Is Conan the Barbarian better than LOTR?
Is Conan the Barbarian better than LOTR?
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Yes, obviously
Frodo, what is best in life?
>is one swords and sorcery film not even adapting any of the source material better than three faithful adaptations of low fantasy so good they killed the genre
Both are kino in their own way. That said, Conan fucking the witch always gets me hard.
Conan have more of a raw power. LotR is good but there's a lot of boring stupid shit in it, and it's full of CG.
And Conan has a much better music.
>Conan the King movie never
why is the world so cruel?
>faithful adaptations
LotR is a movie. Conan is a film.
the end of Conan is a million times deeper than all of the LOTR
All the contrarians in this fucking thread
Been a long time since I've seen Conan. There isn't much dialogue or anything. It's just a silly fun old Arnie movie.
True Lies and Total Recall are more fun. Even Kindergarten Cop. Fucking Twins is better.
Assuming you're not just baiting or whatever, I think LOTR has a lot more going for it as a direct comparison.
Conan is shorter though. I'll give you that.
A well stocked pantry and gay company of friends.
Watch it again these posters are serious.
I would say Fellowship if the Ring is better or at least on par with Conan. The sequels are not.
LOTR seemed like the greatest movies ever in the 2000s but thwy just arent aging so well and they don’t seem to be attracting new audiences. Conan is gaining respect as the decades pass.
No fucking way. I found Conan pretty dull desu.
this is good !
of course, also Jackson is a hack
You haven't actually read LOTR
How would you reboot the Conan franchise?
To smoke a pipe, have a second breakfast and to live with no adventures.
You literally cannot. Just like you cannot make second Alien or Predator
>that pic
One of the most epic scene in history of cinema and fantasy. Conan just understood the riddle of steel.
>father thought steel is everything
>Doom thought flesh is everything
>Conan realised it's about both, united
Peter Jackson with 3 movies and billions orcs is nothing compared to that:
You wouldn't
Every character is played by Brie Larson
Only John Milius could do it.
a more faithful film trilogy only exists in autistic fantasies
what we got was as good as could have reasonably existed
Written by Oliver Stone.
A thoughtful man who wrote the adaption of a story about brutality mixed with fantasy. The result is a film that seems superficial and stupid but ends up being genius.
Godamn lightning in a bottle.
Literally best movie ever made.
If there would be Conan 2 what would it be?
There already was
There literally is Conan 2.
>tfw kino like this will never get created again
Last time I watched Conan was ages ago, but I remember it being kinda of meh(it was that long ago) on the flick. It does seem like it should be the perfect Sunday afternoon filum though. I think I'll be giving it another look this afternoon, torrent starting up.
No there isnt.
Get comfy.
Stop being in denial and face the facts
It's fantasy kino, like this.
To rape your enemies
See them raped before you
And hear the raping of their women
Would red sonja count as weird conan 3 spinoff thing? Haven't seen it in ages but from what I remember arnold basically plays conan in that.
LotR in general is overrated. Too much CGI, everything is way too clean and fake-looking. Conan transports you the the Bronze/Iron Age, LotR to a video game about some fantasy land.
Movies? Conan is arguably better.
Books? No way.
>Written by Oliver Stone
we all know that milius did the trick
Sounds like a smut weeaboo RPG
Depends on if you lift hard or secretly buy pantyhose and makeup.
That's funny. I thought Conan was pretty much dead after the reboot crashed harder than a Boeing 737 Max on a bad day.
I watched the LOTR trilogy again a couple months ago and enjoyed it a lot all over again. Some of the extended scenes are far away from being seamless, but the heart is still there. King Theoden bemoaning how no father should have to bury his son was a beautifully shot scene and drew a tear.
And I'm a comfortable enough faggot to also have cried when Aragon told the hobbits that they bow to no man.
Frodo's a good hero. He grew up loving Bilbo's tales of adventure but was really comfortable with life in the shire. As soon as he got a taste for the real deal, he wanted nothing more than to just go home. But he knew that if he didn't get involved, shit was doomed to fail. He didn't want to get anyone hurt and tried to go it alone, but people got hurt and died regardless. He dragged himself through a tonne of bullshit with nothing but taters and some faggot elf bread to go on. He screwed up. And in the end, he failed. He fell to the supernatural temptation of the One Ring and only found redemption almost accidentally through Gollum who himself was a dark warped version of himself.
