Tapping that netflix cash cow

So I just finished my first television series (1 script converted into 13 screenplays for 13 episode season run)

It's a dark fantasy sci-fi about a secret society of Mayan decent that plans to resurrect a great evil in our current time (2019).

Took me about 4 months to finish.

I'm looking to get around 10k for each episode in total, with 3% licensing and writers credit. Which seems to fairly standard.

Except I'm totally unsolicited, and don't know anyone in my country that has ties to Netflix.


Attached: script.jpg (768x1024, 140K)


Assuming that your being serious, if you don't have connections then you're just wasting your time. A script from some random asshole has literally zero chance of ever being produced.

Gotta find the right jewish cocks to suck first.

Actually right now is probably the best time in history for freelancer writers to make their way, as all these companies are rushing to spend billions on original content of their own.

I am hoping to capitalize on that.

I'm just trying to weigh my options before having to sign % of my IP off to an ENT lawyer whom will pitch on my behalf.

I admire your mojo, but the fact that you're asking Yea Forums for advice about something like this makes me think you're a fucking idiot lmao

Go suck circumcised jewish dick or send in the pilot to some competition to get some recognition idk

>spend billions on original content of their own.

All the money they're spending is exactly why they aren't going to take a chance of some literally who nobody.

Well, you won't get anywhere doing nothing. May as well email agencies or Netflix itself.

I'd legit suck some cock if it meant I could get ahead.

There was an user here last year that shop'd a pilot to netflix - and some other people who use to appear in script generals.

I am hoping some other people still come around, offer advice.

I'll give you some advice from other people I know who have pitched to Netflix. They don't want scripts or to actually produce a lot in house. They want actual finished content or at least a few episodes already done that they can just buy. So really your best bet is to find an independent studio that has a budget for it and pitch to them to pick up the series and let them pitch it to Netflix or whatever streaming service to buy. That's the best thing if you don't actually know any solid connections to Netflix.

Thanks for the input.

I actually have already converted the script into 13 screenplays for first season. Ideally an advantage I was hoping would play into any sale/licensing deal.

My country is actually known for some really bad production movie/tv wise. So shopping it overseas is the only way I believe the project will get any justice.

Also the few studios I know that accept unsolicited pitches remotely (email/cold call) have nothing to stop them from stealing your work.

Idealistically, is having an ENT lawyer shop on my behalf the only way?

This user gets it. Netflix, with a very few exceptions, doesn't make the things that carry their "Netflix Original" banner. They are essentially a dumping ground for movies and shows that couldn't get distributed elsewhere. They are probably buying 99% of their "originals" at bargain basement prices, already produced, and desperate to be sold to someone. If you end up there it's highly likely you'll be getting fucked hard and being paid a "Holy shit, no one will buy my shit, please, someone, anyone, give me something for it" price. So find some independent studio willing to take a chance. On your first deal you'll likely get paid very little and it needs to stand on it's writing since the production quality will be low. You're just trying to get your name out there.

If you are cold selling a script yes you dumb motherfucker. Nobody in a production capacity is going to give you the time of day without representation.

go suck a fat cock you dumb nigger

Either a lawyer or an agent. Your going to have a hard time either way. If you have the ability, you need to first spend about a week in LA to find an agent. Let them set up pitch meetings to various studios and over the course of a few days in the same week and come back to do the pitches. Hopefully you've really worked and researched how to pitch and are prepared for the curveball questions. Also, have a backup idea too. Sometimes they might already have a show that's similar and will pass but will ask you what other ideas you have. Even if they aren't completely developed, just have a decently thought out version of something else interesting.

>writes some shitty script with no knowledge of how the industry works
Im trying to help you you ignorant faggot. Besides you’re probably Indian.

Anything portraying Native Americans in a bad light won’t get produced. Switch them to Varg types or something

get a real job

thats sounds like 2much work




To all the idiots that are now replying to this faggot - he's baiting you to make post like
he has nothing. this is just pure resetera bait.


fuck your mother racist bitch

Good luck. I mean it unironically.

These replies are not me.

I have already spoken with one, and the only way I'll get my project shop'd for no fee is if I offer a % of my IP.

Thanks, user.

Be sure to post results. I have two connections to Netflix here in Australia but they do not have a base of operations unfortunately in this country. I'm going to be hopefully flying state side later in the year for a pitch. Although they have moved and postponed the date from April to July already so yikes.

>if it meant I could get ahead
No Mr. Bond, THEY will be the ones getting head

Turn it I to a novel and self publish on Amazon. If it's good which I suspect it's not as you're on here for advice you can seek TV/films rights later on.