It was pretty ok bros, whats all the hate about?

It was pretty ok bros, whats all the hate about?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Pissant little boys don't like it when women can do what men can do, especially if they can do it better.

what I still don't get, how is her falling down over and over and over and over again but still getting up supposed to pay off in the end when she didn't really fall down and got back up? Like it would make sense if in the end it was more than just getting back up but instead being good enough to not fall.

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Became the cornerstone of the culture war, so instead of just accepting it being mediocre like Dr. Strange and shit, it has to be hyped up as the WORST FUCKING FILM EVER MADE LITERALLY DESTROYING THE MCU or THE GREATEST FILM IN THE MCU THAT WILL CHANGE CINEMA OVER AND OVER AGAIN

Yea Forums is full of incels who hate women because of their lack of ambition to better themselves to obtain attractive women. That's literally it. They all think they're entitled to the hottest women because they exist even though they offer literally nothing.

If this pile of garbage was "ok" I'm convinved it's not possible to make a movie with a superhero in it that's bad to you people

Imagine actually paying money to watch this garbage

Yeah, it really does feel like it was all lined up for something different but they used it all in the trailers so much they had to keep it in the film when the editors changed the "hero moment". Alot of the movie felt very "repurposed", like the people filming it had a very different vision than the people who edited it. Just my take on it tho, idk

>whats all the hate about
Wh*te m*n

BvS and Thor 2 was way fucking worse.

the lead actress is a misandrist, racist menstruating roastoid

Oh no no no

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I don't care, I just want to hate fuck this bitch

Brie is so cute it's unreal

>this movie is good and worth watching because Yea Forums is full of incels

I hear it's alright but bland from the one friend that saw it.
It got backlash because the star made anti man and anti white comments, and rotten tomatoes deleting 1/10 reviews but leaving 10/10 reviews, when both are clearly political shills. It's also gotten a lot of positive press based on her gender alone.

I'll give it a shot when it hits torrents, but I have incredibly low expectations of it.

Can you break down what you liked about it and why people should give it a chance?

The only genuinely funny and good moment Brie had during this movie is at the start when she is fighting those skrulls, one of them REEEEs at her and she does it back. That was actually good, and if she acted more natural and on instinct like that during the movie, it would have been so much better. Instead she just looks bored and annoyed.

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>0.002 Disney cuckdollars have been deposited to your account

what a pleb thing to say

It was built up pretty well.

I think they overdid pay off at the end where she just goes full Schwarzenegger in the end of commando and wrecks up all of Ronan’s ships, it felt like i had to suspend my disbelief way more than it should have been held up.

Other than a few nitpicks etc.. it was ok. It wasnt a “fuck u white men” thing as it was pent up to be; it was alot better than wonder woman too.

/pol/incels blame marvel and star wars for being unable to get laid

This but uncharacteristically.

Well that's not true.
But it's actually still a more accurate reason for the hate than the movie being bland.

Being annoyed made sense, she crash landed on a backwater shithole of a planet that doesn't even know aliens exist.

I think that criticism rings hollow especially when she starts off being so reserved because of the backwater shithole thing as well, being paranoid about the skrulls and still fighting her brainwashing.
She gets plenty of characterisation/humanisation through the film, especially once she realises she is human.

The movie was fine. The character itself was pretty boring. Just another Rey/Mary Sue that’s just super strong for no reason. Really hoping she isn’t the one that kills Thanos.

wonder woman movie didn't need to shill so fucking hard the existence of her vagina to gain the attention of discord trannies and twitter roasties

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> grrrrrl power the movie didn't shill about it

Incels hate women. Just look at how happy they are for Shazam.

Stupid retcons like the SHIELD name when in Iron Man 1 they still hadn't sorted that out supposedly.
Fury losing his eye to a cat is the stupidest thing they could have thought of.
Mar-Vell and the Supreme Intelligence fucking wasted at the same time.
Monca Rambeau's actual, honest to god legacy fucking tainted.
The Skrull's not being a power-hungry imperialistic race, but rather being a goddamn immigrant allegory.
Larson just isn't convincing. Period. Not as a pilot, not as a hero, not as a badass. Her blank face and childish voice would have better served as a civilian who gets rescued in the background.

It's impossible to know whether this film is good or not, because I don't trust the opinion of anyone who watched it, and if you haven't seen it, you can't have a valid opinion either.

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oh but did they do as much as captain marvel did enough for all of them to defend it?

why did the cast a WHITE woman??? this is so rasisicits!

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I watched it yesterday. Way better than Aquaman. It has a couple of things that were kinda dumb like when she goes god-mode in the third act and that stupid mohican.

But it's not like she really loves the Kree homeworld or has this rigid, superiority based attitude as a result of her brainwashing, she was just always snippy and bored
That's the larger issue, at no point did they bother to outline a definite character for her that would let the audience root for her and enjoy her fucking around on Earth, she comes off like a girl who thinks making unsolicited jabs at someone is the same thing as being funny. She was mildly irate and bitchy when we meet her and she's moderately irate and bitchy at the end, all that happened was that she remembered a montage where she got up after falling down in really mundane circumstances. Like really, her most inspiring memories were about her falling down while playing baseball and getting back up?

Worldwide: $834,303,835
I don't think so.

How worthy a movie is should be measured by how much money it makes for a huge corporation.

I'm sure it is, but her politics clash with mine and that's plenty reason for me to not support anything she is in.

Get a load of this psychology expert.

