Is this the worst best of the worst?
Did you laugh at all?
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At least his mustache is back, I guess...?
Haven't watched this yet tho. BOTW is really overrated anyway.
I regard it as one of the best, but I don't really know why. I spent the whole video with abdominal pains, from laughing. Muscles firing in the gut, y'know?
Is this guy trying to look like a stereotypical creep?
>No Mike
already one of the best ones, they can tell actual jokes instead of just having Mike imply Rich is gay for an hour
Didn't he have long, unkempt hair before? Maybe he didn't like the way he looked on youtube so he thought he'd clean himself up?
That Action USA and Alien PI movies were funny on their own but the guys really didn't add much to them. At some point where you'd rather just watch the movies yourself because they're not bringing anything to the table it doesn't seem worthwhile as a series of videos.
I liked how uncomfortable a masculine 80s guy made them. Even though it was a over the top version...they just got so butt blasted by a man's man.
Kind of makes you think.
It's ironic how he was the one to bring up the molester tree as if he'd know about such a thing in his neck of the woods.
It’s actually one of the best episodes in a long time but I know you faggots have to complain about literally everything.
Jay brought it up and then Jack extrapolated on it.
Jack especially. He totally sperged out and called the guy driving the Porsche a small dick cause he was supposedly overcompensating. Like AIDS Moby would know.
The movies made better subjects but the show wasn't funny
I hardly ever laugh at RLM. I'm a cold dead hearted man. I usually go months without laughing.
I laughed at this episode. It was one of their best in a long time.
That dude diving through a door out of the blue was amazing. Lots of good stuff in this episode.
>Kind of makes you think.
It kind of makes me think thst you take an internet comedy show way too fucking seriously.
Jack's packing heat
I know right. So afraid of masculine characters and tits
Or you're a cuck.
Rich's close up laugh was kinda funny. Desu.
Friendly Daily Reminder: the prosecution has no case and Mike and Rich will likely walk
The movies themselves were funny, no ones disputing that but without Mike and having that creepy child molester plumber with them instead they really didn't say anything funny other than laughing at all the explosions. I'd give the episode 2.5 outta 5 to be honest.
Based not a retarded poster
Next BOTW is Jessi, Beardfat, mustache, and comic artist Freddie Williams.
So honestly what is the fucking deal with this guy? Did he just get out of rehab for heroin and they're giving him a job to keep him out of trouble? Did he beg them to let them on the show because he can't get a job with his philosophy degree? I honestly can't figure out why they'd let him on the show. He's worse than beardfat.
>look like
Some people actually are creeps user.
Holy shit that lineup sucks? Invite the Canadians at least
I seriously don't understand why you don't shave you head at that point.
Is it laziness or lack of self awareness.
He works on their films with them. He was kinda ok in that Miss Manners Wheel of the Worst they did. But this episode he looked bored and didn't want to be there for some reason.
I agree with you. He just kinda sits around and then makes the occasional shitty joke. He's like a worse version of the lesser canuck.
Objective best 4 to have on the panel is Mike, Jay, Mac, and Rich Evans. Problem is they can't have Mr. Culkin there at all times.
At least we didn't get an hour of Beardfat clicking his tongue in disappointment if anything in the film was "problematic" or sexist or homophobic or simply funny. That guy's a buzzkill faggot.
I think he's going for ironic 70s sleaze guy but...he doesn't have much to work with desu. If he shaved his stach he'd be even uglier
Replace Jessi with Jim and you've got the absolutely worst line up.
In fairness both of the Canadians seem to get more charismatic every time they return as opposed to Beardfat and Freddie who seem to get worse.
so are they working in mustache as a regular now? didnt even introduce him this time as a special guest
Nothing better than having a fat ugly unfunny retard that gets mad about having your plot synopsis of a trash film being interrupted by a joke on a comedy video. Remember the time Mike did the stupid bit where he poured the beer and ignored Jay asking him to tell him about a movie and then Josh did the exact same thing when it was his turn? Remember the episode where Josh wasn't seated at the table discussing the movie but still yelled out his opinion from behind the camera? Funny stuff. After all that, I'd still rather have him on than the new pedophile.
>After all that, I'd still rather have him on than the new pedophile.
First of all, sick trips, second of all, agreed. Beardfat is shit, but at least he has some presence. Pedostache is a charisma void. He's got anti-presence.
The worst part of Beardfat (aside from being easily offended by stupid shit) is that he stutters a fucking lot. I almost can't stand it.
I mean if you need a guy who looks like a circus carny from the 20s or a 70s NY sleazy plumber he's your guy no doubt about it.
He's going for the Cliff Clavin look
BOTW is the best show on RLM, but it’s only great with certain kinds of movies. The weaker episodes are sleepy as fuck. No Mike at the table is shitty considering that’s what their paycucks want and they churn these out about as slow as they can get away with, but this new one was decently funny.
