Is San Francisco as comfy as it looks in Venom?

Is San Francisco as comfy as it looks in Venom?

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if you find street shitting comfy

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if you find naked gay guys walking around comfy

If you find the homeless, trash, no parking, diseases, and human waste on the streets to be comfy then yeah.

>your next door neighbors

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>homeless shit in the street
>ppl everywhere
>homeless everywhere
>gay bars everywhere
>faggot high everywhere

in a typical sf setup the guy would be interrupted every 3mins by someone asking for change. architecture is nice tho.

How does he afford to live there?

Cities are comfy af if you have money and ambition. If you don't (which is why flyovers get so triggered) they're stressful af.

there is literally shit everywhere because of the huge homeless population

No way they could rent those places with their income. Not even his sweet brick 1 room loft.

Absolutely not

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If you like street shit and contact crime.

That's LA

The fuck? NO
Everywhere smells like fucking shit lmao


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This. Although at this point the gay thing is a little overstated imo. Now its mostly a smorgasbord of shit colored pocs and chinamen, with rich whites who have professional jobs in the city and make it work for the sake of the fact that working there doubles your income. I would take white and gay all day over whatever it is now.

That's all part of the charm

You guys literally let hobos cone from wherever they want and let them just park their shitty cars in the side of the road to just live there. Tents, sheets, hanging out laundry, shit in a bucket, needles, garbage everywhere you look, anything goes. And hunters point, which is like one mile from your photo, is a massive section 8 "affordable housing" ghetto that looks like New Orleans after Katrina. So you're really not full at all.

I used to dream about living to San-Francisco (I am not American). But then I learned that it's expensive af, full of fags and homeless people shitting on the streets.

This reminds me of Child's Play

That doesn't stop the rest of the non Americans from going desu. They seem to love it there for whatever reason.

you are right

Looks pretty comfy

it's like a third-world city where soulless neoliberal rich people live side-by-side with a massive homeless population, like johannesburg but with boring faggotry instead of insane crime levels. it's basically not a livable city anymore, there's no way to be middle class or start a family there. it's a nightmare.

Because they won't get deported.

>This is America starts playing

Did the middle class move to Oakland? Is it nice and gentrified there?

yes if you're not bothered by some guy taking a shit by the stop sign and hollering at you for cash

No. It's a literal shithole full of crazies, it's akin to the third world.

welcome to San Francisco!

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I wish CA would just burn to the fucking ground. But then lots of them would flee to my state and infect the government with their liberal shit and change our gun laws.

It's true. There are still nice parts that look like ops picture, but the city does absolutely nothing to stop a heroin subhuman from coming through and lobbing bags of shit at your front door.

Oakland used to be the nig contingent of SF Bay but as with the rest of California it's turning into one big barrio.

SF is at the forefront of white reclamation of California. Say what you want about liberals, but they are defacto an implicit white identity.

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I always assumed film crews who go to SF inevitably end up using the same several prettiest streets in the city

>Shit neighbourhood with trash and graffiti everywhere
>100% of people are nigs

Asian Persuasion, user.

have to agree with this

No dude Oakland is a shithole. In terms of housing it's basically like sf. There are gentrified 3500 a month units with retards who live there for the "culture" and there are section 8 units. That's it.

god christ was Venom such a shitty fucking movie.

>the bag is visibly steamy


Stayed in SF for a month on business, we had a homeless guy shit in the elevator. Twice. Two separate times, a guy snuck past the front desk and a door guard specifically to shit in the elevator.

Different homeless guy slipped in past my buddy's apartment complex's garage door as it was closing, stole a tenant's stuff (from the garage) and shit in his parking spot before leaving.

I've been to other major cities before, and in no other city was this a problem. I didn't even realize this could BE a problem. For some otherworldly reason, the homeless in SF have made it their duty to shit all over the city.

surprised they bagged it so neatly desu

It used to be. It's only good for a vacation now.

No the days of comfy Full House SF was over for a long time.

in other cities there are areas that business types and tourists don't go to. in san francisco all that shit is distributed everywhere. part of it is due to the temperate weather and the walkable nature of the city and the other part is due to the retards who vote to give these people food stamps and free needles.

t. grew up on the peninsula

It's all designated now I'm afraid.

It's pretty much just the blacks and the mexicans getting pushed out. But mostly the blacks. We have tons of asians and indians around because they're not wastes of space.

>palm trees
>San Francisco

mountain view here, where you from user

Not that user but I'm in Sunnyvale. Can you poz my neg hole?

you got it dude

Whats an Actual nice place to visit as an European in America.
Possible a place where I dont get shoot or killed

If you're gooooing to saaaan fraaancisco
be sure to wear some shit in your hair

I mean you're fine anywhere, just stay out of the hood.

Avoid the coastlines.