Captain America
>Established that its not the serum,not the power that makes the person

Iron man
>beats his foes not mainly because of the suit but of because of his mind

>has a thousand year-experience but is humbled by recent events and had to learn that power is in him all along

Captain Marvel
>Darn gosh, a problem!
>boop! laser!
>problem solved

Well movie starts and there's a homage to an old white man for the first 30 seconds.
For a commie film not bad...

Eh. I thought it was pretty good.

Much of the discussion boils down to the Carol Danvers character and if you liked her or not. I actually enjoyed the fact that she had an introverted quality, and didn't seek out validation from others. (I think in her final fight with the Jude Law character she pretty much says as much.)

Unashamedly, this character appeals to me because through most of my life it's been the same. I was never sporty, I was never charismatic, I was never good at sports or popular with the ladies. But I did have this borderline-autistic insistence that things be done my way; i.e. the correct way. Now I run my own company and haven't made less than $150k in any year for the past seven years. My point is: sometimes the world comes around to your point of view, and there's no point in trying to gain the approval of worthless plebs, which is what Carol Danvers is all about in a nutshell.

Put another way, do you think that Stanley Kubrick or Christopher Nolan were popular in school?

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>Mar-Vell and the Supreme Intelligence fucking wasted at the same time.
>The Skrull's not being a power-hungry imperialistic race, but rather being a goddamn immigrant allegory.
And this, of course.
I'm still imagining how good Jude could have been as a fighting Mar-vell, really mentoring Carol.
Also, anybody, tell me - why was this set in 1995 rather than, say, 2005?

My eyes must have glazed over so much at the montage I'd honestly half forgotten it already.

100% cringepost.

For a movie that's ostensibly about seeking out a race of master shapeshifters, I can't believe that there was basically no intrigue about actually finding them
For one thing, Brie Larson can apparently just feel them out, like when she found the grandma on the train, even though later on Jude Law does the question thing to the skull impersonating her in the shack, so I guess that's just an ability she has. We also find out Ben Mendelson is an alien in the same scene we meet him, I just don't get why they wouldn't even try to have his real identity be a minor, 2nd act reveal

Well that's the entire point of WWs character. Unlike Carol who was forced into the "grrrrll power" cliche despite push back from nearly all angles.

>Brie Larson can apparently just feel them out, like when she found the grandma on the train

To be fair, she doesnt and cannot feel them out,she bumped into the old lady when she was about to enter the train and then saw the same lady aboard the train, smiling at her

> hold up I have opinions about this blockbuster that was 2deep3me
Watch the movie next time, user

I watched a screener and it just seemed like a mediocre cape movie. It's about the same tier as ant-man and the wasp. There could've been a good movie in there, but it felt like they didn't know what kind of movie they wanted. Brie was good when reacting to Jackson and Law, but kind of wooden everywhere else, which seemed deliberate and I don't know why. Sex flipping Mar-Vell was stupid, better to leave the character out at all and have the SI manifest as Monica.

I'm pretty sure even if I hadn't already known Ben was playing a Skrull I'd have realised his SHIELD character had the same voice as Talos.

>have the SI manifest as Monica
Or just have something actually alien looking, or even a face on a screen.

That whole thing seemed purposed to set up her relationship with Yon-Rogg. I understand why they did it, but yeah it was a bit of a weak move, especially after two GotG films of weird.

trying to make SLJ not look 70 is hilarious

Stop pretending to be ignorant. It was explicitly marketed as a misandrist movie. I don't care whether the movie itself is actually political, I'm not going to pay to see a movie when the lead actress is bragging about it being an anti-male film.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-03-24 08-05-44.png (839x196, 24K)

> It was explicitly marketed as a misandrist movie
[citation needed]

>feminism is anti-male
ok, mgtow, there is a point where a lot of reddit becomes too much reddit. you're there.

>is on an imageboard
>doesn't think to check the pic-related of the post he replied to.
first day here?

>hating men is anti-male
what's your point?

Attached: feminist vs humanist.jpg (640x744, 109K)

>It was explicitly marketed as a misandrist movie
Maybe, but then too many men fell for the bait and gave it tons of free press. My youtube recommendations were a shitshow for a solid month. All of you trigged fucks can eat shit.

> title from article about movie says the word feminist
That's not proof of misandry user, let alone proof of being deliberately marketed as misandrist. I don't know how to break it to you, but words have meanings.

i dunno ask the people that fabricated it

whiny little cunts will never stop complaining about this movie because Marvel decided to go with a superhero costume that does not have her tits hanging out.
If Captain Marvel had clevage, only half the incels would be crying about it. But because she was dressed like a lesbian every guy you would expect to harp on about how "bad" this movie is, is doing just that.

>actually, non-ironically, believing feminism is anti-male.
What state in the US do you live in?

I think it had the worst writing of all the MCU movies so far. A lot of dialog wasn't thought out well.

>lose the flannel
>she just knows what he's referring to, and there's no explanation for why he even says that

There's like 7-10 instances of breaks in consistency like this in the movie. But I still enjoyed it.

As far as being a "female-led comic book movie" though, I think DC wins this round with Wonder Woman.

"humanitarians" don't do shit but sit around feeling good about how bourgeois progressive they are. at least feminists taking real strides towards achieving equality.

>I think DC wins this round with Wonder Woman.
Though that's not hard to do seeing as WW had a much more experienced director who wasn't as constrained by the rules of the MCU.

