"I want no more cape-shit!"

>"I want no more cape-shit!"

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Formerly not capeshit


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No more capeshit but then we get an 80s cartoon cinematic universe.

>no, more cape-shit!

Sneed Cinematic Universe soon.

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That would be fucking unironical KINO.

>"well what do you want user?"
>"not capeshit"

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>here's your star wars cinematic universe

Granted, now musical biopics, and inevitably a musical cinematic universe replace capeshit

The simpsons is dull, dead garbage. Fuck all you fat nerds trying to squeeze life out of a rotting dead corpse and you don't understand why the shitskins spam sneed constantly?

Hollywood only produces romantic comedies now


Remember user, Transformers was an 80s cartoon.

>Disney focuses on animated features
>Pixar gets overworked and it shows
>Starring roles given to cheaper actors
>Big titles get at least three sequels

I need more it these

>"I want no more cape-shit!"
>D&D go on to direct Black Company / The Book of The New sun/your favorite sifi/fantasy

Wait, Sneedposters are spicniggers? IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW

so was Heavy Metal

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>WH40k becomes the next normie craze

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Fuck Transformers, I want a Hannah Barbera cinematic universe culminating in a Wacky Races movie directed by George Miller

is there a name for these memes?


>no more capeshit
>disney acquires the rights to gamefreak
>heres your pokemon cinematic universe bro

You'll only get Hanna Barbera cinematic universe directed by Rian Johnson

You get sneedshit instead


can't do shit without approval since ownership of Pokemon is split three ways: Creatures Inc, Nintendo and Game Freak


well then maybe we can get some fucking good games then or at least a movie. I HIGHLY fucking doubt it will ever become normie tier due to the extent of the lore


>now with less capes and more drama

The context of this means that if I get what I want, bad things will happen. How so?

Endless anime adaptations.

honestly what worse can happen?
the book adaptions age like twilight, harry potter and hunger games are over
capeshit is gonna die or go to netlfix

anything is better than capeshit

>I want Hollywood to stop producing films and instead become a paper company specializing on toilet paper.
Try to monkey paw this, impossible.

Film dies and anime takes over

They corner the market in toilet paper and every single new hollywood tp company is practically sandpaper.

>I HIGHLY fucking doubt comics will ever become normie tier due to all the reboots and discontinuities and the thousands of issues of lore

>capeshit is gonna die
disney owns all the marvel shit now
capshit is gonna live forever

>t. one of those bots

Without the revenue and hype from capeshit the rest of the movie industry follows, breaking the american economy. Only a handful of american movies get made a year, like rlm-tier stuff.
Indian cinema takes over and english actors start to learn indian languages and go there to act.
India in the g8 by 2024.