>Hot in real life
>Will forever be remembered as this
Thanks, MCU
Hot in real life
Blind, liberal, or mutt?
she spread the bullshit on real thick on DWTS.
You don't find mid-90's Daria pastiche attractive because she's black (or something like it)?
Well he hates MCU so he's neither blind nor liberal.
>Hot in real life
>Will forever be remembered as this
Thanks, MCU
I doubt most normies remember Karen GIllan for this and not Occulus
My coworker called Zoey Saldana "Zaya Saldiner" the other day and she has the least makeup of all the "alien" characters.
>no tits or ass
Why even bother being born as a nigger?
She cute
>that nasal ridge
>those nostrils
>pointed shoulder
>flat chest
>child body
>caramel skin incapable of blush
>fabricated eyebrows
No, this is not a human being.
I hope the MCU shit dooms loads of careers desu. The black panther guy is probably going to be stuck doing that stupid arm shit for life.
Legit looks like a cross-dressing black twink
lmao she looks like olmec
wheres kirk fogg
is this the trapeze lady from gr8est showman
i want to HUG zendaya
imagine being such a seething obsessed shit you can't even admit a fine woman when you see one. politics was a mistake
good post
Now that was a real kino
>implying that's a bad thing
Jesus really?
For you, mate. For you.
Unless you're gigachad she is a decent 8/10 for any heterosexual male
True, I want to be her superhero
why does everyone focus on zendaya when vulture's daughter was way hotter
It isn't if you're gay
what an ugly, wide, flat nigger nose
>Unless you're gigachad she is a decent 8/10 for any heterosexual male
Thanks user, I needed a hearty chuckle today
only women think zendaya is hot, because they know she's actually ugly, but love when people think ugly women are pretty.
if she is not a 8/10 post a girl you think is
It's time to post this
Sorry to hear you had a bad day
living the dream
Literally, earnestly any woman with skin that can show degrees of affection, embarrassment, anger, and happiness, via the allocation of blood to areas respective of the faces respective to such emotions.
Fuck amerimut shitskins
You take care of any, user?
I'm a 24 year old virgin but even I wouldn't stick it in that. Have a strict NO NIGGERS and NO INDIANS rule.
I don't save pictures of girls I think are 8/10s
Come on, you can see hotter girls at the mall. I mean, if people still went to the mall.
She honestly looks like a borderline tranny. I know it's in peoples job description at this point to say they find every single mixed race, mulatto or black girl breathtakingly beautiful but you can take off your mask here. You are safe here. You can say what you mean, not what the diversity director ordered you to. Unless the conditioning has already gone too far...
ok can you name any you think are?
miles better looking than either of her goblina parents.
Based and redpilled
Hope you get yourself a qt virgin gf of whatever race you choose
>goblino face
>ayy lmao feet
>seriously what the fuck is going on with these feet
>no tits
>no ass
whoa, this is the power of 10/10 americano supremo
White, Jesus Christ you racemixers are intolerable. Why are you knuckledraggers so incapable of sticking with your own kind?
>She honestly looks like a borderline tranny.
I really don't see it dude. I don't think she is a dime or anything but a perfectly cute mixed race girl. To imply she is a ugly borderline tranny is retarded to me. I really envy you if THAT is what constitutes an ugly girl in your neck of the woods
No because I don't know celebrities all that well and virtually no celeb out there is an 8/10
I've seen plenty of 8/10s posted outside of this board, all nameless faces though.
You need to have white skin to be above 5/10
Alright man I guess it's a matter of opinion. I think she is a cute girl tho, people calling her ugly have never seen an actual ugly girl in their life
what a loss to the white gene pool...
>but a perfectly cute mixed race girl
See that's just it. You're completely focused on her race. Your indoctrination is showing.
>mannish face
>no tits, no ass
5/10, wouldn't bang sober
She isn't necessarily ugly but she certainly isn't an 8/10 my friend. Closer to a 6/10 really. You do you though.
The white "woman" is the most vile creature to have ever walked the face of the earth. Her guile, deceit and cruelty is unmatched by others. She is responsible for opening the gateway to the death of nations. Any man who venerates these whores of Babylon deserve nothing but utter ruination, not just for him, but for his descendent for one thousand generations.
