I wasn't going to drink tonight
I wasn't going to drink tonight
Drunk off whiskey tonight bro wanna talk about something I’m all ears .
>DUDE I'm so sad I gotta drink the pain away abloo abloo life is so tough
Just literally smoke weed and calm down grandpa haha
Lazy doesn’t make happy smart boy
Why not? Drinking is fun.
Weed is for people that don't understand responsibility.
I miss al/ck/. Gotta make room for those dozens of chip butty and McChicken threeads, I guess.
Alcohol is for people who try to run away from it.
If you dont have any alcohol at home, you can't drink it! Two simple steps
Trying once a week is cathartic for me.
brought a bottle of vodka to work tonight lads. Makes the night go much faster.
I made the mcnulty thread. All the kino characters drink
How do people even become alcoholics? Just pour it down the sink lmao.
What are dildo's for?
Some people are predisposed to the thrill.
A beta cuck character like you won’t get it
>Just pour it down the sink lmao.
You could do so much of life with that.
I'm thinking of opening my 10th or 11th beer and listening to a Jeff Healey song for like the fifth time and maybe doing a Columbo shitpost again (but those are a lot of effort)
my ass
I have never heard this. You have good taste in drunk music
Should have kept yourself busy until they stopped serving liquor.
he is severely UNDER-RATED
I would be so drunk right now if it wasn't broke
I finished the last of my cheap canadian whiskey and last beer in the fridge, just enough to feel amazing
Bro grab yourself s fucking 40 oz steel reserve it’s like 4 bucks
did you notice that he's totally blind
Is this the real power of incels?
this is what I'm drinking to tonight
The virgin Corey Hart vs the chad Jeff Healy
Alright, a question: I'm drinking, but it's not doing anything. I wanted to be like the characters on my teevee and "drown my sorrows", but nothing's happening. I've been drinking every day, from morning till night, and I'm not seeing any difference. At some point I even got bored and stopped drinking for half a year. I started drinking a bit again, but it's still not doing anything for me. I'm not enjoying it, it's not making me drunk, and I'm still not an alcoholic. Although the last bit is because I don't drink much. Some whiskey in the morning, some wine/ale/beer with lunch, some liquor in the evening, and whiskey/ale again before bed. But it's not doing anything for me. It's not putting me to sleep easier, it's not making me forget my problems. Whether I get drunk or not, on the odd day that I chug down half a bottle, doesn't change anything. It just exaggerates what I'm already feeling. So, y'know,if I'm sad, I get ultra sad. If I'm already happy, I get more happy. If I'm meh, I remain meh.
I'm honestly still drinking at this point because when I go a long time without doing so, then half a glass of ale is enough to make me dizzy. And, sure, I've got no friends to invite me to drinks, yet, but, what if I make some and they do?! I won't want to be seen as some lightweight. And yet I'm finding this ordeal rather boring. I'm not enjoying the drinking; it feels silly doing so alone. At first it made me feel like the tortured artist (well, scientist, to be more precise, since that's what I'm at Uni for), but then it got stale.
So, uh, what do I do?
The people that watch drink have a story to live. It’s alresdy written .
You have to make your own story friend maybe you will like this
It’s a song that gives me hope it’s also kind of kino
can you put the question down to one sentence?
it suck when you have just enough to feel amazing but no more, it's like torture, I've sucked the remnants out of dusted cans rather than face this, it's paradoxical actually
yeah, tl;dr while I'm this drunk
Please watch my video man I think it will make you happy
I didn’t give up on you
Yeah, good point. But I guess I wanted to be ready, in any case. I was afriad, I'd wager.
I started drinking because I wanted to have endurance for when I made friends and was invited out somewhere. It still hasn't happened, and I've really grown tired of drinking every day, as it's doing nothing for me. It's just boring. Should I just drop it?
No. Please don’t. Want to go out and go fishing with me man?
Please don’t give up on yourself.
This, holy shit does it make you feel like a rock star. If you're some wimp who can't help but to be afraid of everything that could go wrong all the time, you just don't get it.
Drinking isn't for gazelles. It's for stallions. You're not a stallion, just find yourself. That being said, don't go overboard.
zoom zoom
your mistake is thinking that "drowning your sorrows" means actually fixing anything or that alcohol makes you feel better
big spoiler: it does the opposite
Is this /alch/ general?
Let’s post kino alch characters
Did you call?
Drunk and listening to Denzel Curry's Bulls on Parade cover.
I wasn't going to take clonazepam tonight
Yeah. I'm loaded.
...I mean the drinking, user. Drop the drinking, because I've grown tired of it.
This makes no sense you dimwit. I can handle the drinking I'm just bored of it. It's not healthy, and I'm deriving no special joy from it, so I wonder why I keep on doing it.