His reward at the end of it all was a couple years at home before he was forced, as a previous ring bearer, to abandon Middle Earth for the sort of afterlife with a legit homosexual and Agent Smith.
Going by the books, he went home to find half the Shire on fire and under new management by a somewhat depowered Saruman, but I think the movies had demonstrated that he had suffered enough and skipped it.
Frodo had a hard few years there.
I'm not shitting on Conan, btw. I've literally only seen the original film which I would rate somewhere near The Highlander as a fun but mostly forgettable experience as the years go by.
I'm a Conan casual, sorry.
>That's funny. I thought Conan was pretty much dead after the reboot crashed harder than a Boeing 737 Max on a bad day.
Who mentioned the reboot? We're not talking about the film's viability as a franchise, we're discussing its merits as a piece of art.
I didn't read the rest of your post because you write like a complete faggot.
Fair enough, man. You're entitled to that opinion. And I said that I've only seen the first Arnie film which I liked as a 6-7/10 movie.
I'm the first to admit that the Hobbit series was worthless and any attempt to make the tv show that I've been hearing about is also worthless.
u wot? Conan is 100x better than Highlander.
no, he realized that is the will of man that rules all
I think Conan might be perhaps 1.5x better than the Highlander?
I think Highlander was somehow more amusing because of Sean Connery playing a Spaniard.
Hmm. Maybe Conan was about 1.2x better than Highlander. I think I was being too generous in hindsight.
If you're gonna samefag, at least don't use the same style
This is good. For a hobbit.
But I'm intentionally samefagging?
is me. It's a continuation of an argument.
is not me.
I have no vested interest in Conan vs LOTR, really. I just prefer the one that has a little more story going for it. I feel like you might be slightly over-interpreting Conan to be feeling so much about it.
It is the standard to which all fantasy films are measured.
Conan is fantasy for adults, LOTR is for kids.
Nah. No. And if someone did try, it should be a short series followed by a full-length feature movie followed by series.
As in book - each episode (atleast good 60 min) is for each separate adventure. Movies for big/long adventures.
It has a potential for greatness or unequivocal failure.
Conan is for sexist manbabys
>lotr is better than conan because it has more story
>being unaware of conan's superior thematic girth
>Lord of the Rings is fantasy
Good, tilled earth.
>le sequel I didn’t like didn’t happen meme
>I have no vested interest in Conan vs LOTR, really.
What do you mean? You don't own stocks in those movies? Fucking retard.
To smoke a pipe, have second breakfast, and a life with no daughters.
I mean, think about it logically.
Anything is better than that snore fest
Conan is mediocre lotr is top tier fantasy. But it's hard to compare a movie to flms based in elequent and extremely detailed books.Also Cona has less redeeming qualities as a "hero" even when compared to minor characters in lotr.
Get muslim lgbt black womyn
conan is an anti-hero
imagine being this much of a low iq brainlet.
LOTR is turn your brain off CGI spectacle. Conan actually has a philosohpical dimension to it.
Making a good conan movie is literally impossible in this day and age. Current show business culture is literally incapable of producing it. The ideology and martial spirit of the movie is so alien and abhorrent to those fags they would be physically incapable of not injecting a hint of irony despite their best efforts.
it's will you dummy
Nice bait. Literally philosophy books have been written discecting lotr. The lotr books are some of the most in-depth ever written and it was too much to condense intothe films but some of it carried over to the movies.
I mean I'm not a totally blind fanboy. I grew up with Marvel comics but I'll write an essay on the MCU movies I hate and which parts of DCU movies I liked better. Admittedly, there's not much of DCU that I like, but there's small parts here and there. I hate a lot more of MCU than the parts of DCU I like.
not that user, but they were clearly referring to the films, not the novel.
i think i agree as well. the lotr movies lack much of the philosophical depth of the novels, whereas conan, for such a simple film, is actually very deep once you scratch the surface, much like it's contemporary robocop, which was also scored by based basil.