DC wins because Wonder Woman had her tits out

I don't like saying that powerful women trigger weak men but I think it's true in this case. THE movie is not that good, mind you. It's serviceable. But the rancid reaction portrays why they keep making female superheroes really good fighters but still cardboard non-character, like Black Widow. It's becasue that's not real strength. She can still be kidnapped by a villain and rescued by her love interest (Age of Ultron). But make a woman stonewall or sandbag a "stronk manly man" in a single scene and they will all lose their minds.

Same problem these faggots had with Star Wars. It was progressive enough when sexy Carrie Fisher was a "strong fremal character" which just meant that she was sassy and could fire a blaster but still got fucking damsel-ed and put into a fan service outfit. But if a savager girl who salvages ships for a living can operate the Milennium Falcon that's heresy. Even though Luke was fucking dust farmer bitch who should've been good at fuck all shit. He just hat the right family lineage, which is what maketh a man according to confederate republican conservative mentality. The bloodline; everyone's always about the fucking bloodline and how characterless must be related to one another to the point of inbreeding is necessary.

It's all too obvious. These ''problems'' and the people behind them, and the secret ideological construction of these fan bases.

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>who wasn't as constrained by the rules of the MCU.
Yeah, it's probably this. A lot of focus had to go towards making sure it fit retroactively into the whole series.

>grrrrrl power the movie didn't shill about it
They did shill about it but that user was talking about Wonder Woman, not Captain Marvel

>at least feminists taking real strides towards achieving """"""equality.""""""
feminism is the single greatest obstacle to achieving equality you retard.
I do live in the US, where feminism is objectively anti-male. I don't know what country you live in that it's not, but in most of the west feminism is anti-male.

If you want some feminist-kino to learn more about American Feminism, try pic-related. The Red Pill by Cassie Jaye, she was an american feminist who thought feminism was about equality until she actually spent time learning about it and interviewing feminists about their fucked up views like pic-related.
>I don't know how to break it to you, but words have meanings
and those meanings are defined by how the word is used the majority of the time. In this case, "feminism" usually refers to an anti-male movement. Try naming a self-proclaimed feminist who supports equality. Pro-tip: You can't.

Attached: The Red Pill movie DV.png (1105x663, 468K)

>at least feminists taking real strides towards achieving equality.
>live longer
>work less
>control 84% of all consumer spending
>pay almost no taxes in comparison

Yeah, I am sure that your bolsheviks in skirts are fighting for the equality really hard.

Attached: women fighting for equality.png (704x689, 219K)

We both know that if you had a strong point you'd be able to back it up instead of instantly spiralling into anti-feminist bullshit
You said this movie was explicitly marketed as misandrist, prove it to a standard that is plausible to someone outside your conspiracy group.

Quick question for you: when you finally decided that you weren't going to ever have heterosexual sex or a woman's affection, how did it feel?

Did it have a sense of finality or did it feel liberating?

>Same problem these faggots had with Star Wars

Attached: tell me more leftshit.gif (350x130, 1.24M)

feminism is literally fighting against equality.

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why is it you guys always post screencaps and not links or websites?
Oh I know, it's because all your sources deliberately misinterprete data and information to confirm that thing you think is happening because you don't leave your bedroom enough, and you want everyone else to believe the same weird bullshit

look, another one

Oh yeah, I remember that article, it was literally the same day some guy from that university hanged himself due to his problems with depression. Reminder that there was 1200 cunts who signed that petition.

I already provided the evidence that the lead actress explicitly called it a "big feminist action movie" you illiterate retard.
>lol dude hav sex XD

Attached: Academic feminism on rape.png (1024x705, 763K)


because this is an imageboard? Why do we even have to give you sources, why haven't you bothered to do any of this research on your own?
Here's a link:
Go watch that movie and then tell me how everybody who cares about equality is secretly a misogynist.

Attached: The-Red-Pill-Poster.jpg (1650x2550, 743K)

It's virtual self harm. Like the incel forums where they share suicide fan fiction. Talking about the evil feminism that is actually destroying everything is very entertaining.

They're the emo kids of this generation, or maybe the actual 90semo zoomers who grew into these kind of adults.

It hurts so it's real.

ITT: Pic-related

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You're triggering yourself because feminism has come into the conversation.
I asked for proof about this movie's marketing and you're still going off on tangents - the most you've done is post the title of an article, not even the interview it was said in.
Why are you so afraid of thinking about your beliefs?

I've seen that movie. With basic logic and preliminary research I debunked the shit it was trying to sell me. I suggest you look at those arguments with even just a little criticism.

He's not afraid, he's a masochist.

>actual actions taken by governments is "fan fiction"
Oh wait that's right, this is your first day on Yea Forums or any imageboard. Here's the link you retard:

curious how nobody ITT has provided any links or sources of feminism actually supporting true equality...

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Its boring

the worst sin a movie can make
like at least make it so bad it's funny.

Oh FFS here you little retard:

>I DEBUNKED the movie with FACTS and LOGIC
no you didn't, you ignored objective reality and convinced yourself the interviews were fake news.

I'm out, you're all delusional and clearly not arguing in good faith, given that you continue to ignore actual evidence while STILL failing to provide anything at all to support your own stances


Why do you scumbags always chimpout when someone points out the MAINSTREAM efforts and goals of your faggy little bolshevik clique?

Attached: Leftshits want you to burn.png (785x589, 244K)

Suicide fan fiction on incel forums refers to literal fan fiction written by forum members where they fantasize about their own suicides.

There are sociological studies of you, I'm not sure why you act like you are in some enclosed group with a wall around it and nobody can see what's happening on the inside. There are no walls on the internet.