No, I didn't think it'd fix anything. I just thought that, when the time came to go out, I'd outdrink anyone and... appear cool... But it just does... nothing.
Most construction workers smoke weed, you virgin
You’re a goosehead aha.
Do you know what a dry drunk is? Someone who stops drinking and still acts on his insecurities. What are your true insecurities without the drinking ?
I'm done
I won't let this trash control my life anymore, its not worth it
It’s an escape you control your life friend
>most construction workers
I didn't even qualify you fags.
Lol why not you cute little puffer ? You can’t lift ?
>ou’re a goosehead aha.
I have a lot of reaction pics user.
>Do you know what a dry drunk is? Someone who stops drinking and still acts on his insecurities. What are your true insecurities without the drinking ?
Uh, the same as they've always been? Fear of being seen as average, I guess. I son't think you're understanding my situation fully. I don't have a drinking problem. My fears and insecurities or whatever, haven't changed. I'm just bored of the drinking; that's all. I dropped it once for half a year, and then even a glass of ale made me half-dizzy. I'm just worried that if I stop drinking completely, I'll become a lightweight.
I drank 4 guiness tall boys and now ive had two screwdrivers at 2.5 Oz each
my drinking is getting out of control and i dont know how to stop becuase im scared that the comedown will send me to place i cant get back from
i dont even remember the last day i didnt drink
you guys make things ok tho
>tfw addicted to workohol
All I saw from that is you’re scared of being average.
Tell me all you feel or I’ll get bored. Please I want to be your friend just as much as mine.
>drink alcohol
>stop worrying about all the pointless things in life
>reduced social anxiety so I start being open and extroverted
>I like myself more when drunk, and other people like me more too
I haven’t drank alcohol in two months but I miss it so much.
>mfw not drinking
I also have an alcoholic gf and its fucking awful
please just let the ride end
Yeah. I hate alcohol.
Yeah, well, I have no desire to spill my guts to some random alcoholic phoneposter. Especially when said phoneposter doesn't even read my whole blogposts.
I'm out.
I drink every night, like 6 beers and a couple of gins. Just have fun with it dude.
Dude my ex was bipolar and a drunkard she eventually cheated on me ... am I better off aha
you can leave any time user. don't trap yourself or put her before yourself.
>I'm just worried that if I stop drinking completely, I'll become a lightweight.
Which will affect all those nights you don't get invited to go out drinking? How old were you when you came up with this idea that drinking more than everyone else is the coolest thing you can do? I was 15 when I did and didn't realize it would fuck me up and worsen my depression for years to come.
Get out while you still can.
im so sorry man
did she hit you as lot
my gf has stabbed me before lmao
Quit lying to yourself. You love something and you get if from the truth. Think about it.
See ya brah
Dude you might be mad but I’m black. She knew better than to put hands on me.
You let your bitch stab you? You weren’t being the man in the house bro
>manual labor work season starts again next week
I AM drinking tonight!
why would i be mad youre black faggot
and when someone is blackout drunk they arent thinking and they dont know whats happening or what theyre doing
Someone with an alcoholic gf would know that
Man real talk are you still with her ? I’ll give you some advice
And yes of course my bipolar wife lashed out but I didn’t allow that
yeah man shes cooled it on that shit that only happened once and she knows whose boss when she can actually think
i would like to hear your advice
i love opie and anthony ill watch this
you a cool guy
im drunk are you or what cunt
Lol I had a few shots of whiskey you’re cool too man.
Don’t let your bitch pull a weapon on you you ain’t an abused husband bro wanna talk on discord I’ll post mine
yeah man post it
I have a friend who was an alcoholic wife. They made the 'Consiouss decision' not to have any children and come out and be upfront about it. Yeah, that shit's not gonna fly. The reason you don't have kids is because your wife wouldn't be able to quit drinking during pregnancy. Which makes them more decent than most couples I guess. Don't wanna put a tard baby into this world, knowing it's your fault.
Can’t smoke weed without getting intense anxiety and panic attacks it’s a bit spicy
I've never been drunk once in my entire life. What is it like?
sent m8
do it
you ever feel emotional pain and general emptiness?
being drunk is like not feeling that and feeling good but knowing that youre just postponing it
kills the pain for as long as youre drunk
slippery slope m8
Depends, can make you sad, slow and depressed . Can make you very happy and outgoing.
I’ve had some bad experiences from losing inhibitions and having regretful Hookups .
Overall just do it in moderation
Just don't drink.
First time is gonna be cheap. Two beers and you're of. You can't summarise the influence alcohol has had on you in one post.
