>"I know Last Jedi sucked ass, we all just gotta move on" - John Boyega
"I know Last Jedi sucked ass, we all just gotta move on" - John Boyega
lmao what a fucking retard.
He should be the new Blade
lol imagine fucking killing this guy and murdering him wouldn't that be funny haha
>"eh, I got paid"
Yeah I would probably say the same thing, he's just an actor in that movie, Mark couldn't even get Rian to change Luke's character, his characters arc was pretty much "this character is here too"
Why did she shorten peanut butter down to just nut butter in her last sentence? Is she making some kind of cum joke?
WAIT u wanted to see a good movie that you’ve been waiting for for years? Whaaaaaa? Nigga it’s just a movie, dont u want to see it make $$$??
Bruh it’s just Star Wars?
Have you seen this man's lower body? He's all fucked up, I don't think he can even kick.
i still don't understand why the kept changing directors for each movie
Imagine being so mentally deficient that you watch Star Wars, think it's actually good, get obsessed with it, and then whine about sequels decades later
She eats only the finest nut butter, freshly milked from local free range BBC cattle herds.
so no one director would be considered the face of the franchise and they could pay them nothing as a result.
Let's be honest the best person they could have got to direct the new movies would have been Michael Bay. Somehow he made a boring 80s toy into the best franchise for boys under 10 seems kind of like a no brainer to hire him.
Michael Bay could've saved the franchise. Now, it's too late.
She seems to be implying that Boyega is the one who is fond of nut butter. I wouldn't be surprised.
george lucas would have saved it
He wouldn't have made the Star Wars universe seem minuscule that's for sure
No, George Lucas would just re-release the original series except Leia kisses Luke first and some musical numbers get changed. Also, a stormtrooper is standing next to a corner who wasn't there previously.
He didn't make the movie, assclown
He fucked up the prequels, there's no way
Are you crazy? Boyega is some uncharismatic fucker. He will never look this badass.
Imagine being the type of faggot who mocks people for the shit that sticks to them from childhood on.
Do you also mock Christfags for the shit they get stuck with in childhood they can never shake off, regardless of what the wisdom gained through adulthood tells them?
Would be nice to have a cinematic Blade who could actually portray a Londoner, accurate to the comic character. I don't know if he has the physique though
Nigga has literal bitch hips, not to mention a closet faggot
>why don't I like kids movies anymore now that I am not a child
>you can't still like anything that you did when you were a kid as an adult, ever
Glad I'm not this type of superserious, joyless faggot.
Please, mister maturity, enlighten me as to what super serious adults are allowed to like.
you're so fucking autistic, as expected from an adult Star Wars fan.
Let me take you through this step by step:
>Star Wars is made for children
>you were a child and liked it
>now you are an adult and don't like these movies for children anymore
This shouldn't be so hard to grasp
>you were a child and liked it
>now you are an adult and don't like these movies for children anymore
Wait, is this supposed to be the same magic switch that automatically flips when you turn 18 that makes you suddenly be turned off by womerns under 18?
Because that just sounds like more faggotry.
there are more niggers looking for roles out there, and good ones. no need to relaunch blade with someone we already know is not really good for action
>still not getting it
Completely unsurprised.
And you're still yet to enlighten us all as to what superserious adults are allowed to enjoy.
I wonder how he feels about going from a lead to a comedic bumbling B story in Star Wars.
I still like the three good star wars movies fine now
Just not the shitpile prequels and sequels
Seems pretty simple, maybe you'd understand it if you'd ever had sex
His friends tell him it sucks, so he knows
just how dense are you? You don't enjoy the newest movies of the franchise. I'm not telling you to not like movies from your childhood. I'm telling you to not expect to like contemporary children movies, because you're not a child anymore
no it's gradually maturing which is also the reasons why you don't watch Dora the Explorer anymore
nah the dude from blackkklasman should do it
No. Snipes would look fine as an old man Blade if they really wanna make another one.
