Holy shit this was bad
Holy shit this was bad
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>i didnt understand it
I agree, this was in the top 5 of the most retarded movies I have watched
Omg they’re actually representative of the underclass in America and how they’re just like us but because they weren’t given opportunity they have to become violent and uncultured omg so deep “we are Americans” kill yourself faggot
Yeah i hate white people too
>intro is creepy
>damn this looks good
>I'm in for some good shit
>movie is passable
>goes full retard with the reveal of the origin of the clones
how did Peele think that was okay?
it was pretty awful. almost fell asleep watching it too
>3/5 from bigblackcock
>violent blacks in a seemingly peaceful community go around for hours haunting people
too unrealistic, the cops would show up quicksmart and mag dump the family.
It was pretty good but the ending was a mess.
The humor was great though. Peele should go full Raimi on his next effort and make his Evil Dead-esque horror comedy.
You think you're funny but none of jordan peeles stuff is about hating white people dumdum
There were so many holes in this movie like what the fuck? I’m reading discussions about this right now and people are praising it like it’s deep and how they had to “connect the dots” like the intro about underground tunnels and the doppelgangers being underground, the fuck does a giant obvious flag like the intro not immediately tell you what will happen, fucking brainlets dude
I want to watch a sequel spinoff about Danny Trejo playing an angry Mexican who comes to America to kill the jumpsuit-wearing putos that murdered his American cousin’s family or some shit.
And the whole movie is just Trejo mowing down retards and hacking their arms off with machetes and shit.
I understood it, I just didn't like it. Same issue I had with Bioshock Infinite (well that game had shitloads more problems than Us) - the story was just poorly written and tonally inconsistent. The whole "THE GOVERNMENT MADE A WHOLE BUNCH OF DOUBLES" thing could have been a cool reveal but the movie just flubbed it.
>The humor was great though.
The part where they argued about how got to drive was terrible. It was no Get Out, that's for sure.
It’s about consumerism you fucking troglodyte. At our base we are all “them”. Consuming culture mindlessly, mimicking what we see in front of us.
If it didn’t overexplain everything and left some room for theories I wouldn’t hate it. But it feels so bare bones when the characters are all pointing out the cool, interesting shit and drawing attention to it
This could have been a simple movie with a simple meaning: We are our own worst enemies. It could have just been about an ordinary family having to defend themselves against their evil doppelgangers in increasingly violent and cruel ways until by the end they realize there's no difference between them and the monsters. No twist, no origin for the doppelgangers, just a good old fashioned Hills Have Eyes/Last House on the Left commentary about human nature.
But no, Peele had to shit the bed by giving them an origin. Not only that, but he couldn't even be halfassed to explain it properly or flesh it out.
>No twist, no origin for the doppelgangers, just a good old fashioned Hills Have Eyes/Last House on the Left commentary about human nature.
I thought that's where they were going when the kid saw the "mom" kill the one girl viciously while mourning her own double kids dying but they flubbed it.
Pele himself has admitted it's about the underclass. Cringe you worthless faggot.
plebs gonna pleb
Then Peele misinterprets his own work faggot.
>Peele misinterprets his own work faggot.
Yeah no shit he thinks Get Out is horror
>nigger tries to be a quirky, out-of-touch white dad
Laughably bad