What's the worst theater experience you've ever had?

What's the worst theater experience you've ever had?

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>see rise of the planet of the apes
>there are two teen girls who put their feet on the back of my seat
>both of their feet right up to me
>see they were wearing flats
>one was wearing nylon
>one was bare

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If a decent looking girl did this, I really wouldn’t care. If some dude or a hag did this and you didn’t speak up, well then you’re just a pussy.

tickle her feet and if she objects then smack the shit out of her

I would so stick my buck knife right through that spic's foot and run out laughing

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I went to see a super hero movie and most of the theater was empty although it said Sold Out and the lead actress was a flat-assed SJW with a severe fungal toe infection (but the cat was cute).

I crapped myself while watching The Terminal starring Tom Hanks

When I went to see Annihilation I had two lesbians and their three kids next to us and they were loudly talking at times and at one point one of them answered a phone called mid movie and talked for like ten minutes.

They left all their trash after the movie was over, also. This was in Hawaii so they were pretty typical local trash.

Imagine if you had turned around and buried your nose right beneath her nylon-covered toes and taken a big niff? Haha

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mein nigga

I can't believe there are people who don't exclusively go to Gold Class

what does he smell that puts that grin on his face?

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top 10 fastest ways for jail assrape

A girls/mans fart/feet

someone post nylon feets, my wife scolds me when i look for it.

>12 years old
>im a quiet, shy kid
>have booger in my nose
>its too deep in my nose to be visible
>young couple sitting next to me
>starts staring at me
>oh no.jpg
>i glance quickly with my sidevision
>girl has the most disgusted face imaginable whilst looking at me and convening with her boyfriend
>that look is still imprinted in my mind
>too beta to pick my nose in public
>too beta to leave cinema because others would see my booger
>too beta to go to bathroom
>too beta to let them know i noticed them
>keep watching until end of movie even though theyre disgusted by me
>didnt pay attention to movie at all
>just felt really awkward all the time
>friends asks what i think of movie
>"it was ok"
>too beta to tell them about my booger
>go home
>have the most defeated feeling for rest of day

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>18 posts
>17 are about feet

Never change Yea Forums

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>was in Norway
>Qt Norwegian girl I'm banging
>decide to watch Mama Mia 2 because she wanted to
>two raghead teenagers are in the theatre
>they won't stfu or playing with their phones one ever put the strobe on their phone
>they get kicked out

I really hate Arabs

I got molested.

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I went to see a movie and the only open seat was in the very front row all of the way to the right.

One time I got my head stuck in the seat and died

Some guy started to smoke in the middle of a screening.

no fucking way

>tfw can use this in the back with no one noticing.

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>See Hereditary
>Two underaged negroes right next to me
>Are chatting through the beginning
>Get annoyed but don't say anything
>One pulls out her phone with a bright screen
>Nigs start to chat louder
>Lean over and tell them to stop
>They seemed pretty ashamed surprisingly and stopped for a while
>Of of the monkeys boyfriend snuck into the theater
>Nigga is a good 6'5'' and just sits on top of this tiny coon
>Jiggaboos continue to talk and be obnoxious
>Ruin the movie
>Fuck niggers

I love my juul but hate using it in public. But it's discrete enough to use it in the bathroom anywhere.

formerly lived

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What do you do if you feel yourself about to have diarrhea in the middle of a movie?

Why do you think pop corn comes in a big bucket?

Worst was probably seeing Dallas Buyer's Club at 11:30 at night. The were only 2 other people in the audience sitting behind me and I had to listen to them blowing each other during the movie. Some guy was doing coke in the restroom too. Really weird night.

