ITT: Movies that people with low IQ won't appreciate
ITT: Movies that people with low IQ won't appreciate
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So much fucking better and tidier than the whole trilogy of books, desu.
My friend who smokes 7 bongs of weed a day said it was dumb and boring.
Low IQ people think it was the original Portman in the end when it's the clone, the real one died.
this was a massive, massive letdown from Ex Machina. I can't even properly express how disappointed I was
There were bits and pieces that hinted at an interesting creation, but the characters and story were a complete misstep. Who could care about Portman and Isaac's relationship or her lover? Nothing interesting happened between the members of the expedition into the anomaly. The ending sequence was incomprehensible and sterile.
Ex Machina is a genuinely brilliant movie, I have no idea how this guy fell off this hard
The books are a very sloppy mess that makes less sense the more you read. How they resolved the lighthouse scene in the movie was much more deftly done. Even by leaving out seemingly important things like the pseudo-biblical verses written in plants and moss they did a good thing because that went nowhere in the book anyway. I don't think they're planning to adapt the remaining books because the ending of them movie already borrowed things from book 3, and that's a good thing.
Brainlet detected.
I enjoyed both the movie and books. If anything bothered me about the books, it was the fact that the author had to insert the word banal into every other paragraph.
that movie is for people with low IQs who believe that they have high IQs
>this was a massive, massive letdown from Ex Machina. I can't even properly express how disappointed I was
ex machina was just as bad
Ex Machina is perfectly crafted, it's like a greek tragedy, and it is gorgeous in basically every shot
>it's like a greek tragedy
yikes, imagine being this easily impressed
Just proving OP correct
High IQ people know it was ambiguous.
That movie wasn't even good, it was so average and everyone here acted like it was a masterpiece
It is though. The characters are all doomed by their character to have a certain fate, which is exactly how Greek tragedies are constructed
OP likes boring scripts, bad acting, bad CGI, and storytelling with no satisfying ending
It was purely average/bad to low IQ fags, but they're not entirely wrong. Patricians of fine cinema will admit the movie had GLARING faults (I almost walked out in the beginning), but I very soon experienced the essence of the movie which was beautiful and unique. Unfortunately the movie steered far into art-fag territory and lost me again, but the movie itself is amazing and must be watched in a theater setting. This is the only movie i would give a "KINO-ISH" rating. Thank you for asking me.
The bear scene is the worst scene in the movie.
Movie starts out real dry but gets more and more interesting and by the end I was really into it. Did a really good job of conveying visuals and thought processes reminiscent of the psychedelic experience.
Part of why I like the movie as much as I do is because I thought the ending was supposed to be kind of a gut-punch reveal that the clone actually won and humanity was doomed (followed by the title card and unnerving sound effect). Then I went online and saw that was actually a very unpopular interpretation and now I don't know what to think. To me that's what would really make it stand out compared to similar movies, but maybe I was just expecting it to be that way because Ex Machina had that kind of "bad end".
ITT: movies that people with eyes won't appreciate
schlock mess with no meaning for the characters beyond superficial survival. Every other scene had a second layer of meaning, and sometimes had three or four. The bear was just straightforward.
I enjoyed it a lot the first time, but the direction was lackluster in retrospect. I enjoyed all the themes and how they played into each other but it really could have benefited from being longer and slower paced. Focused too much on being a horror movie, which it really wasn't.
8/10. I might read the book. Also, it's not surprising Yea Forums retards hated it. Reading threads at the time they didn't even pick up the blatantly obvious cancer theme. "Cancer? What???"
High IQ people realize the point was that it didn't matter and that there was no original anymore.
That was some retarded shit you just posted. Lets analyze.
>schlock mess with no meaning for the characters beyond superficial survival
I'm no film student but i dont think this scene has any "schlock" involved since it is a simple horror scene in line with the pre-established rules of the movie. As far as "meaning" i think it further reinforced the concept of genetic confluence within the shimmer that could include possibly a transfer of conscsiencessness which is more horror added to the scene. There are many ways to interpret it. And i'm talking bare bones. Why would it even "need" anything beyond "superficial survival". why is that bad?
>Every other scene had a second layer of meaning, and sometimes had three or four.
maybe if you're an art fag.
>The bear was just straightforward.
