
Sexual conquests in space edition
last post here

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Other urls found in this thread:


>that smooth mounting on the chair
what a lad

> the landwhale boomer who posts /trek/ still hasn't given the fuck up or improved his post quality
just kys already

Who are you talking about? This is my 6th post of the night.

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Christ, you're bitter mate

>actually I'm off the cheeseburgers now

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is vulcan pussy green?

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post more shirtless rikers I forgot this stuff happened

I wonder if a vulcan pussy has ever crushed a human cock

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Twink Riker

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Now THAT was a Star Trek show...

Why did they change the ENT theme song for S3

They made it suck

>Tall, bulky, and hairy

I'd hate to see your idea of a bear.

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giv more rikers

Trek is death process

Without the tripfags we're left with two people who want to suck STD's dick all day. We autismed away the people who made this general interesting.

Gib rare QVC merch

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I wonder who could be behind this post

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I would absolutely suck Airiam 1.0's dick.

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>T'Pol is a junkie

This storyline seems dated but I can't put my finger on why

Too bad they never tried to develop her character except for the episode she died

I wouldn't pay $119.00 for a one hour deep tissue massage from Frakes even if it had an implied happy ending.

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>be me
>me at Yea Forums
>OP on the ocean
>Yea Forums on the ocean
>me and OP at Yea Forums
>the beast of Yea Forums
>OP his arms wide
>his sails unfolded
>OP when the walls fell.

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TFW you'll never get conquered by big titty Klingon dominatrices

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>>be me (OP)


Whatsa matter, user?
Air getting a little too thin up here without those Yangbux?

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>tfw when no smug Bajoran gf

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On the ENT episode where the steal the warp coil

It's weird to see the crew doing something bad, it's definitely unusual for TV of the era. Now it seems all we get are antiheros, but back then you still had good guys

Wait wtf, Seth McFarlane is in this ep

Thread theme!


Klingon are already a brutal metal af race. Heavy Metal would compliment their already brutal yet traditional and conservative culture.



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I started rewatching all the TOS movies, why the fuck don't we ever discuss them and how based they are?

I love the costumes in II and III, and the motion picture starts establishing the whole Prime universe with the introduction of the Klingon look and language and the same for Vulcans. Plus the god damn color pallet for these movies are just gorgeous.

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Ensign Rivers

I think it's fun how various famous people have asked to get on star trek and gotten these random small roles.
My favourite is the King of Jordan. Something funny about a monarch from the middle east dressing up to be a science lieutenant for a space show. Only a prince at the time though.

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I like that both Kelsey Grammar and Bebe Neuworth are huge Star Trek fans and wanted to both be on the show. All while Cheers was such a huge success they took time off just to appear for their short cameos.

How did klingons get into space, being violent retards who hated science?

I like to imagine that Iggy Pop shows up and looks disappointed and asks "What's a Vorta?"

>How did klingons get into space, being violent retards who hated science?

They used their intellectuals like slaves. Similar to how the Hirogen had their faggot holotechnologists doing spunk clean up like they're supposed to because only the strong survive and the future lies in the hands of the strong.

The power of the WAAAAAAGH!

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>"No sorry, we don't have any roles for orion pusyslaves, okay thanks, yeah I'm sorry about that, see you on the set"
>"why do they all ask for that?"

How would orks fare in the trekverse? Could they beat the borg?

>ywn wear a Trek bomber jacket and smoke reefer with Bashirfaggot and Valley Forge while they coo in your arms wearing their messy, wrinkled original series dresses
How much does that chadwear cost?

That outfit really needs a belt. It just looks like a dress without one.

Space, its very large

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They stole the space bicycles of a species called the Hurq.

They explain in Enterprise that it was only recently(as of Enterprise) that the warrior caste had taken over the Emprie and turned it into a nation of "the only way to earn glory is through combat" and that Klingons used to have high regard for things like science, and medicine, and all that jazz.

This is one of the shittiest fan theories ever.


Seriously love all the movie kino gear. There's just something about that burgandy and cream that's so appealing.

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What was the reason for moving away from that colour scheme?

The TNG/VOY/DS9 sweaters are so shit

romulans would join the federation out of a sense of /fa/sion if they kept those outfits longer

About the same as a typical jacket then. Its not terrible. I don't have a disposable income though.

