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Noah Jackson
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Ryan Nguyen
>Hollywood, the biggest pedo and abuse machine, applauding themselves
lmfao that's rich
Carson Fisher
Grayson Phillips
Roastie's ganna roast.
Justin Harris
>equal rights
>equal pay
>but if two people have sex and one is a man and one is a woman and both are drunk the man is the only one that can ever be at fault
Alexander Kelly
Nathan Anderson
Hollywood giving an Oscar to a sentenced pedophile that run from the USA to escape justice.
Julian Bell
I just watched that again and it's disgusting
It doesn't even mention how men are raped or how infidels are raped since they don't believe the peaceful words of Islam
This is so backwards, it makes me sick; Hyper Liberalism and Theocracy is destroying the world
Cameron Reed
so cute when white bourgeoise libfems think they are making a difference lol
Cameron Harris
This is so disgusting and out of touch, hollywood is a cesspool.
Tyler Hall
I'm on the verge of tears seeing how fucked up this is
This is some Third Reich salute level shit as well as their ideals and it scares me (sorry if this is becoming a /pol/ thread)
Ian Allen
never apologize or justify yourself for opposing leftist insanity, it does you no favors with anybody
Anthony Perez
Thank you. It just deeply pains me seeing how out of control this is since the 90s (I was born in 2001 but I've seen everything).
Also, is it me, or has humor from liberal show directors, back when sitcoms had class and didn't go politically overboard, have jabs at Republicans? Has anyone else noticed that?
Angel Turner
>a bunch of women give them selves up to powerful jewish executives for movie rolls and also a bunch of jews at networks get called our for sexual misconduct
>whites get shamed and lectured about it
every time
Owen Collins
>born after 9/11
>using the phrase "back when"
Colton Allen
I watch older shows such as The Golden Girls, Diff'rent Strokes, All in the Family (classic Archie), Growing Pains, M.A.S.H., The Jeffersons and much much more
I really don't like today's media and I was introduced to a handful of great shows from a "Media through the decades" class in Middle school
Parker Murphy
Jace Evans
>Droning noises
>Praised for talent
Dude, did you break into a special needs talent show?
Gavin Rogers
>I was born in 2001 but I've seen everything
Gavin Cruz
>comments disabled
Daniel Nguyen
I'm an actual rape survivor, what I mean by that is that during my formative years ages 1 (???) to sixteen, I was roughly penetrated by fingers and dicks up my anus and when I got too big and fought, they used tape and after that they used handcuffs and when I still kept busting people's lips and fighting out of it, they gave me a cat and said they'd chop it up if I didn't do what they said. At 16, I took my cat and jumped out of a window and sucked dick to stay alive until about 20 when I managed to enroll in programs to finish my GED and get a job.
To me, this is so insincere. If you asked me, even in the most profanely nice way, I would never appear on that stage and write some bullshit on my arm. Want to know the reason? Because I was actually raped and it sucks. All these fat ass women probably view not being given an off-the-lot new car at 16 a form of rape. I am so sick of the goal posts shifting on the word rape, now apparently micro-rape is a thing and you can't look at people for more than 5 seconds in a lot of workplaces, I don't exaggerate I literally mean count to 5, look away or talk to HR.
Hollywood is a cesspit and deserves nothing but the rope. What would we really lose in the long run? AIPAC lobbying money?
All these false accusations should be charged, the more they throw 'rape' around, the less it means and that's exactly how they want it. In 10 years it'll mean less but they'll say it means the same when the time comes to use it as a tool. I'm male and I hate women.
Bentley Flores
Well I have a right to look at history
I'm not gonna live inside the mental box of my generation with snapchat, youtube, MSM brainwashing and just pure braindeadness of being a kid who's gonna get out of college around 2025-30
Also, this whole "everything" goes back to as early as the end of the civil war as far as I'm concerned
Jaxon Roberts
Shut the fuck up kid. There is nothing more annoying than teenagers and early 20's kids who think they know things. You don't, just try to keep the lid on it so you don't embarrass yourself too much until you can get to your late 20's and realize what a dumb little fuck you really were.
Samuel Campbell
My lord, how horrifying
Elijah Wright
People with stories like yours are the only ones who have the right to call themselves "survivors", unlike the 99% of roasties who decided they regretted a hookup
Elijah Evans
>annoying kids
Just hear me out
If you heard the other people in my generation and their views, THEN you could say they're dumb little f__ks
I'm at least trying to contribute to this thread in some way
Ian Watson
Based, sorry that happened to you. I agree completely.
John Watson
are you a cute girl
Cooper Perry
Yikes. Have sex guys.
