Biggest pleb filter of the 21st century

Biggest pleb filter of the 21st century
>Leftists believe it's a fascist dogwhistle
>Rightists believe it's a cuck film because non-chimp blacks
BRAVO Zahler, working the Plebs that can't separate their Politics from enjoying films. Absolutely Keking reading seething reviews from all sides!

Previous thread was cast iron

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Other urls found in this thread:



The director is literally Jewish.

I don’t see it. The movie was tame if there were any right wing about it. If anything all I really got out of it was “Modern society is a meat grinder.” They make it sound like Dirty Harry.

In last thread, anons pointed out how Carpenter's arrival was subtly framed like a funeral
>black clothes
>boss like boisterous Jewish undertaker?
>white light in background framed like trellis with a "stairway to heaven"
>sad balloons and baby pictures displayed in front of gateway
>baby bootie sock is not black

Absolute kino. Capeshitfags GTFO.

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More kino "funeral" allusions.

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It's the 2019 version of Dirty Harry. Harry reduced to robbing sick fucks to save his wife and daughter.

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This movie is the exact contrary of racist right-wing fantasy in the sense that poltards and libtards alike will get tricked by it. It's much more subtle than that and I am genuinely suprised by it.

Pic related right here is a Serious Man tier in its absurdity

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>jewish director decides to circumcise his only blatantly jewish character

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Clickbait headlines work wonders for getting retards like people on /pol/ to watch your movie

at least the dumb as nog who tried to send an email died.

Wtf was his problem?

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I thought they were supposed to be really high yella.

Ultimately were these dudes as badass as you expected/hoped during the third act? Why did they hire two muds, they weren't acquainted with, to drive? You spend a huge bag of cash on the killer van, you have an all white crew, you get McDs tier drivers?

Someone mentioned the convenience store is robbed not to pay for the van, but to pin the homicide robbery on Slim and Chubs later. Makes sense. He only got $50 from register.

No one has asked this: how did the lead robber's old school tape recorder work? Was he fast forwarding past other questions he recorded for contingency? The effect was scary but far fetched? I guess this is just "The Rule of Cool " and it works

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The henchmen were the best part of the movie.

so was Mr Mind behind this? what is his relation to the masketta man?

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Yeah bc /pol/aks and Yea Forums buy so many tickets doodoobrain. I doubt this movie grosses $1 million. Sad. Sad. Sad!

I think they would've let people live had the Jew not lied about people in the back and the nog hadn't tried to send an email.

To get rid of them more easily and because they have the know-how. No one will bat an eye if two nogs known by police end up dead somewhere.

Those 3 dudes really are the coldest, most cynical bad guys in existence. They're ultimate chaos and evil

No reviewers will touch this scene lmao. The way they wipe off the greasepaint is humiliating, being stared at by their smug white handlers "backstage" in the van. I give Michael Jai "White" credit for doing this. At the same time, it's very Jewish humor about black actors. It probably went over libtard critics' heads.

the black banker? no he did not. the millenial mother slash business woman got whacked trying to press ENTER

I love being a moderate. I'm so much smarter than everyone else. I'm not even joking btw.

you can see the black guys corpse hereshe wasn't trying to press enter, she was trying to stop the nog from sending it. she wanted to live to see her baby again and was trying to stop the dumb nog from getting everyone killed by alerting police and died for it.

fuck this onions faggot.

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she was trying to stop him from doing it.

>I'm a gutless, fence-sitting coward who doesn't like to think about things
>I'm smarter than other people

And he still hired Mel Gibson.

He's atheist, and he skewers Jews in the film as a diamond merchant and a passive aggressive loquacious banker who degrades a woman with theatrical compliments. His movies are funded by Texas oil money. He gave Mel Gibson his best role in 20 years or longer. Maybe ever. And let him say racist shit.

I checked his website, he reviews anime, and makes synthwave music for fun or something:

If he makes a Holocaust film I'll drop him and Puppetmaster Tiny Reich doesn't count.

Yet they are bested by a couple niggers who they have dead to rights

I want to watch this eventually so without spoiling it, why is it """""""racist""""""" or """""""right-wing"""""""?

That's not how it works.

>"You just haven't made up your mind about being either a nazi or a tranny yet!"

To be fair, centrists are annoying but they are better than all lefties

>black kid throws soda on girl and is said to have happened repeatedly
>parents want to move out of ghetto because they fear the black kids will rape her
>white mother says she is liberal and not racist but "we need to get the fuck outta black town immediately"
>different people criticize a black man for speaking ebonics
>black kid calls hunting "rich white people shit"
>cops steps on Hector's neck while he is handcuffed
>black woman calls ex-husband "faggot ass cocksucker" who ran off with his boyfriend

It reflects reality pretty well. That's really it.