The Warrior Culture of the Klingons being a prominent and domineering aspect of Klingon Culture is actually a fairly recent phenomenon among them. This started in the 22nd Century. Before that all aspect of life were considered equal to the warrior culture or honorable if they supported the warrior culture. Whatever craft or skill you had was important if it supported the warrior aspect of society. If you were a chef you were highly glorified if you cooked on an important Klingon military ship. If you were a farmer it was a glorious job if your produce fed warriors first and your house of warriors. If you were a musician and sang songs of warriors you were glorified. All skills and crafts were once equal to the Warrior Culture or if they supported the warrior culture. Unfortunately, things changed within 200 years of the TNG when the Warrior Aspect assimilated everything. By then, all non-warrior Klingons were looked down upon and disposible as if they were all illegal immigrants. They were berated, mistreated, abused, and discriminated against a lot.

In TNG, in that episode with Dr Rega(A Ferengi scientist) a female Klingon came on board who was a warp field specialist in the Klingon Empire. Dr Crusher mentioned how touchy she was because of how the Klingons looked down upon scientist even though Klingons depended on scientist themselves. Martok was discriminated by Kor for not having Imperial blood and for coming from a house of farmers. This is why Klingons so much corruption exist from the bottom to the top. The Warrior Aspect has made it hard for those without Houses, without Imperial Blood, and without honor.

That's why they are turning into Ferengi. Why earn honor when you can buy it.

Beyond that, the Klingons of TOS weren't monosyllabic vikings, they were cunning and conniving and displayed a mastery of science and technology, such as the Mind Scanner. In the films, Kruge immediately saw the militaristic potential of the Genesis device, and Chang developed a prototype Bird-of-Prey that could fire when cloaked. Even TNG showed the Galaxy-Class Klingon equivalent with the Vorcha class. DS9 turned them into dumb space barbarians, storming a modern space station with edged weapons.

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Different designers. The film's designer was Robert Fletcher while TNG's designer was the original TOS designer William Ware Theiss.

The TV show didn't want them to resemble military style uniforms, and wanted to make them look super futuristic.

translation: old man Roddenberry wanted his drug fueled pansexual future.

Pretty much.

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Underrated as fuck villian.

>has enough military experience to trust his instincts and see right through Kirks bluff

>OP and (you) at /fit/
>breivik's children, their faces wet

>transwarps into your system without warning
>Beams through your shields and shoots your captain, all as a distraction while your computer data core is simultaneously beamed to my ship
>two of your ensigns are suddenly pregnant with my children
>beams back out through your shields
>phase cloaks the ship before engaging the transwarp drive and disappearing
Tal Shiar Supremacy

>Kirk: Take the Vulcan back too.
>Kruge: No
>Kirk: Why not, it's me you want you don't need him.
>Kruge: Because you wish it so.

Based mother fucker, dies by getting kicked into lava as he tries to take his nemesis with him. Also that part where he just kills the weird freaky snake because why the fuck not. I really wish he wouldn't have died because he would've been a great continuous foil to Kirk.

>Tal Shiar
Nope, only the Voth and Borg are known to possess functional transwarp


Ha, you only know what the Tal Shiar want you to know, fool. Your arrogance blinds you.

>Meets Kirk for the first time
>Ilia: My oath of celibacy is all that I have.

What did she mean by this?

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It just means she has never met anyone from the Tal Shiar
You see, we have the technology to beam her pussy over on the warship, use it as we see fit, and then beam it back, without her even knowing.

I meant "twink-planet Riker"

I don't believe you, I need you to show an exhibition of this great power of yours. Could you say, beam some Romulan pussy to my quarters at 2100 hours?

I used graviton particles to beam what you would call a “cheerleader”, from whatever the Dallas Cowboys are, into my quarters from your planet’s past. I poured Romulan ale in her pussy after I fucked her and the baby came out blue lol...

One of the things that made ENT the best trek

Well, I’ll beam a mute Andorran whore with an empty bottle in her pussy over I guess, you could have my seconds.

Did he really get fat enough to merit all the fat meme jokes?

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Yellow and green actually.

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Twinks don't have body hair, user.

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I sometimes skip it. Did they really change it?

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Where did the tripfags go? What crime did they commit? Who is responsible for getting rid of them?