I dont think so since it reinforced the concepts i stated above, but why would it be bad if it was just straightforward? It was heavily implied that there were going to be "monsters". The groundwork was laid down for all these bear scenes.
>Beginning of movie
>See black guy come up and talk to her
>Immediately realize where this is going
>End up being right
Why the fuck is this shit pushed so hard?
1/10 bait made me reply
Because the concept of the movie was about critical self destruction, true harm. Nothing more destructive than a ((white)) girl fucking a black dude. The movie is BASED.
i mean it's literally the main character's biggest regret in life but yeah sure
what's some other essential soi-fi Yea Forums?
The Martian
Ex Machina
Black Mirror
any more??
This sums up the movie perfectly. Also the acting was absolute garbage. it's sci-fi for people who don't like sci-fi
What's sci-fi for people who like sci-fi?
>when the bitch in your crew shows up and tries to one up everyone even they dont know what's going on.
The Favourite
The number of critics who described it as a “smart, sexy, irreverent comedy” finally made me realize how many of film’s gatekeepers are sub-105 IQ bugs that stare right through the screen and see whatever they want to see
Add Gravity and Interstellar
Together with The Martian they form the Onions Face Space Trilogy
I thought the same thing, and I'm 6'4
Escape From LA
Synecdoche, New York
I don’t want to see a single reply to this post. Not interested in hearing it
>The number of critics who described it as a “smart, sexy, irreverent comedy” finally made me realize how many of film’s gatekeepers are sub-105 IQ bugs that stare right through the screen and see whatever they want to see
What do you mean?
lmao get the fuck out of here.
I don't know how I got through the second book (it was torture). Book 3 is better so far, but I read a quarter of it and just stopped. I'll try to pick it up again. The movie was fucking great though.
It’s one of the darkest movies I’ve seen in a long time, but the sheen of the cinematography, wardrobes, and decor and the moments of levity were enough to make the stupider reviewers decide it was supposed to be fun and hot with “three powerful females roles” and tune out from that point on.
Spoilers if you want my take:
>entire movie keeps hammering home the contrast between the rigid structures humans place themselves in and our emotional, evil, animalistic behavior
>sex underlies all power, power underlies all sex
>whole movie focuses on competition for preferential treatment while even the prized Horacio the Duck is just a brainless animal running in circles
>that last shot
>after everything Abigail has done to get to where she is, she’s still a cheap slave and prostitute, performing sexual favors for a broken, sick, infertile, and stupid queen
>the rabbits
>unending sex, unending stillbirths, unending deaths, unending sorrow
>this is the nature of biology and humans are never going to escape no matter how fine the palaces we live in are
This and Arrival are pure brainlet sci-fi.
I can't believe brainlets on Yea Forums fell for this shit
With current human intellect, it is currently impossible to understand this movie.
Just let it be; someday our grandchildren's grandchildren may understand but for now, it is just out of humanity's grasp.
You know what?
Gravity in 3D at the cinema was the best and only decent 3D movie I've ever seen.
It's pointless in 2D, I'll give you though.
I won’t deny that it looked really good, visually
Yeah. Again, that's all I've allowing it. The silent 3D scenes during the ISS spinning around out of control made me shed a tear.
Also a really great opening shot that was uninterrupted for what seemed like minutes. I know it's CGI fakery and not even in the same fake way as the "uninterrupted scenes" in Birdman, but it was great regardless.
Primer is probably the most objectively correct example
Fuck off sunny
Primer is an interesting take on time travel. Been a while since I've seen it but I understand the involvement of the main 2 guys, I think.
But wasn't there a father-in-law or someone who got involved somehow? Was there an explanation for that? I didn't understand how he suddenly had a beard and was acting weird.
Tried to watch this with my gf, she said it was boring and we stopped after 20 minutes. What's the deal with latinas? The only crap they like are shitty TV series from Mexico.
They won’t watch anything that isn’t frame-interpolated and doesnt have a 25 year old woman in a tank top as the main character
Yes, there were 4 machines in total. Each made a restart machine in secret and then the two machines for their money scheme.
One of the restart machines got jacked.
But I don't understand how the father-in-law even got involved. Did someone tell him? Did he stumble into their garage and for some retarded reason decide to crawl into their travel tunnel and go to sleep long enough to travel in the past? Why would he do this without knowing anything about it? The 2 main guys were pretty secretive about the whole thing.