You write like a hyperactive retard.
lol. lotr is a children's book. it's a simple fairy tale story about good and evil. none of the characters have any kind of actual personality traits, except maybe gollum.
>fairy tales are only for children
i really pity people who think this way.
you will never understand tolkien with that attitude.
why did he knock that poor camel
What about Bofomir?
The hobbit is a children's book. You can tell from thediffernce in the writing, the way Tolkien had clear lore and motivation for all of his characters, complex human emotions portrayed in the trilogy. The guy created his own (working) language based on northern European dialects.
It's not hard to understand. He was a catholic, believed in divine mandate, thought that industrialization was bad and put these ideas into a basic world war scenario. It's cute, but it's not something that holds up under scrutiny.
Wow, fantasy doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.
Truly, you are a genius.
Tax cuts.
You can basically describe all the characters with either "good", "bad" or "corrupted". It's doesn't go into their psychology, every problem is the result of some evil entity iemanating evil.
so don't claim it has philosophical depth.
You write like someone who simply responds with "tldr" to anything over a sentence in length.
Lol absolutely not
only good thing about Conan is the atmosphere.
Undoubtedly. Better soundtrack too.
He was blacklisted from Hollywood. That's why.
Literally cringed and yikes'd irl, how can someone in his right mind write such an abhorrent post?
The Conan soundtrack is considered by many to be one of the best ever made. You're really being a fucking retard here.
If you want to put it that simply you can explain all the characters in Conan the same way.
Theodan struggles for example to be seen as string and decisive both in part to the fact that he has become emotionally and physically weak due to enchantment and because he mourns his son and is failing to heed clear logic. He is proud but angry due to long term struggle as and hold his problem against Gondor who he does not want to help even though not helping will be his downfall.
His daughter has succumbed to feelings of repression and seeks to either die or be seen as strong.
Aragorn come from a line of Kings but has been a ranger for do long that he lacks pride needed for a king until constantky coerced into his role. He live a woman who will give up immortality to be with him but he cannot do this to her even though he is lonely.
This descriptions only scratch the service but I'm getting my house ready for company and I'm wasting g my time. Maybe after my buddies leave I'll tell you about frodos and literally every other characters development. I admit I may be at fault for having read the books and have a deeper understanding of the story, characters, ect...
Except you can't. Conan is not good and Thulsa doom is not bad. They're just people. They live in a barbarian age, meaning there is no one to tell them how to act, so they do what they want. In LOTR all the characters are caught up in the battle between God and Satan and they cannot act outside of this dichotomy, everything they do either helps one or the other, and it's presented as the only thing that matters and none of the characters question it.
He's like Tarantino but conservative and actually talented.
I never said the Conan soundtrack was bad, it's in fact one of my favorite, but if you think it's better than LOTR's theme you are an idiot.
>Kindergarten Cop
>Twins is better
Imagine being this much of a pleb
LOTR is söy shit. There's nothing masculine in that trash. Everyone looks like a starving british. It's fantasy for cucks.
The Wrestler is a better film than Conan.
>t. False flagging discord tranny
>low fantasy
Based mongoloid
This is actual, literal, unironic autism.
I for one am just surprised there are that many people who care enough about Conan to post on here.
Conan 1 is pretty okay but every other entry is turbo shit.
I don't think it ranks that highly against some other fantasy films released in the last 30 years. Shit, even the Sam Neil 2-part Merlin TV movie was better. Throw some Hercules and Zena episodes in and Conan is very forgettable.
no, that's an easy no
Conan is "based and redpilled"
I loved it as kid but I watched it last week and it doesn't hold up very well. Has a few cool scenes but otherwise isn't very good. Also, James Earl Jones is hilariously miscast in this.
Can you imagine if Conan was released today? Black people would be complaining that the only black person in the movie is coincidentally the villain. /pol/ and Yea Forums would be complaining there's a black person in it at all.
your opinions are all wrong
>James Earl Jones is hilariously miscast in this.
>open Yea Forums
>riders of doom starts playing
It's kind of weird watching an older fantasy movie like Conan after getting used to the lush landscapes of LOTR. The world of Conan just seems a lot more bleak somehow - apart from the opening scenes in the forest, almost the entire movie takes place in either desert or some canyon.