Austin Jackson
Seriously, no one should ever have to go through that. And yet these rich biches have the audacity to make a movement like that using an actual issue someone like you has gone through
I'd reach through and give you a support hug, but, you know.
I hope things are better now for you
Adrian Cook
yeah man, what did trump, bill clinton and dershowitz did on Jeffrey Epstein plane?
Julian Perez
Eh, I'll pass
Most of the girls in my school are THOTs and I have better things to do
>Yikes Have sex guys
Bentley Harris
If you're here, it's a good sign, but the point is in one way or another everybody your age is a dumb little fuck. It's just the way it is. Try not to come off as some kind of enlightened teenager because the concept itself is laughable.
Zachary Wright
Grayson Stewart
Good man, women are not worth spending any amount of effort on. They are worthless, spiritually and intellectually. Everyone should just ignore them at all costs.
Cameron Johnson
Austin White
It's funny to see incels complaining about this drunk sex thing. Guys, relax, you're not going to have sex ever, it's not a problem for you.
Cooper Fisher
No, as soon as I got a job I joined a gym and embraced masculinity and spent 2 hours a day for 10 years almost becoming the most unrapeable fortress of pain tolerance and alcohol abuse. I'm 34 now and I've been in therapy for about 5 years and seeing a psychiatrist. I only fuck traps. I post all over Yea Forums but I don't trip. I usually post fash-wave stuff.
You can really dredge up some high power traps if you stay fit and treat them all like shit but pay attention to them in private.
These fat women are already realizing the cost of putting their name and face next to the 'I got raped!' trend and now all their family members are looking around nervously to see which uncle has to take the fall. My sister was one of these and my family orchestrated a deal where none of the males would be in a room with her without a buddy-system buddy cause she was a fat hog who looked like a foot and had about 9 completely unvisited rape allegations against various people in our lives.
You can throw the word around like a football these days, it means nothing.
Adrian Bell
That's exactly it. I can't stand the sheer stupidity of my peers and how my views go way over their heads as I'm scoffed at and called a radical leftist/rightist despite the fact that the group of people I'm with invited me to the discussion, trying to sound adult
Honestly, I see now why I don't make friends, and honestly, it hurts. Somehow
David Miller
Anthony Wright
can't you see it's all fucking pointless
it's such an out-dated concept, we need to stop thinking like that
Chase Lopez
>Hollywood pretends to care about social issues episode
Nathaniel Cook
Oops, I sounded like a Rick and Morty fan
Sorry :(
Lucas Torres
Leo Baker
>Yea Forums retards are actually so eager to have a narrative that supports their point of view that they believe the first ludicrous story that appears
Maybe I'm just too old for this shit
Sebastian Jackson
I am genuinely sorry to hear that that happened to you and I hope that you are healing and can look forward to a happier future.
>Hollywood is a cesspit and deserves nothing but the rope.
Isaac Johnson
The mere fact that others would use rape to further their narrative is disgusting
Ryan Gonzalez
God that is so hot
Xavier Thompson
The mere fact that you can't understand how basic politics work (and why they work like that, and how politics influence important issues, like rape) is disgusting
Xavier Harris
someone post the chris pine crying gif/webm
Carson Richardson
The mere fact that politics has always been getting off someone/something like a current issue instead of actually solving that issue for thousands of years is disgusting
At this point, these "disgusting" posts are gonna become a tennis match
Kayden Garcia
Samuel Adams
>all those actors acting
top kek
Bentley James
I don't follow. What exactly what do you mean by that? Do you have a way of solving rape for thousands of years?
Christian Harris
They really aren't. I was diagnosed with psychotic depression (I see and hear shit), PTSD and a thing called BPD which some people know about, some don't. I have trouble keeping anyone close, my brain seems like it works without me and I shatter every relationship I've had without realizing it. I'm a compulsive bridge burner due to the constant animal desire to show I can eat shit harder than anyone and still walk away without looking back.
It's like the constant need to show superiority in order to not be abused.
It's lonely being alone, at first, then everyone disgusts you and the traps just soothe the pain for a short while. I don't think I'm gay I think it's reverb from being abused by men my whole life.
Now the shoe's on the other foot sorta thing.
I know what you're getting at but honestly man, it's a situation where once you're involved, you've got skin in the game. I know it's a little thing to most people, being abused is not some club, it really fucks your life up and you condition yourself to live a completely different life than your body and mind tell you to. Can you imagine being in such a constant level of tension and anger than you have to simply resolve not to talk in order to look normal? It's like having autism and it sucks. Even more than that though, I'm willing to point fingers and name names but what good has it done me? These fat women probably got told by their dads to lose some weight and then they became Survivor9000. Still, I get what you're saying. I just can't help but be neurotic about it because I have a lot of unresolved issues that never seemed to concern anyone but myself.