Reads like real life. It's no wonder why people hate him.

The thing critics seem the most pissed off about is Mel and his wife have a discussion where they talk about how they need to move out of the neighborhood they are living in because the high population of blacks in the area has ruined it and made it dangerous with their savage behavior, they pick on and bully his white daughter when she walks home from school and she's been assaulted five times, they say they have to move before she inevitably gets raped by them. Mel's wife even says "I used to be a liberal before we moved here".

Honestly it was the first time I've ever heard a white person say something like this in major Hollywood film made in the last thirty years, even though variations on this conversation have certainly taken place in white homes across america millions of times. It's just not something you see being talked about on the big screen. It was shocking.

I love that interview where he says "Do you have a horse in this race?" to the sóyboy journalist bringing up his antisemitism charges. This guy is the last based movie producer

I enjoyed Brawl in Cellblock 99 is this just as good?

i was glad to see michael in a good movie for a chance, he's been in a lot of trash lately

her fucking face lmao. based /pol/ robber blowing her head off

>>black kid throws soda on girl and is said to have happened repeatedly
what i found hilarious about this is i knew the moment i saw it that people will complain but everyone will ignore that this is actually how a lot of black people in america actually act. and the only people that'll ever point this out and advocate for change are actual blacks or racist whites. liberal white will call you a racist for even mentioning that there's something deeply wrong with america's black community, which there clearly is. even Malcolm X mentioned this years ago and nothing has changed

The social cult of America's empire is really fragile, especially with its colossal military failures and total disintegration of industrial capability, so any kind of mention of it at all in a "chosen" medium such as film provokes stiff rebuke and condemnation.

It's not unlike the dying days of the Ottoman Empire when all the White Christian countries were revolting while the central government was drowning in debt to foreign creditors, stalling out scientifically/technologically, and increasingly failing to suppress the revolts.

>The social cult of America's empire is really fragile, especially with its colossal military failures and total disintegration of industrial capability, so any kind of mention of it at all in a "chosen" medium such as film provokes stiff rebuke and condemnation.

Can't tell if a retard or a dipshit.

Being a wagie really sucks.

he's right tho

Black people and the media never give a shit about black on black crime which is a epidemic. Yet they lose their minds when a black is justifiably killed by a white or a police officer, or god forbid, a white police officer and turn it into national news. They choose the absolute dumbest pieces of shit to be martyrs every single fucking time. Black people are their own worst enemies. Yet they are so blinded by race they don't understand it isn't white people blasting up their neighborhoods in drive-bys every single day.

It is 100% accurate.

Why would you drop him for a holocaust film

>Those 3 dudes really are the coldest, most cynical bad guys in existence. They're ultimate chaos and evil
You rank them above Anton Chigurh?

>colossal military failures
None of the military failures of the US have been colossal enough to hurt it.

>total disintegration of industrial capability
Probably the most retarded comment on Yea Forums I've ever read in all my 7 years of browsing this site from any board, which makes me think he's baiting for a reply on purpose.

Pay closer attention to kino before posting here.

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>Frog poster

It's realistic therefor it's racist.

>None of the military failures of the US have been colossal enough to hurt it.
The US is practically finished as a serious global power. It died in Iraq just like Saddam promised it would way back in 1991 when the US thought better of it and stopped at the Kuwaiti border.

>wasting trillions of dollars and thousands of lives in iraq didn't hurt america
can't tell if a retard or a dipshit

>a vile, racist, right wing
Do they have a cosmic teleprompter that makes them all say the same thing

No. Chigurh was a single entity with a better movie. These guys killed people but they did it quick with head shots. They were ruthless bad guys but they didn't have the insanity that dove Anton.

This scene. Anyone else initially think horseface girl was a junkie and coming back for her fix? Then I thought the guy offscreen behind the door was shooting up. Didn't he say he was showering? Good playing off our expectations. I would have liked a quick nursing scene through the door.

Come on, it's full of /pol/-tier dialogues. (And it's a good thing).

It's not anti-black, it's blackpilled. Enjoy.

>The US is practically finished as a serious global power.
Okay. Who else has the force projection that the US does? Who has over 800 military bases around the globe? Who has a fleet of operational 5th gen fighter aircraft?

>black woman calls ex-husband "faggot ass cocksucker" who ran off with his boyfriend
Missed that part. U know a movie is legit when u miss casual dialogue like this.

You mean that the US won?

4,496 soldiers from the US have died in Iraq. As of 2017 the official cost of the war including post-victory intervention was 2.4 trillion dollars, over a 10 year period.