This isn't like Biff finding the sports almanac in the back seat and making an obscene profit by giving it a serious try.
This is an old man who for no reason at all jumps through a lot of hoops and accidentally travels to the past/future.
Am I wrong?
I just wanted to draw attention to the bear scene, and how effective it was because it didn't waste your goddamn time like a dumber movie would have. The bear walks in, you get to hear its horrifying voice, its mauls a bitch and boom, one girl gets free and blasts it in the head with a rifle. I really appreciated how they didn't spend 10 minutes in an action sequence where they have macgyver a way to drop a stove on the bear or some dumb shit.
That’s just Roadside Pucnic for dumbasses
I thought ex machina was alright. It's your standard Frankenstein story. Man creates being he doesn't fully understand and it turns on him. Only thing I thought was fucking dumb was when the girl leaves at the end and the helicopter pilot just takes her away. Wouldn't he be like "who the fuck are you and where's that other guy I'm supposed to be picking up?".
Yes he was told what to do by Shane carruths character. Remember there were 3 of them in the same time line at one point.
The ending fills in the holes of the story by letting the viewer know that he was listening to himself on the radio.
Wait, what? That's the unpopular ending? Brainlets are abound the Earth.
Ex machina is quite shit.
Whoa double based
Agreed but this one is kind of hard to follow if you've never read the book
Worst movie i saw in 2 years
Why don't you try reading from competent nu-scifi authors, like Peter Watts and Dan Simmons then?
Yeh, it's great how that scene didn't waste your time, like the rest 1 hour and 50 minutes of it did.
Assume I'm retarded (and then stop assuming and just believe it).
So Shane told him to do it. But Why?Okay. So Ex Machina.
If we ignore completely almost all of the narrative of the film: Is it ever explained how one guy not only invented an AI, but ALSO invented the robotics and synthetic flesh to go with it? Which is a completely different level of science/technology to have a grasp on?
From what I remember, he did it all on his own.
>Wife and I sit down to binge Russian Doll on Netflix
>I say ‘I bet she fucks a nigger’
>wife rolls her eyes and says she’s not going to watch it with me if I’m going to be ‘that way’
>couple of episodes later I’m staring at her with the biggest cheesiest most shit-eating ‘I told you so’ grin.
>she gets pissed off
I honestly don’t know why she even had a copy of Mein Kampf when we met.
I thought this and the lighthouse scene were the only memorable parts. Fuck everything else tbqh.
High IQ people ironically don't unironically post on Yea Forums
I don't think most women enjoy any level of film criticism.
I had to watch Fantastic Beasts & The Crimes Of GrindleDingle with her the other week. Almost every 3 minutes I had to ask why the fuck something was happening and how much of a stark contradiction it was to the last Fantastic Bores film. But instead of engaging in just a bit of light criticism, she just got upset with me and claimed that she couldn't pay attention to the film because of me.
I've invited her to watch it on her own again and then tell me what she thinks, but she hasn't done it yet.
Imagine morons who didn't even see the cancer pattern in the movie, and self-destruction of every character; imagine not realising that the BLACKED scene is the main character's own self-destruction, imagine being this mentally ill as to think it's propaganda to incite people to race mix, just literally imagine being this fucking retarded. Imagine.
Both are great movies, but as OP said, you need a solid IQ, and you also need a solid emotional intelligence as well. Brainlets, heartlets, stay in your league.
Low iq 135 white neet virgin here
What would their alien pusy doppelganger smell like haha? I also wunna fuck that lighthouse alien it's cute and makes braaaps
My mum does this.
Silly mummy haha *suckles on nipples*
Seriously though my mum fucking hates this shit as well it's so obvious especially ugly niggers
Mars Needs Moms
I saw the George Clooney one. Haven't seen the original.
Really loved the music. Loved some scenes. Am aware of the problems with it and can understand to a degree without even seeing the original why people love it more than the new one.
I put Solaris up there with The Fountain and love it anyway. Good movies to watch on your own.
I watched this as in flight movie. It was too low IQ for me to enjoy. Your average anime has a higher IQ.
I think I can get where she's coming from.
If you show a movie to someone and they're in that shitty critical mindset, they'll be oversensitive to anything they dislike about it and will repeatedly tell you. It gets to the point where they're clearly just searching for things to complain about and start muddying their valid criticisms with shit that doesn't make any sense.