Animation adaption was also ABSOLUTE KINO
peter jackson lotr is shit, so yes, Conan is a superior film, franchise and mythos
when will we be ready to admit that Conan is shit?
I admit
my first boner when I was 9 or 10
reddit poster
Conan's is not a fantastical warm world of beauty and reflection, it is one wrought in blood, supped on foraging, and bathed in an atmosphere of desolation and purpose.
>thematic girth
sounds like you have an oral fixation
conan is not an anti-hero, just a barbarian, not everything has to be re-written on the terms of capeshit
bangin' witch titties > samwise spooning frodo
lotr characters are archetypal, you are not supposed to find all the different dimensions of human nature in one character, but across characters
>Conan is not good
>Thulsa doom is not bad
lol, he literally worships a god of evil
I kind of got that impression, yes. It is not a nice place to live.
for you
This is a horrible post.
>Conan's world is bleak and cold
Absolute faggots. The scene with Conan and Subotai running through plains in the sunset shows a more beautiful scenery than any of the Jackson tourism shots that make Middle Earth look like an amusement park.
Ment to quote
why can't the people on Yea Forums read?
this is too consistent a problem to be an anomaly
>brainlet lashes in anguish
archtypal is synonymous with poorly written.
It's a snake, it's not evil. He's dominated by his reptillian brain, concerned with pleasure and power. There is no metaphysically evil quality about him
These are the people whose only reading experience is glancing over shitposts on 4channel.
Which LotR?
Conan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bakshi's LotR>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>caca de perro>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jackson's LotR
They tried, it was bad
Shore's LotR music is brilliant, but Poledouris' is even more evocative. The Kitchen/The Orgy and Meeting Valeria are just incredible.
try reading dostoevsky instead of your peasant folk tales, brainlet.
>Has nigger and chink
Definitely not.
King Conan, or get Arnold's bastard to play Conan
>Korean American artist makes literally everyone look Asian
What did Jim Lee mean by this?
I did.
>pleb probably doesn't even know another canonical writer except for the one he probably heard being namedropped a lot
Lmaoing at your life.
In Europe, fairy tales and archtypes are one the first things we learn about because it's considered so basic. Even the Ninja Turtles are at a higher literary level than fairy tales.
No, It is not. It is better than the Hobbit a 100% sure (though that´s easy because the Hobbit is trash) but it´s just not better than LOTR. LOTR is the pinacle of high fantasy in cinema.
Conan is not better than LOTR, Dragon Heart is not better than LOTR, Beowulf is not better than LOTR, Stardust is not better than LOTR, Labyrinth and Legend are not better than LOTR, The Dark Crystal is not better than LOTR, Dune is no better than LOTR. All of those are great to be sure. I fucking love all of them but LOTR is superior.
As an adaptation LOTR is great and depicts pretty much every character and location that made the cut almost flawlessly. It also has great cinematography and acting than most of the contendants too and the story really grows past the adventure into a propper epic with incredible battles (but without abandoning the individual characters).
Conan is great too. No doubt about it but the cinematography and acting are not on the same league as LOTR. Still, Conan tone is darker and more mature which is great, just not enough to put it at the top of the high fantasy chain. Sadly, the way the world has become it would be impossible now to create a depiction of Conan capable of taking the throne from LOTR. I think the only chance would be on Moorcock´s Elric chronicles or in an actual adaptation of King´s Dark Tower (never ever) so we will have to live with LOTR being at the top till this generation of pansies dies out or Hollywood regains sanity...
Yes it is faggot.
And in the same time, every Europen nation holds its oral tradition (fairy tales, myths, legends, epic poems) as the foundation of their respectable literature canon. Until 19th century and the foundation of "children's literature" as an actual thing, no one even thought of fairy tales etc. as something that's immature, naive or less valuable than, say, a contemporary novel. Every single major European writer from Dante to Bulgakov was in one way or the other influenced by fairy tales.
You sound like a 16 year old edgy pseud and it's obvious you have a very shallow understanding of literature.
>Conan 1 is pretty okay but every other entry is turbo shit.
No one other than you in this thread is talking about any movie other than Conan the Barbarian (1982).
