This is so fucking good, actually unnerving. Black Swan wishes it could be as good as this.
Is Paprika any good?
This is so fucking good, actually unnerving. Black Swan wishes it could be as good as this.
Is Paprika any good?
Yes; no.
paprika is not really interesting. it has nice visuals though
I think the most torturous thing to watch is people trying their hardest to fulfill their dreams and failing.
which one is the utmost Kon kino?
Paprika is really good but worse than Perfect Blue.
The movie goes downhill once it's revealed that the fat girl was behind it.
Tokyo Godfathers stays my personal favourite konkino.
apparently for once the title of the show "perfect blue" reflects the flawlessness of the content.
Paprika's great, but not on par with MA or PB. Also watch TG and PA.
Millennium Actress.
This. The plot of Paprika is, at best, functional. Very fun visually, which is what you should be looking for in an anime anyways.
Paprika is a film that made me rage.
Not sure how to spoiler as never needed it before but the scene where it's revealed the main character girl was in love with the fat guy the whole time{/spoiler/ really grinded my gears. She should have gone with the cop, or no one in that film at least. wtf.
Watch Millennium actress and Tokyo godfathers for better KonKino.
watched Paprika on shrooms, laughed for 10 minutes straight at the weird gay wheelchair dude popping out of nowhere with SCIENCE IS THE FOLLY OF MAN
Paprika is flashy but the storyline is awful compared to Perfect Blue. Watch Tokyo Godfathers instead.
I guarantee that everyone in this thread would like paprika more if she didn't end up with the fat guy.
Paprika has a less good plot but way more interesting visuals and music.
mah man
Millenium>PB> TOkyo Godfathers>>>>>paprika
People who old Perfect Blue as Kon's greatest film are idiots who cant think for themselves. It is a fantastic film but not his best.
They're all good and worth watching. They all have the surrealist theme of Reality:Fantasy
All his films are good. RIP KONNNNNN
can't you disagree like a normal person? These nuclear reactions are off-putting and generally a waste of time
Was that really it though ? There is the theme of the illusion possessing people to act.
At some point it's unclear if Mami does the killing herself, or only the fat girl, and that leaves the maniac creep, who is also affected by it.
Sure, you can say realistically that her fat manager wrote the blog, was projecting herself onto her and influenced the maniac all the while killing people, but we must not forget Mami herself started to get really unstable, to the point we don't know where the show and the characters she interprets stop and where starts "reality".
At the end she even addresses the viewer directly, saying "that's really me", but she proved to be an unreliable narrator. So what's the answer and what's this about ? Is she still in the role and playing ? Is she saying the truth ? It's obviously a meta statement, but in which direction ?
The movie is intentionnaly confusing and we really lose foot as to what is real and what is not. Insanity must be terrifying.