No joke, when you drive around Skid Row it feels like you're in Somalia or some shit. Laws don't apply. No cars parked anywhere and people just roam the streets and walk in front of cars without giving a fuck. Cops don't go there unless it's to support fireman who are there to respond to the latest OD or homeless dude taking a shit in the middle of the sidewalk.

It's also like a two-minute drive from expensive hipster shit.

I went there as a tourist and found it filthy. There was garbage everywhere, it’s smoggy, congested, people are barely people; either spics or retarded Americans.

Im born in east oakland how do i escape anons

> feels like you're in somalia or some shit

this is what happened to melbourne in aus. i briefly lived there for work. it's an ultra liberal city and they consider it just fine and dandy to import the most undesirable immigrants imaginable. they put low cost housing towers in the middle of an upper middle class neighborhood which was considered safe and a very describable location to live and filled it with sudanese. these people are a living fucking crime wave and there was an explosion in home invasions, armed robberies and a lot of other shit. people who actually lived in that area have had their properties drastically devalued, some have hired private security and people are terrified to walk the streets at night because the sudanese in the city roam in massive gangs robbing and bashing people.

left wing politics at its fucking finest.

Why do liberals import these people? They cant even read to vote

I live two hours from SF and I always enjoyed going there when I was younger. The last time I was there was about a year ago and I have no desire to go back for as long as I live. SF has turned into a complete shithole with a rampant drug and homeless problem, and yet the people who live there still act like it's the greatest city on earth while paying $5k a month to live in a studio apartment. Fuck San Francisco.

The 90s were a comfy time to live in the bay area. Sure crime was bad but people were way nicer back then. People don't say hi now

Because it makes them feel good that they think they're giving these people some kind of opportunity. Thing is they bring them over and just drop them off at the door. They don't bother to actually educate or employ them and just make them burdens of the state and a blight to the neighborhoods they live in.

It's just like Europe, it's pretty obvious which areas you should avoid. On the whole it's hard to say which places are less violent than others, all major cities will have a portion where gun violence is statistically higher than average (have a guess at what ethnicity). You're fine though, pick a few cities that interest you and take a road trip, visit national parks and maybe a theme park if you're on a southern coast.

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because they live in a fantasy world where they believe these people will actually be law abiding, productive citizens who will assimilate and need opportunities in life. in reality they live off welfare, terrorize the people around them and commit crime.

I was there last month, my thoughts are that it's a rather nice city, especially if you're in the downtown or in Silicon Valley. The BART is fairly limited though the city is relatively picturesque. Most people are white and asian, with a few Mexicans.

The Tenderloin is a complete junkie shithole though and passing through it scared me.

There's so many people that don't even speak English now it's awful.

This is not San Francisco

t. local

I grew up there and visit often, yes and no. There are some gorgeous neighborhoods and the cool part is that you can walk five blocks in any direction and everything will look totally different
Unfortunately, it’s populated by some of the most psychologically broken people I can think of. Everyone is scared of each other, no one is comfortable in their own skin, everyone is “different” in the exact same ways, and you can see five BLM shirts and graffitis from any given sitting spot yet look around and see every race outright scared of the others. It’s fuck-full of these soulless millennials who constantly bitch about THOSE DAMN TECHIES RUINING OUR CITY when they were the ones to drain the city of its soul in the first place. Literal child-adults.

The racial tension is out of control. I remember being amazed when I first went to Chicago and saw different races casually striking up conversation on public transit

For non-locals, here’s how you can tell this isn’t SF:
>flat, no hills
>wide unmarked roads
>palm trees
>large homeless tent clusters (our homeless just pass out in a wad of blankets on the street, very spread out)
>blue road signs

What a fucking shithole. MAGA cunts!

Not SF, definitely LA or something

10/10 post. It wasnt always like this

Is there a place in america that isnt overrun by either faggots or non whites

I will repeat, MAGA CUNTS.
How can you have parts of your "first world" country looking like africa ?

It was. Until the tech faggots came in and ruined everything. The original faggots were mostly chill.

The gays are one of the better (not good mind you, just better) parts of SF, they’ll flirt with you from time to time but mostly keep out of your way and are pretty bro-y
The REAL problem is San Francisco straight women. God fucking help you if you ever have to interact with them

Call me racist but, if you live in an english speaking country, and you dont speak english. Get to fuck.

The techies were the lethal injection to a dog that was already dying. It was the millennials first and foremost who made our city a man-child playground. If you want to know where the spirit of the city went, ask the 32-year-old swine bitch standing with platform shoes on her swollen feet, waiting in line for a $9 piece of toast with avocado on top, thinking about how excited she is to watch the new Samantha Bee tonight

What do you miss about the old bay area?

Lived there from 2007-2014

Not that long but I remember going to bars on polk, having a cheap beer at a shitty bar. Or having some cheap viet food in the mission only having to deal with faggot hipsters. I go back to visit friends every often and that shitty bar on polk is 2x more expensive. You literally can not go anywhere without hearing people talk about start-up, crowdfunding, os or aome other shit. And i swear there are literally 10x the amount of pajeets then there were several years ago.