I was going to say you're full of shit and arguing in bad faith in order to make yourself feel better about your permavirginity by blaming all of womankind. but your cartoon convinced me.

Women are whores.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to break up with my gf, put on 75lbs and grow my beard out, but only under the jawline.

I’m going to watch this and like it, but only ironically. and only when it comes to Netflix

>Talking about the evil feminism that is actually destroying everything
Yeah, just imagine.

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look bro i just really hate capeshit whether it's women, niggers or handsome chads ok?

It was meh.
Very weak as an origin story. No strong villain to go toe to toe or even break sweat for the hero. Ronan pussies out just because. Why not have a good fight and beat each other to near death and let him escape ?. Also, Carol has no reaction when she lands on a planet with species looking exactly like her. Has she never been in-front of a mirror post brainwashing ? Thankfully Brie's misandrist bullshit was mostly absent.

The cartoon isn't supposed to convince you it's all the other evidence that you keep ignoring because it goes against your cult.
Still waiting on you or anybody else to make an actual argument btw

Thoroughly explain how that movie was better than wonder woman?

in the 1970s, maybe you could get away with saying feminism is about equality, under the old term, I consider myself a feminist. That is to say, I think women can handle plenty of tasks that men could and I think men can handle plenty of tasks that women can; I'm not going to be delusional and think that all women can do all things men can (and vice versa). If a 100lb woman is trying to lift a bag of dog food, I'm going to help, the same way I offer to help a 5'4 man at the store reach an item on the top shelf.

in 2010s, feminism, aka femnazism, is about women being superior and not needing men. capt marvel was all about 'not needing men'

there have been plenty of movies with a female lead/hero before this movie, one loved by many males is kill bill, so I don't get why this movie needed to be pushed as "this female can do anything". I can assure you, if Black Widow was the lead, they wouldn't have made that the agenda and it would've been beloved.

Why is it you gals never post any screencaps or websites or sources of any kind? Is it because you're full of shit?

>what's all the hate

shilling and fake outrage to push an agenda, and when that didn't work, fake the ticket sales

Captain Marvel herself is a victim of feminism.
She used to be flawed, angry, alcoholic and violent as fuck.
In order to make her a feminist icon, they sanitised her so all she is is a blank vapid shell who smirks and kicks ass with zero personality.

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>leftshit is talking about fanfiction when others are posting proofs with sources
How unexpected.

>Using my superior facts and logic I proved that men can't be victims of domestic violence and there's no such thing as sexism against men
Wow user that's really convincing, you wouldn't mind sharing a little of that research would you?

>Have sex!
>Lefty memes

Plz don't lump all leftists in with them, there are a lot of anti-feminists on the left too. Not all of us hate men.

The actress is too dumb to put on a public face. That's literally it. The movie is ok.

You fuck up your line of hiking exactly where any of your kind would.

>we will never get captain booty like in the comics

All this talk about feminist movies makes me want to know when we will have a FemThor movie

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>Make an actual argument to refute my fallacies
You can spare yourself the Ben Shapiro smugness. You're entirely unwilling to change your own mind, so trying to convince you is utterly pointless. No one has made an "actual argument" because no one wants to bother.

Women can't do anything better than men except have babies but they don't want to do that anymore. More like Captain Worthless amirite guys?

watch as it happens when hemsworth doesn't renew contract because he is tired of cape movies

This. It's the Ghostbusters problem. There wasn't really anything feminist about either movie, but they shilled feminism so hard it turned people off.

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>The reason I'm not sharing any sources is because I'm wrong

>No one has made an "actual argument" because no one wants to bother.
This kek. I wrote a post that hit the character limit but then I made up my mind and deleted it.

Awwww, have nothing to say but deflection? How unexpected again. And while you brought up hiking.

Tell me more about my kind, swirl.

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One side has provided a lot of examples, the other side hasn't. Outside of Yea Forums, those examples have been fleshed out more and yet still no argument to the contrary beyond "have sex" or "stop mansplaining"

I'm baiting with short posts at this point actually. You feel like you have 60 most posts of autistic frustration pent up in in my personal experience your kind isn't receptive to "actual conversation" until you're done with that.

A side-effect of emotion-bottling toxic male culture.

nice strawman you got there

nice research you got there, you really convinced me that the feminists being interviewed are deep-state plants who have been pretending to be feminists for 40 years.

Attached: roads are sexist.png (625x581, 271K)

Post faster we don't have all day. I bet you have at least 20 more of these autistic images.

shots fired
/pol hivemind drones btfo

you're acting like all feminists are on the same wave length when there has been historically huge cultural and philosophical divides between feminist factions. you're a fucking retard.

Corporate mediocrity painted as feminist gold.

Some can do ultramarathons better. Thats about all I can think of

>hahahaha you have TOO MANY sources and that proves that I'm right!
>when there has been historically huge cultural and philosophical divides between feminist factions
then show some examples of the feminist factions who actually support gender equality. You can't, which is why nobody has.
Pic-related USED to be a feminist leader but he's hated by modern feminists.

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late stage capitalism

Too slow, faster.

time for the nursing home, grampy

>It was pretty ok
They’re all pretty ok. That’s the problem. You’ve seen 1 marvel movie, you’ve seen them all. People think mediocrity is good nowadays

>huge cultural and philosophical divides between feminist factions.
About as relevant as huge divides between ass cancer and throat cancer.

