It's literally over. we will never get another fox men movie

so what were the greatest films of the franchise?

Attached: x-men-collage.jpg (1400x1093, 1.7M)

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First class
The Wolverine

>we will never get another fox men movie
good, almost 90% of the cast is miscast, all the characters, villians, plots, completely trashed by Fox. Fox did more damage to X-men than Raimi did with Spider-man. Singer, with the 2000 movie, also started the tacticool trend that is still going.

I doubt the disney version will be good...but it will be better. That's for sure.

Logan. No contest.

Most of them run together. The earlier ones were still in the old way of making comic films, with black leather outfits and not really leaning into the material. Lots of shitty films too. It's a series that marvel could reboot pretty successfully and interesting.

Logan>X2>Deadpool>X1>Future Past>First Class>Deadpool 2>The Wolverine>Apocalypse>Origins>X3

>we will never get another fox men movie
Dark Phoenix is out in a few weeks and New Mutants is out later this year, so technically, no, we have two more coming.
>so what were the greatest films of the franchise?
Logan is the best, and a good end for the franchise (even though it's not the end). However, I wouldn't begrudge anyone for putting X2 or Days of Future Past or even First Class before Logan. They're all good movies as well in the series. Personally, I feel like half the Fox X-Men movies are good and the other half are bad. They've got a pretty much even 50/50 split. But even the bad ones, I still like. I still sit and watch them all. Even Last Stand. Even X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I just like the series and the X-Men overall, and feel like even when it's bad, it's still good and fun and enjoyable.

Origins is a guilty pleasure of mine. It's a disaster but I like Liev's sabretooth and Origins occasionally had some good ideas.

Yeah. Origin's Sabertooth was fucking great, and easily way better than the one we got in the first one (although not much of a feat considering he has zero character in that one and is basically just a monster). Hell, Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool wasn't that bad until they sewed his mouth shut, and he clearly proved he could make the character work in later installments. I saw it in the theaters, and while I laughed at a lot of the dumb stuff they did, my friends and I still enjoyed it. I'd say it's worth it even if just for the opening sequence (which almost should've been its own movie):

Gotta agree with you there. That sequence got me hyped for the entire movie.

They made logan

>Fox did more damage to X-men than Raimi did with Spider-man
>than Raimi did with Spider-man
This is very obviously bait.

Threads like this always get me in the mood to watch the Fox X-Men movies.

X2 was the only good one prove me wrong

Attached: X-2.jpg (1920x799, 465K)

Logan, X2, and First Class were the absolute best of the bunch.

Logan is absolutely garbage.
>Comic book film is serious and grown up because there's blood and swearing!
Fucking cringe inducing. Not to mention the action scenes are horribly shot and the script is weak at best, the only redeeming parts of that flick are Jackman and Stewart's performances. The best X-men film by a long long way is first class.
X-Men 1, 2 and next and then DOFP, all the others are dog wank.

First Class>Apocalypse>DOFP>X2>X1>everything else!!!FACT!!!

Logan, X2, X1 and DOFP. The rest can go to the garbage.

X1 was good as well, excet for that one corny one liner storm did

It peaked with X2 really, yes.

X1 was held back by Rogue and it's plot, also very corny.

X2 was peak. Woverine's backstory, the mansion kidnapping, Jean.

Last Stand was tired like Spider-Man 3. The rest are memetrash meant to protect the brand's rights from Disney, now futile.

Attached: x2_artie_blue_tongue.jpg (340x255, 19K)

I have seen all of them but hardly remember anything about them. How the fuck they made the franchise so forgettable?

Nailed it

if u notice in the last stand, the director did not want to have women and men fighting, film suffered greatly