So if I'm in SF where are the best places in America to move to?
I was thinking Texas might be decent even if there are a fuckton of spics.

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>Going to a bar for cheap beer when there is a liquor store on every corner

Wtf? And i moved here three years ago

Actual interesting people everywhere
General sense of comraderie and community
Many good old god-honest places to get something cheap to eat made by someone who cares about what they’re doing
That sweet spot when SF was legitimately a really odd and cool city but hadn’t become self-cognizant of it yet

Chicago, Seattle, San Diego, DC, Manhattan, and New Orleans are all worth visiting

Polk st was full of cheap bars.
The mission too. I miss the Elbow room
I remember getting a six pack and driving up to the sutro bath houses drinkinng beers with my buds until sun rise. Good times.

Those were good times

If you can handle the faggotry, polk is full of gay bars with cheap brews just dont use the boys room because thems are for fucking
.t homosexual

>New orleans
this has to be bait right?

San Fran used to be nice until the tech companies arrived and drove rent so high that most of the city become homeless. Now the streets are paved with used needles and human feces.

Visiting, dumbass. Not living in

Don't listen to this man. He's is a deceiver.

But that wasn't his question.

You've literally describe a gated community.

ya la actually is in slightly better shape believe it or not

Eh. LA is a lot lot bigger. So its bound to have a lot nicer parts.

That being said believe it or not LA has better people. Lived in sf for 7 years and have lived in LA going on 8 years now.

Sf has a serious Paris syndrome. Where the city is amazing but the people are dogshit elitists

It's unfair to blame techies for SF's decline when it was the one-two punch of the gay invasion and then the hippie invasion that totally nuked the city. Lately my mom has been relating to me the stories her grandmother told her about life in pre-fire San Francisco, just a totally different world

>we’ll never get the old exploratorium back

>that pic
Were the nips right by making the evilness of their anime villains directly proportionate with how gay they are?

>Berkeley main library will never be clean again

This kid is 100% getting drugged and passed around
Makes me sick

>3mins by someone asking for change.
That's every big city though.
>inna Minneapolis for Black Sabbath
>chilling at club before show
>buddy and I go out for a smoke
>change in pocket jingles as I dig for lighter
>homeless come out of woodwork
>asks for change
>say no
>buddy gives him a couple quarters
>homeless start swarming like that southpark episode
>ash our cigs and head back inside

It's sad how you can see the spread of HIV in his body. He looks like a walking skeleton in recent pics from the spread of AIDS. He'll be dead before he's 20.

What is wrong with yous ?

LMAO, I l Literally saw a woman take a shit on the sidewalk the other day. Its a special kind of city when you can distinguish what feces is human and which is dog.

Not to mention its full of hipsters and tech bros jacking up housing prices.

The tenderloin is pretty similar tho

I just don’t trust the human race enough to see a child in sexualized clothing spending lots of time around adults in a highly sexualized industry/culture and not think that someone is going to or already has done something horrible to that kid

North Dakota.
>great plains in the east
>badlands in the west
>peace gardens in the north
>low population
>96% white
>"North Dakota Nice"
>tons of outdoor recreation: hunting, fishing, camping, hiking
>our most based President's favorite state
Just don't go to Minot.

Whats in minot

You get all that from one image ?

Retard who's never been to ND. Fucking wasteland of a state. No jobs, no cities, terrible weather, bleak landscape, everyone in neighboring states makes fun of it. There is literally nothing in ND.

San Francisco is the biggest tragedy I've ever had the misfortune of recognizing.

The bay is beautiful. Objectively the best weather I've ever lived in and the scenery is beyond breathtaking, especially during a bright and colorful sunset. Add in the fact that you can just wander to Big Sur and Sequoia National Park with ease and the place ranks, in my heart, the best place on earth.

And then you interact with the people of San Fran and you realize that the place has been invaded and infested with some of the most insufferable people on earth. I seriously fall short in vocabulary trying to explain how miserable these people are. They're scum, man. It's insane. I grew up not too far from SF but far enough to be in a small, rural area with friendly people all around me. The fact that the bay is the biggest 180 imaginable makes me furious. I'll never get over how much SF's populace infuriates me.

Biggest waste of, well, everything, on earth.

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"Okay boys, roll out the nukes"

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OP, I was there in late 2016 and it's a very comfy city!!!FACT!!!

That kid is famous, his name is Devyn or something. His parents have been parading him around as the world’s youngest drag queen for years now

You must be homeless

So ? Its weird as fuck and probably shouldnt be happening but that doesn't exactly prove anything

I take no pride in living in any part of CA but I really really hate Gay Area people. Every word of your post about the people is spot on but it just can’t cover every way they suck. Natives or transplants it doesn’t matter, gas them all.