Half in the Bag has always been just background audio for edging sessions, but in that category it’s god-tier. It hasn’t been that funny in a while. They only review blockbuster pleb shit anyway so I wouldn’t mind replacing it with a new show. The last thing youtube needs is more capeshit reviews.
>uses a big word for no reason other than to let everyone know he's an intellectual who is using his film knowledge to analyze a B movie
>Mike/Jay edit in the definition because they know their audience is a bunch of retards who just want to see goofy shit
Such a funny guy.
>its elusive!
bit was the only laugh I got outside of a few of the clips shown themselves
I have a feeling he's Milwaukee's most prolific serial rapist and Mike can't pass up all the free publicity that RLM will get after he gets arrested. Look at the numbers they pulled from Max Landis?
>BOTW is the best show on RLM
>not Re:View
Action U.S.A. looked like a trip, and it was filmed in Waco, Texas. I recognized the city shots. Can't miss that ALICO building!
>edit in the definition because they know their audience is a bunch of retards who just want to see goofy shit
they do it to make fun of beardfat and his pseud wayd
t. comedy editing pro
Wait people fap to RLM in the background? I thought I was the only one to do that wtf?
Holy shit that means Koresh cult wasn't too far away from all the explosions then?
About 14 miles. Mount Carmel was in the Axtell area, iirc, just northeast of Waco, but yeah, they were already out there by then.
Action USA was a 1989 picture, and the Waco Siege was in 1993.
>in the background
>not fapping to Jay
Only the episodes with Jessie's cleavage and the spring break Half in the Bag.
Also they cut a lot of Beardfat's rambling. When you see Jay/Mike/Rich talking about something, before they cut to the thing they're talking about from the film you can see they already stopped talking/took a pause. Meanwhile if it's Beardfat, usually he's still talking but the editor doesn't give a shit and just cut.
>summarizing plots of bugman movies while referencing other bugman movies and giggling
Lol imagine if they had the magical car from Action USA that can just plow thru a house and then it explodes? The FBI would use it on Mount Carmel
>He's worse than beardfat.
Sup beards.
>bugman movies
empty buzzword
it’s not THAT bad but it’s filler for sure. it feels like a Stoned Gremlin-tier kinda thing but with good production
Hello, Tim.
A lot of the recent BOTW have been boring but this one was ok. I don't know who this new guy but he didn't say much. He's basically beardfat tier. I wouldn't mind if he never came back. BOTW should be Mike, Jay, Rich, and random guest every episode.
The Compound exploded because of all the grim reapers Koresh summoned to try to fight off the Feds
genre films that are polarizing enough to feel “artistic” to people lacking discernment. coolduder-tier shit. not saying the RLM guys are dumb or don’t know film.
Hmm sounds legit. Looks like we actually learned something from a RLM episode.
Why can't RLM have this retard on their show instead of this revolving door of garbage?
I did, out loud. Probably one of the best ones for me.
He is Jays new boyfriend
>I'd really prefer if you'd be quiet
This guy is just neutral, beardfat is actively annoying
I only laughed at a couple of the more ridiculous moments in the movies. Not the RLM hosts. It was a pretty shitty and slow episode over all.
He looked bored the last 30 min or so. And literally said nothing, plus he's horrible to look at... (poor guy)
I liked it until Yea Forums told me I wasn't supposed ot.
Like what you want faggot, just know that you're objectively wrong.
>worse than beardfat
One of the best episodes. That guy is top tier despite looking like a reddit cucksoy memer at fist sight. Mike>him>Jay>>>rest.
he's...what a shock....aidsmoby's friend. they used to make videos together for funny or die
I suspect the reason why he's there is because of the jack's departure from RLM, they're probably working on something.
It's troubling that people find this kind of content entertaining.
I despise jack. I bet his wife fucks him with a strapon
I kinda doubt that. His wife let him name his kids Jackson, after him, and Parker, after Peter Parker, his favorite comic book character.
>all these faggots ITT hate this dude
Now that I think about it this guy was based. Best part of the show.
She let him have his way in exchange for opening up their relationship so she can go fuck other men while he stays home playing video games and watching the kids.
>lmfao you guys dont like eating dog shit???? well now i love it!!
how does naming your kids after shitty comic prove your point and disprove mine?
He's just trying to subliminally convince Rich to go gay for him
i prefer him over beardfat and he's only been around for one episode
It's good, not as good as Rem Lezar, but much better than the 2nd Black Spine and even a few of those Caulk episodes
he barely said anything until his "explain the movie" thing and he opened up. i think he was trying to be respectful
Who is this Guido and where's Mike?
My problem with him is that he's clearly got the lack of confidence you always see in new guys who have nothing to really say. He occasionally breaks in with something legitimately funny, but he's mostly quiet, in the background, and throws in a statement of the obvious that I've noticed makes Rich cringe from time to time.
I wish Macaulay Culkin was back. He's finally got his shit together and was legitimately entertaining. He fit right in and interjected in a timely and consistently funny fashion.