Refusing to lick her pusy is racism
>racist incels sperging out again
whatever you say man
Absolutely not
There's a big dfifference between saying she's "ugly" and a "hot" "8/10" like you are. If she wasn't famous and she was just someone you knew you wouldn't think she was ugly, but you almost certainly would not think she was "hot" because there would have been hotter girls than her in the same classroom.
She's not ugly. But she is not beautiful or hot.
Yeah her mom's shirt pretty much says all you need to about this photo
Her mother is male?
Fuck no
Everything you described was the fault of retarded men that gave catty women the right to vote when they really should have been lobotomized.
>ut you almost certainly would not think she was "hot" because there would have been hotter girls than her in the same classroom.
I think she is cute and I would take notice of someone like that no matter where I was. I don't know about you the stock of human we have roaming around here isn't exactly the highest quality
it's funny how you faggots say shit like this when all of you wants to breed asian girls
post a picture of your body
East asian cuties have whiter skin than 95% of “white” amerimutts
Only losers give a shit about SEA trash
You have to understand, these days saying a non-white and especially a black/mulatto is not attractive is pretty much a hate crime and you are instantly no better than Hitler. So everyone gushes about how hot goblinas are all the time, so after a while some of us, myself included, don't trust anyone who says this stuff is being honest.
It's like when I'm out for dinner and my friend starts talking about how "hot" and "beautiful" the Williams sisters are and I just have to try and keep my expression blank and nod a smile and agree while I reach for another drink.
These are the lies we have to tell as a society in 2019. So don't take it personal if people take shots at you for saying shes hot. Maybe she is to you, it's fine, all beauty is subjective. But at this point a lot of us don't trust a lot of what is said on this subject.
>You have to understand, these days saying a non-white and especially a black/mulatto is not attractive is pretty much a hate crime and you are instantly no better than Hitler.
lol what? Just the other day we were discussing at work attractive celebrities and I mentioned that I never found Tyra Banks nor Beyonce attractive and no one looked at me twice. This is a white collar office job in downtown Chicago mind you. The world is no where near as reactionary as the internet makes it out to be in my experience
out of curiosity how much time would you say you spend on the internet on the average day?
>Will forever be remembered as this
Not for me
>Just the other day we were discussing at work attractive celebrities and I mentioned that I never found Tyra Banks nor Beyonce attractive and no one looked at me twice
It was noticed sir. It was noticed and it will not be forgotten. I say that in all seriousness.
>Hot in real life
Yikes. She looks like an ape.
if only.... IF only...
Dude I think you're world view is a bit narrow. Not everyone is a screeching SJW in professional office settings. In fact a good majority are well adjusted human beings that can handle differing opinions
Literally looks like every other mixed American and instagram thot.
post a recent picture of her. white women age like spoiled milk
Yeah i actually found her hot in that film
i don't wanna, i'd still fug her over the muttface
>haha enjoy your VD
Zendaya probably has as much or even more
Lost in the jungle
>Hot in real life
>Will forever be remembered as this
Thanks, MCU
>i don't wanna, i'd still fug her over the muttface
just to clarify you find pic related more attractive than Zendaya?
>Zendaya probably has as much or even more
What did this girl do to earn such vitriol on your part?
forgot pic
Based MCU dabbing on Debicki autists from Yea Forums
only albinos can be hot?
european skin is not "white" contrary to popular belief.
on her new reality tv show she hates it when younger more attractive women have screentime.
No that's what doing hard drugs do to you
More like being a prostitute for arab sheikhs for 15 years. She got in trouble on her tv show for trying to pimp out the cast members. Guess whore to madam is an upgrade.
yeah i'd fug her, missionary.
>What did this girl do to earn such vitriol on your part?
she didn't have to 'do' anything
>What did this girl do to earn such vitriol on your part?
The fact that you're shilling her as some supermodel when she's clearly has the body of a teenage boy and a bizarre looking face
>being a prostitute for arab sheikhs
Because of hard drugs.
>shilling her as some supermodel
This entire thread I've been saying she is a cute 8/10. I never said she was a supermodel
Either way, the take away from this is poor life choices will affect you negatively in the long run.