I didn’t say it proved anything, I said exactly what I meant Why are you so insistent that it’s not possible something could be happening here? This shit happens in Hollywood, I don’t see why it wouldn’t happen in a much less scrutinized and far more explicitly sexualized community

Dumbass. I've lived here my whole life. Been all over the country and parts of Europe. Literally nowhere I'd rather be than here. If you think it's such a wasteland then gtfo.
It's dying. Apathy is rampant.

they went overbudget cleaning the sets before shoot

Nice city you have there where citizens are keeping a shit map of piles of human shit found around the city. Real quality city.

>San Francisco Requires Poop Maps To Help Pedestrians Avoid Human Waste

Usually, gay dudes in drag aren't sexually attracted to kids dressed as women. Just putting that out there. Its not all True Detective Season 1.

Wrong user, user. I'm the NoDaker.

what the fuck dude

flyover states, but you retards will whine about rednecks or whatever

are you fucking dumb?

That place where they filmed the goonies looked pretty cool. Please dont tell me its a shit hole now

pretty sure he must be considering chicongo has an overwhelming gang and homicide issues.

Sf is pretty comfy, better than my legit shit homestate Nevada

living in the US must feel like a nightmare

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Downtown San Jose

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Wanna know how I can tell you are lying?

that was a small town on the coast of oregon
the place is exactly the same and the house still there

use to drive down there every few years

Vermont or Maine

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Lol the Bay is mostly Asian and white dude. Este gringo probably just drove through the mission with his doors locked lmao

Im happy to hear that
Still some nice places out there not tainted yet

needs lots of needles and human feces on all that clean sidewalk. NOT AUTHENTIC.

No. This is what San Francisco looks like in real life.

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North Dakota

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This looks exactly like Poland! The place I live!

Since when was Poland filled with homeless niggers ?

Lol! Piss off. That's obviously a scene from some post-apocalyptic science fiction movie. That can't be real.

Literally some fucking african shithole. And you americans actually have the nerve to make fun about yuropo. Holy hell, enjoy your "cities".


Remember when they told us that removing Homosexuality from the psychiatric disorder list wouldn't be a slippery slope?I member.

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Welcome the LA


What concert are they waiting for?

It's a marking your territory thing

No, it's a socialist hell spot.

while disconcerting, that specific drag queen is quite tame and at least somewhat non-retarded.

remember that propaganda vid the north koreans made about america? It looks just like that.

It's like that bag of piss on the urinal.


Why tho? Is it the faggots? The Silicon Valley urbanites? The hobos? The chinks?

The niggers are getting moved out but the mexicans are resisting with teeth and nails cause the local politicians still have to pander to them in exchange for votes.

Seattle, New England, Eugene, Dallas

When this was first posted someone said it was Liberia and I believed it

The hills and parts, sure. The higher up you go, the more expensive it is. Places like Rockridge are retarded expensive.

I used to rent a shitty one bedroom near Lake Merritt, for $750 a month. That building starts at $2250 now. And it's still a shithole.

its nice to drive through late at night during the summer with the sun roof open at say 3 am when noone is out. Dont get out of the car though.. just drive

I made the mistake of booking a """three star""" hotel in Tenderloin. I had to bring my luggage to a third-party locker company across town because I didn't want my clothes smelling like homeless that was permeating the entire building. To enter the hotel I had to go through a crowd of crack hos and half-naked junkies. Because of this I never got to go out to any bars because I didn't want to walk back through Tenderloin after dark.

i fucking despise the redditniggers who want to be apart of the 'struggle'. Fucking disgusting insufferable faggots all of them

San Francisco is literally a shithole full of crime and degeneracy.

Not just SF, the homeless and crackheads like to break into cars to sleep in, and use as a toilet. Happens all the time in Berkeley and Oakland.

lol cant help but live in a liberal city can you? Thinking austin like a faggy hipster arent ya??


New A24 movie:

You can tell, because there's no street named "San Julian" in SF.

It's a street in downtown LA.

Honestly every major city should be nuked

The Stone, The Mabuhay, The Rock On Broadway, The Omni, The Berkeley Square, Wolfgang's, the bay area had a kick ass music scene in the 80's.

I saw Metallica in the clubs. Those days are long gone.

Shut up Dorftrottel.

Niggers are inept at graffiti, that isn't to say there aren't black artists but FBI reports have even correlated Latinos with crimes under the "vandalism" category.

More greatly black cities produce less graffiti by comparison and less elaborate.

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What's the rational explanation for such large street-shitting problem? Indian immigration?

No it's not conservative christian cookie cutter suburban America.

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Shouldn't those cars have their wheels turned the other way?

Isn't Australia extremely strict when it comes to immigration? How did this shitty people get there?

The coastal counties, Marin, San Mateo, and Santa Cruz look nice enough with towns like Pacifica, but it would probably be expensive to live in such places. Among the most affluent bedtime communities in Cali are probably Santa Clara and Orange County.

Compared with the eastern states where I reside, I like how the entire coast line doesn't have private properties in front and one can admire the view of the coast line from the roads.