The US has the second highest manufacturing output in the entire world, and even then it still has the highest GDP of any country in the world.

>It died in Iraq just like Saddam promised it would way back in 1991 when the US thought better of it and stopped at the Kuwaiti border.

You mean that war that the US won?

Again, I sincerely hope you're meming, or are you just JIDF desperate to pretend reality isn't real and people don't have basic internet access or televisions?

Pic related

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from a black whore junkie getting fucked by a bald white guy no less.

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>not voting for whatever is proven works well and having opinions all over the spectrum

Not a real answer but ok sure

>Who else has the force projection that the US does?
That "force projection" is increasingly not getting any results. You're just talking in circles because you believe in the social cult of America that's being referenced.

>That "force projection" is increasingly not getting any results.
What results?

did Michael Jai White gain weight for this movie, or is he just getting old and puffy?

>You mean that war that the US won?
I mean the war where the US massed troops in Saudi Arabia, then got cold feet and stalled for months to build up a bigger force. Then refused to pursue the Iraqi army any further than the Kuwaiti border. Then spent the next decade+ bombing Iraq across several presidential administrations to soften it up for the 2003 invasion which the US has lost.

t. Angry chink

Tiananmen Square Massacre

>Right-Wing Fantasy
>The right fantasises about new mothers having their heads blown off, their daughters being likely targets of rape, cops who believe in their work being shit on, etc
Zahler has made the same movie three times and most people still don't fucking get it. These movies are right wing horror stories where the world is a dark and monstrous place and if you're a good person you might not be strong enough to fight it when it inevitably comes for the people you love.

The movie is undeniably to the right but you aren't meant to revel in these images, they're meant to represent the fears, anxieties, strengths and strivings of the non-progressive American soul. Armond White is the only professional film critic in America who doesn't deserve to lose his job:

the thieves underestimated them badly and didn't suspect the hidden guns and they deliberately hid that they knew they were being followed, but they still lucked out on the situation between the cops and the thieves working out as it did.

keep going retard, you're trying to sound intelligent but it isn't working

Undeniably the United States of America has the greatest force projection around the world.

>2003 invasion which the US has lost.
hmmm, something doesn't add up here

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So you mean the wars that the US won?

>Mel's wife even says "I used to be a liberal before we moved here".
I've overheard exactly this sentiment from family in the Carolinas and Virginia for a decade. Fags in California have no idea about black Mad Max savages down South. They roam in packs. They are all 6'5" of muscle or corn syrup and sizzurp. They will shove you to the ground just to impress their pack. They literally stand outside gas stations asking whites to bum cigarettes, and if they refuse your car window gets hit with rocks. And they'll remember your "honky ass" the next time you stop for gas up to a year later. I went to a Hardee's down there at midnight one time, they were smoking a blunt on the counter, had on basketball shorts, no shoes on, the employees I mean. Just left and dialed cops. My uncle pays like $30,000 a year to send his son to a private middle school and they voted for Hillary and now Sanders again.

the iraq fuckup was the single biggerst reason we got 8 yearns of king nigger in office. even you're wiki pic shows that the iraq invaison led to a host of outcomes that were pointless or bad for americans. great, halliburton made some shekels. now iraq is an iranian client state. it was not worth 4500 americans and 2.5 trillion dollars.

If the USA and China do go to war in the Pacific it'll be a historic assfucking by the chinks. I predict it'll be the moment the US government truly loses the mandate of heaven and everything goes to shit. Thanks to diversity, institutionalised mediocrity, bloat and all the other typical late-empire entropy the US Navy can barely sail in a straight line without fucking 100 things up.

sounds awesome.

>Black people and the media never give a shit about black on black crime which is a epidemic.
this isn't true. they do care, they just never get any attention because it isn't a popular narrative. it's much easier for them to just blame every one from their own problems

>even you're wiki pic shows that the iraq invaison led to a host of outcomes that were pointless or bad for americans. great, halliburton made some shekels. now iraq is an iranian client state. it was not worth 4500 americans and 2.5 trillion dollars.

You mean the wiki pic that says it was a victory? That wiki pic? The one with the big "VICTORY" stamped across it? Okay, just making sure.

Lol I hope this movie is enormously successful.

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In the process of being evicted by the Taliban. Iraq under Iranian influence and about to be evicted from that country. Failure to break the corridor of territory connecting Iran to Syria. Empty threats towards Turkey, Germany, Denmark, France over business with Russia and China. Failure to evict the Russians from their Black Sea naval base. Failure to oust Bashar Assad. Complete failure in Venezuela. I give it less than a decade before the US is forcibly evicted from the Korean peninsula.

I don't think you know what that word means.