If you've never been drunk before, you keep it that way. There's nothing to gain from it other than an interesting experience.
this show was some real heavy shit
>Dude, like, weed...
Fuck I miss being 14.
I fully expect it to kill me like it has a quite hilarious proportion of other people in my family of hereditary* alcoholics and if I have a complaint it's that it isn't happening quickly enough. Hey, you did ask.
* I'm absolutely certain of it
last year I finally managed to stop drinking after I admitted to myself that it caused me way more suffering than the few fun hours are worth. I've never felt a strong urge to drink, would often go weeks or sometimes months without, but as soon as I got a buzz going I could never restrain myself until I blacked out. it just feels too good to be freed from my latent anxiety, and I can't help but abusing it for self-medication once I get going. when it wears off I would always feel like absolute shit for days, and even beyond that it made me feel constantly tired, sick, made my anxiety much worse, and the hangovers eventually made me depressed in a way I'd never known. now I feel better than I have in a decade, pretty kino lads.
Sounds like liver troubles desu famalam
Engage for the solar system of powerful ass.
>have to go visit parents the day after tomorrow
>don't want to be hungover
>decide to drink an entire bottle of whiskey tonight so i'm so hungover tomorrow that i can't face drinking so the following day i'll be sober
checkmate, alcoholism
Hadn't done cocaine in 3 months.Picked some up last week. Done almost 2 8 balls in 2 weeks. Drinking beer. Stomach hurts/burns. Probably burning a hole in it. Gonna stop tomorrow but fuck it feels good. Wish i felt this good sober.
I did stop drinking liquor and wine a few weeks ago though. After doing shrooms shit kinda clicked, maybe i should do it again.
can you be an alcoholic if you only drink on the weekends?
literally never drink during the week but binge drink to the point where my stomach hurts for days every weekend
How can you type if you're all ears?
Was your ex white?
I would say whether you drink daily, weekly or whenever, you're an alcoholic if you feel like shit when you're not drinking. bonus points if you start organizing things in your life around drinking days.
This. Pretty sure I'm an alcoholic, the binge kind. It runs in my family. Whenever I'd buy booze I'd end up drinking it all in one sitting. Usually 175s of whiskey. Now I just don't buy or store any booze at home and only allow myself to drink during very special occasions like weddings. Out of sight out of mind so they say.
>4D Chess, as taught by the Master
This nigga livin’ In 3019 while we back her flinging shit at our keepers
>feel like shit when you're not drinking
don't have this at least.
>organizing your life around drinking days
only when i organize a trip to visit friends I guess. then we plan to drink all trip
Dear Lord no. You'd have to be a fool to be sober in this day and age. My stomach hurts too. But only on weekdays.
If you question your sanity you can always go to your local drugstore and start popping some pills.
Don't blame the alcohol. And don't go into this 'straight arrow' bullshit just because you can't cope. I love my drink. It comes with sacrifices on a personal level, but since I'm a man that's not really a problem.
You got left alone ?
Anyone else really enjoy a boozy night in, but often gets an overwhelming existential crisis as to the inevitability of their coming death?
It’s like booze can make me TOO sober and I get a moment of clarity like a guy on his last day of Death Row when he can’t put the reality off anymore and has to come to terms that he’s walking the Long Yard that day.
Shit’s pretty traumatising, but I need that unwind time. Also, actually being aware of mortality may be healthy, I dunno...
not sure how she was able to get away with the constant drink driving
im drunk
You think construction workers are responsible? Lmao
weed gives me depression the next day
her mother practically ran the town
I met a good dude here
Things are fuzzy and light and you're very sentimental and extroverted. Things seem quite vibrant and you get mesmerised by mundane stimuli or themes, particularly in media you're familiar with from when you were sober. Your hesitation is just gone to the point that you'll say anything to anyone the second it occurs to you. That's the most remarkable property to me. It straight up just doesn't occur to you that anything you're doing could be anything less than very likable and appreciated by anyone who's not such a cunt it doesn't matter what they think. Anybody who has a problem with you, that's their problem.
Being drunk outside though is very different for me for drunk by myself. Drunk outside is the absence of social anxiety and enthusiasm for socialising with almost anyone regardless of how introverted you are in daily life. You're just so interested in people and what's going on around you. Drunk alone is almost like weed or something. Drunk at home is realising that random anime scenes represent the collective will and hopes of all of mankind and prove we can make it.
I had a friend that was a really bad al/ck/ and he needed a few beers in him before he drove to work, otherwise his nerves were a wreck and he was more of a danger on the road than he was without the alcohol in his body.
That's an extreme case though, 99.99% of people drive worse with alcohol or drugs in their system
Drinking is more irresponsible though. Much worse on your body.