/Shazam General/ - #1 - How do we Raise Shazam Awareness?

I'm not sure how well Shazam will be received by the masses....

>keep getting offers from fandango to see Shammies early
>happens once a week for last 2 months
>they literally keep sending me offers until the day before the screening
>how did they still have seats left?
>sneak peak is only 1/4 full
Is this movie is gonna bomb? People didn't even want to see the sneak peak? WTF?

>google showtimes
>only ~4 showing per day planned at most 20+ screen kinoplexes
I think they are anticipating a bomb.

How do we raise Shazam awareness bros? We only got a few weeks! The DCEU has done so much for us! It's time we gave back! How are you gonna HELP CHADZAMM DAB ON DEM HATERS? *BE HUMBLE PLAYS IN BACKGROUND...

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we should spam reddit or give positive reviews on IMDB and rotten tomatoes!!

leak the superman cameo already

>fornite dances
>zoomer dances
>anti-white apehop music
>youtube aesthetics
>videogame sensibilities
>epicureanism as social currency inverted through solipsistic reddit fetish
>jewish actor pretending to be a christian man pretending to be a jew
>funkopop collecting betaplay signaling
>trendy stranger things executive decisions
>diverse heroes destroy the evil white english man
>rotten tomatoes approved
This is a capeshit made by reddit for reddit. Regular capeshit was always bad enough but at least it didn't self consciously strain itself to have "meme moments" like this and GOTG turned it all up to 11.

A corporate shill trying to spark a grassroots viral advertising campaign. I can see right through you. Fuck off.

You think that will that work? How hard is it to make an imdb/rotten tomatoes account for this? Is there a way to make a bunch of accounts real fast?

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they just wanted to sell more tickets, disney falseflagger
lots of screenings were sold out and they even added screenings in some theaters

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Did anyone make the webms of the leaked scenes?

so you're just shilling this post in every shazam thread you can find then?

>they wanted to sell more tickets... to the same person for one sneak peak screening

>>epicureanism as social currency inverted through solipsistic reddit fetish
You have lost your mind.

>lots of screenings were sold out and they even added screenings in some theaters
Cool lies bro

>he thinks the company sending advertisement to buy tickets targeted him specifically because they wanted his ass in the theaters because he's special
are you fucking retarded

>How do we raise Shazam awareness bros?
Have Marvel remake it


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I did it for picture related so why wouldn't I do it for the current version of it?

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I plan on seeing it.

Don't DC movies always do really well financially despite Disneyshills tanking the reviews every time?

>get email for special sneak peak invite
>literally sent to your email
>literally addressed to your name
Yeah, it's totally not targeted to "you". It's totally like random.

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>formerly chuck

There's not enough fun superhero movies, they try to be so hardcore grimdark or super stupid. I've given up on capeshit being good, can it just be fun and not Deadpool reddit tier shit?

Tell that to Skyperson

That movie was terrible

>sign up on fandango
>gets emails from fandango with your name on them
get a new brain



>wanting me to market your shitty flick for you
get the fuck out shill

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just brigade it on rotten tomatoes like you did with captain Marvel
because at the end that worked pretty well against you, incels



>Fandango sends you email by name for sneak preview
>doesn't send it to all fandango customers
>meaning you are "special" aka in the target demo
Yeah, it's almost like it was targeted marketing you fucking dunce.

The first time I've ever laughed at that dumb fucking meme.

There isn't one. Henry left DCEU

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Shut the hell up marvel faggot . Go watch captain shemale if hate it so MUCH.

This movie looks like dogshit


no it doesnt

Yeah. Shazams going to be fine

>yfw 30min fortnight sequence
>yfw pewds cameo

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I'm going to assume that you don't employ a spam folder.

Did you dab as you said that? Were you humble?

what's the pewds cameo?

go to bed

>not having dozens of spam email accounts for shit like fandango
Cute. I bet you're humble and sit down.

Don't you have cats to feed?

happens at the very end, and he is only shown from the neck down in the lunch room

I think the guy who believes himself a VIP for receiving spam email needs to be humble.


this begging is more cringe than the anti-Captain Marvel threads you all spammed
every day is just a new way for DCfags to sink to a new low

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it has none of this actually.
the floss dance is shown for like 1-2 seconds at most.

i've already made 10 accounts on rotten tomatoes

its time consuming to make emails though

but i've got the muscle memory down

The crippled kid is a big pewds fan. There is a scene where they cut in on a pewds video playing on his computer. Pewds is talking about responsibility that comes with fame. It gives the kids an idea that progresses the plot. It's pretty fucking cringy, but whatever.

No they weren't humble. They didn't sit down.

>implying the power of Shazam didn't make us all DCEU VIPs
I'm literally dabbing on you right now hater! I'm dabbing so hard! Take that! And that! They might as well call me chadzamm cause I DAB SO HARD! You humble yet?

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stop replying to yourself

Now this chad HUMBLE! He sits down!
Keep up the good work bro!

I'm watching the damn thing now, schizo.


Don't listen to that retard. Henry is still in DCEU