Is /ourguy/ Jay right about critics' in regards Dragged Across Concrete?

Is /ourguy/ Jay right about critics' in regards Dragged Across Concrete?

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Jay is on a roll

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Jay is the only smart person in RLM.

Redditors aren't /ourguy/, tourist.

Based manlet. Todd Solondz´s best movies could not be made today

Is he realizing sjws are cancer? How long can he walk in the middle?

Based Bauman knows the score

Basically this. HitB consistently reveals Mike as someone who can only understand movies by comparing them to existing movie structures he understands, is generally surface level, does a lot of plot summarizing, and just kind of has bad taste. I think this was most apparent during the Blair Witch Project re:View when Jay argued that the ambiguity is what makes it so effective and Mike... wanted them to explain exactly what was happening, wanted to see the witch and know what the witch could due, and wanted rules.

Fucking based. Give Zahler whatever he wants. Best filmmaker going right now.

Yes, he's correct, particularly that Dragged Across Concrete was a "well-crafted, non-winking exploitation" movie. I was really surprised how they didn't do a "see we're self-aware" moment like every other movie like this seems to think they're obligated to do. He's also absolutely right on the last point, that movies have no moral obligation to portray characters who are ethical paragons or perfect little Christians, and that a movie can show a character do bad things without saying "it's okay to do these bad things." It's funny: in the past, it'd be the Christian conservatives wringing their hands and clutching their pearls going "WILL SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN" but now it's liberals who are total cunts trying to police fun.

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re:view was generally a terrible idea for them desu it just exposed their terrible tastes and opinions on some classics

The real damage re:view did was expose how utterly devoid of any interesting thoughts Beardsfat is. They're all dumb, but Beardsfat is dumb and boring.

Any of the re:view's he's in are unwatchable.

I like re:view. They bring up a lot of forgotten classics that people otherwise aren't talking about (and it's pretty clear when they make a new episode of re:view because anons start posting about some random old movie "out of nowhere"). Whether or not you agree with their opinions really doesn't matter. I'd rather see more people talking about good old movies and "get them wrong" than endlessly talk about Marvel trash and nu-Star Wars garbage. It at the very least changes shit up.

>he forgot the Ghostbusters shit



Both Mike and Jay seem to hate SJWs but i think they dont want to lose the onions part of the audience by calling them out openly.

Mike is literally right wing. Pre RLM he has a history of right wing comments, my favorite being when he called Tina Fey a dumb liberal cunt.

Yep. Mike was very pro-Bush back in the day. They've done tons of jokes in the past making fun of liberals and SJWs. Remember "Sensitive Joss Whedon?" But they mostly don't talk politics because that's not the point of their channel. They're not political pundits, and they don't want to turn their channel into that shit. They just want to watch movies, good and bad.
It's also funny that Beardfat and AIDS Moby are the only two on that channel who are liberal, and they're also the two that fans hate the most because they're unfunny cunts.

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That damage was already done long ago on BotW.
More like they don't want to unleash a shitstorm, risk getting deplatformed, potentially losing money, etc.

>More like they don't want to unleash a shitstorm, risk getting deplatformed, potentially losing money, etc.


Jay seems more like a centrist liberal, but yeah, Beardfat and Jack arent that funny. Still i like them sometimes tho.

>Mike was very pro-Bush back in the day.

>Pre RLM he has a history of right wing comments, my favorite being when he called Tina Fey a dumb liberal cunt.

jack occasionally says something funny
beardfat is literally a worthless retard. a cutaway gag to an empty seat would be endlessly more entertaining than him being there

Josh might be as well but he still comes across as someone who thinks he's smarter than he is and he's annoying enough that it's rare I can appreciate an intelligent comment from him.

I especially hate the fucking dyke in pic related. If any male involved in a movie is accused of any form of sexual impropriety, she automatically gives the film a bad review. i mean, what a cunt.

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>asking for sources on information in an RLM thread

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Happiness is one of the most hilariously fucked up movies I've ever seen. I don't want to live in a world where that movie can't be made.

>woo im just a centrist! i can have it both ways!
fence sitters are the worst desu

>look at me! i am proud to be a retard!


>geniuses are on some level allowed to be abusive
hell yeah thats what ive been saying! like, look, I dont believe michael jackson molested those kids, but HAD he molested them.. if you go triple platinum you get to molest a couple kids I think, thats all im saying

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Very true, Mike gives his best when he demolishes remakes of movies he loved to death while growing up. If he's drunk while doing that even better.

jay confirmed for based stupidpol poster

our day will come

Dude shut the fuck up. You're shitting up this thread with your retarded persona. I know you're upset that Trump's not being indicted, but you should do something productive instead.


