Slide whistle sound effect

>slide whistle sound effect

Attached: MV5BOTA0NTg3ODgtMjZlMC00MGJiLTk3ZTEtMjdlM2ViZWFiNDFlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDQzMDg4Nzk@._V1_.jpg (701x394, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>le movie so bad, I drink the booze xD
>hehe this movie so bad I want to die LMFAO

>red letter media OP

Attached: Upboat_Rick.gif (1280x720, 1.79M)

>mfw I constantly use this as a >mfw equivalent of "slide whistle sound effect"

Attached: 1489378512615.jpg (4800x6046, 3.26M)

this song:

So do you guys think the prosecution really has a case? Or will Mike and Rich walk free?

>making more shit up

>movie has female nudity

Attached: 1461580759267.png (380x380, 235K)

>Jay looks at the camera

>constantly condemn intentionally bad movies
>make nothing but intentionally bad movies for two decades

Attached: 1527626982550.png (2208x1242, 2.62M)

Unless it's capeshit, then it's great and a lot of fun

He's too scared to make a serious movie because he can't stand rejection, so it can only be ironic.

He's too scared to make a serious movie because he knows he's incapable of doing so in spite of supposedly being a smart guy who knows the ins and outs of movies. Reminder he thinks nuwars is good.

>Rich laughs off camera

That really only applies to Space Cop

>Rich's unnecessary screeching peaks his lab mic

Every movie they made is bad on purpose though

Is Mike's alcoholism reaching peak heights? He looks destroyed in the Captain Marvel review

He even gave Captain Marvel a recommend

That Patreon shill video and the way they milked Culkin was seriously pathetic.

Every appearance he breaks new ground

mike turned state

well duh they are paid shills

I'm worried bros. His mind is going. He doesn't make the witty jokes he used to in those old videos. He just seems so much slower

Poor Jay isn't getting that money then


Alzheimer's mixed with alcohol does that to you

>the only way you can criticize someones work is to make work or make your work better

Apparently there was an incident a couple years ago where Jack knocked over a set light and pretty heavily electrocuted Mike. It didn't cause any apparent damage but he has been somewhat off in the time since. It's still a touchy subject right now.