Woah, he has depression like me :D!
Woah, he has depression like me :D!
Horseman and R&M are the worst things to happen to television, followed closely by Curb and IASIP.
woah he eats feed like me :D!
he got into a car crash at the end of that episode and then was back on the sauce in time for women choking
Can we talk about IASIP for a second
Almost everyone my age I've met is in love with that show but I just don't get it. It almost feels like people watch it so they can smugly repeat the lines that have that "I find this funny because I'm smart" vibe to them so they can feel like they're better than other people.
>Bojack is never allowed to get better because it would alienate the audience
>so let him almost murder someone because we gotta say something about opioids lol
Fucking how? The whole point of the show is that they're all scummy retards.
Bojack was alright for the first season, even the second one had its moments but it should have ended with 1 and been done.
>I find this funny because I'm smart
sunny is well written but it's pretty lowbrow
>just like me xD
You're a fucking dumbass.
>They said I could be anything I wanted when I grew up
>So I became a Yea Forums shitposter
Fuck off, OP.
>the worst season is the best one
>I have trouble paying attention to plotlines
Y'all idiots. Go back to posting on Brie Larson (muh superhero film!!!) threads
>trips being wasted in normie shitposting
>makes fun of capeshit
>watches "adult" cartoons
You don't understand the pain that I'm going through. I identify with these characters because it's a REALISTIC and PROFOUND interpretation of depression. My favorite part of the show is where he drinks and indie music plays in the background so that you know that it's PROFOUND and REALISTIC and I really identify with these characters. If you don't like it, it's because you don't get it. I may be 14 but I understand depression on a way deeper level than you possibly could, let me explain it to you.
Bojack is rich, right? He was an actor, yeah? But he DRINKS while indie music plays in the background. That means he's depressed, numb nuts. This show is deep and realistic. Also he's sad because he tried to bang a deer on a boat.
Moving on, you complete and utter MORON, we have Rick Sanchez, quite possibly the most GROUNDED and REALISTIC depiction of depression in media. So he's smart, right? And he doesn't believe in God, yeah? But he DRINKS while indie music plays in the background you complete and utter buffoon, you couldn't possibly understand what it's like to be as smart and depressed as me.
GoBack Toredditman
>Can we talk about IASIP for a second
I always found the show mean and sad. Man you work a few jobs having to deal with drunks and it really ruins the humor of it for you.
Hollyhock doesn't actually confront him. She suspects it, and they part ways extremely awkwardly. It's implied he loses her support.
it a show for people to feel superior to the office crowd
theres a shittin of iasip fans around here too, watch your step...
>so let him almost murder someone because we gotta say something about opioids lol
What the fuck, take that back
IASIP was great from seasons 2-7, good for 1 and 8, and has been irredeemable ever since then
Curb is great. Never met a pleb who was into it. You're right about the other 3 though
>character studies are bad
Why is this board so dumb? BoJack isn't a fucking self insert it's just a bunch of Jews telling a story.
Like jesus christ
The series would be great. If they had planned it out and decided to give it a satisfying ending last season or two seasons.
Too many shows just assume they'll last forever and get 10 dozen seasons. The plotslines are dragged out. The characters become flanderized and shallower, their actions less meaningful.
More shows (and movies and book series and video games) need to have the courage to realize that a single satisfying ending is better then making constant new episodes/sequels.
Of course, one of those makes much more money then the other.
First few seasons are decent, enjoyable if not that memorable. S4 is a legitimately interesting character study. S5 is an affront to everything prior and nearly cancels out all that was good in S4.
I find it funny that these depressed characters for self inserters are always borderline Chad's. Bojack and Rick are smart, get sex on the regular and swaggy.
When are they gonna make a muh depressive loser cartoon where the protag is actually pathetic and not just le straightman who's depressed cause too smart for dumdum NPCs around him
I wish I had a horse gf
that daughter was really annoying
stupid voice
stupid character
stupid "parents"
>hating Curb and Sunny
Quit being a contrarian faggot, user.