>you're acting like all feminists are on the same wave length
Patriarchy is the basis of all of them. White male bad is the basis of all of them. Everything else is just like squabble between christcucks about Original sin.

I'm a feminist and I support gender equality. Typically called a Marxist feminist.

Most women arent social recluses with nothing else to do.

Do you really want to know why you are wrong?

There might not have been anything feminist about GB 2016, but Marvel hits you over the head with it. The whole movie is her remembering men telling her she can't do anything, one guy tells her she needs to control her emotions (which ironically enough is the thing that saves her, not sure if the writers picked up on that) and we hear about how women were limited in what they could do in the air-force.

No, you are not my bro, fucking M/CU/CK

Yes, we do, unlike you who has only 'feminism good' rammed into your head by your bolshevik professor without a single allowed objection.

And who are you? You're nobody. Any feminist who matters is fighting against gender equality, and have you ever stood up to them? No. Not only have you never stood up against the millions of feminists who actively fight against men's rights, any time you see somebody who DOES, you call them an incel.

Attached: fat neckbeard anti-feminists.jpg (1827x4043, 1005K)

Post like this just provide an explanation as to why no one don't bothers with you. It's becasue it's very clear that you are just having fun saying dramatic things.that would sound good in the dialogue of a movie. It's basically masturbation.

the debate is over, you lost. If you had an argument, literally ANY argument at all, you would have made it 100+ posts ago. Or any other feminist would have made it in any of the other thousands of discussions about this.

Attached: rape.jpg (480x853, 57K)

You failed to post a picture this time.

Womenz with vaginaz doing boyz thingz = the destruction of America

>hahaha I won goodbye
Literally kek.

>Patriarchy is the basis of all of them
That's not true. A feminist doesn't necessarily think she is equal to the man in all of the same domains as the man; just in certain domains, for example, perhaps in her value and relevance in shaping society. The type of feminism that thinks women are equal to men in all domains is the American lesbian movement from the baby boomer generation more than anything, which younger generations naively fell for and lazily adopted. A queen could be a feminist, even if she embraces her role as the "second in command" to the king. It's all a matter of what domains are being perceived as overlapping between men and women.

Every time I have to remember there are people here who are literally drunk or on drugs. Or both.

>haha even though you've made an argument and provided sources while all I've done is call you an incel I totally won!
this thread is a 150 posts in, and literally not one single argument even attempting to refute anything we've said.

You forfeited.

Schizophrenia - the Post.

Need a safe space?
>>/qa/ is this way. I am sure they will welcome another whiny thread about toxic, unwelcoming environment.

which branch of feminism supports equality for men?

millions of feminists do not fight against men's rights. especially when it comes to shit like sexual assault, feminists respect abused men, people eho watch that red pill shit mock them. The only people sho have lifted me up are the feminist women in my life, and they're aim is for all to be seen as people. The kind of woman you describe is marginalised even within feminist communities.
Also, who brought incels into this? That's a whole other discussion.

How can Nick fury be holding Goose when he has the tentacles carrying and flailing the Kree soldiers? does he have super strength?

>I don't have an argument but I want to keep posting anyway

It triggered the fragile men on here.

Time to do a feminist and run away to institutionalized power to stop whoever speaks out against you, since there are zero argument in your meme ideology.

Lol it's a comicbook movie idiot. Just shut your brain off. Honestly, I thought the cat having cartoon powers was lame.

case in point.
Not that this movie was that deep but a serious protip to you MRA/alt right idiots out there:
It's not "misandrist"when women call out men's behavior when that behavior actively hurts them(and other men sometimes). Example is the idea of toxic masculinity that every idiot likes to flip out on.
That is basically most of feminism in a nut shell that you keep wanting to ignore. When you insult women for things they do, that's usually just sexism because 9/10 it's not hurting you, your agency and status in society. You're just being a sexist that hates women because they aren't like you.

You have a surprising amount of pent up aggression, I expected you to deflate a few psot ago but you're still going.

>>The kind of woman you describe is marginalised even within feminist communities.
no, the kind of woman (and man) I described are the heads of Women's Studies departments, presidents and prime ministers of nations, leading the UN, and heading feminist organizations.
The feminist you support is a 14 year old girl on the internet with zero actual involvement in the feminist movement.
Go do some research into actual feminism. Look at what actual feminist organizations accomplish, how actual academic feminists view male victims, how pro-feminist governments treat men.

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Any branch not driven by lesbians, although any such branch won't consider men and women equal in all ways.

case in point.
protip to you misandrist idiots out there:
Nobody is buying it anymore. We've been going for an hour and a half and the only people who have any examples or sources are the anti-feminists. Your movement is exposed. Keep telling me that supporting male victims of DV is misogynistic or that I just "hate women" because I think men aren't disposable.

>feminists respect abused men
No, they don't. Erin Pizzey, the founder of the first ever shelter for abused women was hounded out of the country by feminists when she suggested that there should be shelters made for abused men.

>toxic masculinity
There is no non-toxic masculiniity in your bolshevik ideology.

name a branch of feminism that support equality for men. Name specific feminists who oppose VAWA. Name specific feminists who think that Obama should have created a White House Council on Men and Boys. You can't, that's why all you're doing is giving vague statements while we're giving concrete examples.

Anybody who supports gender equality and understands feminism, is not a feminist.

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yeah pic-related is definitely the view of somebody who supports equality.
>When you insult women for things they do
if the things they do is lobbying governments for anti-male policy then yes we will insult them. Also nice projection, you think women=good and men=bad but we aren't upset over "women" we're upset over "feminism," which includes male feminists.