Cooper Lewis
Sadly I do not have a solution on how to stop rape
What I was getting at is that civilizations for thousands of years have had politics: Greece, Rome, and others that focused on issues that rallied people together, exploit the hell out of their emotions and then control them
What this thread started with is an example of that: pure emotionally exploiting politics
Josiah Davis
I'm sorry life turned out like that for you user, but thank god you made it out alive and not a psychopath.
Christopher Baker
shit that's hot. would love to try your boihole.
Isaac Morales
>men get shrapnel blasted, drowned in napalm and mustard-gassed in war
>women get "groped" on the hips
Powerful. Literally shaking right now.
Jose Smith
Hey man, just because you went through a lot that doesn't mean that other people haven't. I mean, it's possible that some of them shouldn't be there, but you should not assume that by default.
So what you are saying is that we should go by an objective kind of politics? Politics and emotions can't be detached from one another.
Julian Butler
>grabbed my cat and jumped out of a window
>sucked a dick to stay alive
How the fuck does that work? Unless that window was on the ground-floor.
Nathan Collins
>I only fuck traps
Daily reminder that homosexuals reproduce by molesting children. Case in point
Hudson Lewis
>Have sex
And get called a rapist later when she decides she wants to play victim? Haha, you can't trick me! Imma stay a virgin.
Owen White
In 10 years it will be considered rape if you say hello to a woman.
Ian Mitchell
i know it may be a smaller issue in terms of everyone being responsible for themselves, but you never see this sort of public display at ceremonies where people lament the hardship of the average working stiff renting a shitty small apartment or condo and not getting to drive new cars and travel, and being bored at work cause there's nothing to do.
Asher Baker
>20 years on in a jet named xanax and alcoholism
>stays fit to troll social media for 9/10 traps
>show them a good time, punish them for life choices
>destroy relationships and enjoys it, part of the process
>small army of cutie patootie traps who hate me on facebook but return any message I send
Thank god I didn't end up a psycho.
I'm like a Batman story for trap butts.
Brody Torres
No, what I'm getting at is that it's so far gone, yet we have no alternatives
And you're right. Politics and Emotions can't be detached and that sucks
Asher Sanchez
#metoo is 99% about white liberal women needing to feel both desired and victimized. american narcissism, nothing else.
Joshua Lee
would if I could...bitch!
Camden Parker
Hope you doing okay, my dude.
Jack Ward
But wasn’t the girl 16?
Cameron Wright
No, just narcissism and tastelessness
Adam Fisher
Why did you post the fake one?
Ethan Hall
>tfw 3 years ago I rejected this fat girl who liked me and she got mad and spread around town I was sexually harrassing her in spite
Shit should be illegal imho.
Bentley Mitchell
That is
It's defamation of character and you could've sued her inside out for it
Jeremiah Cruz
False accusers should face the same jail-time their would-be rapist would face if it's proven they were falsifying the claim
Nathan Baker
Aaron Ortiz
Wait what really? I tried to file a report at the police but they just laughed it off.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
My window was locked with child locks, I had no tools or anything so I busted it out with my computer chair and jumped out of a 2nd floor window with a cat in a pillow case so he wouldn't fuck me up and fell in with a Latino guy who let me sleep in his warehouse if I sucked his dick and over time he started feeding me because he felt bad for me and eventually helped me out in the long run. It seems fucked up but that guy helped me more than anyone else in my life. He was the first honest person I'd ever dealt with, he gave me something for something and didn't take advantage of my situation. The whole thing lasted about 3 years but he ended up helping me with my GED with rides back and forth and getting cloths for a job.
In all these years of using traps like burner phones, none have ever even muttered the word.
You guys are equal parts cute and naive. That shit doesn't work, in the end a cheap attorney will make you regret it. People told me this for years, 'Why didn't you just hit them?' 'Why didn't you just stand up for yourself?' Cause then you're going to jail for assault and none of what you say matters anyway. A defamation case, you have to have so much evidence and every single drop of it needs to be military grade. They're nearly unwinnable.
Parker Morgan
Can someone explain to me why white people are so goddamn soft?
Zachary Thompson
Yeah, but you probably would've been better off contacting a lawyer about it
Some cops can be fucking assholes, and the good ones are always out on the line/dying
Pardon my cursing
Hudson Jenkins
'Cowboy up, champ!' Haha.
Robert Flores
Oh shoot, you're right
Nevermind me, he's the real expert here
Joseph Allen
"fem" is a bit of a strong-word in this case
Isaiah Bennett