Seems like a bunch of conservatives in this thread who are just mad that SF is liberal

Probably can't tell the difference between smog and fog which is typical for the terrain.

user's favourite cumtarget prime ministers were always enthusiastic about admitting 'em. He's a weak, mealymouthed piece of shit.

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Ideally and as is their legal right they would form an off-grid "intentional community" but that would require effort and conviction when they'd rather whine.

>Usually, gay dudes in drag aren't sexually attracted to kids dressed as women.
Except for the ones who hang out with kids dressed as women.

It's funny seeing all the zoomers ITT blame liberals when we had Republican governors for a billion years

Hate to break it to you but constitutional rights seem to not apply in much of the country atm and enforcement of ordinances is arbitrary.
All large cities in America have greater social blight compared to the surrounding suburbs which is a mark of the suburban sprawl and white flight which took place. Gentrification aims to improve things but it isn't fast to pick up in all places.

Yeah regulation and not letting the cops do their job is really driving this country under. We need to cut down on taxes and roll-back spending.

Is there anyone who believes USA wont fall apart? To me it just seems like a rotting carcass you can talk about emperor trump all you want it irreversible. Literally matter of time until china takes over the market and everyone is fucked. As much of bugmen they are, they also happen to be much more effective than any other country in the world

>Is there anyone who believes USA wont fall apart?

People's Soviet of New England now!

It might not fall apart but instead degrade and regress into a Brazil tier non-country. There will be no great conflict or race war, people will just slowly move away and congregate in better areas and countries, rich first and middle class next.

There is no way Eddie could’ve afforded that apartment while unemployed

It's so full of literal human shit they made an app where they mark poops on a map.

Attached: san-francisco-poop-map.png (800x405, 654K)

Austin is awesome.
Go fuck your sister

Is anywhere in the world not fucked?
All the decent places to live just keep taking in more and more immigrants, even though it’s obviously causing a spike in crime.
What will be a good place to live in 20 years?

>that Tenderloin
Seems about right

Grew up in Bay, went to SFSU and lived in the City for several years in the mid-2000s. This post is 100% accurate.

Could there be a common denominator with Africa? What is Africa full of that makes it so shitty and American cities have in abundance as well?

The good places to live in will be the ones that won't let anyone in, so mainly Asian countries. Even WAITO PIGGUs can get kicked out.

SF is the land of mediocre women who think they are 10s. It's unnerving.

If we elect one of these socialist running for the Democrats then I will give this nation 10 years tops
I have been prepping for a while now, i suggest you do the same

It’s great. All the people trashing it simply can’t afford it. Same as rural French people who trash Paris. If you have the means, it’s a dope city.

what's the app?

Dude shut up

> c'mon guys he only rapes 3 kids a week

Choose a side either Christ or satan. You can't be in the middle

The fuck is up with Tenderloin? It's sandwiched between Market Street and Union Square. Its just a couple blocks, why the hell hasn't the city just bought it out and redeveloped?

now you know how everyone else felt when random white dudes showed up and started killing people.

They are making fun of us because that's where we're headed, user.

> SnapCrap' app invites San Francisco residents to report poop on city streets

>it's just like Europe

cities in my country don't have violent parts

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>knowing specific differentiations between multitude of drag queens
Unironically end yourself.

What I always found hilarious is SF has this huge inferiority complex about LA. The people in SF go to great lengths to shittalk LA, wax eloquent on how SF is so much better, compare themselves to LA every chance they get etc. They are in a constant feud with LA over California bragging rights. Meanwhile LA barely notices SF exists and instead vies with NY, Paris, London and Tokyo for global status.

>Meanwhile LA barely notices SF exists and instead vies with NY, Paris, London and Tokyo for global status.
lol no it doesn't. The only notable thing about LA is the Hollywood aspect. New York is the only US city that really compares to the global scale.

Rapid City, South Dakota.
Mount Rushmore, Presidential Wax Museum, Museum Of Geology, The Journey Museum & Learning Center, The South Dakota Space & Air Museum, good BBQ, and the Badlands.

South Korea and Japan. Mainly South Korea. Of course China is more likely to be the wealthier one but I can’t see it being a paradise, South Korea has the best balance of freedom, redpills and upward trajectory. The ‘feminism’ anons love to meme about is pretty much a non-issue. If they purged their soulless middle class Christians it would be the greatest country in the world.

Sneak on Mark Davis' jet when he moves the Raiders to Las Vegas.

-Desmond is amazing
-Desmond Ketamine
-Michael Alig

All is not as ''innocent'' as it seems.

the problem is other states shipping all their homeless to CA. it's gotten real bad like literal areas have been taken over

Yes, as long as you know how to navigate the used heroin needles, piles of human feces and puddles of AIDS

What is it about California/the west coast that attracts so many degenerates?