I fucking hope so

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ENT is great, the only people who don't like it have never watched it. (All of it)

Morn is an anagram for Norm who was a character who also sits at the bar in Cheers.

Why does Seth look so Asian?

Look here you pointy eared bitch. Either you send me a few top class Romulan whores to my chambers by the appointed time, or we might have to do a little dance under some pale moon light.

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closed eyes because of the light

what's wrong with that?

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>sexual conquests in space edition

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I can feel it coming in the air tonight...

S1&2: youtube.com/watch?v=_yijcWsLda8
S3&4: youtube.com/watch?v=urYH6xEyXw0

added beats to make it sound faster, I guess.

Thats a funny picture. It made me laugh.

You know, Damar, with great power comes great responsibility. Gul Darhe'el called it "Gray Man's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant.

*Dukat turns to look directly at the camera*

The humans, the bajorans, the klingons...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the railings of the PROMENADE. The Day of the Disruptor is near, Damar. We'll have every ridge nose on this planet dead or in chains in 10 years, and may I be hurled into a ridiculous pit of CGI fire if I'm wrong. Pah-Wraiths bless the Cardassian Union.

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very based

I would order my cardiefags to go out and post "Dukat Did Nothing Wrong". And they'd do it! They'd shitpost the threads. And they'd come back all covered in bans. But they felt BASED. Now WHY did they feel that way, janitor? Because they WERE based.

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Are you sure that's the point janny?
>[Unbased Janny Mutterings]
That you should never make the same bait thread twice.

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I just caught up on Discovery, it is a worse shit show than I thought it would be. An alarming number of things off but most importantly why does Burnham cry every fucking episode?

You forgot, "if you know what I mean." user.

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Been a while since a post this based past through the LEDs of my monitor.
>raises glass

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whatsa matter, user?
wouldn't visit her 'nana'?

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Why did Kirk invite Gorkon to dinner? Everyone on the bridge seems surprised so to seems like it's something Kirk chose to do. I think maybe Kirk was trying to get Gorkon to call it off and go back. But Kirk didn't really do anything to go out of his way and insult Gorkon.

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Kirk from TOS and Kirk from the TOS movies are almost two different characters. TOS movie Kirk seems a little more vengeful and psychological than TOS Kirk, similar to Picard in First Contact.

Don't talk shit about my Nana!

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He was acting as a diplomatic envoy, why wouldn't he invite them to dinner?


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Yes, in the Enterprise finale

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>having no taste

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Her face reminds me of famkes at times.

What's supposed to be so bad about Enterprise, other than the intro music?

>muh buttcrack
>muh fasa canon
>muh time travel friend
>muh post-nemesis series

w/e this is, never heard it discussed in re: to ST:ENT b4 (not pre-data)

Prequel(star wars had bad prequels, therefore prequls are always bad)
Since it is a prequel they can't really go where no man has gone before though, which detracts a bit from the point of trek, also they're not as perfect yet which detracts from utopia. Only TOS and TNG are "true trek" though to be fair, not even my favourite ds9 is.
There's also the retarded time travel stuff in the time war, and the even dumber xindi.

orks are canonically the strongest faction in WH40k, except they are constantly fighting amongst themselves. If the Borg travelled to warhammerland, then they would be worshipped as the Omnissiah and BTFO everyone by the simple expedient of not charging into melee combat without a helmet.

It's such a goddamn shame because the intro is kino except for that horrible song
other than that, every single character and by virtue of its existence it retreads tons of bullshit that was already covered before except in the context of the aforementioned terrible characters.
It also looks like a product of its time, instead of like Star Trek. That's probably the biggest fault.


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Enterprise has aged really well. At the time the fashion and dell moniters etc that are kinda nostalgic now were a bit immersion ruining for many fans.

Imagine Discoverys reputation even after it hypothetically got good. It couldn’t recover. Ent got a bad rep partly just because of the era. Contrarian nerds enjoying their new found influence thanks to the internet and a general negativity in scifi after the star wars prequels.

I’d give all of STD and Voy for one for season of Ent.

Zoomers can’t see that tho. I was watching s1 and was laughing to see a few lamps and fittings and devices that i had in the early 2000s but that stuff is on trash piles now and it does lookspace appropriate now.

ENTbabbies are worse than STD shills. The show sucked. Archer is blander than white toast.

