Why did Adelaide ask Red "What do you want...

Why did Adelaide ask Red "What do you want?" when she knows exactly what they want since she's actually the tethered one?

Also, it's not like she somehow has forgotten where she came from because you can see her smile as a kid in the car and smile to her son at the end. She also knew exactly how to get underground.

I'm pretty disappointed overall. The last half hour I was basically thinking "there's obviously a switch just show the scene and end the film" which made it pretty boring. I don't mind movies having a predictable ending as long as it's handled well. I wish it was just about Lupita's family being killed and switched with the underground people and they continue living their life in their place.


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becuz the movie is objectively trash

stop buying into SJW garbage

Im pretty sure she didn't realize until the end that she was the doppleganger. Possibly a repressed memory, part of her might have been aware, but the way they made it seem at the end, it was more of her own realization.

Given her seeming ignorance and genuine fear, it seems more likely to me that she wasn't aware most of the film.

I thought it was great though personally. 9/10.

It was trash. The entire movie is stretched and full of plot holes. Just accept it was made by Jordan Peele and applaud him for being a successful black creator.


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Fair point. If this was the case then I didn't think it was conveyed very well but I guess it's a valid explanation.

It's pretty clear she forgot what happened, stop being willfully ignorant you fucking faggot

what's the significance of her smiling at his kid at the end, and the kid putting on his mask?

like, shadow or not she still birthed him and spent all her time with him. so why is he cautious?

Why wouldn't he be cautious? He just learned that his mom is a soulless doppelganger who switched with the woman who should have been his mom, condemned her to a hellish underground existence, just got done murdering the hell out of her, and is more or less responsible for triggering the nation-wide revolution going on.

i felt one of the themes of the movie was how people actually aren't born souless, but become that way due to circumstances of life (as seen by the fact that the mother was well-adjusted despite living part of her childhood in that shithole). that end scene seems to put a wedge on this idea.

Within the movie itself she didn't know it until the end, but having said that, the twist itself was so blatantly telegraphed 15 minutes in that it honestly seemed like a studio reshoot or something. Like why the fuck would they make it so obvious by adding that scene?

Would the movie have worked better if the twist was revealed partway through and the family had to deal with and react to the knowledge that Adelaide was a doppelganger who stole the real one's life? I feel like that would have made for a much more interesting conflict. Instead it just boils down to yet another "the good guy was the bad guy all along" reveal.

People put on masks to adjust to past trauma etc

up voted XD

>knows exactly what they want

Red came up with the entire plan after Ade left. Get better at watching movies.

She obviously repressed her early memories/convinced herself/was convinced by parents and psychiatrists that she was the normal Adelaide rather than a clone. The trauma of the night reawakens the memories, allowing her to find her way underground.

There are a lot of issues with the movie but this isn't really one.

Adelaide isn't soulless. She was the one doppelganger which succeeded in exerting influence over the "normal" counterpart.

Did you miss the part where she laughs like a fucking lunatic after she murders Red? She's just as fucked as the rest of them, just in a slightly different way.

It would have worked better if at the very end they get switched and we're left to conclude who the Adelaide who survives the movie is. Or maybe the switched-as-kids plotline never happens, Red is just a pissed off clone who wishes she had her real counterpart's life, and then the new twist happens as the final gotcha moment.

The point was that the tethered weren't really any deferent from "us" lol, she turned out to be a relatively normal person even though she had a fucked up childhood. That doesn't mean you'll be free from anxiety and fucked up coping mechanisms

She also took excess pleasure in finishing off the twin, but we also see Red subject the whole family to the attack and personally shoves Adelaide's face into the glass table. The sense I took from that was, they both have a violent core and will do horrific things to protect their family. When they're getting in the car, the whole family makes a joke out of comparing their kill counts.

Le ambiguous twist ending is fucking retarded, the point is to show you the truth and force you to think about the implications

What making it clear in the car also stresses is that the children are born of the originally-underground girl, and the two kids who were killed were born of the originally-above girl. It's not just about "did she get switched" or not, but the family.

>The point was that the tethered weren't really any deferent from "us" lol
This is what pisses me off the most about this movie. There was a much better way this theme could have been handled, and it didn't need any of the weak government, switched as kids bullshit. You don't even have to explain where the doppelgängers came from; I think it would have been more effective if you didn't know. It should have just been about a family going through horrific lengths to protect themselves and by the end they come out of it looking like the real monsters. Maybe you could have even had it so the Tethered would look increasingly more human as they're picked off, like Red reacting to the deaths of her kids like it's a serious tragedy.

The pieces were all there for a good, simple movie.

>"Oh shit, the girl I left to rot underground is back with a huge pair of scissors in her hand. What could she possibly want?"
It's not exactly hard to figure out you daft cunt.