So what is Jerusalem really worth?

so what is Jerusalem really worth?

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what is Mecca and Medina worth?

tree fiddy

Why do people care about this desert shithole so much? Why do the Jews even want to live there?

>I will give every soul safe passage to Christian lands, every soul. The women, the children, the old and all your knights and your queen. No one will be hurt. I swear to God.
>What about the Jews?
>*Both men start laughing*

I don't remember this scene from theatrical cut.

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>why do people care about the cradle of civilisation
>why do people care about the epicentre of the abrahamic religions

>cradle of civilization
Retard. Rome is a cradle of civilization, Jerusalem is a desert shithole

>Jerusalem is a desert shithole
Quads wasted on a brainlet post.

Jerusalem is neither

Cradle of civilization means Mesopotamia


Ridley Scott brought on Raimi as a consultant

a spot on the flight plan

underrated post/quote

God wouldn't will it for nothing

>Rome is a cradle of civilization, Jerusalem is a desert

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>Rome is a cradle of civilization
No the levant, mesopatamia.
Rome is not even the cradle of western civilization, that's Greece.

>all this war
>all this slaughter
>all this pain and death
>for a spaghetti sky monster lmfao

>mocking metaphysical beliefs that elevate us from not just conscious animals but into self realized beings who can think about more than our own physical realms

unironically, holy wars are the most important fights humans have and one day your pea brain will see that. until then continue fighting for oil and water like an iq 1.4 animal :^)

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