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Your fault for having shit taste in film, frankly

>was with a girl I met off tinder
>get to know her for about a month
>eventually we go to her appartment and smoke weed and have a few drinks
>ask if she wants a foot rub
>instantly get a boner
>start rubbing her feet trying to sneak a sniff
>was so interested in her feet I didn't ask if she wanted to fuck
>she falls asleep with her feet in my face
>jerk off under the covers

i'm still friends with her surprisingly

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i had to poo during 2049 but there was only one other person in the theater since it was afternoon show so I just hung my butthole off the edge of the chair and poo'd into the empty popcorn bucket but I was too embarrassed to take it out so I just left it there so they could clean it up before the next show
i felt bad but i just really didn't want to miss any important context and i normally wouldn't do this unless in my own room

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It's a movie about gayaids what did you expect?

footfags are the worst

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Does someone start punching themselves in the head? Also that little hip toss was legit.

A bunch of black people were very loud and started fighting in the back

>was so interested in her feet I didn't ask if she wanted to fuck
you ruined your one shot

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>>was so interested in her feet I didn't ask if she wanted to fuck
behead fornicators

Femanon here. Went to see The Disaster Artist with my boyfriend. Some whale of a woman keeps making unfunny jokes to her friends, making comments about the movie, and clapping like a seal with her hands above her hands almost every moment of the movie. Boyfriend had to physically restrain me from starting a fight with this cow, even the people sitting next to us were ready to strangle her. We kept whispering loudly amongst each other hoping she'd overhear us and get the hint that she was a fat, disrespectful, unfunny cow and but she didn't get it. And she was fat as shit.

based. feet are pure. why you would wanna stick your dick in some nasty vagina?

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One of my best friends who ive known all my life is a turbo pleb, and talks loudly during movies.
Its really embarassing when strangers starts giving me looks as if im his tardwrangler cuz he wont stfu during movies

>Femanon here

I called a security guard and he stood there watching the smoker guy. Shame he wasn't kicked out. Just sit there and, as soon as the screening had ended, that piece of shit rushed out of the room.

looks like exactly the type of fag that would be grossed out by feet

he actually sounds cool and you sound like a loser

>tfw watch kino with her getting drunk and high
>we would talk until morning
>she instantly doesn't want me to spend the night after that

feet are a curse

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>going to jail for sniffing someone who is resting their foot on your seat
banned from the theater at worst

saw you there :)

I know. I can't stop watching the big kid RREEeeeee and punch himself.

>hehe femanon here, i have a bf tho pls don't hit on me hehe

He probably takes photos of himself doing the gloryhole face


this happens to me every time i fly.

Fucking zoomers need to start drinking their milk senpai

Yes, because breaking rules and ruining other people's viewing is cool and doing something to stop that behavior is a looser thing to do. I guess I should have sat there and took it like a champ, now that would be a winning attitude.

Not gonna lie with this one
>Be at cinema
>Some guy with a maga hat
>trying to watch Den of thiefs
>Don't know what happen but he start to get mad
>keep watching the movie in peace
>he suddenly stand up and say keep crying Trump won
>Everyone close say WTF is this faggot saying
>Scream about sjw , jews , Trump and mexicans
>Legit i keep watching the movie
>Security comes , take him down
>He screams "The jewwws reee"
>He is gone ad can keep watching my comfy shootin movie in peace

Is legit my worst experience , who knows what trigger him

then i woke up

Your utterly broken English makes me think that this story may not be truthful.

sounds fake

caught me, i just didn't want to be called a faggot for saying i have a boyfriend

I saw some movie around 2007 and I fell asleep during it.
I think denzel washington was in it, or some other black actor. Maybe it was a thriller, not sure.
It was quite late and I hadn't slept the night before because I was working on a high school presentation.

>That english
You have to go back

A bunch of drunk college kids talking and throwing beer bottles throughout The Day After Tomorrow. The movie sucked ass too, making it worse.

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>be me
>on a date
>before movie starts
>lights start to dim everyone goes quiet
>teenager in the front row stands up and yells
>"if you're happy and you know it clap your hands!"
>without missing a beat the entire audience
>Clap Clap
>entire theater erupts into roaring laughter
>everyone starts clapping and cheering
>teenager takes a huge bow

I know Yea Forums likes to meme this type of shit but this really happened. I've never been more shocked by a public display and manipulation of a crowd.


sounds like a theater not worth going back to

That’s the most triggering picture I’ve seen on 4channel in years.
Made me gag.

