Michael Scott thread

How this absolute cunt was never punched in the face in universe is beyond me.

Really clicked when he forced the "Yankee swap" exchange on everyone and interrupted Jim when he tried to voice his distaste for it.

Michael Scott deserves to be castrated and force fed his own nutt sack.

Attached: Michael-Scott-Misquotations-Office-Video.jpg (1440x1440, 108K)

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almost like the point of his character was to be an asshole boss who didnt understand that everyone hated him and his antics or something
weird that

He's not real though so dont get so worked up. And the american version of the office is so shite its beyond words. Why does your country have such a habit of taking something good and destroying it ?

Americans don't punch bosses we shoot them

come off it
the office is one of the few shows america made better then its british counterpart
that and whose line is it anyway are the only real examples

You are slime.

The US Office pussied out and decided to make the character likeable. The UK Office had the balls to go full dirtbag with the boss character.

I can understand the character and his role. I can still aknowledge that if I met some similar cunt in real life I'd go right off on them.

But hey since it's fiction might as well express it here.


I get it's fictional, I'm still well able to express my distaste for a characters personality you entitled dick.

I'm not american by the way oh smart one.

eat a dick you limey fuck the british office is boring and the people are ugly like everyone from your inbred island

oh is that where your from with your shit opinion? go back

You island cunts could even jeep ypur shit show going. At least the us version kept itself afloat for more than two seasons.

it was one


kek @ this retard. The UK Office told a complete story in two seasons and ended. It wasn't cancelled. You see in America they drag shows out far past the point of them being funny, The US Office's final few seasons were miserable and dreadfully unfunny. They didn't even end the show when Michael left, they propped up the humorless corpse of the show and continued on, in the soulless pursuit of money. The idea of making a piece of art with a definitive beginning, middle, and end is completely foreign to amerilard TV producers. You just keep beating a dead horse until it's no longer profitable.

The redditor cries out in anguish

A literal inferior opinion.

If you like generic sitcom garbage like The US Office and Big Bang Theory then more power to you, zoomer.

10/10 bravo.

>His own "boss" - BBC Two controller Jane Root - had said it was her new year's resolution to get Gervais and co-writer Stephen Merchant to complete a third series.
The BBC was literally begging Gervais and Merchant for another season of The Office but then chose to end it after the Christmas special because they actually have integrity (a concept completely foreign to American television)

Yes, the US Office really fell off towards the end
That doesn’t change the fact that seasons 2-5 are some of the mostly tightly written and acted comedy to ever come out of America. It’s so popular because its appeal is very broad but there’s something to love about it no matter how deep or shallow you are about your shows

I refuse to believe that he didn't know he was being an asshole at every opportunity. Not even autistic people have that little self-awareness or understanding of social situations. Stanley was the only person who ever told him to fuck off and he couldn't stand it. His idea that Toby was trying to "ruin his fun" was just him not liking being told not to be a dickhead.

People like Michael need to be put in their place whenever possible.

because it got cancelled

sorry t. redditor
66 beats 11

The most foolish thing the smart man can do is assume that the fool thinks as he

You're assuming a lot. A polished turd is objectively better than some dirty shit stain on UK television.

>amerifats literally can't even comprehend the idea of a show deliberately ending after a short run, they assume it had to be cancelled
incredible. simply incredible. The show ended because Gervais didn't want to do it anymore.

He Is literally delusional. He's incapable of critical thinking. He's absolutely horrendous but I don't think he's able to see his own negative traits.

He needs to die though.

I'll enjoy the day day when I'll reply to you with "Islam is a religion of pedophilic rapists" and get you arrested like a chinese person and typing "tienamen square massacre."

Pam slaps him in the face pretty hard

Didn't they make a movie or tv special a few years back about Gervais' character?

People say this, his weird hatred of Toby made me genuinely dislike him though.

