Liberal parenting, everyone

Liberal parenting, everyone.

Attached: 1553265855450.png (760x1894, 941K)

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Television & Film, everyone.

Guaged and deported

Who was in the wrong here?

>he knew the vibrator didn't work
>he wanted to lick his whore mom's vaginal secretions

>meanwhile conservicucks hand their children AR-15’s and Big Macs


This thread again?
Yea Forums - Television & Film, everyone.

at least you can lose weight

I'm seeing a strong link between nationality and monumentally stupid parenting

Never forget what they wanted when we finally get things back on track. This shit needs to be in every possible history book. We cannot let future generations return to Wiemar on crack tier degeneracy.

Attached: what they want 2.png (640x1136, 291K)

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>shocked by weird shit
I see youve never been to new york city, or perhaps A city.

hell yes

Reminder to sage and report polcel threads

Jannies haven't found this thread yet so posting another modern Wiemar image
Pedophilia is not "weird shit", and i have been to many cities before. They are usually fine enough despite the traffic.

Attached: what they want.jpg (673x850, 348K)

Sounds awesome actually.

have sex

god damn lena dunham is just so unappealing and unattractive in every respect it's like she was perfectly crafted to be that unpleasant to look at


I will (within marriage of course)

Attached: objective morality.jpg (1024x1024, 151K)

The mother, there's nothing wrong with sexually experimenting at that age.
She shouldn't bother him about it.

AR15s are year after year one of the least dangerous guns and there is nothing wrong with teaching your child how to use a fire arm.
The reason you teach children anything is because if you can build good habits in something they last a lifetime. Thats why we learn to swim, bike and usually get into musical instruments/sports at young ages.

I wont comment on bigmacs but these things go a lot farther than GUN BAD

Id venture to say that her one and only redeeming factor, despite how grotesquely hideous she is, is her wide child bearing hips, except...

Misogynistic son doesn't care about woman's privacy, takes private sexual objects for own use.

She tossed it, it's public property now.

>Thats why we learn to swim, bike and usually get into musical instruments/sports at young ages.
>implying anyone on 4channel has any ever done any of this

Several Scandinavian countries do socialism just fine, though...


How can they expect us not to get radicalized when they post this in the news? What the hell bros? Sub to Pewdiepie and oil your guns

>items are pictured on a bare, dirty mattress

There is no other indicator for gutter trash people as instant and foolproof as the bare mattress. If you have a bare mattress (or loosely covered with towels/blankets) or a mattress on the floor, you are a fucking loser

Fucking a right

The mother for not cluing in on the real reason her son is so interested in her vibrator.

literally 100% unviable to get a family in this day and age

Uhg... third time I've seen this thread posted and only NOW do I realize those are his ugly mom's sex toys.

I think I'm gonna PUKE!

This is my favorite bait because it pisses off literally everyone who isn't a mouth breathing retard.
For you apolitical folk, none of the Scandinavian countries are socialist. Its a dumb meme made by dumb neocons and/or neolibs

Christ wept

I thought that was a dude until I read the caption

Please don't puke your last remaining IQ point might fall out you fucking idiot

This but unironically

Attached: 1 this is where the fun begins.png (1079x1064, 687K)

>comments disabled

social democracy isnt socialism...



that honestly sounds based

dude we're on a board full of straight lolicons

some of us didnt become mentally ill until adulthood

second girl on the left admitted to raping her sister with a rock.

Shes praised by the left as a hero.

>For you apolitical folk, none of the Scandinavian countries are socialist.
Scandinavia policies made by self proclaimed socialists. Opposed by anti-socialists as socialism. When suggested elsewhere decried as socialism. But it's not socialism guys!

>The Labour Party (Bokmål: Arbeiderpartiet; Nynorsk: Arbeidarpartiet; A/Ap), formerly the Norwegian Labour Party, is a social-democratic

>It entered Parliament in 1904 after the 1903 election, and steadily increased its vote until 1927, when it became the largest party in Norway. The party were members of Comintern, a Communist organisation, between 1918 and 1923.[16]

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He stole his mother's sex toys... doesn't mean he used them. maybe he just doesn't respect her and used her as show and tell street cred for his middle school buddies.

No sexual morality.

The "they made me a fascist"line is the most NPC thing i have heard people say in recent years. It's actual admittance of not being able to think for yourself.

Don't act like when you were 13 you didn't masturbate. Who cares how he gets his rocks off? You wouldn't have fucking died to have a fleshlight at that age?

Goddamn right they do

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Child abuse.

Based and redpilled.

>mom found my lolinco onahole
>accidentally put the towel I kept it in with the laundry
>mom knocks on my door
>haha is this yours?
>leaves my room laughing

This was 3 years ago and i'm still embarrassed

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At least lolicons jack it to 2d, this is real shit mate, that is a real human boy being used as a sexual object for real human men.
Don't get me wrong you loli fags are degenerate, but not rope tier degenerate.
It doesn't matter who made the policies or who opposed them you retard, if the country does not have a public means of production, it cannot be socialist.
Also your picture is pants on head retarded, just because something works for Norway doesn't mean that it will work for every country.
Get educated buddy

Attached: the boys.gif (400x328, 902K)

This is the most millennial tweet i've ever seen.

You're right give children tranny hormones and surgery instead like a good tolerant leftist

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haha dae nazis were really good guys??? so based and cool dude they will make SO MANY liberal tears haha SO BASED what could go wrong its basically the only REAL counterculture left! BASED!!!