It was "dog in this fight?" and the Jewish journalist did segments on it trying to get him to apologize. The worst is Joe Ezterhaus the Jew who wrote Basic Instinct and Showgirls, he tells Mel he forgave him, they work for six months on an epic about the Macabees, and Ezterhaus decides he wants a bigger financial cut. Gibson disagrees, so Ezterhaus goes to the MSM and says Gibson used the word kike iirc. Trying to get him blacklisted again! So Gibson donated $10 million to a Jewish NGO.

Confirmed for angry chinklet

Daily reminder that the chinks can't even build planes without copying the US verbatim, lmao

Better. It's his best. More ambitious and stylish and real.

>Wikipedia is the arbiter of objective reality
ok, retard confirmed then

>some retarded shitposter chink on Yea Forums is the arbiter of reality

Ok, retard confirmed then

It's an incredible amount of cognitive dissonance.

and by relying on wikipedia you manage to go below that extremely low bar. congrats, nigger.

His cheeks are giving me some bogpilled feels. It's weird af

Will this cope make you feel better when a trillion dollars worth of US hardware is sent to the bottom of the pacific? You have the money and the arrogance so why not let you blow fortunes innovating just to pick it up afterwards for a fraction of the price and effort. America isn't smarter than the rest of the world, they get more for less effort.


>Will this cope make you feel better when a trillion dollars worth of US hardware is sent to the bottom of the pacific
Lol, fucking when? Back during Pearl Harbor?

>America isn't smarter than the rest of the world, they get more for less effort.
You sound insanely insecure. Maybe move out of your shithole and to a real country and you won't be so upset.

>None of the military failures of the US have been colossal enough to hurt it.
We spent $6 trillion on a war for Greater Israel in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, and now Syria then Iran. Americans got nothing. Insane debt. Police state. NSA gone Big Brother. Opioid (((epidemic))). 30 veterans suiciding every day. An entire generation that can't marry or buy a nice house. Which means roasties roasting. $6 trillion on an illegal war campaign that is ongoing, can't find $6 billion for a giant wall on our border. Fuck off kikkkke.

see, your posts have already gotten smarter after interacting with this shitposter. you're welcome, nigger.

Back to r*ddit, boi

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I'm Australian, we just buy the shit you make and fight the same wars for Israel.

i fucking loved this movie but this quote from zahler distressed me:

>Around that time someone recommended that I read Blood Meridian, which I know is this beloved western and certainly one of the most popular western books written recently, but I didn’t like Blood Meridian. So after that combination of experiences, I figured out a lot of what I wanted to read and see in a western.

sad he didn't appreciate the best western ever written... kind of dashes any hopes i had of seeing him adapt it.

I like Blood Meridian but it's a giant fucking meme. Everyone who acts like it's a huge deal can fuck off.

>it's a giant fucking meme
t. bear that can't dance

well its a sublime novel but you do you. i'm not gonna try and convert you. there are plenty of novels i prefer (suttree is really wonderful) but if zahler can't recognize how good a book it is and how well suited he would be to adapt it he is sadly ignorant.

Who do you think you are? Harold Bloom? Go fuck yourself.

What are those lion posters in the background?

>We spent $6 trillion on a war for Greater Israel in Iraq
Glad to know you have zero understanding of geopolitics.

>Insane debt
Not in relation to our GDP, you clearly have no understanding of economics.

>Police state
Lol, retard.

>NSA big brother
As opposed to the big brother in the UK where you need a license for television, or how about in Canada where you can be arrested for misgendering someone? Or how about China where banks can deny you based on "social credit"?

>opioid epidemic
About as much of an epidemic as swine flu.

>30 veterans suiciding every day
That number is actually 20 a day, and that was over the course of 35 years and included 55 million veterans in total in their study, which is less than 1% of the total number of veterans across that time frame?

>An entire generation that can't marry or buy a nice house.
Speak for yourself, NEET loser, I'm moving into a house this year and getting married.

>$6 trillion on an illegal war campaign that is ongoing
The war on terror? Yea, it's also illegal to blow up buildings and hijack trucks to run over hundreds of people in crowded markets.

>Fuck off kikkkke.
Fuck off retard misinformant.

I don't get it the only people mel kills are white and a black guy wins at the end

Cringe and blue-balled

>and fight the same wars for Israel.

You mean that country that barely controls anything and only has any say at all because it was created as a partition for the survivors of the persecution of Jews across Nazi Germany from original British Mandatory Palestine? Wow, you are one stupid inbred.

If I were a gambler I'd be willing to bet a testicle Israeli intelligence was behind 9/11.

i wish

You mean the 15 of 19 of which were Saudi Arabians and the other 4 of which were from Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Lebanon?


they seemed pretty lawful evil to me


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Wait a minute...