The more you watch their other content, the more their behaviour will make sense. They are actually consistenly aweful movie critics. They like to get high and mighty about how much better they are than others and do these endlessly long fake podcasts, but at the core of it all they are just the exact same. They are grade A hypocrites . And pretty lackluster movie reviewers in addition.

You can pretty much predict exactly how they are going to react. The only thing they are good at is detecting a bandwagon starting to roll, so they always jump on it the first chance they get, and if they can't get on fast enough but sense potential for an anti-bandwagon, they will try and start that. That is exactly what they did with TFA. When the wind started turning after TLJ and fans suddenly hated Disney again, they turned right around and "admitted to their mistake" to get onto the bandwagon nice and early while people didn't realize whether the "love it" or "hate it" faction was going to win out yet.

They are good social manipulators, I will give you that, but they pretty much just say what ever will get their audience nodding, and they know how to make a tear-down entertaining whether substantiated or not. In that regard, they are just the edgy """high brow""" mirror image to all those shill-casts they like to mock.

And they do that with every movie, not just Star Wars, I got sick and tired of them real fast. The more I watched of them, the more they reminded me of the higher tier corporate bullshitters I have encountered in large companies, you know, the type that don't just rise through hot air and convincing other bullshitters, but that can hide their unsophisticated behind sophisticated wording. In the end, you develop a nose for that nonsense anyways. RLM are the same, beating dead horses and unsophisticated "criticism" hidden behind nice wording.


yeah much better to subject yourself to the trappings of tribal mentality

They were in awe of "new star wars" like every other living breathing ex-fanboy.

I loved TFA walking out of the theater because of the hypnotic effect it had on literally everyone who was obsessed with the franchise at a time.

>>Mike was very pro-Bush back in the day.
Source was some old forum posts he made back in the day. I saw them but didn't keep the screencaps, but I dug a little and they're still around.

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>I'm only allowed to think about any one thing the way all the other members of my ideological herd do
Imagine being this type of unashamed NPC faggot.

This movie was absolute trash, cheesy writing shit performances awful cuts boring directing

Jay is fine with gore, racism, right-wing politics, but if a MOVIE HAS TITTIES....let's just say, the director of this movie should watch out.

He probably grew out of it by now.

Jesus fucking Christ you faggot; not everybody is either one or the other. And most of the people who are neither think both of you groups of faggots are exactly as bad & retarded as the other.
People are sick of it & don't give a fuck which of you it is anymore, we don't want to deal with or hear shit from either of you.

How the fuck are you still in here and still posting on all RLM threads?
You've been doing this for over 2 years now.

Yeah. Back in the day he was. Now he surrounds himself with liberals.

Maybe, but I really see no sign of it, especially considering he still mocks liberals to this day.

>you're either /pol/, antifa or a fence-sitter

Retard alert. Retard alert.

The only thing political I've seen Mike do in recent years is mock Trump's voice.

I've always had a legitimate respect for Jay Bauman's view of movies.
That hasn't changed.

>Mary Harron!
yikes, that broad even admitted that she didn't understand why American Psycho turned out good.

That was about four years ago. The Trump stuff is all more recent than that.


"The mouse is immunized against all dangers: one may call his flicks propaganda, garbage, poorly-written, generic, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call his flicks corporate and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'"

The Bushes don't exactly like Trump, though. Same with a lot of Republicans. Again, I don't see any hint that he's really changed his opinion. So I think the conversation will just have to end here.

>I can't tell you what I am, I can only tell you what I'm not here's why that's a good thing (and why I'm not that but what you are is dumb)
pfft fence sitters




fucking kill yourself

Settle down, Beavis.

>calling out retards is fence-sitting

nice paranoia you've got there, rlm cuck.

why is it bizarre? the film critic industry has been taken over by far left extremists pushing their far left ideologies and making sure the film industry conforms otherwise they get bad reviews

why doesn't he just call them out on it? too scared his patreon might take a hit? fucking cowards

>this person isn't even getting paid for these posts

Oh I do. On individual issues. Based on their own individual merits.
When the day of the rope comes I'm shooting at anyone who's shooting at me or mine.