You realize even the hottest women on the planet have bad pics?
That's basically 1 point away from being a flawless supermodel
And no, 10/10s are just 9/10s but with a subjective bias depending on the guy you ask.
keep defending la creatura zombi
>that nasal ridge
wow i can tell you get laid a lot tell me more
that's pretty much every women past 15 years old w/o their crayon pasted masks on.
Damn, Temuera Morrison looks like THAT?
Alcohol is the most common drug to be addicted to and the most harmful to your body.
I'm just pointing out cherrypicking images is not an argument. Beauty is subjective but I can't see how someone can find her ugly unless they live in a country of supermodels
lol she looks better without it
Dios mío, espíritu del Señor, espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada. Ángeles, arcángeles y santos del Paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor. Lléname de ti. Expulsa de mí todas las fuerzas del mal. Aniquílalas, destrúyelas, expulsa de mí los maleficios, la magia negra. El Ogro de Las Tinieblas. La Luz Extinguido. El Insecto. Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica. Todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia. La enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica. Destruye al Monstruo. A La Creatura. Quema este mal en el Infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí, ni a ningún ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente en nombre de Jesucristo salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a todas las presencias del Goblino, que me abandonen inmediatamente, que me abandonen definivamente y que se vayan al Infierno eterno. El Chupa-Chupacabras no puede triunfar. El Monstruo. El Abominación debe morir. Encadenado por San Miguel Arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado por el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada. Aleja a la aberración genética. Al Ogro del Este.
I never said she was flawless, never said she was a supermodel. I just think she is a cute girl. An 8/10 in my estimation.
i'm sure she is or was drinking that every night
What can you do, some people are just retarded and don't respect themselves.
Not all women are like that though, don't let a few sour apples detract from the sweet orchard out there. It ain't a healthy mentality.
haha so ugly bro i totally wouldn't worship her haha
Cute would be something in the realm of 6-7/10. 8-9/10 is what would be considered hot.
I think you need to rethink your scale. There are a lot of features that detract from her that several anons have pointed out to you, but you refuse to entertain either because you're incredibly biased or you're purposely stirring shit.
Had a dream tonight where I was Tom Holland hugging Zendaya's naked body in the shower. It felt good.
Don't waste your time. /pol/ has rotten these people's dicks off.
Rent. Free.
personally she makes my dick do cartwheels.
OP is based
you lucky user
What? I'm just saying if you wouldn't tap that you're either hardcore racist to the point where it overrides biology or a fag.
Having standards does not make you a racist.
I don't need to reevaluate anything, beauty is subjective and what you find attractive I might not and vice versa. Guess what tho? that's ok. I just think it's a stretch to straight up call this girl ugly
> you're purposely stirring shit.
By doing what? calling a girl I think is pretty cute? give me a break dude
in what world is this girl below standard? in what country would should be considered as such?
user, your speaking style is akin to the ramblings of a schizophrenic. I think you need to check yourself in.
oh shut up nerd
Autism. Pure autism.
>ew bro look at that girls nose ridge I totally wouldn't fuck
who are you quoting?
You're purposely stirring shit because several anons have pointed out how she isn't attractive and yet you ignore any of these valid points to just insist she's an "8/10".
>Beauty is subjective
To a degree, but on that note, you've outed yourself for holding any validity to your arguments. Anyone calling her ugly is just as correct as you calling her an "8/10". Go to bed.
Back, fag.
I think you would have to be a fag to want to fuck the body of a 16 year old boy
>several anons have pointed out how she isn't attractive
I fundamentally disagree with them. We can argue weather she is a 6/10 or 8/10 but to suggest she is ugly or unattractive? That I think is straight up hyperbole. I think her nasal ridge is fine lmao
>Anyone calling her ugly is just as correct as you calling her an "8/10"
Did I ever say otherwise
>Go to bed.
Someone is getting a little rattled there champ
>wanting to fuck a woman with the body of someone of breeding age is gay
what the fuck am I reading? this board rots peoples brains man
>I fundamentally disagree with them
That's a shame because they're correct to think she's ugly. Looks are, afterall, subjective. What's there to even argue? My assumption stands, you're just stirring shit and I applaud you for that.
