Watched it recently and really liked it what did you guys think?
What did you guys think of Green Book?
I know it was oscar bait coming in, but i really enjoyed thier dynamic on screen, solid flick
It annoyed me that the artist apartments above Carnegie Hall were made to look luxurious and lavish when they were really rent-controlled small apartments.
I don't know why this bothered me but it did.
The fact that it won best picture just shows how far Hollywood has yet to go.
pure comfykino
I thought it was good. It was well paced, pretty funny and the two leads had good chemistry.
I'll never understand how a film about two people from different backgrounds becoming friends and learning from one another could ever be considered racist.
He was a saviour because he did a job
>showing white people being against racism is racist.
>wypipo being friends w blacks
>wypipo being enemies w blacks
What's the deal with niggers?
great movie
Viggo should have got that oscar for best actor over Rami if you ask me
i love this movie
thats the only tweet so far that actually has a point
Really, what's the point of watching these snoozefest character study type films. Cinematography is meant to showcase a good film direction and groundbreaking effects. If you want stories like this, just read a book or watch a play.
what the fuck is the point of these twitter screencaps? what does it add to the discussion? who the fuck even cares what some nobodies on twitter think?
>who the fuck even cares what some nobodies on twitter think?
companies, reviewers etc trump has legitimized twitter.
who the fuck cares what some angry loser on 4channel thinks?
but these are literal whos. why even bother with what they think?
Jesus Christ, I can't believe someone saved all of these Twitter screen shots to use in a thread like this...
Notice how you don't address anything I say because you know you are shitting up this thread with these garbage screencaps. God I hate zoomers so fucking much
I care, tehy're funny.
You sound angry, friend
fuck you
I'll just point out that for a movie about racism it gives absolutely zero fucks about representing Italian in a Family Guy tier way.
If any Italian user is reading watch the movie with the original dub, most of the Italian they speak is so horrendous that it's hilarious.
go shit up another thread zoomer
the absolute fucking sorry state of this board
They're niggers?
>Random twitters niggers
The girl on the bottom has the most agreeable opinion. Roma should have won best picture.
>thinking that the phrase cinematography was misused in that post
Comfy enough, took my ma to see it. I also enjoyed the absolute seething of numales that the movie was evil because it didn’t represent black people like black panther.
>whoa racism
>have an oscar
have you seen the film? It's a bit more than that
Even niggers didn't liked this nigger ass kissing shit show.
good post
It was enjoyable. Certainly no masterpiece, and extremely hammy at points, (was anyone else expecting a piano to just inexplicably appear in Vallelonga's apartment at the end?) but the dynamic between Mortensen and Ali was great, and their relationship was well developed, and fun to watch unfold.
> their relationship was well developed
> scene 1 Vallelonga despise niggers
> scene 2 Vallelonga tongue niggers ass
he needed money brainlet, Shirley was paying
all these people shitting on the movie because it was made by white people are the biggest racists alive.
people here pretend to like it because twitter and tumblr hate it
Lately, a multiracial cast is a sure sign of a shit movie so I just skipped it.
same, glad it won..i liked it the most out of all the nominees. Viggo was snubbed though, he was kino as fuck
I think it has a lot packed into it. There's the aspect of elitism and what the self-perceived elites see as the middle class or common people. There's a bit of self awareness and self reflection of the 'powerful' and their peers represented by Doc Shirley. Despite all that and more it was still a good story and told rather well to fit all this. Is kino