happens when you get your news from david brock and msnbc you crybaby faggot
lmao he flew away with his ears! ahahaha
Collusion isn't a crime and no one ever said that it was. I'm sorry that you fell for the right-wing propaganda strawman.
maybe it's funny for a left wingtard zoomer with a two digit IQ, but I don't think those are the standards we should be aspiring to hit for comedy
You can always spot the liberals who were raised by single mothers because they try to use fatherhood as a pejorative.
If America had a functioning justice system Trump would have been arrested decades ago. But he wasn't and he sure as hell won't know that he's actually managed to gain hold of the highest political office. The rich are above the law in America, they own the government, the own the legal system, they own the people. There was never even a hint of a chance that the institutions would turn against Trump.
How is that funny to anyone regardless of their political position? Where were the jokes?
I'm sorry, I didn't know they had made that joke already. I'm not from there.
It doesn't? Just because there isn't concrete proof that tRump engaged or aided in hacking our Democracy (though he definitely did), it doesn't mean he isn't a corrupt piece of shit. There are plenty of other avenues to get him out of office. Just wait and see.
Savage and insightful pilled.
And if not a single mother they had at least a morally/physically weak, faggot father they either consciously or subconsciously despised.
How did he just open the door to leave when it was locked from the outside by the guy who flew away with his ears?
What the fuck is going on with that animation quality?
What would that sketch look like if they wrote it now? Would Mueller be taking the bribe?
>the evil nazi bigot transphobe russians HACKED our democracy by exposing how corrupt and scummy the demorat party are
>nevermind that Clinton received $600 million more than Trump or 75% of all jewish money went to Clinton, it was BLUMPF who was the corrupt one because he did some business deals in russia or something!
you're beyond help dude, imagine being so thick you get brainwashed by buzzfeed and msnbc lmfao
leftards are opposed to the traditional family because they want everyone to be as miserable as them
It seems like current year simpsons is written and produced by an AI
>russia hacked the election
based technologically illiterate zoomers
Only liberals aka redditors watch the Simpson. Low IQ retards that gets woke and laugh when the tv tells them to.
jeez this is just painful. I mean I dislike left wingers as much as any sane person but I kinda feel sorry for these faggots at this stage...
You are trolling.
you're deluded. hope you figure things out. you may never though.
you are a 9/11 conspiracy theorist at this point, guy
That's a $2 million per episode animation
9/11 was a hoax though.
eh, its ok
its not the least funny thing ive ever seen but its not that funny either
at least theyre trying with more jokes per min
What's even the joke?
Ford was a regraded as a simpleton even as a vp, and then when Nixon stepped down he proved to be pretty incompetent and foolish. Someone that Simpson could relate to as opposed to Bush
So was the moon landing. And the holocaust. And Elvis' death. And the globe model. And "Paul" McCartney. And the origin of AIDS.
Whatever logic you use to trust the validity of any of those conspiracy theories probably isn't being applied to the Mueller probe. Logos is hardly a factor at all with these people, most arguments made are based on the ethos.
I just assumed calling him a 9/11 conspiracy theorist might make him consider assessing his views.
>Copying Dobson.
Dae remember the episode where Homer becomes a millionaire and goes to visit Burns?
So when people say “Russians hacked the election” what does that actually mean? Did they tamper with voting machines? Or hack into the democrat’s computers?
I don't know about all those other things you are talking about but to conflate their individual validatidy into one because they all contain some form of reasoning to justify, as all things do, seems simple and even dangerous.
>clemency for draft dodgers
>détente to warm relationship between US and USSR
>protected the nation from the shame of taking Nixon to court which lead to Ford losing lots of political support
>Proposed tax increase but then changed to proposing tax cuts because of th 1973-1975 recession, congress independently passed bill that made bigger tax cuts than Ford ever proposed and increased government spending at the same time. Congress basically fucked his spending plan and he was blamed for congress' actions.
>Set up Rockefeller commission to stop CIA glow in the darks spying on everyone
>Forced New York to get its shit together by giving them loans if they followed Washington imposed austerity plan to clean up NY's budget
>Started Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe with Soviets to make conflicts in Europe less likely
Because he followed Nixon after Watergate and his presidency was hit by recession it wasn't an easy presidency but he did manage to do many important things
could you refresh my memory?
Well Homer gets a bag full of money and decides to visit Mr Burns in order to show that he is also a millionaire now.
you know whats a real joke
wasting two years trying to prove trump was a russian spy only to come up with nothing
>sneed paid chuck $750,000,000 for a fucking shack in the middle of nowhere
I don't get it? How would Sneed ever hope to recoup his losses buy selling seeds and gummy bears?
feed is the real money maker
He was heavily invested into meme culture
No, I am not conflating those things because of their validity, I'm conflating them because they fall under the umbrella term "conspiracy theory". I didn't make the word up.
The thread that connects them is that they're instances where people reject the official story. Also you sound like a fag
>should we put any effort into the voice actors?
>na lmao
>no good conservative comedy
Literally every single comedian and actor who makes even somewhat right leaning jokes or voices right leaning opinions gets called a fucking bigot.
The reason you don't see any right wing comedy show hosts is because they are never even considered for the job.
What in the fuck was that? What happened to the Simpsons?
OK I think misread/missed the point of your post. no u
The Tony Hawk episode was 300.
Let that sink in. That's how far it's been coasting now.
That was literally the episode that made me realize the simpsons was bad. I probably knew on some level it was getting bad, but I didn't want to believe it until that episode.