Twitter threads are the fucking worst
topher grace?
>contemporary children movies
These are fucking sequels to 40 year old films. Not remakes. With the same fucking actors.
Looking at them as being childrens movies, expecting them to be childrens movies, MAKING them as children's movies, all that shit is both moronic & disingenuous.
As is mocking people who're pissed off about characters they've carried for fucking decades getting wrecked because, ???
He's not so uppity nog pants now that he's flopped a few franchises.
40 years ago those movies were children movies as well
also Stephen Dorff should come back for meme material
Boyega actually seems like a pretty chill dude irl, he gets so much hate cos hes in that garbage franchsie
Micahel Jai White!
Doesn't have the body or charisma for it
The bar was a fuck of a lot higher for kids back then than it is now. As always happens.
Fucking Hobbit was written for SIX YEAR OLDS in the 30's. How many modern 10 YEAR OLDS you think could read that shit now?
But the OT SW audience grew up. So should've the franchise itself if it was going to make fucking SEQUELS.
Otherwise just start fucking fresh. Anyone you gave a choice would've preferred Han, Luke, & Leia stay out of it if they weren't going to be fucking respected.
But none of that matters anymore, I just want to watch it burn. I carried Luke since fucking 1980, guess it'll take til like fucking 2058 to stop being pissed.
Which proved to be a mistake immediately and then JJ was handed the franchise back.
Does Boyega know how to breath through his nose? He's got the nostrils for it, but he looks like he's mouthbreathing in every pic I've seen of him
Star Wars is a franchise aimed at children. The entire premise is a simplistic good vs. evil plot with one-dimensional space wizard characters. It's on the same level as Harry Potter.
That sounds like children's movies are too intellectual for you.
Name literally any other live action children's franchise whit direct sequels 40 years apart starring the same cast & with the kind of cultural saturation SW has & I will be forced to reevaluate my manbaby status for even the low ass fucking expectations I allowed myself to have.
Wasn't "nut butter" a euphemism in the Podesta pizzagate emails?
When has "nut butter" NOT been a euphemism?
Listen man, I can sympathize. I just can't muster up the energy to care about a franchise that sold its soul years and years ago, and which was always (always) about the money first and foremost anyway. Hence Lucas signing onto exclusive merchandise profits in the first place before spinning off metric tons of action figures, games, t-shirts, mugs, books, etc. etc. -- he knew what he was doing. Star Wars is a brand before it's anything else. You bought into it all those years ago but they didn't gave a fuck about you anyway, they never did. It's just abundantly clearer now that a fresh new demographic is ripe for the picking.
helliar is the embodiment of cringe
>even though there are white people, specifically white women actively destroying star wars lets focus on the nigger who is just getting paid to say lines
Come on, focus on the true enemy, the roast
>It's just abundantly clearer now that a fresh new demographic is ripe for the picking
Obviously not, seeing as they've been forced to all but give up on it. But I get your point, and I don't expect anyone who HADN'T carried it like that for as long to give nearly as much of a shit, let alone any.
But the mockery for it will never not grind me the fuck up into making big ass walls of text. As though this is a specific set of circumstances that's ever happened before.
John is based desu
Take a break from pol, retard
that's a black guy with sunglasses, what's so badass about that?
Daisy hates Marmite too. I think he's hinting at their secret relationship.
I know a guy who worked on the set, he said Daisy was all over John behind the scenes.
I watch and enjoy Pixar movies with my daughter. A good movie is a good movie. I can watch the Incredibles or any of the Toy Story movie and with her multiple times and still enjoy them. There's no excuse for shitty Star Wars movies when so much has already been established beforehand.
>she's nailing both John AND Adam
Fucking hell, an uncharismatic Mary Sue AND a whore.
Of all the things to pick up from Carrie it had to be the coke habit & the whoredom; of course she entirely failed to pick up on the likeability.
Wesley Snipes has a more intimidating face
it's not just the sunglasses but also the Dracula haircut and tattoos