>t. brainlet
>tfw I couldn't get into this
Feels bad man
I wasn't expecting the sort of difficulty that comes with Slav kino
>That fucking bear scene
Still the only time a film has been able to legitimately horrify me.
>Race mixing, typical.
>Just googled it, that actor is a jew.
>Of course, the woman wins that fight...
>I don't even care that that guy died, he had no backstory.
>What a predictable twist.
I bet this is what you're like.
kys brainlet
High iq here. The movie was shit until the end. Overall can't even justify it's existence. Let me post my letterboxd review to blow you the fuck out.
>t. brainlet
I hope this post is ironic.
It's really, really hard to not compare films to their spiritual/genre predecessors but in Annihilation's case I actually feel like it's the only way to have an honest conversation about it.
Annihilation is a mistranslation of Stalker. It's not a spiritual successor, it's not another take on the same archetypal story; it's the same story, but told wrong. Stalker is the story of three men who go on a journey to have their greatest wish come true. The writer has lost his motivation to write and finding his existence meaningless. The scientist wants the wish granting powers of the zone to be destroyed. The Stalker simply wants to be in the zone. The film carefully shows the different roles these men play in society, how the world has broken them down, and their earnest search something to build them back up again. The film uses Russian history, politics, and culture to bring up themes of religion, war, and pride that have affected the world these men live in, and thus have contributed to the broken state in which they exist. The zone itself is a mystery; it must be tread carefully and it has demands that must be met. There is no explanation for it being there or what is going on inside. The only thing we know about it is that our perspective shows a sepia colored world on the outside and color on the inside. This is a communication of something deeper existing in the zone that the world outside of it does not contain...
Annihilation is the story of five women who are on a scientific journey. Three of them have personal existential dilemmas that they seek at the center of the shimmer, even though there is no myth, no reason to believe there are answers to life's questions or problems there. Only one of these characters (the main one) has any real depth to her story or arc and the other characters get in the way of the story more than they bring to the table themselves. The shimmer is a scientific anomaly that these women desire to understand on a scientific level, but upon the revelation that there's science beyond their understanding here, the film remains focused on a scientific interpretation of the events. There's nothing going on here thematically apart from a simplistic "what if" sciency scenario. There is no connection between the women and the shimmer apart from some brief exposition about how they're not happy for one reason or another, and like I said earlier only three out of the five women come to any kind of resolution with their wounds/problems. The other two are filler who waste an hour of the film not being dead. The shimmer itself doesn't represent anything thematically apart from the inevitability of death, being that all characters enter the shimmer knowing that nobody comes out alive. Two of these three characters outright seek death for themselves, and the other (the main one) has a connection to her husband being the first person to ever show up outside the shimmer. The dangers of the shimmer are entirely physical; we're told that all military expeditions into it had failed, so they're attempting a scientific expedition instead... and they're still fully armed. What is supposed to be suggested at this? Some kind of peaceful admiration of science itself? A comment on toxic masculinity? Besides the point, guns are actually necessary for survival in the shimmer because half the movie is them hiding from and shooting at monsters...
I don't care. All I did was make fun of you. I'm not going to read your drivel. The fact that you posted your review is pathetic. I bet you act like this in real life. Mistake ridicule for friendship.
Well designed and scary monsters, but simply monsters nonetheless.
The differences are fairly obvious, so one would say why compare them at all and why not just look at them as different films? I really can't, because these differences happen to land on the exact strengths of the original masterpiece. The shimmer is the zone without God and with science. It's without spiritual dilemmas but with monsters. In the zone, you are forbidden from carrying guns. In the shimmer, you need them. The zone and the characters traversing it are so tightly interwoven that there are no wasted moments in the 2.5 hour film. Annihilation has about an hour of monster fighting filler inbetween the character introductions and the actual science fiction occupying the last half hour of the film. I expected more out of Alex Garland coming from his wonderful adaptation of Dredd and Ex Machina showing he knows how to place a few strong characters in a very tight, specific setting and let the ensuing action completely saturate your thoughts and interests. There's too much worthless fluff in Annihilation and its substance is too weak to be compelling among the flaws. The best thing I can say about it are the wonderful visual effects, the great acting from the veteran portion of the cast, and some great science horror sequences. Those elements alone are hardly worth praising the film itself over, though.