You fucking retard. Those fairytales are our oldest stories. They're fundamental.
No, they don't. You don't know the background for these stories, nor do you have any experience reading them, outside of whatever references are made to them by jungian brainlets.
Here is how they literally all go: peasant has 3 sons, the oldest go looknig for work, finds work with a troll, the trolls tricks him and something bad happens to him, the second son goes, the same thing happens, then the youngest son goes and he manages to trick the troll and take all stuff and the trolls cow transforms into a young girl whom he marries.
It is stories that were told by old people to their grand kids. It's not something that was ever taken seriously by anyone but the most superstitious peasants.
You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Please watch less capeshit and read more books for your own good.
I have literally read thousands of fairy tales. They're not deep. They don't say anything important about life. You're a dumb reactionary simpleton.
Nah you didn't. Which is obvious by your innability to actualy form an argument. Fairy tales being simple and narratively predictive has nothing to do with their literary value. Only utter brainlets judge prose by how "interesting" and "complex" the story is. As I said, watch less capeshit.
>they are good because they teach that bad people get punish and that means my bullies gonna get it
yeah you sure learn a lot by reading about how people who adhere strictly to social rules always succeed in life. no wonder a simpleton like you likes lotr. it's the same infantile don't be bad shit.
sadly arnold is too old and busted to even play an old conan at this point. dude is over 70
his son could work, but it depends if he can act.
but the main problem is current hollywood and the pussy libtards that would turn into into a lame shit piece. because strong men aren't allowed anymore
isn't the new Mel Gibson movie supposed to be based and redpilled? maybe it's still possible
Has anyone been this wrong about anything ever?
Third act flips it
He was asking Frodo, not Merry.
>Sam Neil 2-part Merlin TV movie
I enjoyed this a lot but its not on the same level as Conan at all. Got me to reply 6/10
I just watched it for the first time ever a day ago. It was trash but I still loved it. The only good thing about it was James Earl Jones.
Conan is boring and has shit sound effects. When someone gets hit be a sword it sounds like they are hitting stuffed animals.
Yes. Yes it is.
I always considered it an unofficial sequel to Conan myself.
Totally this.
What a waste of words.
It depends on what you want out of a movie.
LOTR is a grand epic with Christian and Pagan teachings rolled into a single fantasy setting.
Conan the Barbarian is a lone man's adventure about an inner struggle being shown through exterior events.
I personally like Conan the Barbarian more than any of the LOTR movies, if that counts.
Conan the Barbarian is the best movie ever made, of course it's better than LOTR
Based thruth poster. Lord of the rings trilogy is the best film adaptation of a book there will ever be.
Are you all being ironic? I never watched Conan or read any books, should I give it a shot? If so, where to begin?
Ignore LITERALLY every piece of media and just watch the two Arnie movies. Completely ignore the fem warrior spinoff. Hope for King Conan movie. That's all
>Ignore LITERALLY every piece of media and just watch the two Arnie movies
What about books?
Arnie film > animated series > books
they aren't even comparable
one is pulpy action with some shakespearian elements, and the other contains an entire mythology and raised the bar so high for fantasy that no other fantasy series has ever superseded it
I recently finished a collection of short stories and thought they were really good. "The Coming of Conan the Barbarian," "The Bloody Crown of Conan" and "The Conquering Sword of Conan" collect every Conan tale written by REH and aren't too expensive for what you get.
Not of importance.
The riddle of steel is that steel, like flesh, must be tempered to make it strong. Like the quote from Nietzsche says in the beginning: "That which does not kill us makes us stronger."
FATAL belongs to /tg/ =>
just watch the first movie and stop
>True Lies
somebody fucking post it
>unlike the movie with a character named Thulsa Doom
>animated series
Conan the adventurer sucks tho. Who are you? A kid?
Exactly, that's why Europe is being infiltrated by shit skins. You've forgotten your roots and traditions.
Read a fairy tale faggot.
I agree both about cinematography and acting. Acting in Conan is shit and lotr is well know for trick photography and general creativity.
Because everyone cares about the Silmarillion, right user?
you don't even have to know of the Silmarillion's existence to know that LotR doesn't classify as "low fantasy". It's simply fantasy, it set the bar for all fantasy works to follow.