Being a centrist isn't about being a coward.
It's about NOT being a fucking horking sheep.

like fruitcake

>right click
>read aloud

Is Rich okay?

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>you must identify yourself by extreme ideologies or you have no beliefs

Rich smokes a lot of fucking weed and it's starting to affect him permanently.
Seems to have cured his speech impediment though.

Don’t Jay and Mike always write the intro for the other? That’s why they so frequently break and start laughing

>I can only continue to tell you that I don't have your believes, never what beliefs I have
lol you are just so precious fence sitters

I've heard this too. In this case, though, considering Jay's tweets, they see firmly eye to eye here.

reminder that centrists are crypto-leftists

This is such a nonstory. It has the same RT score as Captain Marvel.
You can find people whining on the internet about literally anything if you look hard enough.

is it possible to find sjws annoying and also dislike aggressive weirdos that see conspiracies and whatnot around every corner? I think yes

He fell for the neocon propaganda of the 2000s.
Then again so did most Americans

i don't care about reviews or movies for that mattter! i like when the fatt man makes me laugh from a joke! the skinny man doesnt do that!

Dragged Across Concrete has a 76 on Rotten Tomatoes though, not exactly panned


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True. Mike is a better comedian, or at least was, before he started wallowing in his own bitterness, but Jay is the only one who actually knows shit about movies

>dislike aggressive weirdos
>and whatnot



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To be fair so does beardfat, but he's such an obnoxious faggot that nobody wants to fucking endure it.

Professional critics job is to suck Disney dick and not review films.

Facesitters are the best tho

>having a opinion and political standpoint that isn't binary is bad ree
Fuck off

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>le illusory nuance radcel
kys faggot

I heard somebody say Rich wrote it

I don't speak retard the fuck does that even mean?
Have kids

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it means you're a dumb fucking faggot and crypto-leftist by default

Beardfat needs to pull a Jessie and gracefully just bow out. He adds absolutely nothing to the show and is a detriment in every episode he's in. At least Jack listened to the criticism and got better.

Then why does this film have the same RT score at Captain Marvel?

Rich is an illiterate construction worker.

I'm far right wing but I hate conservatives, white nationalists, and poltards. What does that make me?

I don't like fence riders because unlike the unwashed plebs they have the mental muscle to perceive the problems, they just choose apthaty while wrapping it up in a moralizing banner.

because it's better than captain marvlel but that film got a rating inflation and this one got a rating deflation because of critics' politics


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kys radcel

I do wonder what radcels think when they see white countries turning brown in a generation and realise that being a fence-sitting radcel only plays into the hands of the left

Who do you like then? Crusty old venture capitalists?

still a cuck

this. reminder that centrism is crypto-leftism, and centrists know this

Jay is crushing it

No I'm not I'm a libertarian national u zog pro trumpf dickhead
Israel for the jews
Australia for the aussies
America for white Americans

>NOT having an EXTREMELY strong opinion about trivial bullshit like Captain Marvel makes you a "centrist"

>Defending Rudy Ghouliani
Yep, that was 2003 alright.

why is "zog don" making my sides go to the ends of the universe? lmao

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Kys nigger

Or maybe stop posting Twitter screenshots altogether. Because if you're on Twitter, maybe your zoomer ass shouldn't be here.

holy shit that display pic.

Oh please centrists are the ones advocating for dumb shit like citizens united, israel, and the affordable care act. All of those are neo-con center right ideas.

maybe he's really into monarchies.

No, you didn't

Yes, I did

Half of my friends from childhood are lefties
Other half are conservatives
We don't care and just have fun either way

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They’re not morally ahitty characters they’re just more realistic to how actual people are you know they have their views questioned and sometimes make a questionable choice out of self preservation. Jay is s fuckwit.



>slaps the sombrero on a corpse

The subtle humor they found in it was eerie. Maybe he was just covering the body, but the other dude was just as visibly dead.

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>that quick as fuck countdown
he really wanted to kill that guy

The set up for her character was probably one of the worse parts of the film. You can tell what they're doing by introducing her so late.

Agreed but also it's fun to mock people who jump into political debates only to go "NO YOU CAN'T HIT ME I'M NEUTRAL I'M NEUTRAL YOU'RE JUST AS BAD AS THE PERSON YOU'RE NOTHING LIKE!" and it's also funny how nobody likes them.

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You don't have to be a centrist to say this though and it's a fair point to make in some circumstances. Like SJWs despising totalitarianism and discrimination, then using both to crush anyone they dislike