U gay
I'm sorry that I actually have more to say than a 3 sentence maximum meme spewing garbage post about this movie. It's not a good movie and I think I did a decent job at explaining why.
people are most likely embarrassed to be around you with some regularity
Are you 15?
All characters were fucking retarded
I picked a random sentence and it was a complete misinterpretation. Not even going to bother here. Arguing with dummies gets us nowhere. The fact you even mentioned letterboxed is the problem.
>High iq here. The movie was shit until the end. Overall can't even justify it's existence. Let me post my letterboxd review to blow you the fuck out.
Just read that. From an outside perspective, examine your own writing. Reply to me or not, I won't give you another second.
Please get the fuck off of Yea Forums you brainlet faggot. You can't go around claiming to be high I and then cower behind normalfag insults the minute someone starts to flex on you
>Thinks OP represents every post in the thread.
Very low IQ of you.
Cool, so disregard well thought out, well written opinions you don't like because they were posted on a website you don't like. Real high IQ there you fucking cowardly faggot.
No one who has ever posted on Yea Forums has an IQ above 75.
Wrong. There is literally no better website for the high iq.
your use of the word 'flex' ups my assessment from 'with some regularity' to 'constantly'
also you are a lot gayer and a lot less interesting than you think you are
I don't see how it's unreasonable to assume that the most viscious responses to posts opposing the OP either are OP or at least agree with him.
original is book
there was one adaptation before Tarkovsky, also not bad desu
You've done absolutely nothing but create a strawman out of me so you don't have to actually argue about the topic at hand. You are a coward and mentally feeble.
The movie would've been a whole lot better if the group was male. Especially with the theme being self destruction. Worst part was the awful CGI and cinematography. That fucking CGI shot of the house ij the beginning. The movie entrances 2deep4u pseuds with the visuals and audio, but lacks any real depth or criticism/evaluation of the human condition.
this is precisely how I imagine it has to be being low iq 135
i have no interest in arguing about the topic at hand you dumb little baby
Then get out of the thread. There's nothing more pathetic than entering a thread with no intention to discuss the topic it's about. That's the absolute worst posting ettiquette a person can have.
What does pusy smell like?
fine i'm leaving
Primer is high IQ but that doesn't stop it from being a shit movie
Not to mention the whole Jungian idea of integrating the shadow throughout the entire movie.
but yeah, I agree with you. You kind of feel sorry for the bear creature because there's probably something left of Sheppard in it; the horror comes when you consider its suffering, as well as the fear of the other characters.
Low iq post
I agree
>Part of why I like the movie as much as I do is because I thought the ending was supposed to be kind of a gut-punch reveal that the clone actually won and humanity was doomed
Even if it was the clone why would the humanity be doomed faggot. Dumb.
who are you talking to, nigga?
The protagonist and antagonist were both literal retards. Ex Machina's only grace was asking (dumber) viewers if the robot had actual self motivations. Anyone with sense knew the ending and wasn't surprised by any turn of events.
high iq don't waste their time on websites
high iq too busy writing their book n' shit
>IQ correlates to responsibility
t. Low IQ looking for an excuse for their behavior
viruses and shit, nigga
unironically hasn't been made yet
Because every mission into the anomaly has been a complete failure and it's still spreading? The idea is that she (as a clone) is an unreliable narrator and either didn't blow up the lighthouse or she did but knew it wasn't enough to stop it.
the only reason you hated arrival is because you misinterpreted it entirely
>it got all weird towards the end and confused me, it must be a really intelligent movie
The state of modern cinema. I swear to god nothing has any real depth to it anymore, it's all just made to appear like it does. Movies driven by philosophical themes and subjects are dead, the only movies that work anymore are the ones made to evoke emotions and suspense. Annihilation, Arrival, BR2049, whatever, all of it is fake fucking shallow bullshit that does nothing but trick impressionable young movie goers and onions numales who think liking these movies will make them smart and sophisticated. At best the only thing these movies have going for them are pretty pictures, but good cinematography is worthless and forgettable without a well written narrative. You are not smart for liking these movies, you are not better than anyone for thinking they are good, you are a fool and you have been tricked. Don't even reply to this post if you aren't over 25 years old and have been a film enthusiast for most of your life already.