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goddamn this was excellent

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have sex

post the wiki-proof

That scene about his birthday was goddamn touching for a character we heard fuck all about until then

holy shit this movie was good

im having it daily with you're mum LOL

Vince's early "We're pregnant" became "I'm pregnant, you slut, now go pay for my shit"

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You are both a retard and a dipshit.

it was to be expected seeing who zahler really is...

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IMO Tray Edward Schultz (It Comes at Night) would be a great director for BM

in that scene depending on your political spectrum you either thought that the problem was that she hadn't been given proper maternity leave by the state or by the corporation, or that he hadn't provided for his family so that she could stay at home with her baby

never seen it but ill check him out. thanks for the recommendation gentle sir.

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regardless of whatever baseline moral/ political thing you wanna read it's just harsh as shit seeing a mom separated from her baby to be a wageslave to a bank while the guy is saying "oh yeah bish he's gonna need gourmet food and braces, so get to it"

Method weight.

even in his peak he had puffy cheeks

You are one smug, braindead, probably obese moron. Typical amerilard.

Now you're just baiting. No one can be this much of a dumb cunt.

great another nazi jew!

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OP from the first thread here, just woke up. Thanks for actually continuing my thread, based user!

what was the point of the convenience store robbery

>©ritics call it a Right-Wing Fantasy
Good point. That word fantasy is so loaded in this usage. Nothing in this movie is fantastical. Nothing is sublime here or presents a world a rightwinger would want to live in. Can you fantasize a nightmare? That's not a very right-wing thing to do. They slap "Fantasy" on it, you picture burly men fantasising about strippers and burning minorities at the stake. They article is filler. Thousands of people avoid the movie due to that. Technically ALL movies are fantasy though.

what was the point of Jennifer Carpenter's character?


This was kino, no wonder left wing propagandists hated it

>I dont know who's jewing who anymore!.png

OP Forgot to mention
>It pleb filtered the distibutor to the point where they wanted to cut the film to just a bit over 2 hours instead of the 2 and a half hours the film is, but Zahler had final cut, so they gave it a VOD release instead of a wide release

pinning crimes on the two henchmen they were gonna clip

the only fantasy aspect in it was the mtv cribs finale and these people having any knowledge of how to sell those easily trackeable bullions

>right-wing fantasy
>the nigger is the last man standing and gets everything in the end
can we just starting nuking everything already

>lion illustrations in the background of bank
Holy fuck user. You're first to notice in either thread.
>Let's go hunt some lions

See more illustrations here

Please exit the thread, you're off topic and spamming. No one cares about your neocon fsggotry.

>Jews - Fuck it if that Jew won't cut the movie 30 minutes we'll cut the wide release.

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How's it feel being part of the (((tribe)))?

im kind of slow please go into a little more depth with your theory. i just saw the movie and am still trying to make sense of some aspects

US military capabilities aren't hurt at all, but the trust that the rest of the world used to have for them is long gone.

Now China and the EU are trying to claim the title of the 'World's Watchman' from the US, a title lost from the mishandling of so many failed military endeavors

the movie had a excellent first trailer which soon disappeared from the internet in exchange for a 2nd trailer which was just dumb music with generic "cop things" while fuckall is explained

they def tried to screw with it

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Np brother. Welcome back to the trenches.

Ask rebbit

They are solely angry that Mel Gibson is in it.
I guarantee you they haven't even bothered watching the film.

>He's atheist
That's legitimately surprising. Both Bone Tomahawk and Brawl in Cell Block 99 seemed to have some positive theistic undertones.

Holocaust film #56789 yeah, no thanks

how about a movie about the moors taking spain for 8 centuries? or the holodomor?

Attention Yea Forums

Mel Gibson is in a brutal (((lawsuit))) right now because they are trying to kill his epic new historical masterpiece, and its director fears for Mel's life

(((They're))) going to kill based Mel.

which one? the old israeli movie or the viking one?

The first trailer spoiled the fact that Mel succeeds at robbing the henchman so it was almost as shit desu. The spoiler tilted me when I realised it was the penultimate scene while watching

idk for me i watched it once and thought it could be one earlier crime that goes wrong or something

i thought it was nicely done at the time and didn't gave away the basic beats

Tbf I did watch it only a day before I saw the film so that probably wasn't the best idea

The one about the making of the dictionary with Sean Penn. Gibson said it's one of his best films but they won't release it in final cut. Gibson would have gotten Oscar nomination according to Sean Penn. The tribe wants his career dead again.

