How do I get into Dragon Ball?
How do I get into Dragon Ball?
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don’t have sex
By taking your shitty cartoons back to Yea Forums
Ask your Mexican relatives, Paco.
1.go back 20 years
2.mong out to tv because phone service won't hit flat rate until 6pm so you can't dial up or your parents will kill you toonarmi
4.quickly jerk it to sailormoon image you burned into your memory and run to toilet dbz
Kill yourself
Start with dragon ball
There are better series desu it's liked so much because (at least in my country) it was one of the first animes to get played here and resonated my generation.
You could start at Dragon Ball or just jump to DBZ Kai and watch from the begging to the end of the Cell Saga.
Dragon ball(Find the fan cut torrent if you want to cut out the %30 of filler tho for once the filler is good)
>Dragon ball z (Kai if you want the short version or the original if you plan on watching GT)
>Super or GT? super is cannon GT is not, They are both bad but have good moments. Watch the battle of Gods movie and Resurrection 'F' fan cut
>Dragon ball super broly for kino
I think Super is really bad and infuriating most of the time, but if you really have to do it...just read the manga. It's so much faster and cuts out all the bullshit.
I never really experienced Dragon Ball as my introduction was Z on Cheese TV. But in hindsight, I think I'd just ignore the anime and read the manga. Probably stop at the end of the Cell Saga and pretend that the series ended there.
I'd also recommend skipping ALL the movies and don't bother with GT.
I liked the idea of the dragon balls themselves becoming a plot device because it was one of the few times in the series since Kamiccolo that dragon balls were no longer available to restore/fix all the problems at the end of each saga.
But kid Goku and Pan are absolutely horrible protagonists and the villains are boring as shit. Completely dropped the ball by not letting Pan become a super saiyan.
kek basically this. I fapped to faye though.
mangas breddy gud. moro is breddy gud goat
>watch battle of the gods and ressurection f
>skip ahead in Super to get past the rehash arc
Is DB Super any good?
>I'd also recommend skipping ALL the movies and don't bother with GT.
The movies are a lot of fun albeit not important to series canon.
first 2 Brolys and Broly Super are great
Cooler is also good.
Absolutely not in my opinion.
Never before have powerlevels been so completely inconsistent in the history of this whole series which says a lot.
I'm talking fucking Roshi temporarily putting up a fight against this guy Jiren who both Goku and Vegeta at max can barely scratch.
It's fucking all over the shop, mate.
hahah fuck no. it has it's moments like Buu vs the wolf dude was fun fight. the movie was great tho
The art initially sucks, but it gets a lot better. Tournament of Power is great because its not serious at all, just good animated fun.
Just read the DB manga and then read DBZ. Then stay the fuck away from this series.
Roshi using Nofap was kino mate
>Tournament of Power is great because its not serious at all, just good animated fun
Yeah because Goku and Vegata vs Villain of the week for 50 something weeks was "fun" and most of the animation was shit outside of jiren and saiyans waifu
Super turned into everything I ever wanted from a shitty shonen anime.
Get a time machine and go back to 1997
DB Super > DBZ
It’s a masterpiece in television and the only people that don’t like it are cuckhans. Fact.
Short answer: No, it's a cheap and soulless imitation and not worth your time.
The slice of life stuff is legit kino
the rest is pretty bad
It's bland and tasteless, if you wanna enjoy anything from super just watch the broly movie, it's the only good thing to come of it.
Not really, I tried my best to power through it but its so such a slog to get through to the point where when something cool happens you don't care much for it. You would be much better off just reading the manga and rewatching old db, dbz.
Watch Dragonball. Just do it.
Then Watch Z Kai. You could also watch the full version cause there is some cool filler but I don't really recommend it.
Watch the DB Super movies Battle of Gods and Resurrection F.
Super is a total abomination but if you're hooked just watch it. It's awful but I love Frieza so I watched it all.
And if you'RE STILL hooked give the movies a watch. Some are decent some are bad. Don't fuck with GT unless you're actually desperate for more stuff cause GT is pretty fucking horrid. If you're weeb enough I recommend watching in Japanese the entire way through. I watch English my entire life until I watched Super in Japanese, then went back and rewatched some key moments of Z in japanese and it was way way better. Currently watching All of Dragonball in Jpn then might rewatch Z kai again in Jpn.
No. It's fucking awful. Power Scaling is completely fucked (Android 17 who has been fighting humans since the Cell saga is apparently strong enough to take on fucking BLUE GOKU for some reason, Krillin beats Gohan in a 1v1 and can fight Blue Goku decently well, it's retarded), the entire Zamasu arc has the worst concept of time travel ever and makes no sense. The ending is painfully obvious the entire time and they ruin Trunk's character. The TOP Arc is ok but only because it's "muh db action". Never does it feel dramatic like DBZ or Dragonball. Never does it actually feel rewarding just more like junk food. I watched it for Frieza in all honesty. I didn't watch the rehashed movies cause idgaf about watching the movies watered down as fuck in horrible animation comparatively. Also yeah, the animation is fucking abysmal, there's no blood, there's no real soul behind it. The designs for almost all of the new characters is complete garbage.
That said it's STILL better than GT by a lot which is saying something.
It's amazing how much better Golden Frieza looks if you edit out that stupid caveman brow
Don't. There's much better anime that isn't 600+ episodes
>Read Dragon Ball Manga up to the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament
>Watch DBZ Kai
>Watch Battle of Gods
>Watch Episodes 15-18 of DB Super
>Watch Resurrection 'F'
>Watch the rest of Super
>Watch DBS Broly
>Watch GT if you absolutely have to watch more DB shit
Find the Japanese cuts where Bulma is a total slut.
>Start with Dragon Ball
>Watch through to the end of Z
>Disregard everything else
watch Hunter x Hunter, it actually requires a brain unlike shitball
Watch the Slayers Movies and OVAs if you actually wanna see some kino.
>Watch the Slayers Movies and OVAs if you're actually a gay faggot.
Roshi is just that based.