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Luke had to be rescued by Han and Obi-Wan you idiot, have you even watched the movies? Luke was not a Mary Sue.

You can say it's just a movie, just turn your brain off. this applies to all genres of movies.

>cmere user lets, watch my movie together

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>Name specific feminists who oppose VAWA.
I don't know any in the current time period, but like I said before, a queen can be a feminist even if she is happy to fulfill the role of second fiddle to the king. In fact, I think you'd be hard pressed to find a queen in the Middle Ages that wasn't essentially a feminist; she'd be a terrible queen if she didn't believe herself deeply important in her role to the king and to the kingdom at large. Different conceptions of what the "male" and "female" constitute appear in different cultures and that directly influences any concept of their value and "feminism," even before the word existed (ideas exist before the words we give them). Men and women can certainly be equal in specific domains as our civilization becomes more abstract and specialized, but only in equally abstract and specialized ways. Don't conflate the modern lesbians' bullshit as being what all movements for the security and preservation of the feminine are about.

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Well huh...yes

I saw it last night with a couple buddies. I’ll just outright say it,

It’s watchable. Are you going to get some intricate, atmospheric, deep thinkpiece? No. Are you going to get a legitimate laugh or two and enjoy some simple sci-fi action? Yeah, you will. And I say it does it well. Everybody thinks this shit is piss easy but it isn’t. Look at Valerian or Ready Player One by fucking Spielberg for example.

I noticed something when the lights turned on when the movie ended, everybody was smiling. Kindof surprised me desu, but it’s a fact that it made everybody feel good to the point of smiling.

It’s not high art, we all know this. It’s just fun.

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KYS Faggot

Sure he was. Bitch fucking shot the one in the million tench shoot trench shot that destroyed the death star just by using the force. He pulled force telekinesis out of his fucking ass of the snow planet, he never even seen anyone do that before. It's even worse than Rey using mind trick becasue at least she's both aware of the legends and experienced Kylo's mind fuckery first hand.

Rey is a fucking coca cola light "Mary Sue" compared to other star wars characters and from what I heard that doubles for the EU book fan fiction ones.

You and everyone else just wish your instinctual opinion was rooted in something more enlightened than that.

>Name specific feminists who oppose VAWA.
Actually, these girls might fit that bill. But they aren't prominent figures, just random girls on Youtube. They're still examples of what I mean though.

It was alright. Not the best, but above average. The best parts were the Nick Fury origin story, and also the cat.

Also the goose top gun reference was pretty silly. Cat was pretty kino

>It triggered the fragile men on here.
The thing is, there was no instance where she was beating up a man to prove herself; like the end scene: "I don't have to prove anything to you".

>Also the goose top gun reference was pretty silly.
I was concerned that because his name was Goose, it was foreshadowing his death. That would be an excellent way to get the audience to instantly hate the bad guy, though.

>coca cola light "Mary Sue"
Imagine this level of damage control.

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>when Disney marketing floods your chinese rice maker forum

If you are dumb enough to believe what this marketer said and used that to decide if you should watch a movie or not. You need mental help.




there are some, it's not literally 0%, but the point is when there are feminists who support gender equality they're forced to the fringes. Speaking of Youtube feminists, even Laci Greene, once the most popular feminist on youtube, got rejected by most other feminists as soon as she acknowledged that maybe there are some issues with feminism, and maybe anti-feminists have a point.

Gal gadot (as unattractive as she is) was just happy to be apart of a movie and was humble. Brie is a loud mouth mouth, virtue signaling autist. Put literally ANY other woman in that role and their would be ZERO criticism.

I was a little surprised by my wife's reaction, who's seen all of the MCU movies with me.

>"Gotta say, not my favorite".

She tends to lose interest the more sci-fi-space-battle-heavy the movie gets (unless the Guardians of the Galaxy protagonists are involved). The fact that the hero was female didn't seem to matter that much to her.

>Bitch fucking shot the one in the million tench shoot trench shot that destroyed the death star
right after he was rescued by Han and guided by Obi Wan.

>difficulty of moving rocks depends on size
I always knew "Star Wars fans" are a bunch of unenlightened Dark Siders who are too retarded to pick up on the metaphysics of this lore, but I'm ashamed and sad every time I see it proved.

I'd instruct you to rewatch Empire but if it didn't stuck the first time ther's probably no fucking point.

But the infographic or whatever is saying that equality is not the feminist goal.

Pretty ok makes a billion dollars. The absolute state of the cucks who eat this shit up.

What tits?

>still got fucking damsel-ed and put into a fan service outfit.
Which man killed Jabba???

S 0 y white boys, and the dark skinned under class

>1000 year old Master of the Jedi order vs thot that used the Force twice before

Mind of a shill everyone.

There is hardly a fucking argument there, Rey gets rescued by her friends all the time too, hell the entire second half of FA is them going to the Starkiller base TO rescue her.

You don't sincerely hope that you'll just overcome your defeat in this argument with retarded semantics.

Not really. Just had to have Fury in the past. That's it. It didn't need the tesseract in it.

I don't like how they punked out nick fury, or how the plot was boring AF, also a cringey soundtrack and jokes, and all the politically correct SJW bullshit with some scenes. I'm also tired of this politically correct crap and being lectured about privilege by a young blonde multi-millionarie white woman movie star from California.

>your defeat in this argument

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Thought this was interesting:

>Brig. Gen. Jeannie Leavitt, the U.S. Air Force's first female fighter pilot, [was a] consultant on Captain Marvel.