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never fails to make me laugh.

running to authority instead of just confronting him directly is just a pussy thing to do, having the balls to smoke in the theater is pretty based though so i understand you were unnerved by his display of sheer dominance

I don't know why this made me laugh so hard.

>muh balls
you have the thought process of a nigger

Holy shit and you werent scared shit was about to pop off gun-wise?

this didn't happen did it chapocel

nah ur just a betafied cuck

What was the movie?

>teenager takes a huge bow
I don't know why but that's fucking hilarious

only teenagers and faggots smoke juuls

Prometheus I think, something stupid on a Saturday night

Spic gangbangers kept jacking off. They were high.

the fuck happened to his foot?

I spilled baked beans all over myself watching Cars 2 in theaters & a black teenager shouted "this nigga eating beans" & everyone laughed.

>wife invites her sisters over to watch some melissa mccarthy women rule movie
>everyone is barefoot
>i pretend to be busy so they take up the couch and i can come in late and sit on the floor by all their feet
>movie is over I play some boring arthouse bullshit that Yea Forums memed me about
>they all fall asleep
>didn't even watch the movie just spent it smelling their feet massaging them and giving them light licks
fucking did this for a full year, now they have boyfriends and dont come over as much
it was the golden age bros
pick related creepshot of one of their feets

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>Drive 2 hours to major city to see Alita in real iMax 3D.
>Get good seats, first in the theatre
>Movie is going good, Alita starts kicking ass and then...
>Guy behind us turns around and yells at a nigger "Hey stop kicking my seat!"
>Nigger responds "Shut the fuck up you bitch, thats my fuckin' 9 year old your talking to, motha fucka!"
>Proceed to have this entire action scene ruined by these two sub human retards going off on one another.
>Eventually they stop, but the nigger cannot help but have the last word, like 9 times, calling the guy a bitch faggot and shit.
>Come out of the theatre and there is this argument between this black man and the nigger where he is trying to tell the guy that he was out of the line & needed to respect his elders (the guy who complained was an old white guy).
>They start getting almost physical and me & my wife leave asap before some idiot starts shooting the other.
I fucking HATE big city movie theaters. I'll never go to another one again. Niggers completely ruin everything.

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ah i remember taking creepshots and videos of feet in highschool. unfortunately my phone became a piece of shit when i wanted to be more ballsy and get better closeups so i never got anything good. phone would die like two seconds after activating the camera.
i also never got a good pic of a young math teacher's feet despite having a 100% perfect opportunity to do so once. still pissed to this day

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>phone would die like two seconds after activating the camera.
what? how?

When the showers didn't have any hot water and the shock of the cold water made me spill my crab legs all over the floor and the crab juice just stunk up the place.

Ungh... I passed out drunk by the end of Spectre and missed the last bus home so I waited in the freezing cold, passed out again and woke up in the hospital for being drunk in public.

That was the worst for me.

Why should I do a security's job when this is the exact type of a situation they're here for?

And no, judging by how quick that smoker guy rushed out of a screening as soon as it ended, it was more about size of his brain, not balls.

I honestly can't remember an experience bad enough to pick out. Maybe when I went to see early man and some kids were running around in the aisles towards the end? Normally cinemas are really civil in my experience. Is adults being shitstains in cinemas an American thing or am I just lucky?

If it was too deep to be visible, why would they be disgusted?

>That fat bitch
>That sperg punching himself
>That toss
>That ankle break


I was thinking the same thing.
If it were on TV at some random time, I might watch it because of the people involved but nothing would possess me to go see that flick in a theater.

That's what I was thinking, too. These days, I get freaked out by that shit.

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Sounds like a drama club reject.
I had friends that would do shit like this.
It was kind of funny and would kind of piss me off, for some reason.

Drunken retards babbling and being loud during Skyfall.

You know the rules

>watching first movie of nu-starwars
>had to take a shit but was already too late
>holding that fucker in my butt because fuck it
>The part where luke just throws away his light sabre, made me fucking fart and it makes the couple next to me gag so bad they start laughing out loud, "who shit their pants"
>entire audience around me starts laughing but no one knowing where the smell came from
>tfw my shit fart made their movie experience more enjoyable

i took a good shit after the movie with relief.

