Is Black Sails worth watching?

Is Black Sails worth watching?

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No. It's faggot/girl shit.

Yes but since this if Yea Forums and you're angry about faggots and women then no

There's an unnecessary twist midway through the show that cheapens everything, but besides that, the entire show is concentrated high seas adventure kino from the opening shot to the final credits.

>that cheapens everything
haha, what a bitch

Flint's built up hatred and revenge upon England boiling down to them making him split up with his fag lover was a cheap twist.


You write like a black kid.

2 problems (relating to the last few episodes in particular):
- mr big bad pirate shitting up the resistance plans
- the fag shit

other than that, pretty solid. i liked the earlier parts better where it was focused around flint and his crew rather than constantly going "THE CACHE" "THE CACHE" "THE CACHE"
it was literally all anyone in the show talked about for MULTIPLE SEASONS
like i give a damn about hearing a character mention "THE CACHE" for the 500th time in a season when we could be off doing pirate shit

Main character is a massive poofta and a homo, so no.

You have to go back.

the writers were clearly forced to add that. starz wouldn't let them make it unless it had pozzed shit

it doesn't matter though because they cancelled all schlock kino and focus now on feminist garbage for women.


Season 2 is absolutely terrible. Season 3 was good. Never finished season 4

S4 is the interracial sex season but at least it's based on the book.

There's literally only 2 (maybe 3) episodes in the entire series that touch on the homo shit, and everyone just ignores it for the most part.

Flint is actually one of the most tolerable examples of the trope since it's never once treated as his defining characteristic.

Legit worth the watch. Once I finish catching up on this terrible Gotham season 5 I’m gonna give kino black sails another watch

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It's a high quality show, it filmed good, set's well made, costumes are good. The other thing is that it's a story about runaway faggot and the other pirates and whores that all talk like they are all aristocrates and aren't supposed to be low-life thugs of their era.

just got on to the 2nd season now and its pretty good but everybody is too good looking and clean that it kind of breaks my immersion. Anything involving boats looks great though, can never tell what is real vs miniatures vs CG. Something that i also like but rarely pick up on is how they use lighting.

Acting is.... okay, bit of a mixed bag. Flint is great though, good choice going with a proper actor for his role

First season feels like Deadwood with its internal politics and relationship building.

The rest are more action oriented. The show gets progressively worse.

The show ends with a black slave girl taking over and based homo captain abandoning crusade to go be gay with boyfriend in slave camp.

It's enjoyable, but don't expect it to get better after s2.

>too good looking and clean
perfect teeth

Ho. I'm just passing through but I don't know so I had to ask, what is this guy standing on?

Is he on fire? I don't literally lol or figuratively (not my type to be frank) but I mean what is he standing on top of? Is it water? Or something else we can't see from this kino angle?

it's shallow water at the shoreline

gave up after season 2. literally gay shit and i hate how they act like they're all high and mighty for being pirates. they really shove it down your throat.