>there are only 2 types of movies: immaculate high art, and worthless plebe trash, no middle ground!
lol cool story
That's not even close to what I said or any point I was making. The only good movies being made these days are the ones that aren't trying to be "high art" by applying illusions of depth.
There's a lot of projection here. I don't even know where to begin.
Instead of wasting my time countering the points you've purported I'll skip to the end.
If you've been a film enthusiast for most of your life you'd know all too well that people suck at truly explaining why they enjoy the things that they do. Our language is insufficient. Hence silly little threads like these about IQs and tier lists and all sundries between. Blanket statements about the decline of philosophical depth in modern cinema are just about as useful as sneedposting. People are seeing things in movies that you're not seeing, and vice versa, and that's all fine. Trying to put everything in boxes with labels is only going to drive you mad.
>The only good movies being made these days are the ones that aren't trying to be "high art" by applying illusions of depth.
so films with no ambitions or depth, oh sorry I meant """"illusions of depth"""""
>Almost every 3 minutes I had to ask why the fuck something was happening and how much of a stark contradiction it was to the last Fantastic Bores film.
you were an annoying cunt and can’t understand why she was put off by it.
save the criticism for the end, no one wants to hear your CinemaSins-style interjections while the movie was playing, even if the movie is shit and deserves to be torn apart
>no eddie murphy 100 words
and you were so close to ascension
Not true. Primer is obvious storytelling done badly. Everything was telegraphed and I found it a tad dull and lacking any surprise.
Why the homophobia?
You’re confusing intelligence with wisdom again
it had some nice visuals but I don't remember much as I've fallen asleep like 30 mins in and woke up while the credits rolled. due for a rewatch
>Synecdoche New York
Still a top five of masterpieces in this century
>You aren't smart for liking these movies
>I'M smart for HATING these movies
lmao, literally just kill yourself
Because the entire function of the Shimmer is to keep mutating shit randomly in an attempt to get a perfectly suited couple to replace the native species.
It looked cheap, the script was shit, the characters literally explained things they were doing as they were doing them
inferior in every possible way to Sunshine.
>imagine legitimately enjoying something
YIKES x1000
It was very ambitious and interesting. Could've been great if the character writing didn't suck.
It’s Stalker for brain dead morons who need the movie to be visually appealing for them to enjoy it. All style, no substance.
how bad was this really
Marvel Movies
ThE dEpArTeD
this. The movie was totally straight forward, an ambiguous ending doesn't change that.
Literally in my top 3. Fucking amazing film. Fuck you faggot retard
thank you!!! It's literally sci fi for girl version of Joe Rogan
>7 bongs of weed
Logan's Run
Silent Running
Invasion of the bodysnatchers
Onions Green
Adromeda Strain
Us (2019) was horrible
He blows through bongs that fast? He must have Parkinson’s or something
it's literally the easiest fucking film to follow if you arent a retard
god this was such a good movie.
something isnt good just because it gets out of your way quick. that scene looked absolutely animated af. The Revenant scene on the other hand was long and REALLY well done. I hadnt actually felt freight like that in a theater in ages.
This thread should be titled "movies that retarded people who think they are smart enjoy"
>Onions Green
I'd like to add to the list:
Forbidden Planet
>>Onions Green
I thought so too but I wanted to be sure, it could have been some obscure Japanese movie.
This is a flick that brainlets like because it makes them feel smart
La Chinoise
Annihilation felt like a womens novel. Literally about the greaving of the death of a loved one. That's all the film is about, grief
I'm going to make a film called Onions Green mark my words haha.
but yeah I meant s o y lent green. it's just Yea Forums wont let you write that. itll just change to onions
>7 bongs of weed
live a little
fantastic kino
You're right. This movie had a lot of potential but at the end was just mediocre. It felt as something made by NetFlix.
Literally the worst book Ive read in 5 years. Literally the worst sci-fi film Ive seen since After Earth.
The revenant was also trash. Dialogue could have been written by a middle schooler. The extreme stunts were meaningless. The ending was a capeshit fight. It was awful.
This. My wife's boyfriend dragged me too it and it didnt have enough females and dialogue.
This movie was boring. Fell asleep twice trying to watch it. Worst character was the old leader woman. Acting was terrible
It's the kind of movie dumb people hate, "smarties" love and actual intellectuals hate.
star trek