Was idiocracy prophecy?
>Would you like an EXTRA BIG ASS FRIES
Was idiocracy prophecy?
who the fuck drinks their coffee cold?
What? A restaurant that serves coffee? Now I’ve seen everything.
>Hardee's going "Damn that's cold" is what's doing it
>Not hot sauce commercials featuring old people saying, "I PUT THAT SHIT ON EVERYTHING!"
Iced coffee has a time and a place.
I've been to fancy restaurants that offer coffee after the meal, it is pretty comfy to sit and chill with a small cup of coffee and talk with frens/family while you forget about the bill or how big the shit is going to be later
Cold coffee. Hot tea.
It's only good in the summer or hot weather. I don't see Carls Jr on the east coast, so I guess makes sense they're advertising now.
>I don't see Carls Jr on the east coast
It's called Hardees east of the Mississippi.
I think it's Hardee's on the east coast
you pleb
Shit you guys are right. Why do they do that shit? Same thing with checkers and rally's.
Wrong. I drink iced mocha from DD even when it's less than 0 degrees out >8D
It's hardees in the east
Stay jelly of our freedoms, euros
this could feed 200 unobservant Indians
I do. I buy a big jug of concentrate and mix it wit milk and ice every day. I don't have to brew it or fuck with it and I can just throw it in my bag on the way to work.
I also just hate hot drinks.
Fuck off.
fuck you faggot. That hot sauce shit is funny
Fancy restaurants? My daughters shitty school fate had 2 coffee vans serving espresso. Wtf is wrong with america?
Cold brew is the superior way to make coffee. Not to be confused with regular coffee that was then cooled down and iced.
How do I do a good cold brew?
>my daughter
Soak grounded coffee in cold water and let it seep through a funnel or filter into a separate container.
>Was idiocracy prophecy?
No. The Flynn effect is still in effect.
Cold brew is the best form of coffee.
Coarse grind your beans. Throw it in a jar with cool water, higher ratio than if you were brewing regular to make it a concentrate if you like to add cream. I use a french press for easy filtering but some people like to make it in big batches.Toss it in the fridge overnight. Filter. Bam. Done.
Doesn’t affect G factor
>Drinking coffee
Cooling down regular brew has superior taste. Cold brew doesn't extract correctly.
Can I do that with a Keurig?
Restaurants using social media to be hip edgelords is a trend I feel like will get far more obnoxious as the years go on.
We're not there yet, but it won't be long
What's wrong with this? It's just some dumb ad for some shitty drink
I don't understand cold brew coffee? Why would I want a brew that has less caffeine in it? Just make a pot of drip and throw some in a sealed container in the fridge.
literally false
Cold brew doesn't taste bitter. It's way smoother. Much more delicious.
Hot drinks cause throat cancer, pleb.
How do people even eat that?
By your definition, your grandpa is a cuck.
Your definition is wrong, and you're a faggot that will never reproduce, while in 10 years, there will be her bikini clad friends sitting around my pool every summer day. In 10 years, you'll be cleaning up your mum's shit when her diper leaks again.
Very carefully
they don't. It's just to attract retards and drunks in. Having eating contests and/or gigantic dishes is a sign the restaurant sucks.
Notice the pale pink tomatoes and the clearly pre frozen patties.
You don't. It's for normies to take photos of and put on their instagram.
why add gross bitterness to a desert that's meant to be sweet? coffee flavored ice cream is for fucking psychopaths.
Haven't been to a fast food or franchise joint in years. Local restaurants are where it's at. Also, learn to cook, fags.
You, don't know, how to, use commas.
I can microwave tendies does that count
affagato (lol) is adding sweet to coffee not the other way around
Gee I dunno people who live in hot climates? Fucking stooge ice nigger
This. It's a shitty gimmick by an edgelord/bitter doctor that blames genetics because his fitness ventures failed DESPITE the fact a lot of the fat people he worked with supposedly cheated on their diets, a lot.
Sit down restaurants are worse than fast food. Cooking at home is the best option though.
Don't grind good beans for it, you'll blow through a bag in no time because cold brew uses a shitload. I just cold brew a pre-ground flavor I like.
>who the fuck drinks coffee
cold brew coffee is a better tasting, more caffeinated version than the shit hot brew coffee