Is that really modern Simpson animation? Looks like a shitty fan made flash cartoon, what the fuck.
>worrying about funny in the post-comedy era
simpsons should of been canceled on a high note in say 1999. this is just abuse at this point
im stroking my dick to your delusional cope. Please keep posting
>"heh conservatives aren't funny"
>has never written a single funny comic strip, and never will
please will you indulge us in a hypothetical?
What are you gonna do when the next 6 years of a trump presidency comes and goes without prison time?
And for what its worth i hate trump he is a zionist shill but i find the liberal who is completely convinced of the MSM narrative very interesting
now this is what i call bait. Very good bait too ill give you that
They mean Russian Facebook and Twitter bots posted pro-Trump memes, therefore influencing the electorate.
Anything past season 10 is absolute shit and if you like it you are retarded.
so then what the fuck are we doing here? What exactly do we need to do about the president??
you are so close to naming the joo. youll be there in a year or two
this is what boomer posting looks like
>nooooo they made fun of my man crush!!
You should take this as a moment for reflection as to why you got duped by the media so badly twice. I reach my hand out to all of you whos been had, asking you to wake up.
Have sex
>6 more years of liberals tantruming and """rebelling""" through media meant for children
Best timeline
Honest question: what do you call that type of comic? You set up a simple, silly argument or opponent, reply with your well thought out and superior counter argument, which destroys the opposing party, then walk away with a aura of superiority. What is that? A straw man?
The Russian bots boosted Black Lives Matter and LGBT movements too you fucking retard. They're boosting most controversial topics.
Some DNC boomer actually got caught by one of these "Herro me system administrater, prease give your password for repairs". This resulted in a Wikileak of emails which contained almost no relevant info bu /r/the_donald was jerking off over it for months. Berniebros noticed that DNC was betting on Hilldawg from the start and undermining the socialist jew on purpose. Election was thus hacked.
>self-insert character has somewhat smug yet apathetic facial expression while pwning opposition with words, possibly even holding up their fist with their index finger extended in an inquisitive way
What is some kino for this feel?
Strawman is the right word
lol russians allowed
i-is the kitty ok? so fluffy
Russia collusion is 100% boomer
john oliver
WTF I love Hillary now!
Making Trump jokes is actually really hard, to be fair, because the jokes are so overdone. I tried to do some Trump related standup at an open mic night recently and people booed me off stage and described it as the least funny standup they've ever seen, even though it was hours of honing to get the material together. Pic related is the script. NOBODY laughed at ANY of the jokes. Its just too difficult!
Chuck was funnier.
I don't know what to say. Looks like a solid set to me.
sounds like a problem with the crowd
if the crowd is laughing their asses off, scream at them into the mic to laugh. always works.
*is not
Nobody considers modern Simpsons funny
>tfw Yea Forums is actually based despite shillposting
Um, sweetie. Season 11 episode 5 is the pinnacle of television, wait no, the pinnacle of HUMANITY and if you disagree you're a pleb worse than filth.
that is funny drumpfcuck
Why does the simpsons make Donald Trump look more handsome than he actually is? Kinda a weird thing to do when you hate him.
Does Groening actually approve of this shit?
He formerly did, now I don't think he's even in charge at this point.
it is terrible. this is what happens to a show when your only audience is redditors.
Omg is this real? The animation looks so bad
>WoW ThE MoSt ScArY ThInG AbOuT iT iS tHaT I CaN sEe TrUmP dO ThAt
Educated on the topic, btw.
>finally puerto rico catches a break
We sent them a fuckload of money and supplies and they left it rotting in a field to pwn the blumpf administration while the san juan mayor went on MSNBC to cry
Maybe if they got their lazy fucking asses up they could improve their infrastructure to a point where a hurricane doesnt knock them back to the stone age for a full year, but they wont. They will just use it as an excuse to immigrate to a better country so they can put shitty little PR flags on their rearview mirror and blast horrible music while pretending puerto rico has some beautiful culture white people just dont understand
Fuck puerto rico and fuck sneed
Why did he need to be a millionaire to break into Mr Burns’ house and rape him?
does anyone else own a tv?
Why is the animation so choppy looking? Have there been some budget cuts?
I actually laughed
Then I realised that's because I was my pathetic reflection on the screen so its probably that
it wouldn't be the same without the money
Good post user
is puerto rico an african shithole?
American Tourism-buxx welfare babby
They did the same thing in reverse w Comey. All the dems called for his head, then when Trump fired him they went ballistic
you need a laugh track or a paid live audience to make these jokes work
I remember trying to download the 300th episode on Limewire and ending up downloading porn instead.
Thx user. Nixon's and Ford's presidencies were both tainted by Watergate scandal so badly that hardly anyone remembers the positive things both men did. Like Nixon's New Federalism program to give states more independent power, neutralising relations with communist China after Chinese and Soviets stopped being friends and also signing missile treaties with Soviets so US could cut back on military spending or his environmental work like founding EPA and passing Endangered Species Act. Pretty funny how republicans have still been portrayed as nature hating vampires since the 70's even tho they have enacted many environmental laws and created lots of national parks.
Any comedian that opens up with a joke using the word wetback is automatically funnier than most comedians today.
Imagine Homer's house market value after two former presidents moved in
Lol people not being able to keep track of who they're supposed to hate is my favorite part of America the television and film show
The homoerotic Mueller worship was getting particularly autistic and cringy though so I'm glad it's over
Anyone who has half a brain cell would get tired of this stuff after 2 years with nothing to show for it.
That's a pretty bad Trump impression
Oh no no no