Odo was Patient zero for the founders disease, Yet, he stayed without symptoms for ages. The founders started "withering" way before him, but are still relatively kicking, by the time Odo almost kicks his bucket. How does that work?

how often you change form, remember when he was stripped of his powers for a while?

Seth was in 2 eps. 1 was in season 3 and he was an uppity engineer on Columbia in season 4

I still have no idea why Captain Janeway, who was physically at Deep Space Nine after the worm hole was discovered before starting the Maquis hunt, didn't set course for the Gamma Quadrant wormhole since it is a shorter distance than the Alpha quadrant

but he was in one of the best ds9 episodes ever

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They tried to compensate by making him full edgelord in season 3 and it was really jarring. He was basically Sam Beckett in space.

Sam Beckett was a gifted martial artist and brilliant doctor who was thoughtful, kind and funny in a wry way. Archer was a bumbling oaf and his ineptitude was the direct cause of most of his peril.

>B.but that was intentional, he was the first!

I meant more along the lines of Bakula's portrayal.

Did anyone live the dream more than Trip?

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>not posting the real version

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idk him but he has a weak chin and the eyes of a child

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Trip literally looks like a gay porn actor

Spent a lot of time having lookie loos at gay porn actors, have you?

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>Trip can't get trips
Delete your account

trip is cute leave him alone

Is there anything more forced and cringe than Boy'pol and Trip?

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Dr. Bashir, I'm SECTION31.

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>I write strong WoC

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Woah, section 31. The famous secret service that had been widely known since the 23rd century.


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>defcon level fun
What a bad line. It's a shame because the concept of the scene was funny (even if it made no sense), but they ruined it because whoever writes for mainstream American media these days has trouble giving characters any "voice" distinct from millennial tryhard reddit humour.
The line is worse than just being cringy, it makes no sense in the setting's context. Why would someone from another universe know what defcon is, or expect someone from this universe to know what defcon is if it's something they have in theirs? Why would they even use "defcon" as an expression hundreds of years in the future when the USA no longer exists?

>Is there anything more forced and cringe
Yeah, your existence

Gates will be first.

What's left of it.

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>DUDE poor me, poor Vortas, we have weak eyes and I can't see the minefield LMAO

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leave batman alone.

Why wasn’t this cold hearted bitch put to death? I mean seriously she’s LITERALLY worse than Hitler but “lmao dude muh federation morals teeeheee we execute people for going to see the Talosians but we won’t execute someone if they killed 500 gorillion people”
Honestly she should’ve been forced to watch Cardassian ships glass the “Great” Link then beaten to death. Fucking psychotic bitch, and FUCK ODO for being her white knight.

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If you kill your enemies when they surrender, then they won't surrender.

>get her to sign the treaty
>she signs it
>take her out back
>kill her

Hi, is this the general where we discuss all the different Star Trek shows?

>The Day of the Disruptor is near, Damar.

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based dukat

Generally. Real Rankings here are
1. Star Trek Next Gen
2. Original Series
3. Discovery
4. Voyager
5. Enterprise

You'll see troll responses saying otherwise, don't bite on the bait. Pretty much anything praising ds9 before season 5 is a bait. Don't bite on it.

You should try to be nice. A lot of people here have anxiety issues.

OK, thanks. I'm kinda new to Star Trek so I need some guidance. Thanks again.

All good. Don't encourage the DS9 trolls, they'll start ranting about Trump and Mueller. Then they'll talk abut their queen and protecting her eggs or some shit. They come out at night mostly.


These were all posted by me, by the way

>They come out at night mostly.

They mostly come at night...mostly.
Maybe instead of quoting movies wrong, you should shut your whoremouth? Also DS9 is comfy and not up it's own ass with messages, like The Next Virgination.

>all that seething in the background

I say we take off and nuke all ds9 fans, it's the only way to be sure

>Come on, guys. We've had this talk already.

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Go worship your queen on the Dicksword faggot

some days you just gotta pop pop watch em drop

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can you pls try not to say mean baddie words?

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Our Lady has abandoned us, there is now only the next Trek to go on.

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Why do people here worship a genderdysmorphic communist?


I'm on season 2 of TOS, just finished "Who Mourns For Adonais." The show really is consistently amazing, with the weakest episodes still being ok.