>watching first movie of nu-starwars
>The part where luke just throws away his light sabre
fabricated and homosexual

Went to go see Watchmen. Getting drunk on cheap vodka throughout. Pass out. Wake up in the middle of the night / morning. WTF? The place is abandoned so I try to get some free snacks. Nope, everything's locked up too well. Cleaning crew lets me out as they are coming in. They looked confused. Walked home in the cold. I laugh at the fact that somebody probably saw me as they were closing up and just said, "Fuck it, let the sod rot."

Finally got the DVD, though, so I got to see the ending so I'm not entirely sure that was my worst theater experience...

What happened to Yea Forums's daily foot threads. They kind of stopped randomly about 3 years ago and this is the first one I've seen since.

I got back from Op Toral in 16 and I don't think I've seen an Emma Stone appreciation thread since.

I think they've mostly moved to Yea Forums.

Off topic, but what does Toral stand for? Or is it just a place there? Or a local name?

>Be grown man
>Some stupid cunt puts her bare feet into your face in public
>You have two options:
>Option A: Tell the person to remove their feet and continue to watch the movie
>Option B: Remain quiet, take a picture for social media and sit throughout the entire film with stinky feet right next to your face

What a fucking child he is.

>Option C: Shove her entire foot down your throat


Option D: simply just tickle...

you retards know you can buy vapes this size where oyu dont hbave tyo pay $80 to get a replaceable cartridge right? Or is it like your gucci sandals and it has to be a juul to fit in with the rest of the instagram niggers

I just use tobacco pouches when I'm in a theater.
Yeah, the cancer threat is making me stop but it's a nice slow release that doesn't bug anybody else.

>At girl off tinders house
>She has beautiful tanned smooth legs with hair lasered off and 10/10 feet
>She's wearing really short shorts
>Jokingly ask if I can have a footjob
>Lol really
>Well your feet are pretty hot lmao
>Haha user you're so weird and funny
>She starts telling me how weird guys on tinder offer her money to see pics of her feet
>Haha wow that's so weird what crazies
>She starts showing me her collection of massive platform heels and boots
>Yeah they're pretty cool shoes those, step on my balls lol jk
>Haha you have a weird sense of humour
>Later after some weed and drinking
>Getting pretty horny
>Hey so about that footjob
>Do you actually want one?
>Nah haha actually it might be funny do it for a laugh
>She starts rubbing my dick through my pants with her feet while I'm stroking her legs
>Get my dick out she starts stroking my dick, proper getting into it rubbing the precum around the head with her toes
>my first footjob I'm not even a footfag I just had memes on the brain and thought what would Yea Forums do in this situation

Based and footpilled

>She starts showing me her collection of massive platform heels and boots

Hot as fuck

The only truly bad experience I had was when I went to see Antz with my cousin and his family, and threw up during the movie at one point because I was nauseous all day. I don't know if that's the reason why I always looked at that movie negatively or because it was dreamworks' soulless shitty answer to Bug's Life.

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if i didn't have anything sharp i would probably just bite it haha

>Never change Yea Forums
this but unironically

you can fuck any girl but you don't get that foot opportunity with all of them. priorities were right.

context? fucking hot

why do the wimpy faggots always get bullied by feet? it's not fair bros.

i should fly more often


you forgot to say chud, chapofag

based. I used to fear waking up my girlfriend if I ever tried to put my face in her feet while she was sleeping. but i tested her by rubbing my legs against them aggressively to see if she would react, but she was in deep sleep. I spent 30 rubbing my face against them and sticking my nose deep in her toes, but they didn't fucking smell like anything and I was disappointed. granted she showered hours prior.

Ayyy, Hawaii-user! Oahufag here.

MFW the cinema allows you to sit where you want, apart from vue, and they put you sitting to other occupied seats even though the cinema is half full

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homie, did you watch the Termite war scenes?

Womens feet were built for sex

And so do I.