Why the fuck are they making fun of small penises? It's out of ones control, what's to make fun of? Mike cracking "jokes" and laughing really hurt.
trips are the real take i'm sorry for my insolence
It's OK friend. Rest assured that you make slightly-above-averagefags like me feel more confident, and that's gotta mean something, right?
there's really nothing that can follow up to rem lezar
I lost interest and turned it off midway.
michael jackson did it better
Nevermind that, which one's the best?
My money's on either the spotlight episodes of The Last Vampire or Suburban Sasquatch.
Seems like his wife just lets him do whatever he wants. Including giving their children permanent ridiculous names. She might also fuck him in the ass with a strap-on, but he clearly has taken control of their relationship.
But honestly, that Alien Detective came really close
Go to sleep jack.
>Rem Lezar
I must have missed something. What's that?
I think it depends on how you enjoy BOTW.
If you care about the shitty movie factor, then you'd probably like this one.
If you care about the banter/friend simulator aspect, then it was probably a bad one.
Pedostache actually blended in pretty good once Alien Private Eye kicked in. That's the power of a bad movie, its brings you closer together
I think I made it to Action USA before I fell asleep. Without mike its hard for me to pay attention.
I'd say it's 70/30. Bad bad movies can still be fun in context of the show being engaging. but good bad movies aren't enough to carry it with zero bants.
It's just why do you need four people to discuss it?
Jay and aidsmoby talked some but rich just screeched and pedostach added nothing.
>make jokes at the expense of men's primal and societal insecurities and deficiencies
>never make jokes at the expense of women
Fuck RLM so much
How did these retards not know Soma is from brave new world? Rich was the only one who knew and everyone acted like he was some literary genius.
All the canadian episodes are tied for worst. Seriously, they are awful. But this guy looks and acts creepy. I don't know why they are friends with him.
The more you watch their other content, the more their behaviour will make sense. They are actually consistenly aweful movie critics. They like to get high and mighty about how much better they are than others and do these endlessly long fake podcasts, but at the core of it all they are just the exact same. They are grade A hypocrites . And pretty lackluster movie reviewers in addition.
You can pretty much predict exactly how they are going to react. The only thing they are good at is detecting a bandwagon starting to roll, so they always jump on it the first chance they get, and if they can't get on fast enough but sense potential for an anti-bandwagon, they will try and start that. That is exactly what they did with TFA. When the wind started turning after TLJ and fans suddenly hated Disney again, they turned right around and "admitted to their mistake" to get onto the bandwagon nice and early while people didn't realize whether the "love it" or "hate it" faction was going to win out yet.
They are good social manipulators, I will give you that, but they pretty much just say what ever will get their audience nodding, and they know how to make a tear-down entertaining whether substantiated or not. In that regard, they are just the edgy """high brow""" mirror image to all those shill-casts they like to mock.
And they do that with every movie, not just Star Wars, I got sick and tired of them real fast. The more I watched of them, the more they reminded me of the higher tier corporate bullshitters I have encountered in large companies, you know, the type that don't just rise through hot air and convincing other bullshitters, but that can hide their unsophisticated behind sophisticated wording. In the end, you develop a nose for that nonsense anyways. RLM are the same, beating dead horses and unsophisticated "criticism" hidden behind nice wording.
defies description
The sole source of that had been scared off RLM years ago. At least they know their audience is primarily male
it was kino schlock for sure, from the mj outfits to the delivery
I think it's just Wisconsin tier
regards, MN
and what newspaper do you write for mr bigshot?
I'm guessing they weren't forced to read it in school.
What's the point of getting the sides when the top is gone? Just shave it all and you'll look way better, even save on haircuts and product. It looks like shit when you cling onto scraps.
>No Mike
No buys, no dimes
I remember reading a book about a balding jewish fuck who learned to get laid from a guy who made a career out of one night stands.
His first lesson was to shave his head. That way being bald was a choice instead of a condition.
They don't call him Jack Packard for nothing, my friend
They're movie-people and Rich is a comic book reader? Reading begets reading.
I remember that. I listened to it on audiobook when I used to drive a truck.
I'm pretty sure they all knew it and Rich was the only one oblivious enough to not pick up n them knowing it (it should be general pop culture knowledge to people of their age) so he felt he had to explain it (even though it should be obvious) making him look dumb in the process
shaving your hair just be because you're going bald seems equally pathetic
It was a joke at how obvious it was..
What do you drive now?
Just a regular car. Mitsubishi magna. Driving a truck for work gave me a lot of time to listen to audiobooks.
This may come as a shock, but no one in the RLM crew is very smart. Neither Mike nor Jay understood that a lot of the stuff in the Thor movies is from Norse mythology.
Prequel fags forever
s e e t h i n g
Imagine if (((they))) made a superhero made of pedo vibes. That is the power of Rem Lezar
>So honestly what is the fucking deal with this guy?
He doesn't support the big pen industry.
>knowing geek nerd religion shit is the indicator of intelligence
throw out your mead, cut off your 'epic beard', find a real job instead of thinking you'll make it as a blacksmith
Why do people hate him?
He has gotten better though.