I'd assumed his oscar nomination meant he was off the hook but i guess Le Drumpf panic made them turn their gears

What a dogshit ending

perfect ending:
>guy gets nigger rich, spends too much
>mel stashes away cash so daughter isnt spoiled
>doesnt matter, his daughter is still a woman - the black brother becomes a middle class game developer and is fired by Mel's daughter for sexism

Yeah, the movie could have been perfect instead of just really good if it wasnt for that ending

>Want to watch it
>Not playing in any theaters in my state
This happens way too frequently to me.

It's up on every torrent/streaming site on earth.

Not him but I personally wanna help its box office.
I like this director and I really like how fucking angry it's making these faggots.


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You can buy/rent the vod legally online if you want to support Zahler

>He's an atheist.
So fucking what? Ashkenazi Jews are a sub-race.

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Well Gibson certainly plays hardball with (((them))) and essentially he's working with Zahler, a rogue Jewish director, on Dragged Across Concrete as a shield so he can say all the redpilled shit he wants. The part in this movie where his wife bitches about blacks being out of control in their neighborhood is a hilarious ironic rebuke of Gibson's ex-wife who wouldn't stop hanging out with blacks, so Gibson told her she'd get raped like a pig in heat. The bitch taped him saying it.

What happened next is worse. Jews knew Gibson was redpilled. Passion of the Christ was funded by Gibson alone and made nearly a billion. The movie correctly implies Jews killed The Christ and that his blood is forever upon their hands. So what do (((they))) do? Ari Emanuel pays off an LA cop to follow Gibson as he goes out drinking. Pulls him over. Then baits him into cursing Jews. Just as planned Gibson is a pariah. His Passion money is largely depleted in lawsuits and lost income.

It looked like it would finally get better but (((they))) want another war.

Dirty Harry wasnt even fascist considering magnum force is all about Harry stopping a bunch of literal fascists executing anyone they dont like.

Any movie that doesn't openly shill leftist talking points is muh right-wing. These people need to be institutionalized

Looks exactly like the type of faggot who would think this.

Also, the soundtrack was top tier and surprisingly, Zahler wrote a lot of the songs.
Guy is fucking talented.

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You can buy it on itunes people said.

>Leftists need to be institutionalized
Except they already are. And they unwittingly work to tighten the straps. The actual plan is called Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. The world as institutionalization and a fully expanded Israel as the "elite free zone" where elites will live like pharoahs supported by global slave labor disguised as socialism, and heavy duty weaponized drones and bots.

Disney's job? Feed goyim the rights already given Usonians by our Constitution, but actually weakened versions in shiny gift wrap like Captain Marvel and Black Panther. Push "LGBT" rights instead of human rights because they are "granted" by government. Slay queen, they shout. And one day a literal Queen Esther will literally slay them or enslave them. So it goes.

Dragged across concrete the policeman said

>Mel's wife even says "I used to be a liberal before we moved here".

I wouldn't say I was liberal before moving from NY to Detroit, but after living in Detroit... Yeah fuck those people.

>muh /pol/ boogyman
you aren't white

It's a film for cucks.

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white women love black men, just fucking get over it already.

whiter than /pol/ meets pablo

>starts with BALCKED scene
>main character dilutes his genes with black woman


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She's a spic you idiots mud + mud =mud

What does the lamp represent


>whispers start leaking that the director is white supremacist
translation: hollywood can't stand anything other than liberal idealism in their movies so they think anything that differs from the norm is a nazi

Kikes kiking kikes is the true /po/ redpill.

Just finished watching this and I was pretty disappointed.

In the first place, cops (especially unionized veteran detectives) make great money, so a six week suspension wouldn’t mean shit.

Since cops make great money, they don’t live in shitty ghettos where niggers regularly assault their daughters.

The “banter” between Mel and Vince Vaughn was lame.

Why bother taking the chick hostage?

Why let the one Black guy out to open the garage door? Just shoot them both right there in the van after arriving at the garage.

Why huddle in the van when you’ve got body armor and full-auto weapons? It’s just one nigger with a handgun, why give him the advantage of sneaking around the garage facility?

Why did Mel and Vince Vaughn fuck around with the van of bad guys from long range?

I’m supposed to believe a random terrified chick can get the drop on a cop and shoot him?

Just give Mel the cellphone.

No fucking way can someone pull out a gun and shoot Mel when he literally has a gun to your head.

How does a ghetto nigger legally convert bazillions in gold bullion and do so only 11 months after it’s stolen in a robbery that’s all over the news?

All in all, a pretty shitty movie.

