Is the Palme d'Or even worth anything anymore? Especially since they awarded it to this hackery
Is the Palme d'Or even worth anything anymore? Especially since they awarded it to this hackery
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the palme d'or is not worth anything but Tree of Life is not hackery
The use of the Tavener piece is one of the most beautiful things in the history of cinema
At least pick a shitty winner like Fahrenheti 9/11 or fucking Dheepan
2010s Palm Kinos
The Square
The Tree Of Life
Uncle Boonmee
Winter Sleep
haven’t seen Dheepan d e s u
I turned this movie off after five minutes, I could tell it was gonna be complete shit. I went into it positive, but it wore me down quick
at least they dont pick capeshit like the oscars
almost forgot to listen to funeral Canticle today
This is a movie for high IQs. Of course Yea Forums hates it.
Actually it was Yea Forumscore when it came out
but then bane happened and brought in all the plebs
Capeshit ruining things as usual
This movie seems really over dramatic and pompous, like some dumb kid who tries to be deep.
For that reason I've avoided it, should I give it a shot.
I think that is not that over dramatic, just very large in scope. The family drama is a very common one with ambiguous characters surrounded by existential meditations. Personally i love it, but is not a movie you should watch to be comfy with friends or anything like that.
I almost can't believe it comes from the 20th century. It's just incredible
I don't get it.
>I don't get it.
there's nothing to get, the movie is purely style over substance
It's really mediocre compared to the great renaissance choral music.
It is much less sophisticated but it is hauntingly beautiful.
The whole childhood sequence is top kino.
Nope. Watch it again
It's nice, and anything that exposes people to fine white music is ok by me. I try never to be pompous over music but reading yt comments about how its the best song ever is a little cringe when there is much better stuff out there.
honestly what's your problem?
>The Square
>The Tree Of Life
>Uncle Boonmee
>Winter Sleep
yep i agree, except I didn't like Tree of Life
Dheepan is really good.
It's easy for modern listeners, it sounds like a song, not a complex counterpoint or something. I still think Tavener must have been in a state of creative genius to make it, there is something about it that is just unearthly.
Nothing, it's impossible to say what I'm saying without being interpreted as a pompous jackass if that's what the reader is inclined to do. Doesn't make it less true though.
It's perfect for the time and place, absolutely.
It's forgotten now but there was a time when Yea Forums loved this movie.
You're overthinking it.
what do you think of something like Bach's Air on G, which is complex from my limited understanding of music(I did not do well learning music theory) but also resonates with the masses even now, the youtube video has a lot of views
I didn't love it but it has plenty of artistic merit.
It's a classic for a reason, I don't have anything against people who haven't explored genres much. Back to the original example, I cn't help but find it a little awkward reading people say how a choral piece is the best ever when they have probably sought out only a handful of classical choral pieces to listen to in their entire lives and their only exposure to is in incidental.
I watched it on acid. It was a weird headfuck, not sure if I'd want to watch it again.