Haha can you imagine?
Haha can you imagine?
Iirc it was no masturbation too
Basically impossible how could one just not have sex?
Haha imagine if the movie was called 13505 days and 13505 nights haha
Ask the people who make captain marvel box office threads
how many times do you faggots need to be reminded it was NO FAP as well as no sex? use 40 year old virgin or something..
that woman literally raped him and then his gf got mad at him for it
Women can't rape user, his GF was right to be mad.
Fuck off autists
What was the longest period were you went without a fap? For me it's probably 2 weeks.
2 months, but desu I broke my both arms.
like a week, which is why these threads are fucking stupid seeing as he couldnt beat off for 40 days and he's a chad with women throwing themselves at him.
or like 30 years hahaha
A month, I tried nofap 2017 and relapsed in February after a bad day.
some dumbass in 5th grade stood up on a waterslide and broke both his arms so he came back to school with two right-angle casts
Haha imagine being a virgin, having no driver's license, no job/career, no friends, no hair, being less than 6' tall, and living with your parents at the age of 30?
18 days. On day 10 I went to a massage parlour and blew my load in under a minute
25 years here, AMA
>No license
>No job/carreer
>No hair
>Less than 6' tall
>living with parents
How did I do?
Have you basically outgrown the need to relieve yourself? Does it still tempt you?
>relieve yourself?
Relieve from what?
please legalise assisted suicide i can't do this anymore
Every once in a while I get small fucking wounds on my foreskin which forces me to stop masturbating for 3-4 days in order to let it heal completely and it's a fucking pain the ass every single time. Additionally, I had this really kino "wound" on the side of my dick recently which was a circle-shaped raw spot, as if a tick had grabbed onto it and gave it a succ all night
I had the flu this week and I'm only just recovering. I couldn't even get a boner all week, my sex drive was just completely dead. That's how you know you're really sick.
Currently about to go a month. Trying to cut out porn too, but it's hard to avoid on the internet
I'm 31 and never kissed or held hands with a girl. Being an autistic manlet is worse than being born blind or deaf
HAHA I don't know OP
Shit, and I thought my nearly 11,000 days was impressive.
Nofap the movie
Ends with Pierce Brosnan setting him up with a chubby qt because his test levels increased.
What's even more bizarre about this is the MC legit looks like incel-lite core
Let me guess, women can't rape because as long as a man is hard, that means he wants to fuck and therefore is discounted for being raped?
Have you tried fucking a dry pussy? Shits nigh impossible. Rape is only possible if the woman is wet, which is also what happens.
By this logic, no one can really get raped.
Need to do some work on yourself buddy
Shoo shoo jew
I had sex once but I was drunk as shit and only vaguely remember it. But I have no clue what it felt like because I was so pissed so it's weird. I'm not a virgin but kinda still am.