That being said, I cheated and watched "Spock's Brain." I was so curious as to why it's always thrown out there as the worst episode. It really was crap. Star Trek might be science fiction, but something about the show that appeals to me is that even with something like Apollo it finds a way to ground itself. For some reason, the entire concept of Spock's Brain comes off so fucking stupid and out there, with so many alternative and easier solutions, that the entire thing is just nonsense. My biggest gripe is
>Intelligence is so smart that it can pinpoint one guy's brain in a moving starship, go aboard, remove it, and set up machines/factories/ventilation systems/underground cities
>Can create a central system that can power and control all of these things
>Has the technological genius to create belts that tap into your nervous system
>Instead of creating reusable energy sources or a set system to control everything, we need to go find the brain of some guy and stick it in the machine where people will most likely try to come get him, and he might not want to be in the fucking machine

Also Spock lumbering around with no brain was hilarious.
It's also disappointing to see how cheap the bridge looks.

Only seen s1 of DS9 so far, and Garak is already one of my favorite Trek characters. Even in his first episode he stole the goddamn show.

Normalization of homosexuality.

DS9 is the only good star trek

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It doesn't matter anymore.

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Dukat pls

Garak is straight though.

If you're straight in the mirror universe you are gay in the actual universe.

>Sisko is straight in the actual universe
>Mirror Sisko was also straight
Nice try Dukat but Garak is straight af and there's literally NOTHING you can do about it

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It's the actually accurate interpretation of gay. Everyone "gay" is just giving into being degenerate aka evil.

>Our Lady

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Looks like a girl to me.

The T'Pol nude scene

Jury's out on the sex, but one thing's for sure, that ain't no Lady.

I want to thank my mother, who gave me my fighting spirit. I want to thank the people of the great state of Illinois and the campaign workers who have labored day and night to make this bid a possibility. I am proud to announce my CANDIDACY FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS. GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS THE FEDERATION!
*thunderous applause*
(Thank you, thank you, thank you)

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Subtle, I like it.


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Is there an Odo pepe?

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more peh-pays pls

What happened to /trek/? It used to be fun and inventive but now it's all trannies and stale garbage memes. If you guys don't get back on the ball with some fresh OC, this general will die.



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mick shit. always drunk and criminals

the fun tripfags stopped posting

Which are the fun ones?

It's been quite a while hasn't it /trek/? But rest assured, the /dubsminion/ endures.

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This meme has seen it's prime.

Bashirfaggot, Valley Forge, Blando, sometimes Nordic Wonder
They're probably all the same person

peeps should be nice like morn

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Working on some OC.

>expecting oc on Yea Forums in 2019.
thats a laugh.

they all still post their trash here, though

No you aren't.

I have dreams that you can't take away.

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>66 posters

Woah, what happen? We used to be 40 some months ago.


std zoomers

its the same 5 guys


I totally am.

you mean MCRN?

You're jerkin off to Bf

You mistyped star fleet.

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It is possible to commit almost no mistakes and still lose.

>Just one more ride...

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All garbage

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She's pegging him.

i miss jimmy

Trineer is easily the MOST annoying Trek actor to me, only beaten by hWheaton.
Heck I found Neelix less annoying than this undisciplined bumbling idiot.

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I don't watch star trek

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tfw you will never have a new series about Sisko going back from his time with the profets with the old crew to have some crazy mission.

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Star Trek is literally dead.
So is the United States, the West, and all the fun we had before.
Just preparation for the Jews and Masons third world war and vast poverty.

it's not funny

I've never seen any of those people post

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229 was a bot.

fuck off faggot it's funnier than your post

shut ur fucking hole, chomo

not an argument

pucker my taint you qwiffjob

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Is it me or has /trek/ gotten angrier?

VF's sliding my shiptosts in the Dickord and I think mods are being gay and brapparped.

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>Is it me or has /trek/ gotten angrier?
Imagine you love someone
that someone dies. but you at least get to get with the lads and discuss home much you enjoyed his company and how cool this person was how you even enjoyed the small shitty parts of his personality.
Now, some frankenstein mother fucker make a disgusting attempt to bring that love one to life, and is a horror. This same frankenstein is now telling you to love this monster, and there are some retards who thing this monster is cool, and are trying to force you to be his friend and love him too. And this faggots are also attention whores who deserve to die.

this is why /trek/ is a place of anger.