Is it the weather?


if you are gay it is

>is it the weather

I wouldn't say so
All the southern states have similar climates but they're decent places, generally speaking

Colorado here
Save us

Not him. It's all of them and a general snobbishness and attitude of smugness. Good, kind, honest people do not last in SF. They either leave of their own volition or get burned hard enough to go into exile. As banal as South Park is that episode about SF and smug hit the nail on the head. They are liars, cold-blooded, devious, bitter, jealous, angry, arrogant, rude, and more. The kicker is they all believe themselves to be God's Gift to Humanity and pretend to be the exact opposite of all that. Not sure if it is true delusion or an intentional facade, probably a bit of both. While you can find people like that everywhere SF has a huge concentration of them - they are the majority. It also has some of the highest rates of mental disease and psychological problems in the US.

The politics. Their government literally gives away free heroin. Everything degenerate that you could imagine is welcomed and encouraged. They are one of only three states that proudly declares itself a "sanctuary state", meaning they actually allow and propagate illegal immigration. They are a dumpster fire, literally at this point since they are always burning to death in massive, city-wide fires.

Lmao it's literally liberal clownsville.

>we had Republican governors for a billion years
But SF was actually nice back then.

I visited SF, I loved the city but the huge gulf between rich and abject poverty in such a small place is striking; Teslas, self-driving prototypes and techbros on electric longboards are everywhere alongside half-naked lunatics, decrepit RVs and tarp encampments. I watched a young businesswoman with her iced coffee stepping two homeless brandishing crutches at each other, one in a wheelchair, on Market Street.
All the homeless I came across were crazy - I mean my city has homeless too but they're either politely asking for change or quietly nodding off, not screaming and babbling to themselves.
The food on Polk street was great though lads.

*stepping around

that would be a good thing, to not have those junkies commit crimes and get them to have a stable job

Don't compare the clammy and mosquito ridden South to the Neo-Mediterranean.


SF is the homeless capital of America. There are few to no public toilets as a result of this.


So do people just crap out their mouths into a bucket like South Park?

>liberal=shit on streets
>liberal=high crime rates
>liberal=massive homeless population
>liberal=insufferable attitudes
>liberal=drug needles and addicts littering the streets
Those are the main complaints. Since you equate them to liberal, then yes, I am mad that SF is liberal.

I paid 30 bucks to enter a museum just so I could take a shit. Museum was worth it though.

Ironic how no major metropolitan cores are conservative though, really makes you think.

every place is comfy if you're rich

with conservatives, they want to take away livable wages, only support legislation for the ultra wealthy and don't support the needs of the people.

how would any of those get better under an entirely conservative country?

Why would anyone live on a fucking hill?

try to build public housing next to the rich neighborhoods and suddenly everyone is conservative, go figure

So you could shit on a street.

It would be, except they still commit crimes and don't get jobs.

Yes, SF and New Orleans are the only attractive cities in the U.S.

>the homeless I came across were crazy
Forgot to mention that. SF has the most aggressive homeless I have ever encountered. Zero shame, just rage, hate, and begging.

flyover retards that live on /pol/ are pathetic.
every large city has crime and gang problems, even london or amsterdam or paris.
you're not going to get attacked going to nice tourist parts of large cities you paranoid inbred dumbfucks.

Did they throw feces at you?

i'm european too and i've always wanted to visit the american countryside. mountains, ranches, bulls, beer and nice country folk.

No, they crap right onto the streets.
If you're out and about in SF and need to take a shit you go into a bar, buy a drink, then use their toilet.

Visit a 'conservative country' and compare it to San Fran. I recommend Poland. After visiting SF Poland looks like El Dorado.
SF is actual proof that its own policies do not work. You can say conservatives wouldn't make it better, and maybe they wouldn't, but what SF is and has been doing absolutely does not work as evidenced by the atrocious state of the City.

I grew up in the bay area and seeing this stuff makes me sad. Liberals like to make the argument about how conservatives “only care about life until it’s born”, but it’s liberal cities that have the worst homeless population they do nothing to stop

Why do super poor/homeless people live in very high cost of living areas? Just go to the South somewhere and live off $10 an hour comfortably.

This is what a tourist to America should do. California has tons of State and National parks that are amazing. You can choose breathtaking natural views or dodging shit and needles while a strung-out man in his 40s with four teeth who hasn't showered in a month curses at you for not giving him enough change.

Liberals enable in a way that conservatives generally don't. Sure, conservatives often sound harsh, but tough love is what's sometimes needed.

I don't think most westerners are compatible with asian work ethics, especially Japan.

some do, but a lot of people actually like living in cities. and not everyone starts out homeless, a lot of times they have jobs and slip in to homelessness either because they can't pay rent, drug addiction, poor spending habits, or a combination of those things.

>SF is the homeless capital of America
I'm pretty sure Seattle actually has that honor now. Not sure why though Seattle seems like it would suck ass to be homeless because of the weather.

Indianapolis has as many people as Chicago. Compare the policies and racial demographics, then compare the crime rates.

um, no it absolutely does not dumbass.