Read Tolkien's essay on Fairy Tales and you'll understand.
>Dune is not better than LotR
I shouldn't have used low fantasy, that was on me, but I wanted to distinguish it from shit like Warcraft.
this is a high IQ big dick post
Instead we got Conan The Figurehead Faux-conservative Governor.
Because he is conservative, has fascistic political leanings and has no problem portraying white culture as positive.
Despite being a hamfisted swing at hippies which could come off as downright insulting towards Robert E Howard's work, you can feel the seriousness of Milius' conviction, the full red blooded man he is behind the camera. The sheer interest into the melancholy and mirth that is the founding stone of Conan the character. I think that saves the movie more than Arnold's casting or Poledouris' music. Just knowing when and where to insert certain scenes makes all the schlock stay in the background and have the role of shitty paperback magazines that Howard was forced to publish in.
On the other hand, LOTR is a fully corporate product led by an obese manchild whose main contribution to film before that represented a gorefest in the vein of so many 80s weaklings aka geeks. I'm not reprimanding Jackson for lack of testosterone though, but his conviction is utterly fake: he does not posess aestheticism needed to fully convey Tolkien's work to the screen and it shows as the movies grew longer and longer. He did not understand or care to understand the characters' motivation and either turned them into his power fantasies or basis for ridicule. The fact that he had near perfect casting only made his work show all the more clear as the weakest link it was.
Unironically agree
This and /thread
They should do an adaption of the Conan story Red Nails. The story is basically a mix of Dredd, The Raid and Fistful of Dollars wherein Conan enters a closed off city surrounded by a wall which has two survining factions who strive to kill each other off to become the victor and rule.
Forget Arnold as Conan and go back to the source material wherein he is cunning and brutishly intelligent.
I read thousands, brainlet.
you can't even read the back of a cereal box you retard
I wouldn't, fuck off.
that story was fairly short, but there would be a lot of opportunities for writing tension with those empty halls
could be part horror, with various characters from the tribe he befriends meeting gruesome deaths at the hands of the long believed dead betrayed sorceror's faction
and we actually get to see a story valeria played a prominent part in without being a Valkyrie
It has a better villain and more sex and gore, but both films are let down by some pretty dumb comedy so it's about a tie.
> Is Conan the Barbarian better than LOTR?
They are two wildly different movies made 20 years apart, a comparison is pretty pointless.
That said, Conan is objectively worse than LotR, as while Jackson messes with Tolkien’s original story, it’s nothing compared to how John Milius fucked up Robert E. Howard’s original stories.
>Frodo, what is best in life?
See at the top of the book where it says "and L. Sprague De Camp" ?
Never buy any of the old books edited by L. Sprague De Camp.
This fucking asshole got the rights to Howards stories then spent the rest of his life "fixing" them while at the same time talking endlessly about how what a big fuckup Howard was and how his stories were trash, meanwhile literally living off of money he made by selling these "new and improved" Howard stories that he cooked up.
True story: Up until very recently you couldn't actually buy Howard's original stories because the only ones available were the "new and improved" versions by this colossal faggot L. Sprague De Camp.
Imagine being such a piece of shit that you go and get the rights to some authors works, talk endlessly about how said author was trash, and then "fix" that authors work and live off sales of this "fixed" work for the rest of your life.
> How would you reboot the Conan franchise?
Hollywood had their chance when they got Carl Drogo to play Conan but instead of making a cool R-rated cable tv series that religiously follows the books, they pissed away the opertunity with a shitty recycled version of the lame 1982 movie…
there is the unfortunate circumstance of the fact that howard up and killed himself as a young man, if you want the stores and tales of conan to grow other people have to naturally pick the damn thing up
I tried to forget that ever existed, why did you do this to me now
You're missing the point.
Lots of authors wrote NEW Conan stories.
What L. Sprague De Camp did was spend his life trashing Howard's original work, while "improving" Howard's original work, and making a living selling these edited "improved" versions.
L. Sprague De Camp didn't write NEW Conan stories. He desecrated the old ones. The original ones.
>>faithful adaptations
>You haven't actually read LOTR
He is Conan, Cimmerian, he won't cry, so I cry for him.