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>This movie must have terrible reviews
>Let me check

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>Why let the one Black guy out to open the garage door? Just shoot them both right there in the van after arriving at the garage

Because maybe the niggers had set up an ambush of some sort. Placed a few of their buddies inside the garage, kill the white guys, take the gold. They were safe inside the truck.

i mean, you have to see some of the SEETHING articles being written to kinda understand whats going on. Im glad it is being received favourably but those who don't like it, don't like it because it's right wing blah blah etc. That is the joke here. It's not about how many didn't like it, rather what didn't they like it for. If their criticism of the film is gonna be "AAHH RIGHT WING BAD...RACISTS EVIL...INSENSITIVE FOR TODAY'S WORLD", then they deserved to be mocked.

>cops (especially unionized veteran detectives) make great money, so a six week suspension wouldn’t mean shit.
They will never receive a promotion nor a raise is what Don Johnson tells them. Gibson's cop is fucked. He's had at least one prior suspension. Johnson implies he needs to retire. They were buddies but Johnson is the alpha in the building for 20 years.

>Since cops make great money, they don’t live in shitty ghettos where niggers regularly assault their daughters.
The cops are a stand-in for middle class white Americans struggling in the age of disenfranchisement and SJW culture rot. The cops on The Wire lived in shitty neighborhoods and buildings. So did cops on NYPD Blue. So did the 60something detective in King of New York. So did Serpico and Cruising cops. This is a noirish staple, the thankless blue line, updated for the Trump Era.

>The “banter” between Mel and Vince Vaughn was lame.
Subjective. Zahler is a talented well versed writer. Their banter isn't Shane Black quippy or David Mamet indulgent. It's more like Elmore Leonard or Richard Price.

>Why bother taking the chick hostage?
Contingency if they got ratted out, pulled over, an X factor occurred.

>shoot the nigs
They were pinning the convenience store on the nigs. They also wanted to make sure everything was okay outside.

>Why huddle in the van when you’ve got body armor and full-auto weapons?
Stay where the gold is. The nig can't kill them in the bulletproof van. He needs the money.

>Why did Mel and Vince Vaughn fuck around with the van long range
They have no idea of power level

>I’m supposed to believe a random terrified chick can get the drop on a cop and shoot him?
Exotic scenario

>No way someone pulls out gun and shoots Mel when he has a gun to your head.

>How does a ghetto nigger legally convert bazillions in gold bullion and do so only 11 months after
Dark humor about nig culture + a FU to libtard critics' charges of racism

The answer to pretty much every question you have is that things happen because its a movie. I understand that you want something that pleases your autism but pointing out that a movie isn't realistic doesn't make you smart and it doesn't make it a bad film. People who actually enjoy film are able to suspend their disbelief to enhance the experience.

looked asian to me
a brown asian Filipino or some shit

Not only that but they got a shitty distributor holding the rights to it

>make movie everyone hates regardless of their political views
BRAVO indeed

what fucking state do you live in?

prior to the actual release, festival reviews were seething out the ass over the film

michael Jai....WHITE

> > Why let the one Black guy out to open the garage door?
> Because maybe the niggers had set up an ambush of some sort.

They’re just as likely to get ambushed if he opens the garage door.

Besides, the bank robbers were the ones who had set-up the garage as their safe house, (they had the keys for the locks) so how could the Blacks guys have staged an ambush?

I don't think anyone denies that the US is on top, they're just not as far ahead as they used to be. Not just with force projection, but everything

1. Brawl in cell block 99 - 8/10
2. Bone Tomahawk - 7/10
3. Dragged across concrete - 6/10

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>They’re just as likely to get ambushed if he opens the garage door

How so? The guys ambushing them wouldn't be able to do anything when they are inside the truck.

> They will never receive a promotion nor a raise is what Don Johnson tells them

So what, unionized police make great money even if they remain regular cops their entire career.
A buddy’s dad was a cop and I know another guy who is a county sheriff and both are swimming in cash.

This is stupid Hollywood where unionized government workers somehow can’t make ends meet is a load of bullshit, government jobs are among the best paying and have the best benefits in the country and they sure as fuck don’t live in shitty ghettos.

> Zahler is a talented well versed writer.

Clearly he’s not when it comes to dialog or plotting, which leave what?

> Contingency if they got ratted out, pulled over, an X factor occurred.

There was literally no reason to take the chick hostage, other then the badly written plot needed a way to kill off Vince Vaughn.

> They were pinning the convenience store on the nigs.

Which is retarded, as the Black guys knew who the ring-leader was and would rat him out if caught by the cops.
Just kill them and there won’t be ant loose ends.

> Stay where the gold is. The nig can't kill them in the bulletproof van.

The gold ain’t going anywhere and the Black guy is out in the middle of nowhere, where is he going to run?
But if he does run, he can name the ring-leader to the cops, so they HAVE to kill him and letting him round around the garage facility only gives him an advantage over them.