Everyone in the office is a terrible person. That's kind of the point.
The thing with Michael is that he grows on you because most of the time he's completely harmless. It's very realistic of what happens irl when you can't stand the people you work with, you just accept them because you can't do anything about it.

I can't wait to see what we do with Peep Show

white people that work in offices are the biggest pussies on earth

You've already attempted it, and it was so bad it never got past the Pilot

When does the show start becoming reddit? I think it’s when Jim changes offices and Andys character is introduced

Not hard enough.

Toby was a serial killer


If I was in toby's shoes I would cut him down so hard and fast his narcissistic mess of a mind wouldn't be able to handle it.

When Kevin's character is just fat retard.

Michael Scott is literally the antithesis of everything fry just described as the American comedy protag.

He's literally the most craped on individual while believing he's amazing.

Guess he's a genre breaker then.

When has Kevin not been that fat retard?

Early in the show he was part of a band and had a gambling addiction as well as a sub plot where he was stealing money and commiting many forms of accounting fraud with Oscar. There was also a small romance sub plot as well but that was the turning point where he went from somewhat dumb guy to complete retard.

Best subplot theory.On the same level as Dennis in Always Sunny killing that one guy.

you mean how Gervais went on to produce Office US? That integrity?

Attached: plebsdetected.png (1000x1314, 106K)

Shut the fuck up, i am glad they changed it. The cringe during season one started to get old, lame and boring. If they kept at it there would have been 0 character growth.

Attached: 1543134545686.jpg (680x402, 25K)

>0 character growth.
Why are Americans obsessed with "character growth" in a fucking cheesy sitcom? There's literally zero character growth in Peep Show and it's one of the best comedies of all time.

You sound like a fucking brainlet to be honest user

Attached: 1550232663190.png (446x435, 251K)

Are you fucking serious there bud? Character growth is the literal line between quality and shit characters.

>Gee why does a show about an Office just change characters around when a show about 2 degenerates just changing their environment and allows them to be weirdos in entirely different situations

They are such amazingly different shows and I happen to love both of them but holy shit how are you comparing a show about a fucking OFFICE to a show about PEOPLE.

Amerifats BTFO

In a comedy show the only thing that matter is how good the jokes are. If I want complex character arcs I'll watch a drama. Sitcoms are literally fundamentally incompatible with character growth, the shows are literally situational comedies built around well defined character traits that remain unchanged, usually so episodes can be aired in any order in syndication. There's always a return to the status quo. There is no real "growth" in The Office or any successful sitcom beyond superficial means like "oooh these characters are dating/married now". Show me the character growth in Seinfeld or The Simpsons. It's not there because it doesn't need to be.

Nah they pussy out with making Jim and Pam pretty perfect

Wow. It's been so long since I've seen such an objectively bad opinion.

the american society is so fundamental disturbing to the human soul that it can only be sustained by beaming imagery of a disneyfied facsimile of their own world back to them.

On every telly screen in every home on repeat forever..

"Your coworkers our your friends, you have meaningful connections them "
"work is rewarding"
"Your coworkers our your friends, you have meaningful connections them "
"work is rewarding"

Burganon takes another bite of his chemically enriched microwavable dinner.

heh-heh gotta love the office

This is something that disturbs me about The Office. It's like I'm watching wagecuck fanfiction. Like every office drone wishes they were some epic cool guy like Jim constantly spouting off witty zingers and pulling epic pranks on stupid NERDS like dwight, and their boss is so stupid, and the cute receptionist has a crush on them. God it's just so gay and lame.

Why would you want to come home from your office job to just see the same thing you already are experiencing? There is nothing wrong with escapism.

"escapism" is now watching programs about people working in offices selling paper

Have a (yikes) from me

when americans say "character growth", what they really mean is "flanderization"

Jim is the protagonist. He has arcs in work and love, while Michael has hijinks, joke vehicles. The incredulous eyebrow raises to the viewer (me and you are thinking the same thing right?) reinforce it.

Most people work. Good for you, maybe, if you don't.