Southern states definitely do not have a similar climate at all
California is infinitely more comfortable than the south in the summer

The TL can be rough but Skid Row is on anothet level

Well of course that's exactly why they do it. They have wealthy minority of tech yuppies living among a majority of impoverished drug addicts and low-skilled immigrants. The upperclass wants to keep them placated.

Whether it works or not seems to be the real point of contention.

Was this taken before or after the alien invasion?

Please, we call them undocumenteds now.

Chicago: 2,716,450
Indianapolis: 2,028,614

Well this is clearly LA but there's a stretch of Mission Street before it angles into downtown, and all the Tenderloin district thats just like this.


I’m from LA, I live in SF. This post is correct, but the west coast is beginning to become one homogenous culture where people in SF, LA, SF, PDX, SEA are all basically the same. Housing prices are sky-high everywhere and we’re moving around to chase higher wages (SF) or cheaper houses (PDX).

Michigans upper peninsula

I went to San Francisco as a kid and I remember visiting the piers and there was this one homeless guy that would hide behind plants and jump out and scare the shit out of tourists. It worked like a charm because the tourists were all so self absorbed that nobody noticed the mentally ill homeless man crouched behind a potted plant. This was back in the day when the homeless had a sense of humor too, now they just shit in the street and do drugs all day and they're no fun at all.

You have the metro area pop for Indianapolis and the city population for Chicago

Metro Area
Chicago: 9.5 mil
Indianapolis: 2 mil

Chicago: 2.7 mil
Indianapolis: 0.8 mil

If its the same guy, that's actually a fairly infamous dude. I think I saw him on a Vice video or something.

Eh, it's not like there's a magic switch that turns a city into an ungovernable shithole past 1 million people.

Otherwise Tokyo would be awful.

The Bushman. He has some videos on youtube, used to have a website with merch. He was fairly clever and good at what he did, which is more than I can say for most of the other homeless.

Liberal run cities are stinking shitholes. Invariably. And if it's not a stinking shithole you can rest assured that it will be in just a few short months.

sedona, arizona is quite nice.

indy has a population of 820,000 you dumbfuck what are you talking about.

>Otherwise Tokyo would be awful.
Tokyo has mass 3rd world immigration, free heroin programs and high taxes? News to me.

>Chicago: 2.7 mil
>Indianapolis: 0.8 mil
This is still a relatively similar size. What is your point?

One things Europeans should keep in mind is scale. America is one country, but the size of a continent.

Which means planning, like, a week long jaunt from New York to Florida then seeing the Grand Canyon is like planning to visit St. Petersburg, Istanbul, then Barcelona.

Kek yeah that's the guy. I didn't know he passed away though, that's a damn shame.

He didn't, there were two

>It's just like Europe
No its fuckin not, here in Europe you won't get weird looks or fucking get shot for entering the wrong neighborhood
America is an absolute shithole in that aspect

We have these things called cornermen, they'll usually tell you which neighborhoods are gang controlled and which ones you're just simply not allowed into. Cornermen also usually sell drugs, so you can pick up your drug of choice on the way out too.

>Drag queen

>Do you like crawling traffic?
>Do you like streets infested with bums and junkies?
>Do you like restrictive laws and regulations?
>Do you like real estate that is horribly overpriced?
>Do you like the air to constantly smell like urine?

San Faggots are literally breathing in urine and feces particles every time they are outdoors in the city. Even being on the bay with those wind systems can't stop the swathe of filth in the air.

I dare you to walk into the Ends in London, or one of the shitty arrondissements of Paris at night.

Lols, Europoors are so fucking deluded, We tried getting you to realize how fucking horrible niggers are and yet there you are allowing them to immigrate in droves. Soon you will also have the same problems.

Its a vicious cycle.
Republicans make a good and affordable state
Liberals take over.
leaves the corpse for the republicans.

what about the state washington? is seattle also a shithole?
But at least it's rich and doesn't have a dirty Republican legislature, right?

The taxes made Amazon leave. The question now is seeing how the city performs without them.

Attached: fagsareevil.jpg (608x1024, 89K)

you will never be a real woman

day of the rope wont bevgentle with you kike

Those are temporary solutions at best. By restricting housing development, they're shooting themselves in the foot because rent control is a fleeting solution.

Any large US city is way comfier than large European cities.

euro mass trans is a lot better and the cities were actually designed to be walked in

>mass trans
Having your movement restricted by the reach and operating hours of a transit system is hardly comfy IMO, and no they don't "go everywhere". Both Paris and London have entire neighborhoods that only have buses available.
>and the cities were actually designed to be walked in
From my experience US cities have much wider and well kept sidewalks. There are some busy roads in Europe where the sidewalk is barely wide enough for two people to pass.

Imagine homeless people shambling like the fucking walking dead. You never know if you're simply gonna get stabbed, or if you're just going to be asked for spare change for the gorillionth time in a week.