The only smug people are you delusional bastards who act like you're above it. How are you not aware you are guilty 100% of what you're describing?
OH NO NO NO WE HAVE BEEN TO cocky /pol/ bros!
No u
I’m starting to feel like the guys here really don’t suffer from depression and rely on drugs
Do people actually think Its always sunny is pretentious? I mean season 13 sure but everything before that it seemed like the exact opposite. Like the writers were just having fun and didn't actually want the viewer to learn anything in particular.
What makes you think that?
i have a get out of jail free card
who would want to watch a neet in a dark room play vidya, browse Yea Forums, and jerk off all day?
women like being choked and they like horse cock
he has literally no reason to be sad he has a horse cock
Character studies are bad if the character is uninteresting
Bojack is the incel creep of the show.
Girls like chad doggy dick in that show
There are things in between you know
Also there is watamote for example
Bojack is an actively pathetic person. He's not meant for the audience to self-insert, and that's more of the failing of the retards that watch the show and go "omg I'm just like him!!!!"
Yeah, Hollyhock is insufferable.
Which never made sense to me MRPB cock must definitely be small and red and over in 20 seconds. Why would they like this over horse cock? I don't think the women in this show act very realistically.
Like what's the opposite of virtue signalling. It's like depression signalling. That's what all these shows are.
Lol how many incels have big dicks but chads have big dick energy ?
Yet he displays countless of great characteristics and gets into great shit on the regular after going through muh bad times. He's also more medium pathetic, like your average joe
It's because general audiences can't actually empathise with complete losers with actual loser problems. They always need some relation to sex/relationships or closeted half-baked intellectual problems to understand them
>big dick energy
I googled this and it kept bringing up links about that guy that tried to kill himself.
>depression signalling
It's called suicide hustling.
I never identified with Bojack. Honestly, who I identified with has always been Diane. Technically knows what it means to be a good person but doesn't manage to live up to it. And she's married to what's basically the male equivalent to a blonde bimbo, so that's another preference we have in common.
Big dick energy is dangerous my friend it will either make you a Chad or a creep .
I’m not surprised you found it
I never get why he was treated like the worst human on earth for not fucking a 17 year old. Is 17 illegal in california?
>Which never made sense to me MRPB cock must definitely be small and red and over in 20 seconds
Horses also have no stamina. Dog penises can actually be pretty big, and there's the whole knot thing which some people could be into.
>It's because general audiences can't actually empathise with complete losers with actual loser problems.
Serious question, what are some shows/movies with main characters that you would consider actual, bottom-of-the-barrel losers?
Well he was using the young girl as a replacement for her mom.
As someone who would do the same thing it’s kind of creepy
Maybe it's because I'm new but this is a solid Copypasta
Grove Street
Venture Bros (until around season 4 I think)
Donald Duck (honestly more visible in the comics)
Case in point for me, authentic losers as the MCs are a rare trope
It's more that Bojack was feeling super, super shit about it because using your friend's daughter as a surrogate for your feelings toward said friend is a shitty thing to do on multiple levels. It's a betrayal of trust and is just shady in general. Dianne had no clue what really happened and probably only got super mad about it so she could be controlling.
It is because you're new. You're the first person I've seen reply to him in months of him using it.
Yeah but all Diane heard was Bojack alone with a 17 year old and that was enough for her to say he's the worst person in the world. Although to me Diane is 100% the type of person to fuck a 15 year old.
I feel nothing but pity, FUCKING PITY, for those children that didn't grow up in a cul-de-sac.
Women hate the thought of men having sex with women who are in their prime dude
But why? They got to do it. Why should other women be denied the opportunity?
>cartoons for "adults"
Why are you Americans doing this?
Women are use to being queens when they are young. Young girls taking older guys upsets them
For every time there is a season. Surely they understand this.