>No tits
>No ass
Yeah, the epitome of feminine fertility
Calm down user, you don't have to fuck EVERYTHING with a pussy now.
If you went outside more and had normalfag friends, you'd quickly realize men generally don't care for underdeveloped women.
not every women needs double Ds and KimK Ass.
YOUR estimation
But they certainly need something to prove they aren't just a transitioning man.
You never know these days.
lol if you went outside more you'd realize 99.9% of men would fuck that girl in a heartbeat. You're not fooling anyone with that larp aspie
so then OP confirmed for mutt?
I think she has a very womenly figure as far as her bone structure and how she is built. I never seen a tranny with a body like that
yea MY estimation
Lmao OK bud, whatever you say. You can worship some androgynous mutt while I fuck actual women.
Her bone structure is strikingly similar to a developing teenage boy
>155 replies
>Over pic related
Never change Yea Forums
Nah I just prefer my women with a little more meat on them
someone post the braap picture
have white gf, best bet is to go to utah and find mormons
this is the real crime.
Any country with mora-
oh wait
>"Oh wow I just love Zendaya"
>yeah? okay well we got work to do so-
>"I mean she's just so incredible"
>... okay.
>"I mean she's so beautiful.
> ... right.
>I mean she's so hot don't you think. She's so-
>4th billed in Homecoming
>her character is so irrelevant that she isn't even mentioned in the Wikipedia synopsis
>>caramel skin incapable of blush
caramel skin is god tier
based and caramel-pilled
she took all the dicks so we won't have to.
be grateful.
She took all the coke and didn't leave any for us though :(
i've never heard this retarded shit about not wanting a darker girl because she can't blush
Me on the left
She's a nigger only because whites never claimed her (like we did The Rock).
She's got the most instagram subscribers out of all MCU actors, she is clearly popular among zoomers
She is kino
Post a bad picture of young Monica Bellucci. Come on.
>poor little white boi
>squished retard face
>veiny hands at like 18
>massive feet
>flat as a board
>Hot in real life
>brown skin
I'd tap that. Unironically
2/10 would not bang
>flat as a board
Zendaya is for love and interracial cuddling
She'd never give you the time of day, shorty
>flat as a board
that just means you're closer to their heart
>Hot in real life
Looks comfy
Gib tall gf
Are you guys color blind? Zendaya is beige. Caramel is much darker.
Caramel girls blush internally when they see "he cute" white guy nearby
No they don't.
obama in drag is pretty cute desu
Wtf I'm not racist anymore
Too bad he's definitely gay
Maybe some rough animalistic sex with two black cuties can un-gay him
you can tell why his hands are down there
You aight white boy
for me, it would be laura on my face and zen on my dick
Patrician choice
You mean fat
she looks fine there.
>Blind, liberal, or mutt?
Why not all three?
Aubrey Hepburn
What species of goblin is this?
Goblins are short
So a mutant goblin?
75% Fremen
She literally looks like a male version of Rufio LMAO
tfw never height bullied by zendaya
But user, I never wanted to fugg her until she be'd the android girl.
>not edited to maker her fly into space
5/10 is the highest I'm willing to go right now.
But let me call a buddy of mine who's an expert on bad edits, and get a second opinion.
Nebula is hot as fuck though...
for you
>Hot in real life
You guys are fags. She’s not fat so why fuck her.
Spoiler that spooky shit.
best post in thread
>thighs as thick as her calves
What a failure of a woman.
You realize you can think independently for yourself outside of where all of the upvotes on totalitarian pro-censorship shit holes like reddit go?
I would if I was drunk
Not so much in any other circumstance
Better than what you’re fucking if you think that’s good looking
Zenyada should be in the inevitable live action adaptation of Evangelion
>Yea Forums still doesn't understand that she will have the "SHE'S ALL THAT" moment
how does tom holland hide his boner in that suit?
>she played a male character
yeah, that's gross
He tries not to think about fucking men
Post an actually good pic
>Hot in real life
>face it tiger, you just hit a crackpot
For me it's Queen Zendaya
Why is her head so flat
She cute
that’d probably make him gayer since he’d be reminded of bbc
Tom is into white twinks only