>waaaah it's new waaaaah strong female poc leed waaaaah

LAWL what a fucking stupid gay nigger yur for posting this fucking psychological projected GAR-BEIGE you fucking tool!
embarassing and utterly cucked by nihilim

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It's an old meme and Rikerfag isn't really a namefag, that's just how he signed his drawings

Hey, Dukat! My wife just gave birth to our child, I'd be honoured if you were the first person to see him.

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It still upsets me that they've made section 31 widely known in Discovery. Mostly because it serves NO purpose. The whole Idea of 31 is the "plausible deniability" deal. They do the super shady shit that Gene wanted to never have in his show, and even if unethical, often they are the ones that keep shit running. But they do so from the shadows. They're like old-school KGB on steroids.
But in Discovery everyone knows them, and there is no reason for them to do so? Like, the story would still work if Section 31 was pulling strings (which they are) WITHOUT everyone knowing them.

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He was solely a carrier, he was infected when they visited earth. Then he contracted the active disease from the founders when he linked with the female changeling AFTER he gave them the disease.

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ne1 see "what they left behind" the docu-drama about behind the scenes troubles in ds9

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Nordic Wonder shows up every now and then and invites everyone to dinner.

Very meta. Is he talking about Star Trek or /trek/?

What he's doing is attempting and failing to make a metaphor sound substantive in relation to this general. I threw my remote into the ice bin halfway through reading it.

why doesn't odo just morph into a pickaxe or a jackhammer?

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Saying N WORD is no different than saying nigger.

pants down, this is a \kert\ raid!

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aehm... you still have your discord, stop complaining


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I have a nice estate in a rural area, I'm immune from poverty.

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Did they ever explain why kira got so hard?

>I have a nice estate in a rural area, I'm immune from poverty.

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>Computer, create image of pusy
>*BEEP BEEP* this material requires a level 4 security access
>*BEEP BEEP* sealing holodeck doors until a level 4 security access code is produced
haha, how will barclay get out of this mess!

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Stop being 14yo .

All bajorans must hang

>>I have a nice estate in a rural area, I'm immune from poverty.

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name a more disgusting alien species in all of Trek. I fucking dare you.

The writers don't watch Star Trek. If they don't know about something, they just look it up on Memory-Alpha.

do you think directing an episode of star trek is difficult? could i do it?


Who is the Lt. Dan of Star Trek?

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Nog lost one leg, which is almost as good as losing two.

Did Nog come from a long line of dedicated Starfleet officers and become disillusioned with service, or did you just respond with the most superficial thing you could think of?

>Remember that quart of bluebell ice cream in the refrigerator? I've got bad news...

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>and become disillusioned with service
Yes, actually. What rock have you been hiding under?

Daily reminder that Vulcan lips should be green, the insides of their mouths should be green, they should have green veins in their eyes, when they get a rash the sores should be green, when they blush they should have green cheeks. etc. etc.

Oh right, I almost forgot, vulcan turds should be dark green. The brown color of human shit comes from dead blood cells the body is disposing of. Dried human blood is brown.

I mean... I can't really fault them? If you just watch ToS and TNG, the two biggest, most well known, and arguably best Trek Shows, it'll run you 8 Days and 7 hours.
If you add DS9, VOY and ENT, you'll end with 22 days and almost 6 hours of show.
If you watch 10 hours of Trek a day, you'll end up watching trek for the better part of two fucking months, not even counting the movies (which are fun, but I personally think were never really core trek). As much as I love trek, I can't really expect anyone to do that.
That's why they should just have done a full reboot. Would have literally solved all continuity issues.
Also: Didn't the guy who made ENT famously never watch Trek?

most of these they already do
even in the 60s they'd apply green blush to spock's face

>Defiant gets blown up
>they just get a new defiant
>they name her defiant
Isn't that like naming a shuttle "Challenger"?

that "battle" was a false flag.

It's not even just sitting down and watching every single episode. They clearly didn't bother watching "Inquisition", "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges", and "Extreme Measures" to get an idea of what the DS9 writers intended Section 31 to be like. Instead they just skimmed the wiki article and made them a goofy high-tech spy organization.

And Fuck You, good people of Sao Paulo

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eyyyy it's tuvok !

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I didn't know that, that's pretty cool.

