This is a rottentomatoes approved critic

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Lol. All fat and ugly woman always use this ultra simplistic style of avatar

>tumblr Disney fat LGBTQ+ acceptance profile pic
Not even bothering with the link that shit's horrendous

She looks Hispanic in her cartoon, she looks white irl

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>Gives The Usual Suspects 3/10 because it was too hard for her to follow

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>Meet the second movie I’ve walked out on. One of the horrible Saturday Night Live skits turned into a feature length movie with some of the most annoying characters ever put on screen. But what made this movie especially upsetting was a scene where Mary Catherine prays and see’s Jesus who is then mocked and made to look silly as part of an extended joke. I’m sorry but NO! You do not go there. Clearly nothing is sacred in the movies and that crossed a big line for me and I was done. This is the movie that convinced me I couldn’t just wing it at the movies but had to research content, quality and everything else before going to the theater (even the dollar theater!).

>proponent of Christian values
Seems based to me

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I had a feeling that OP image would be a caricature.

Rotten Tomatoes is a joke, what else is new?

This is what calls people incel lol

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She gave silence an F because she misunderstood the message and says the cinematography is nothing special because it copies Kurosawa (which it clearly fucking doesn't)

yeah this is her, in 'motion'

>fat woman gave a movie called I Want to Eat Your Pancreas a 7 out of 10

like poetry

>be white liberal
>have an avatar that makes you look not-white

i love how mentally ill these people are

>would have gotten a 10/10 but she mistook pancreas for pancakes

>this has an audience but our girl droolbatz doesn't

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She's transnigger

>favorite film of the year is Mary Poppins Returns
>Hated Annihilation, MFKZ (she couldn't even spell the fucking name right), and Sorry to Bother You

what a cunt

Who cares about Rotten Tomatoes? For real, I thought it's common knowledge. When I bumped into the site like a decade ago, I immediately checked how their scores calculated. In nutshell, it felt counter-intuitive, artificial and left a lot of room for misinterpretation. Who would waste his time to a site like this?

shes right you know

This cute though
More films should be rated on if you'll smile or not

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Silence does fucking suck but her take wasn't very nuanced. She is right that Adam Driver seemed to be the only actor/character who came across as a man legitimately troubled by convictions. Garfield and Neeson felt limp. And she's right that Scorcese is pulling a pathetic cope with his own lack of faith with that stupid ending shot of the cross. The movie does a piss-poor job of portraying the darkness of Christianity without hope because Scorcese has none of his own. The movie feels like it moves from void to void rather than showing us a cracking of resolve brought about by the hideous stress and ugliness of the time and place.

I skimmed her reviews and though in my opinion her complaints about The Usual Suspects were mostly legitimate, I find her hard to trust as she rated it 3.5 out of 10. In comparison she rates Captain Marvel 8.5/10... she also openly states that she has a problem with the murder or assault of women in film so... I bet she loves Tarantino.

I think she should stick to Disney stuff and women's stuff mostly due to the disparity in numbers.

The problem isn't the fact that rottentomatoes reviewers are detached from reality wastes of human genome that try to twist the world so people who laugh at their terrible BO and train-wide hips get thrown in a gulag - the issue is that whole shows, sequels etc. can get canned and not do as well in box office because of some mentally ill landwhale. Same issue with metacritic and video games publishers cutting budget or dissolving companies because their game didn't hit a required score after some LGBTQSDHHDSTDSTV tumblr "reviewer and journalist" gave it a 6/10 because it has pretty women in it.

>rates captain dogshit 8.5/10

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How about the grammar mistakes throughout the review linked by OP? She looked forward to PELLE'S new movie.

Tourists giving (You)s to some low effort Aussie post. Anyone rating Marvel flicks above Usual Suspects should immediately ring a shitpost buzzer in your head.

>"It’s a movie I liked well enough to start but it stayed with me and I kept thinking about new layers beyond the fun scares."

Isn't there suppose to be a comma before a conjunction? Holy fucking shit.

>Unfortunately their family fun is interrupted by a zombie-like doppelganger family just like them attacks their home.
How the fuck do you not manage to proof-read a 3 paragraph long """""""""""""""review"""""""""""""""?