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Yeah you are a powerlevel fag.

The entire point of the lesson was that Luke can do it too, if only he believes that he can.

It's really sad because Yoda's teachings are actually not bad and would've probably caused you to not be an incel if you took them to heart.

SOURCE(s) or you're a massive hypocrite.

There's no denying that the overwhelming majority of the vocal feminists today are just lesbians pushing their decadence onto others. At the same time, we have to consider why there are so many of these lesbians today, some of which may not have even admitted to themselves yet that they are lesbians. It has to do with the state of the family structure today. Over the past century, there have been a lot of single mother households and cases where children were neglected since both parents have had to work. Hell, my great grandfather just up and left my family back in like the 30's, and my grandfather died of an illness when my mother was a toddler... two examples of single mother households just in my case alone. It's been an increasing trend for a while. This is bound to increase the rate of homosexuality in children. So I don't totally blame these lesbians today, but they're still obviously hugely decadent and are corrupting the entire Western culture slowly but surely.

But not all feminists are lesbians. I don't think Captain Marvel is a lesbian feminist movie even. The structure of the society has changed and women have had to fulfill the roles of men more often now. Some of them try as hard as possible to retain that former feminine ideal while also adopting traditionally male responsibilities because they have no choice. I can admire that to an extent. I don't like that it is that way, but I can admire it.

>Disneyshill and /pol/tard containment thread
I approve.

>being good enough to not fall
That’s a big problem with the movie. The character arc for Carol is extremely confused. Basically, there’s two conflicting stories going on with her at the same time.

One is that she’s always been awesome and the best and the most powerful but everyone else was holding her back. This is shown best in her relationship with Jude Law, who keeps insisting she’s weak when there’s no real evidence of her being weak. It’s summed up when she tells him “I have nothing to prove to you”.

The trouble is that they also simultaneously want the second arc, which is that Carol has constantly fallen down and failed with her ambitions, but persevered and overcame the challenges. This would be a far better story arc as it would allow her some flaws to overcome, but the movie doesn’t actually set this up. We only see glimpses of her falling down, if at all, and she never falls down during the course of the movie itself. We see a quick montage of her getting up from falling down at the end but it’s entirely unsatisfying because it’s a payoff to an arc that wasn’t set up.

So the end result is a character who is The Best with nothing to prove who *acts* like they’ve suffered through difficulty when she hasn’t done so in the actual story.

>I'm also tired of this politically correct crap and being lectured about privilege by a young blonde multi-millionarie white woman movie star from California.
I personally don't give a shit what they say off screen, as long as they don't rub it in my face on screen. I don't recall the word "privilege" being used in the movie.

no wonder her superpowers look so realistic

This is why I keep saying this should've been multiple movies. It just looked like they just jumped straight in medias res and pretended that the characters are already developed and set up.

It honestly felt like a two parter ending of an Nth season of a TV show.

I'm good at filling the gaps in with my imagination and just rolling with it but I think that's actually unique and I can see how a lot of people might have a problem with that. Like I enjoyed Advent Children and that would unironically put me in shit taste if it weren't for that.

Biggest cop-out I've ever seen on the chans.

>Hey, Jean. I know we could just look at all the various footage of seeing how jet fighters act, does this look like how fighter jets act?
>Alright, cool. Your services here are done.

What else were they gonna need her for? I would assume this is what it's like when military personnel are involved with a movie.

I'd wager they probably just asked her about the accuracy of the sexism in the military at the time. I would not be surprised if the cockpit joke came from her personal experience.

I think it's interesting how three Avengers are former US Air Force. I believe that makes it the most represented US military branch on the team.

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>What’s all the hate about?
SJW shilling for a >pretty OK movie.
Plus, Brie basically openly challenged the internet to hate it.

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I don't hate the movie. I hate the hype over it because it isn't worthy of it.

>this should've been multiple movies.
They really sped up her back-story more-so than a typical superhero movie (and showed how she got her powers in the middle of the movie Tarantino-style, which was a little weird), but you see enough to get the jist of it, and honestly, I wouldn't have cared about seeing more detail about her father or (assuming) her older brother. Actually, I wish they would do this more often.

It was a bland, uninteresting, waste of my time. At least Suicide Squad has value as a lesson in how not to make movies. Captain Marvel has nothing, which is the worst sin a movie can commit.

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toxic masculinity is absurd because if toxic FEMININITY was even contemplated it would be seen as sexist for associating being female with anything negative.

It's not information that was missing but pacing. Time. Silence is as much of an important note in music as all the rest, so it the space between words in language, and storytelling is no different. Pacing gives time to for an information to mature. If it's too tightly packaged it will just feel off, rushed, even if you understood it.

You do see enough to get the gist of her backstory. That’s fine, but the problem is that they want her character arc to depend on the backstory we don’t see developed. You can’t just go “oh yeah some stuff happened that was bad, just trust me”, you have to establish the personal stakes in the story. She’s already past the character flaws, such as they are, at the start of the film, but then “triumphantly” overcomes them again by the end.

I disagree that we should have gotten two films, but I agree that this was two films of story shoved into one.

Valerian was great you fucking pleb

>he never even seen anyone do that before
There are a couple of years between ANH and ESB. You'd imagine Luke has been trying to find out about jedi in that time (in the newer Disney/Marvel canon, he's met Vader in that time).

It is contemplated plenty you just don't hear about it because it does not concern your gender. You don't care about the intricate control manipulations of mother daughter relationships, for example, there's plenty of literature on it.

