Recommend me some samurai movies to marathon.
Samurai Kino
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Shogun miniseries
Best line in retrospect, when they ask Anjin-san if he would prefer to fuck a boy, flaming queer Richard Chamberlain has to say "Do you take me for a god-cursed sodomite?!"
sekino: niggers die twice
Ran is the best samurai movie ever made.
Well this one is american but it's pretty decent
Unless you want to marathon the entire series, the Takeshi Kitano version of Zatoichi is the best standalone.
also check out Kagemusha
has some cringey melodrama, otherwise it is kino
i remember i started to read that book and the author sure did like to talk about fucking boys alot. Really makes you think....
Damn was gonna post about 13 Assassins weird.
Watch The Twilight Samurai watched that last week was alright or just watch Akira Kurosawa movies if you haven't seen em. Also there's like 50 gorillion Zatoichi movies.
>it's a video game comes out and Yea Forumstards ask for genre specific to that video game episode
Nice spot. Keep em honest.
Seven Samurai
Musashi trilogy
Shogun series
Twilight Samurai
Kenshin live action
i watched Blade of the Immortal not too long ago. Was pretty cool
this book was so fucking good
does this shit do it service
Neko Samurai
Rashomon is fucking boring but some of the shots are neat
>does this shit do it service
The author was also the executive producer and is listed in the series' writing credits, so maybe.
Does it hold up? Looks really dated
You won't enjoy it if that concerns you.
Any samurai kino for non boomers?
13 assassins from OP's picture.