What the fuck is your problem Yea Forums?

what the fuck is your problem Yea Forums?

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Impotent incel rage

Higher average age than most other boards meaning we don’t give in to zoomer spaztic shit and we care more about synthesizing memes.

no new oc in like 6 years
just variants on dead memes

Self hate

Robert has the day off

Virgin rage

Aus ban you cunt. I have no friends and now Yea Forums gets taken away from me? Nah nah nigger

Yea Forumsedditors

Low IQ

i wan't to kill myself but i'm too much of a coward


I do quite enjoy the memes here

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I want to talk to girls but I'm a coward

I'm a street-smart fish-out-of-water in a world I never made

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You're not a coward. You just know your place.

I'm hungry but am comfy and don't want to walk to the kitchen.

You're just ugly but you keep making excuses.

I'm too based and redpilled for society to handle.

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>Higher average age than most other boards
You must be joking

The Architect is pretty new

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Capeshit and pol/yps infestation

No, that's /int/cels

Being ugly and awkward are perfectly good excuses

I wish more anons would watch this

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What makes you smile Yea Forums?

Television and film are an irrelevant dead medium so there's no much to discuss.

My waifu

I'm unironically horny and lonely

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Stay mad polcel

ptsd + bipolar + a degree in a field I can't work in

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seeing niggers die.

good things

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Being intoxicated. But I'm in probation and drug tested randomly quite often.


I wanna fuck the chick in this commercial. Who are your commercialfus? Also, fuck you OP.

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Not being here

Stupid fucking meme hustler, go back to plebbit. This is a forum for serious film discussion.

I stopped doing all the things that everyone said was making me unhappy. I stopped fapping, stopped smoking, stopped eating fast food and other junk bullshit, stopped drinking soda and other sugary drinks, stopped playing video games and started going outside.

I still feel empty. Life is bullshit and I just want some drugs.

Holy shit this is great



>tfw you feel bad and then remember you're going to die some day and feel a bit better.

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Did Knight Industries cut him a check every month? Did they even have direct deposit back then? So this dude would go out and do the most amazing shit, save bitches and towns and little kids like every day with a talking car that could jump, and he still had to stand in line at the bank like an asshole

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i just do it for the lulz

Are you excersize? Are you in a committed relationship? Do you enjoy your job?

Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a Wicked Sense of Humor

I'm an auto body tech and my job is itself very physical. I enjoy my work and make good money. It's everything else that sucks. I'm not in a "committed" relationship but I am kind of seeing someone. We went to the movies last night to see Us. I feel a bit better when she is around, but when I'm not working or with her I just sit around and can't figure out what to do with myself.