Now add in:
>elitist hipster faggots
>crazy cat ladies who spit on you from the 2nd floor of their homes
>the occasional stray Oakland gangbanger who will shoot you for the slightest perceived insult
>major Chinese Triad presence in the city, so drugs are flooding the streets
>fucktarded city council who have no idea how to regulate the city
>1/3rd of the city infested with drifter Hippie losers who discovered the "free love" movement 40 years too late
>literal feces and trash everywhere in the street
>shit food, good architecture
>insanely high cost of living
>seagulls literally rule the city and just fly around pissing and shitting on everyone

San Francisco should be nuked.
t. lived there for 3 years

I live in Olympia, right at the base of Puget Sound
Ugliest, most depressing town smack in the middle of one of the most beautiful areas in all of America
Worth it if you live in the more forested areas and don’t go out much

As a gay area man myself, I seriously despise San Fran. But even then pajeets and and chinks are making the rest of the bay insufferable. I remember when my engineering team was 90% white. Now I'm 1 of 2 white people in my group.

They are incapable of being responsible and having a job.

Get off the fuckin computer Bobandy

I fucking hate this place

Attached: komp-br-laintbr-deptbr-a-date-with-death-on-the-golden-gate-bridge-1413334125269.gif.jpg (650x364, 20K)

To all the people who shit on American suburbia, at least you can walk around without getting fucking shot in your neighborhood

What was he thinking at that moment?

Attached: snapshot.jpg (1920x1080, 302K)

>Palm trees

Of all the things wrong in that vid your dumbass focuses on this.

Attached: palmtrees.jpg (800x596, 115K)

Look up Seattle demographic charts, there’s a legitimate argument to be made for white libs being the biggest white nationalists out there.

Attached: F716AF58-9C9A-4B0E-B9EC-05AB7048F4A9.jpg (500x500, 96K)

Skid row?

Dude gay bars have been closing up, the LGBT locals have been moving out due to rising costs. Yeah the Castro is still going strong but places like Lexington and Crowbar have long since been dead.

Haha where i'm at a long time ago they started construction of a new complex then everyone found out it was going to be section 8 housing and they're property values were going to drop like a fucking rock and stonewalled
the whole thing. there's still nothing being built in that lot after ten years.

SF really has a few major problems, all caused by the liberals who run it.
>they made it legal to sleep on the sidewalks
>they made it legal to do 'personal' amounts of drugs
>they made it a MINOR crime (misdemeanor) to break into vehicles as long as you steal less than 1000 bucks worth of stuff
>they made it illegal to hold illegal immigrants for deportation, even when they commit crimes

The police basically are not able to arrest anyone and hold them for anything in SF. If you're homeless and being a fucking bum, sleeping in someones doorway and shitting there, THEY CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. You call the cops and tell them some bum is shooting drugs in the entrance to your business? Too bad. Live with it. Since it's basically not even a crime to steal small things, the entire city is essentially just druggies wandering around looking for something to steal, which they trade for drugs and then spend the day high, then repeat the next day.
Combine that with the VERY liberal food/medical services and you have a homeless druggie paradise. They can go into any of the dozens of soup kitchens anytime they want for a free meal, then head back out to do whatever they want. If they get sick, city pays to care for them until they feel like going back out to smoke more dope.

the true error is in considering the homeless as people when any sense of decency or humanity is the first thing to go in that situation and it never comes back.

Nah Oakland is getting overpriced and gentrified too. Middle class and poor have had to move to the upper east bay like Pittsburgh, or as far as Tracey/Modesto. Or just move out of California altogether.

When I visisted San Francisco in 2014 I lived in the Castro. The only thing I noticed about San Francisco then was the huge difference between the rich and the poor, but I figured it's that way in all major cities in North America. I didn't see any shit or needles in the street when I was there. The most fucked up thing was when we came up fro the subway and a homeless woman, maybe age 25 sat on the steps and said ''slap me for a dollar'' to passers by.

Nice try, we burned in 2018 but still here.

Crowbar was not a gay bar. It had a great metal/punk jukebox and a good selection of booze with decent prices. Pool tables were good for a bar as well.

Bay Area native here, I've visited Atlanta and New Orleans recently and was struck by how most everyone that I passed by at least said "good morning" or nodded. I tried to do this more in SF but they either don't respond or just mutter it back.

Funny thing is TL used to be worse, now it's slowly getting gentrified with new studios and restaurants. There's a new gourmet ice cream place in Civic Center, the fuck are locals going to pay out the nose for that? But the techies on Market definitely will.

Don't worry. It won't be long until you're officially a English-Spanish speaking nation.

Now?? Dude the only non-English speaking people are old fucks that won't bother to learn, all the second gen know English fluently.

Part of it is all the crazies in the Bay. Responding to a random person on the street is potentially inviting some whacko to go off on a diatribe.

Huh, I thought Chicago had it worse with hyper-segregation? Still good observation about racial tension, for a diverse area we do tend to bristle around others.