>Tuvok is the only Voyager crewmember with an Orville equivalent
This means nothing

>Enterprise gets blown up
>they just get a new Enterprise
>they name her Enterprise

Back in World War 2, the Japs sunk the Aircraft Carrier USS Lexington (CV-2). Then later in the war, the Americans built a bigger more modern aircraft carrier also called the USS Lexington (CV-16) which confused the Japanese at the time and military historians since.

That I can agree on. I meant to say, that they either should have watched certain "core" episodes, or have some fat, pimple headed neckbeard who DID watch all of trek (maybe the fat one from redlettermedia?) in the writers room who goes "uuhm, aktschually" every 5 minutes to fix that shit.
Or, like I said, just said "yo, this JJ-Verse alternative timeline" and I'd be like "ah, ok that makes sense and is fine then. Your stuff is different. Carry on". I would still have complained about many dumb, dumb plot elements and bad writing, but at least we'd had no reason to get an aneurysm from all the inconsistencies between the original show and STD.

Um, hello...

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>have some fat, pimple headed neckbeard who DID watch all of trek (maybe the fat one from redlettermedia?) in the writers room who goes "uuhm, aktschually" every 5 minutes to fix that shit.
Basically Pablo Hidalgo from Star Wars.

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Equipment isn't a crew member.

Reminder that all fan fiction and unauthorized derivative works based on other's copyrighted material are illegal in the Federation.

hmm you know what, one more Star Trek: DS9 episode; but then i'm definitely off to bed

Thanks for checking in.

Same. I'm watching "Playing God". Odo wants to save the proto-universe because it might be dangerous. Which means endangering the prime timeline. I think he's right.
Go Odo!

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Just in time for micronova and polar reversal in 2046. They'll go underground as the ice age wipes out us plebs and then re-emerge to restart civilization in their image.

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>They'll go underground as the ice age wipes out us plebs and then re-emerge to restart civilization in their image.

Who will?

>micronova and polar reversal

N-word, what?

What happens next?

>Who will?
The controllers. Illuminati, Khazarians, Rothschilds, whatever you want to call them. They've got nuclear powered bunkers ready to keep them in the lap of luxury. Look up the "womb of artemis."
Here, take some time and go through this site. It's the ultimate blackpill, we're so fucked. His lectures on YouTube are fascinating.

>sensors say the ship is upside down
-Star Trek discovery 2019

a ship in SPAAACE?

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>She's listing

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Mike's picard tv show idea, what did you think?

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yea wasn't that in the episode where they go to section 51 hq? that was a fucking retarded line, I just thought, wtf......

i want T'Pol to neck pinch me and dominate me during her pon'farr cycle

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okay, one more DS9 episode for real now, then definitely off to bed

didn't he just say him going off to do some archaeological shit? refresh my mammories.

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I'd rather hear James' pitch.

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>That fucking digital clock
Really ugly

mk nu bred

what, would you prefer a binary clock with a panel of red dots the audience doesn't understand because it looks futuristic form a 1960s perspective?

>Soul vs Soulless

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please excuse the mess, and severe summation of mike's idea

Taking place in the future of all good things, now admiral picard and levar burton + his wife and kids go on an away mission to discover what transpired onboard the recently rediscovered USS Galaxy, which has been missing for 30 years. Captain Type A personality impulsive man is heading the mission, and Picard is an admiral who along with burton and burton's wife are providing expertise. Something the captain does creates mayhem that destroys the fancy future ship, kills the captain (a chunk of the crew), and thrusts picard into the mantle of responsibility once again, only he's commanding a derelict galaxy class star ship with barely functioning systems, a smaller crew of very inexperienced people, and something has prevented him from getting help from starfleet (this something is not a voyager style plot).

that's cause this "twink" is really a twank-versatile otter-kin power-bottom.

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It's an unintentional 9/11 era period piece

How about something that doesn't look like it came from the bargain bin at Radio Shack?

Fuck off. Someone please make STD-free bread.

what do you think that is, idiot? that IS a non-STD thread. it's a DISCO thread

Disco died in the 70s. If you are referring to the show masquerading as Star Trek that's behind a paywall that is and always shall be known as STD.

real trek thread for /trek/


>two STD threads

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>gonorrhea + hep C


>1/20th shorter
>dominion space

Disease accelerated with changing form.
Odo remained in one form most of the time which is very unusual for changelings.