> They have no idea of power level

They saw the one Black guy get gunned down and the other run off, meanwhile the van is just sitting there.
Why would the bank robbers (who just slaughtered a bunch of people) surrender to unknown nobodies?

> Exotic scenario

More like retarded scenario.

> 40%


> Dark humor about nig culture

“Dark humor”? WTF are you talking about, it’s just lazy writing, as some random ghetto nig is going to get busted the moment he tries converting that gold, as he has no fucking idea how to go about it.


Don't blame me for the shitty writing behind this movie.

> > They’re just as likely to get ambushed if he opens the garage door
> How so? The guys ambushing them wouldn't be able to do anything when they are inside the truck.

As I said, the bank robbers set-up the garage safe house, thus the Black guys didn’t know about it and couldn’t have set-up an ambush but even so, having the one Black guy get out and open the garage door isn’t going to prevent an ambush, as there could be a dozen niggers hiding inside with AKs waiting for them when they get out of the van to transfer to the SUV.

It’s stupid writing. The bank robbers would have simpy shot the Black guys in the head as soon as they pulled up at the garage, transferred the gold to the SUV and hidden the van with the bodies in the garage and been on their way.

I'm blaming you for not having a real critique while pretending you do.
>duhhhhh the movie should have happened like this cause i think so

How do you know that they're in a union?

>somehow can’t make ends meet
They can make ends meet you dumb ass. They both have houses, with Vince in an especially nice one. Richmond lives in a shitty neighborhood, but he's alive. He just wants the money so he can move out quicker because he believes his family is in need of urgent saving.

>government jobs are among the best paying
The average wage for a police officer in the US is $51,997, which is below the white median household income. The pay is fine, but it's not amazing when you're old and trying to support a family. It's absolutely believable he would live in a shitter neighborhood.

I don't have a real critique?

I spelled out in detail why the movie sucks and your reply was "lol, just turn your brain off".

The era of whitesploitation has begun.

You spelled out a bunch of dumb questions with simple answers if have any amount of imagination in your noodle brain. Things happen in movies and not every character acts according to your logic. You're a pretender and an idiot.

You gonna complain that its set in an imaginary city too?

> How do you know that they're in a union?

Because unless they’re cops in some Podunk town in Iowa, they’re in the union.

> They can make ends meet you dumb ass.

They both live in apartments and Mel and his family are literally in the ghetto, despite his wife being an ex-cop on disability and him have almost 30 years on the force.

> The average wage for a police officer in the US is $51,997

But not veteran cops with years of seniority. This is just more Hollywood bullshit, like unionized public school teacher Walter White somehow having shitty health insurance…

So "lol, just turn your brain off". Got it.

More like figure it out yourself. The plot you're so confused about isn't that complicated.

>Because unless they’re cops in some Podunk town in Iowa, they’re in the union.
Okay, so you don't know for certain, then.

>They both live in apartments
So they can make ends meet then.

>But not veteran cops with years of seniority
And multiple cases of police brutality. The guy is lucky to remain employed.

> you... you're just confused!

Sorry, I like Mel as much as the next guy but this was just a badly written movie.

It's objectively well written, you're just retarded.

No no, now I think you're confused. All I was doing there was calling you an idiot with more words.

>think ahead
>bold ideas

> Okay, so you don't know for certain, then.

Again, unless you’re a cop in some small hick town, you’re in the union.

The FOP is one of the largest and more powerful unions in the U.S.

> So they can make ends meet then.

Again; cops make great money and none of them live in the ghetto.

> And multiple cases of police brutality. The guy is lucky to remain employed.

Cops don't have their pay cut because of excessive force suspensions, it’s determined solely by rank and seniority.

Attached: average-salary-of-a-police-officer.png (800x600, 51K)

what was there to win?

>tfw no intellectual negress gf

Nothing is proven to work well.

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A take on the ending I have yet to come across in these threads is Slim profited of the white men's work. He didnt plant the heist, Vince and Mels interrupted his execution, Slim then hides waiting for Mel to finish the job, then kills Mel and takes the money. Slim did the least amount of work and ended up with the gold.

Another angle of trust, Vince is killed by the one person in the van they should have been able to trust, the hostage. Mel is killed by the criminal he agreed to trust but knows he shouldnt. Mel's is verified when Slim refuses to delete the video.

Some south american women look asian, it's the native gene pool

>A take on the ending I have yet to come across in these threads
If-if-if you already know you haven't read the threads then why pretend you have, PIGFUCK?

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>76% both critics and audiences

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where's the lie

why did the hostage shoot vince anyways?

is it opposite day?

the robbers threaten to kill her family

Brawl in cell block 99 is an action masterpiece and by far his most ambitious and complete work