>Check Centenary Edition
>Half are copyrighted to L. Sprague De Camp
>Other half are listed as appearing "in a somewhat different version" in their original publications
you realize he completed numerous unfinished works by howard don't you? have you even read those books you seem to hate? or any introduction written by de camp? perhaps you'd rather they just sat unfinished in an archive, forgotten, unexpanded, apart from an intermittent anthology release from barnes & noble!?
Conan has a shit ton if stories to draw upon though
SJW Hollywood would not allow it
>Howard leaves unfinished stories
>L Sprague De Camp comes along, says Howard's writing is juvenile, amateur, of zero literary value.
>Decides to "fix" Howard's work
>Decides to "complete" howards work
>Makes a living off of editing and completing the works of an author he has nothing but disdain for.
>Lives off the ensuing shekel fountain.
If you have respect for Howard you have disdain for L Sprague De Camp. It's just that simple.
> See at the top of the book where it says "and L. Sprague De Camp" ?
Son, I was reading Conan before you were born and saw the movie in the theater when I was 14 years old and the fact is, the DeCamp and Lin Carter adaptions of Howard’s other works (i.e. the Lancer/ACE paperbacks) are some of the best Conan stories.
“The Treasure of Tranicos” for example, is a fantastic story and literally made for adaption as a tv series or movie and it wasn’t even a Conan story to begin with, it was set in our history back during the Golden Age of Piracy in the Caribbean with a completely different main character (though all of Howard’s heroes were essentially Conan) and Karl Edward Wagner’s new content novel “Road Of Kings”, would make a blow-your-face-out movie.
Now the comic books were shit, as are the modern new content Conan stories but the 1960-70s book series defines Conan.
The Treasure of Tranicos WAS originally a Conan story, called The Black Stranger. Howard couldn't sell it so he rewrote it as a pirate story with a different main character. L. Sprague then took this and rewrote it as a Conan story again and that's what you read.
Meanwhile, I have a collection of Howard's original stories and I read the original version, The Black Stranger, and it was great.
You fell for L Sprague's ruse that he "made things better", that he "fixed" Howard's stories. He didn't. He just fucked with them and made money off them.
You got jewed.
No, you fell for the autistic “purity” ruse that claims these are somehow not Conan stories when they’re adaptions of Howard’s work.
Your loss.
>I tried to forget that ever existed, why did you do this to me now
Because Hollywood deserves to get called out for being short-sighted greedy talentless Jews and wasting the chance to make some really cool art that also would have also made then fuck loads of money.
This guy absolutely gets it
I don't even understand how anyone above the age of 10 could disagree.
The music of the intro alone is better than anything in LOTR, and that's not even counting riders of doom and prayer to crom.
LOTR has amazing music, but come on. Conan has the best soundtrack of all times.
The Frost Giant's Daughter.
Howard wrote: "Her maddening laughter floated back to him, and foam flew from the barbarian's lips."
De Camp edited this as: "Foam flew from the barbarian's lips as her maddening laughter floated back to him."
That's what you paid for. You paid for a complete hack shill to fuck with a dead authors work, claim he made it better, then make shekels off it, and you fell for it.
Is it THAT bad?
ladies please, you're both retarded
it's hard to like
>De Camp edited this as: "Foam flew from the barbarian's lips as her maddening laughter floated back to him."
>OMFG! It's totally fucking ruined!!1!
it's on par with Beastmaster, which also came out in 1982.
do you think this is the bible or something m8?
howard wrote short stories for magazines, not novels
I've never read any Conan but the former is obviously superior, faster paced prose
The mental image it creates and the order and importance of each part is completely different
It could be improved a lot with a few minor changes. It's mostly just the very lame humour that makes it bad. One of the first things every writer needs to be told is that drunk people slurring and mixing up their words and doing pratfalls is never, ever funny.
>I'm a comfortable enough faggot to also have cried
shut up pussy.
>a comparison is pretty pointless.
Based Raimiposter.
arnold is a fuckin legend...but i would never trade lord of the fucking rings for that old ass shit lul
easiest thread to discern faggots from men
nice work, OP