She hurt the feelings of white men

And when they get there to rescue her she's already wandering the base because she's already tought herself the mind trick.

>it happened you just didn't see it
Fuck off. You'd laugh out any such a defense of any of the non original trilogy movies.

The same white men that paid their ticket to watch the movie, because they don't give a fuck about this bigot?

No, pissant little boys hate it when men have better asses than women do.

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And they only rescue Luke in Empire because he conveniently pulls telepathy out of his ass while hanging from the bottom of the sky city with one arm cut off and he mind messages Leila.

We can do this for 30 more posts you'll still be wrong.

>It's NON-incels who live their lives by what Star Wars tought them

>This is shown best in her relationship with Jude Law, who keeps insisting she’s weak when there’s no real evidence of her being weak. It’s summed up when she tells him “I have nothing to prove to you”.
He keeps beating her in training.

I watched it, even though I disagreed with her autistic misandry. What is it with right wingers and their obsession with synchronicity between reality and fiction?

It's very autistic.

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Then I ammend my statement to 'even contemplated in the public arena' or something.

I think the whole Jude Law thing is hilarious. He keeps saying she has to overcome her emotions and focus more with her mind which is a typical sexist thing, but that is exactly what saves her from splatting against the ground when she's falling and allows her to fully control her powers.

But it's always been the case in the original trilogy. Luke made his own lightsaber. You didn't see it.

Debatable whether that would've worked with anyone other than his sister, but it also came RIGHT AFTER he'd spent days/weeks with a jedi master. It's not a good comparison AT ALL.

>you continue to ignore actual evidence while STILL failing to provide anything at all to support your own stances
Gradually, I began to hate them

Yeah, I don't even remember the last movie I saw that dealt with it.

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I agree 100% with this. The Kree and Skrulls are like the old colonial empires and Earth was seen as a strategic area to hold in their war much like the old empires did with parts of the world during their conquests. I would know because I'm from Newfoundland which was a major port into the new world to control. And for a long time a major stop for planes to refuel for cross-Atlantic flights. Would have been a lot more interesting if they brought this in as it really would push the whole "we gotta protect Earth from aliens" as it appears to be a hotspot for supernatural events and holds strategic value in space.

That makes sense


I actually like it but if I'm honest I was more interested in the Kree Empire thing I wouldn't have mind if the whole movie was the Star Force team doing missions and Jude Law being the exigent mentor or somethin'

I just want the pump ass jumpsuit.

whoa nice butt Spidey!

I liked that the whole movie was framed from the perspective of the alien, down to consistently calling Earth just Sector-53 or something. The story never truly "dropped down to Earth" it was always a bit above the ground. Even the jokes were mostly about what a backwater planet it is.


There's a lot of female specific shit in this movie that's really not for guys. I will say it again, this movie incited them not because it was about "toppling the patriarchy" but becasue it wasn't even. It just sandbagged them, which is worse than being attacked. All the sexist males in the movie were inconsequential. One motorist asshole who gets his bike taken and Jude Law is a bitch who gets Indiana Jones'd in the end. There was no great scene of the female hero being choke held by the strong male and overcoming it with her superpowers.

The movie didn't even respect them enough to depict them as a dangerous enemy. They'd much rather be attacked than walked past by.

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This pic has so much fallacy in it I just threw up

>whats all the hate about?
>hero nobody cares about
>movie nobody asked for
>toxic feminism left and right
>not just feminism but politics shoehorned left and right
>not faithful to the comics at all (captain Marvel being more powerful than Thor or Hulk, Mar-Vell gets turned into a woman for feminist points, skrulls are good guys, etc)
>unbelievably stuck up actress that can't act for shit

It's all consistent. Jude Law keeps beating her and then she overcomes it.

I think you're purposely being a retard

>toxic feminism left and right
>politics shoehorned left and right

T: never watched the movie

You're talking about a fictional character

that image was doing alright until it implied men face equal violence to women, damn that's far from correct

the quote never implied that, it said that men and women are victims of violence but society only cares about the female victims. Farrell says this is due to the rules of sexism, and of course it is these same rules of sexism that feminism wants to uphold.
Since you mentioned it though, obviously men are not victims as often as women. Men are far far more likely to be victims of violence (eg, men are more than 3x as likely to be murdered than women). But feminists deny this and instead pretend that our Male Privilege protects us from violence.
I don't think you know what that word means. The right column is literally what feminists were saying about the Gillette ad, how is it a fallacy? Because now that it's blown over you want to go back to pretending you support equality and aren't just the gender version of /pol/?

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The introduction of a totally mediocre and unpopular SJW hero in a totally mediocre and unpopular SJW movie right before the most hype marvel movie all time

Her shoehorning could easily ruin the movie, the Russo bros knew this

Send you my love on a wire
Lift you up, everytime, everyone, who pulls away, OooOOohhhh
Its a mechanical bull, at number one
You'll take a ride from anyone, everyone wants a ride, pulls away, ooOooOoohh from yohoohooooo

Attached: giphy.gif (245x200, 1007K)

Another well constructed counter argument!

She doesn't overcome it, she uses her pew-pews, which he never had.

oh no no no no no no no!

I for one would rather be raising children alone than being dead, and I don't even want children.

>feminism is an anti male movement
t. Incel mgtow who gets his definitions from /pol/

I liked it 9/10

>She was cracking wise while killing her Kree friends.

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>910 million

You guys said it was gonna flop. Why did you lie to me, Yea Forums?
